[b]Red Team Lineup[/b] .milk Doc_Taylor effe hellcat human_pineapple jerk NeedaCougar One period pissedoffpistol R00kie-Killer [b]Blue Team Lineup[/b] -=Nap=- 432 d Enraged_Newb Gringo kA* Schizazoid sui.eraz VRN|Ron VTR xesa [b]Statistics[/b] First Blood: VTR Red Team Belts: Blue Team Belts: Red Team Amps: Blue Team Amps: [b]Match Report[/b] Not very many caps in this close game, but Blue Team emerge victorious. Big credit to both teams defences; hellcat defended the flag and got 13 flagkills while VRN|Ron also had a pretty nice defensive game killing 8 flag carriers. Seems the attackers had a frustrating game on this map, especially [cl]435582,period[/cl] who took the flag 8 and still lost the game :( Suportive play was made by hellcat having 5 covers, but even with covering play, the majority of the flags got returned and the game ended with Red Team losing out. Well done to -=Nap=- for capping 1. On other days the outcome could have been different. Good game and congratulations Blue Team. Stats player of the map was Doc_Taylor with -1.12893 stat points. Well played both teams. This report was created with UTStats from the following game: [url][/url]