Match Stats
7 4
Match Date Mon, Aug 8 2022 at 5:10 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, SmartCTF 4E, Hit Sounds, cgzpp21a ComboGib Map Name CTF-Leviathan
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: Damo, Ed43, ocells, TeX

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pl Baby_Doll (947th ) 481 11 4 12 8 3 23 21
sk Xtal (7765th ) 163 7 9 1
hu ']['r0p$ (764th ) 120 1 1 1 5 2 2
nl oh___yeah (6491st ) 118 13 4 16 2 1 1 3 3
th [Lou]Sasolle (6045th ) 115 6 1 7 4 4 1
be esh (1507th ) 109 5 2 7 3 4 7
nl [H]eilige[H]oer (2471st ) 95 2 1 2 1 3 2
nl p (1692nd ) 92 3 1 2 2 2 1 2
ee Joke-Moddy (8720th ) 73 2 1 3 1 4 2
gb tak_bywa (10875th ) 53 3 4 7 1 1 3
pl faza (851st ) 29 1 1 1 2
Totals 7 1448 45 19 57 4 34 0 7 56 44
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
fr reg (1498th ) 290 9 17
fr Zener (3200th ) 260 15 3 15 2 3 5 6
in Deepu (4649th ) 222 3 3 4 13 12
gb benis (1441st ) 177 10 1 11 1 6 5 3
nl |Wacko| (6747th ) 169 9 6 14 4 1 6 7
ru yourself (2563rd ) 75 6 1 7 3 8
lt jd (7014th ) 50 2 2 1 3 1
be Pomzie (2990th ) 44 1 1 1 1
il Dddd (5775th ) 37 1 1 2 1 1
fr frenchempire (559th ) 27 1 1 1 2
Totals 4 1351 48 12 56 1 28 0 4 56 38

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pl Baby_Doll (947th )12:5148110110175157.308.8700:11
sk Xtal (7765th )12:5116360604756.075.8600:18
hu ']['r0p$ (764th )06:2912084843173.0428.7700:13
nl oh___yeah (6491st )12:5111833339126.615.9700:09
th [Lou]Sasolle (6045th )12:5111552526146.024.2600:13
be esh (1507th )06:3710940403652.6316.2900:11
nl [H]eilige[H]oer (2471st )05:149528283345.9012.6800:10
nl p (1692nd )03:539237371571.1510.8900:17
ee Joke-Moddy (8720th )06:057328284339.4411.2500:09
gb tak_bywa (10875th )06:445313135319.705.3200:08
pl faza (851st )01:2029991145.0020.0000:08
Totals7 (1448)4854854960148.4411.8300:11
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
fr reg (1498th )12:512901151153278.2335.7100:26
fr Zener (3200th )12:5126080808349.0810.1600:10
in Deepu (4649th )12:51222696910439.8810.0300:08
gb benis (1441st )09:3017789894765.4417.8000:13
nl |Wacko| (6747th )12:5116945457637.195.1500:11
ru yourself (2563rd )07:567526264835.144.8500:10
lt jd (7014th )05:215017173532.6914.2900:10
be Pomzie (2990th )04:244432323250.009.1800:09
il Dddd (5775th )03:293716162638.103.5400:08
fr frenchempire (559th )01:152766366.6726.0900:27
Totals4 (1351)4954954860049.2413.6800:13

Kills Match Up
pl Baby_Doll (947th )    1       11162012141310321
sk Xtal (7765th )            112188142221 
hu ']['r0p$ (764th )            691861695114 
nl oh___yeah (6491st )            5471115621
th [Lou]Sasolle (6045th )            31493754331
be esh (1507th )            1817383    
nl [H]eilige[H]oer (2471st )             64413514 
nl p (1692nd )            474176224 
ee Joke-Moddy (8720th )            134543224 
gb tak_bywa (10875th )             1 233 22 
pl faza (851st )             3321     
fr reg (1498th ) 16763219142 595          
fr Zener (3200th ) 189981164 654          
in Deepu (4649th ) 163352666913           
gb benis (1441st ) 5114191239211112          
nl |Wacko| (6747th ) 8219743227           
ru yourself (2563rd ) 53 66131 1           
lt jd (7014th ) 31131 125            
be Pomzie (2990th ) 17643 2 45           
il Dddd (5775th ) 1412  3212           
fr frenchempire (559th ) 2  2 2               

Weapons Summary
hu ']['r0p$ (764th ) 84 285 82 28.77 124500
nl [H]eilige[H]oer (2471st ) 1 27 213 27 12.68 36144
th [Lou]Sasolle (6045th ) 2 50 469 20 4.26 23257
pl Baby_Doll (947th ) 5 98 586 52 8.87 65346
gb benis (1441st ) 89 354 63 17.80 91397
il Dddd (5775th ) 16 113 4 3.54 5135
in Deepu (4649th ) 2 67 299 30 10.03 41023
be esh (1507th ) 2 38 221 36 16.29 52147
pl faza (851st ) 1 8 40 8 20.00 11731
fr frenchempire (559th ) 6 23 6 26.09 7951
lt jd (7014th ) 17 98 14 14.29 20827
ee Joke-Moddy (8720th ) 28 160 18 11.25 24201
nl oh___yeah (6491st ) 3 30 385 23 5.97 26935
nl p (1692nd ) 37 202 22 10.89 31800
be Pomzie (2990th ) 3 29 207 19 9.18 22265
fr reg (1498th ) 115 322 115 35.71 172500
gb tak_bywa (10875th ) 13 188 10 5.32 11535
sk Xtal (7765th ) 60 631 37 5.86 46632
ru yourself (2563rd ) 26 206 10 4.85 12133
fr Zener (3200th ) 80 384 39 10.16 55603
nl |Wacko| (6747th ) 1 44 466 24 5.15 26102

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
hu ']['r0p$ (764th ) 9 7 1 2 5 1 1
pl Baby_Doll (947th ) 13 5 1 6
gb benis (1441st ) 15 6 1 8
il Dddd (5775th ) 1 1
in Deepu (4649th ) 10 4 2
be esh (1507th ) 5 2
pl faza (851st ) 1
fr frenchempire (559th )
lt jd (7014th ) 3
ee Joke-Moddy (8720th ) 3 1
nl oh___yeah (6491st ) 3 1
nl p (1692nd ) 6 4 1 2
be Pomzie (2990th ) 3 3 1
fr reg (1498th ) 17 9 5 5 1 3
gb tak_bywa (10875th ) 1 1
sk Xtal (7765th ) 8 2 2
ru yourself (2563rd ) 5 1 1
fr Zener (3200th ) Yes 11 3 1 3
nl [H]eilige[H]oer (2471st ) 6 2 1
th [Lou]Sasolle (6045th ) 4 1 3 1 4
nl |Wacko| (6747th ) 5 1 1

Match Report
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