zcbz I have been looking at the 4 large lifts, (2 at each base) which indeed give damage as I already knew.
The lift 'movementtime' is 0.5 seconds and 'stayopentime' is 1 second and then 0.5 seconds back down. Which gives exactly 2 seconds for you to wait before you can use the teleporter.
If i change the 'movementtime' to 1 second, you will have a waiting time for 3 seconds (if you are hunting down the flagcarrier in the lift)
You will be to late, because the enemyflagcarrier can cap in the meanwhile.
1 minor change in the time of the lift, can change the gameplay drastically.
Solution 1: Stop jumping on the elevator
Solution 2: Change the time of the movement and alter the gameplay significally (yes, seconds matter in CTF π )
Otherwise, there is also a neat trick in the elevator, because as you can see, I built 2 lift openings. So you can choose in which hole you want to enter within 0,5 seconds.
Let me show you one day what the purpose is of that π