Match Stats
5 2
Match Date Sun, Aug 7 2022 at 2:01 am Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, SmartCTF 4E, Hit Sounds, cgzpp21a ComboGib Map Name Dead kennedy Battle arena
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: Smooth, Player12, Asd^, Player13, Player16

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
us Blaze (3013th ) 158 11 7
us Nimrod (2160th ) 147 9 9 1 1 3 2
ca R@ptor (5691st ) 124 2 2 5 6
hu jerkky (5142nd ) 121 5 3 1 2 1
au Dug (6602nd ) 105 2 2 3 1
us Biden (4363rd ) 49 1 2 4
za Player14 (3442nd ) 27 1
gb ted (280th ) 14 1 1
tr PRooF (6245th ) 8 2 2 2
gb A_Ferocious_Kitten 5 1 1 1
Totals 5 758 21 1 20 2 1 2 2 26 22
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
de [Mv]S']['i/\/G (2495th ) 247 11 1 9 3 2 3
br Aces.Logan (7757th ) 193 5 4 1 10 9
be esh (1507th ) 163 3 3 2 2 1
us starlink (5102nd ) 139 12 1 12 2 1 3 5
us Doc_Taylor (5803rd ) 91 2 2 4 4
co Aces.Kazuma` (7183rd ) 38 1
gb Cursor (5174th ) 17 1 1
br Player15 (3604th ) 7
us Mammer-Jammer 3 1
us IKILL4THRILL (6476th ) 2
am Nicefu (1160th ) 1
za Yori (4939th )
pl Putin=Hitler (2365th )
Totals 2 901 33 2 30 0 5 0 5 23 23

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
us Blaze (3013th )20:0015852523559.778.7600:37
us Nimrod (2160th )20:00147878887150.0014.5700:15
ca R@ptor (5691st )20:0012464647546.049.0600:17
hu jerkky (5142nd )20:0012141415642.275.7900:23
au Dug (6602nd )20:00105737461154.4127.9500:21
us Biden (4363rd )13:284921213239.622.6200:27
za Player14 (3442nd )03:452715151648.398.8900:15
gb ted (280th )01:54141212666.6726.1900:20
tr PRooF (6245th )03:538551229.413.0500:21
gb A_Ferocious_Kitten01:11544450.0018.1800:19
Totals5 (758)3743763842048.6612.5100:21
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
de [Mv]S']['i/\/G (2495th )20:0024714214370166.8220.4300:18
br Aces.Logan (7757th )20:0019366665654.1010.9800:23
be esh (1507th )20:001631101107958.2017.3200:16
us starlink (5102nd )20:00139666780145.2713.2800:16
us Doc_Taylor (5803rd )20:009151517440.807.8800:17
co Aces.Kazuma` (7183rd )11:4138272843139.4131.1800:23
gb Cursor (5174th )03:16177812138.1022.8600:18
br Player15 (3604th )20:007665210.340.9400:25
us Mammer-Jammer00:54311233.3312.5000:30
us IKILL4THRILL (6476th )01:262126122.223.3900:13
am Nicefu (1160th )00:50111325.0010.0000:15
pl Putin=Hitler (2365th )00:420100:29
za Yori (4939th )00:180100:20
Totals2 (901)4784834795033.3511.6000:20

Kills Match Up
us Blaze (3013th )     9     17121452 2     
us Nimrod (2160th )  1  11     410910186215 1 11
ca R@ptor (5691st )     3     3121013112181    
hu jerkky (5142nd )     3     16789312  1  
au Dug (6602nd ) 31699153   152414 21     
us Biden (4363rd )     2      3763        
za Player14 (3442nd )     1      42212 3     
gb ted (280th )           22142  1     
tr PRooF (6245th )           111   2      
gb A_Ferocious_Kitten            21 1        
de [Mv]S']['i/\/G (2495th ) 3118323  33 1520151712 11 21  
br Aces.Logan (7757th ) 4141151 31 115    7       
be esh (1507th ) 8252023313411 5    2   3   
us starlink (5102nd ) 751482102 319  1 3 2     
us Doc_Taylor (5803rd ) 6128414412 5    3       
co Aces.Kazuma` (7183rd ) 2322     2411311151    
gb Cursor (5174th )  1  2   3      11      
br Player15 (3604th ) 2 21      1            
us Mammer-Jammer   1                    
us IKILL4THRILL (6476th )                  1 11  
am Nicefu (1160th )    1                   
pl Putin=Hitler (2365th )                        
za Yori (4939th )                        

Weapons Summary
de [Mv]S']['i/\/G (2495th ) 3 140 509 104 20.43 144835
gb A_Ferocious_Kitten 4 22 4 18.18 6000
co Aces.Kazuma` (7183rd ) 1 25 162 20 12.35 26552
br Aces.Logan (7757th ) 1 65 410 45 10.98 67155
us Biden (4363rd ) 1 20 343 9 2.62 11851
us Blaze (3013th ) 3 49 468 41 8.76 55447
gb Cursor (5174th ) 8 35 8 22.86 12000
us Doc_Taylor (5803rd ) 3 48 457 36 7.88 48283
au Dug (6602nd ) 74 254 71 27.95 108000
be esh (1507th ) 6 104 462 80 17.32 116292
us IKILL4THRILL (6476th ) 2 59 2 3.39 3000
hu jerkky (5142nd ) 4 37 259 15 5.79 19304
us Mammer-Jammer 1 8 1 12.50 1360
am Nicefu (1160th ) 1 10 1 10.00 1500
us Nimrod (2160th ) 1 87 398 58 14.57 80358
za Player14 (3442nd ) 15 90 8 8.89 10682
br Player15 (3604th ) 1 5 426 4 0.94 4926
tr PRooF (6245th ) 1 4 131 4 3.05 5146
pl Putin=Hitler (2365th ) 5
ca R@ptor (5691st ) 1 63 552 50 9.06 73726
us starlink (5102nd ) 3 64 354 47 13.28 62811
gb ted (280th ) 12 42 11 26.19 16500
za Yori (4939th ) 1

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
co Aces.Kazuma` (7183rd ) 3 1
br Aces.Logan (7757th ) 7 1 1
gb A_Ferocious_Kitten
us Biden (4363rd ) Yes 1
us Blaze (3013th ) 5 1 1 4
gb Cursor (5174th ) 1
us Doc_Taylor (5803rd ) 3
au Dug (6602nd ) 7 1
be esh (1507th ) 10 4 1 1 6
us IKILL4THRILL (6476th )
hu jerkky (5142nd ) 2 3
us Mammer-Jammer
am Nicefu (1160th )
us Nimrod (2160th ) 11 1 1 2
za Player14 (3442nd ) 3
br Player15 (3604th )
tr PRooF (6245th )
pl Putin=Hitler (2365th )
ca R@ptor (5691st ) 5 2 1
us starlink (5102nd ) 8 2
gb ted (280th ) 1
za Yori (4939th )
de [Mv]S']['i/\/G (2495th ) 23 7 2 10

Match Report
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