Match Stats
2 6
Match Date Sat, Apr 23 2022 at 4:43 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, SmartCTF 4E, Hit Sounds, cgzpp21a ComboGib Map Name Urban Uprising
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Welcome to the ComboGib CTF server hosted in London.
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
You do not get to choose your team here.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 30
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pl sad_but_true (155th ) 528 15 3 17 3 1 11 7
bg Player9 (3091st ) 309 4 3 6 1 6 1
cl Asd^ (4042nd ) 208 1 1 2 1 8 5
us kadmium (6984th ) 157 6 2 8 4 1 8 14
nl period (763rd ) 100 7 1 8 1 3
dz Redouane_TAHRI (4918th ) 82 3 1 4 1 2 2
gb <{xan}>vanhelsing (5712th ) 12 1 1
ro killer (11347th ) 10 1 1
cz ForatNegreSupermassi (14770th ) 3 2 2
nl gzm (1574th ) 1
mx [~PoLLo~] (3385th ) 1
dz Player17 (4233rd )
Totals 2 1410 38 9 45 0 16 1 2 39 31
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
gb [D]amage (1323rd ) 299 7 2 6 6 2 7
at TotallyNotCheating (271st ) 280 27 1 24 1 4 7 6
bg SB (3904th ) 249 3 1 4 1 1 11 9
be pogatic (4111th ) 198 2 2 1 1 7 10
il happy_bear (5705th ) 148 1 1 1 1 5 4
gb Skallion (1262nd ) 67 1 1 1 2
us I_KILL_4_THRILL (7154th ) 37 1 1 1 3 2
br Dark (5464th ) 17 1 2
gb . (2878th ) 4
co Ruisu_
Totals 6 1299 41 5 39 4 9 1 6 42 35

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pl sad_but_true (155th )30:1252834434410077.4836.9300:19
bg Player9 (3091st )30:0130919219210764.2110.4000:18
cl Asd^ (4042nd )30:1220810610613743.626.2600:14
us kadmium (6984th )29:35157515299134.217.6100:19
nl period (763rd )11:2010063634657.8026.4100:16
dz Redouane_TAHRI (4918th )26:3982565788139.048.0500:19
gb <{xan}>vanhelsing (5712th )05:061212122334.2914.8100:14
ro killer (11347th )01:461011614.294.1700:19
cz ForatNegreSupermassi (14770th )08:28311253.851.5400:22
nl gzm (1574th )01:30111614.297.6900:16
dz Player17 (4233rd )00:070100:07
mx [~PoLLo~] (3385th )01:300500:19
Totals2 (1410)8278296432031.9210.3200:17
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
gb [D]amage (1323rd )30:1229919419414357.5717.9700:13
at TotallyNotCheating (271st )30:12280747415232.7418.5300:13
bg SB (3904th )30:1224910410416638.529.3600:12
be pogatic (4111th )25:4119811211212647.0618.2100:13
il happy_bear (5705th )30:12148868613439.094.3500:14
gb Skallion (1262nd )09:206752525747.7111.6900:10
us I_KILL_4_THRILL (7154th )08:0437772820.000.6300:19
br Dark (5464th )04:2517771531.822.7000:19
gb . (2878th )01:08444450.0016.6700:18
co Ruisu_00:160100:18
Totals6 (1299)6406408260036.4510.0100:15

Kills Match Up
pl sad_but_true (155th )    1        4067875154241361 
bg Player9 (3091st )             353237343510342 
cl Asd^ (4042nd )    1        252315161672 1 
us kadmium (6984th )    1       11410269343  
nl period (763rd )             1711987631 1
dz Redouane_TAHRI (4918th )      1      10712101062   
gb <{xan}>vanhelsing (5712th )             11313111  
ro killer (11347th )              1        
cz ForatNegreSupermassi (14770th )               1       
nl gzm (1574th )             1         
dz Player17 (4233rd )                       
mx [~PoLLo~] (3385th )                       
gb [D]amage (1323rd ) 312940311231625412          
at TotallyNotCheating (271st ) 1482210511211             
bg SB (3904th ) 162318207131 4  2          
be pogatic (4111th ) 15262219714612             
il happy_bear (5705th ) 19122012811  22            
gb Skallion (1262nd ) 3811356628             
us I_KILL_4_THRILL (7154th ) 1  121  2             
br Dark (5464th )  111 12 1             
gb . (2878th ) 1 3                   
co Ruisu_                       

Weapons Summary
gb . (2878th ) 4 24 4 16.67 6000
gb <{xan}>vanhelsing (5712th ) 12 81 12 14.81 18000
gb [D]amage (1323rd ) 194 829 149 17.97 223449
mx [~PoLLo~] (3385th ) 31
cl Asd^ (4042nd ) 3 103 1230 77 6.26 108046
br Dark (5464th ) 1 6 111 3 2.70 4053
cz ForatNegreSupermassi (14770th ) 1 65 1 1.54 1500
nl gzm (1574th ) 1 13 1 7.69 1500
il happy_bear (5705th ) 4 82 1218 53 4.35 60022
us I_KILL_4_THRILL (7154th ) 7 158 1 0.63 1500
us kadmium (6984th ) 3 49 486 37 7.61 50238
ro killer (11347th ) 1 24 1 4.17 1138
nl period (763rd ) 1 62 231 61 26.41 89556
bg Player9 (3091st ) 1 191 923 96 10.40 135239
be pogatic (4111th ) 1 111 560 102 18.21 153064
dz Redouane_TAHRI (4918th ) 1 56 522 42 8.05 57798
pl sad_but_true (155th ) 1 343 815 301 36.93 448730
bg SB (3904th ) 104 566 53 9.36 74503
gb Skallion (1262nd ) 3 49 308 36 11.69 51856
at TotallyNotCheating (271st ) 3 71 367 68 18.53 91698

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
gb . (2878th )
gb <{xan}>vanhelsing (5712th ) 2
cl Asd^ (4042nd ) 6 2 1 3
br Dark (5464th )
cz ForatNegreSupermassi (14770th )
nl gzm (1574th )
il happy_bear (5705th ) 11 1
us I_KILL_4_THRILL (7154th )
us kadmium (6984th ) 1 1 1
ro killer (11347th )
nl period (763rd ) 4 5 1 1
dz Player17 (4233rd )
bg Player9 (3091st ) Yes 10 6 4 4 4 3 1
be pogatic (4111th ) 14 2 4
dz Redouane_TAHRI (4918th ) 4 1 2
co Ruisu_
pl sad_but_true (155th ) 37 9 8 13 20 6 1 1
bg SB (3904th ) 6 1 2
gb Skallion (1262nd ) 6 1 1
at TotallyNotCheating (271st ) 8 1 2
gb [D]amage (1323rd ) 25 3 4 1 11
mx [~PoLLo~] (3385th )

Match Report
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