Match Stats
4 2
Match Date Mon, Aug 8 2022 at 7:38 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, SmartCTF 4E, Hit Sounds, cgzpp21a ComboGib Map Name Less Bleak
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: cabro, esh, nuxx, ocells, @, pr0x

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
gb Damo (2360th ) 206 1 1 10 8
ar CALIGULA (4824th ) 169 3 3 1 2 7 4
nl period (762nd ) 78 9 9 1
es /_\k|r/_\ (1728th ) 44 1 1 2
de ver2ux (4901st ) 24 1 1 1
nl -=]UM[=-FuriousAngel (8693rd ) 18 1 1
ru Danko-neo (8494th ) 4 1
it Brocco (18046th ) 1 3
es Tania (6981st )
Totals 4 544 15 1 16 0 1 2 0 20 17
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
fr reg (1495th ) 304 8 9 5
us jerc (3688th ) 272 14 2 11 2 5 4 5
de $!CKCLO\\'N (5572nd ) 109 1 1 1 1 6
pt ·cbg¹ (70th ) 109 5 1 6 1 1
gb Atlantis (9568th ) 54 2 11
nl oh___yeah (6487th ) 48 1 1
de Neustart** (13145th ) 35 1 1 1
ca Paruru (3930th ) 21 1 1 1 1
se Mackan (4624th ) 17 5 5
nl sd (539th ) 1
cl ACKA (10646th ) 1 1
fr Dewjean
br Brics (5064th )
Totals 2 971 28 4 26 1 11 9 6 19 18

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
gb Damo (2360th )20:09206111112105151.3820.2500:12
ar CALIGULA (4824th )19:00169444641252.283.3900:35
nl period (762nd )10:587859595452.2128.0600:13
es /_\k|r/_\ (1728th )08:504432323845.715.6700:15
de ver2ux (4901st )06:2024222329143.4010.5000:14
nl -=]UM[=-FuriousAngel (8693rd )14:0218161760121.798.4200:15
ru Danko-neo (8494th )05:404442812.501.9000:13
it Brocco (18046th )19:491-10106100:12
es Tania (6981st )01:150600:13
Totals4 (544)2872934676031.038.6900:16
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
fr reg (1495th )20:0930418118228186.2635.9100:47
us jerc (3688th )20:0927297977157.7421.7700:18
pt ·cbg¹ (70th )06:18109777817181.2531.8000:24
de $!CKCLO\\'N (5572nd )20:09109464853246.602.7200:25
gb Atlantis (9568th )20:0954262862230.436.2400:21
nl oh___yeah (6487th )08:164845452465.2210.4400:22
de Neustart** (13145th )15:583525255730.4912.3700:18
ca Paruru (3930th )04:552111111640.747.0700:20
se Mackan (4624th )04:4217111220136.3634.3800:15
cl ACKA (10646th )01:25113120.004.3500:30
nl sd (539th )00:14111100.00100.0000:15
fr Dewjean00:360100:40
br Brics (5064th )00:420200:23
Totals2 (971)5205283548045.7820.5400:24

Kills Match Up
gb Damo (2360th ) 18   4   12295122251041    
ar CALIGULA (4824th ) 72     6  83355422   1
nl period (762nd )          111321110552     
es /_\k|r/_\ (1728th )          15432475    1
de ver2ux (4901st )     1    23225252     
nl -=]UM[=-FuriousAngel (8693rd )      1 1  3122251     
ru Danko-neo (8494th )             1111      
it Brocco (18046th )        1              
es Tania (6981st )                       
fr reg (1495th ) 37521742164011  75 15 111 1 
us jerc (3688th ) 221842112253   104 3 2    
pt ·cbg¹ (70th ) 8138121351261  1          
de $!CKCLO\\'N (5572nd ) 123731326  8 21 1 1    
gb Atlantis (9568th ) 6 311613  2 12 1 3    
nl oh___yeah (6487th ) 656554491             
de Neustart** (13145th ) 43131418              
ca Paruru (3930th ) 21 322 1              
se Mackan (4624th ) 12     1 2  13   12   
cl ACKA (10646th )              1    1   
nl sd (539th )              1        
fr Dewjean                       
br Brics (5064th )                       

Weapons Summary
de $!CKCLO\\'N (5572nd ) 1 47 736 20 2.72 25661
nl -=]UM[=-FuriousAngel (8693rd ) 17 202 17 8.42 25141
es /_\k|r/_\ (1728th ) 32 300 17 5.67 23603
cl ACKA (10646th ) 1 23 1 4.35 1500
gb Atlantis (9568th ) 2 26 449 28 6.24 32337
br Brics (5064th ) 2
it Brocco (18046th ) 77
ar CALIGULA (4824th ) 3 25 282 9 3.19 9887
gb Damo (2360th ) 112 489 99 20.25 146336
ru Danko-neo (8494th ) 4 211 4 1.90 5248
fr Dewjean 4
us jerc (3688th ) 97 418 91 21.77 130762
se Mackan (4624th ) 12 32 11 34.38 18000
de Neustart** (13145th ) 25 194 24 12.37 35746
nl oh___yeah (6487th ) 3 42 249 26 10.44 33201
ca Paruru (3930th ) 11 99 7 7.07 10500
nl period (762nd ) 59 196 55 28.06 82500
fr reg (1495th ) 182 504 181 35.91 273000
nl sd (539th ) 1 1 1 100.00 1500
es Tania (6981st ) 46
de ver2ux (4901st ) 23 181 19 10.50 27784
pt ·cbg¹ (70th ) 78 217 69 31.80 103323

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
de $!CKCLO\\'N (5572nd ) 1 2 2
nl -=]UM[=-FuriousAngel (8693rd ) 1
es /_\k|r/_\ (1728th ) 2 1
cl ACKA (10646th )
gb Atlantis (9568th )
br Brics (5064th )
it Brocco (18046th )
ar CALIGULA (4824th ) 3 3
gb Damo (2360th ) 17 3 1
ru Danko-neo (8494th )
fr Dewjean
us jerc (3688th ) 12 3 1 7
se Mackan (4624th ) 2
de Neustart** (13145th ) 3
nl oh___yeah (6487th ) 6 1 3
ca Paruru (3930th ) 1 1
nl period (762nd ) 4 1 1 1
fr reg (1495th ) Yes 28 7 6 8 2 2 2
nl sd (539th )
es Tania (6981st )
de ver2ux (4901st ) 3 1 1
pt ·cbg¹ (70th ) 12 4 4 5 1

Match Report
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