Match Stats
4 5
Match Date Fri, May 20 2022 at 7:26 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, SmartCTF 4E, Hit Sounds, cgzpp21a ComboGib Map Name Cola Wars: Coca vs. Pepsi
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Welcome to the ComboGib CTF server hosted in London.
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
You do not get to choose your team here.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 30
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: uranus, birds_n_cicadas, Atomic, [Lou]Damage

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
us bardpill (774th ) 440 11 4 15 2 3 1 13 5
mx sus (3738th ) 268 3 1 4 5 8
us Smooth (4420th ) 180 5 1 4 2 2 6 10
cl PECOS_PAUL_KELE (3406th ) 180 1 1 1 7 3
il %1 (5471st ) 166 14 2 15 1 7 3
be esu (1894th ) 161 3 1 4 1 3 5 1
nl Proximus (780th ) 112 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
il FROSJA (5750th ) 49 2 2 1 2 1
il kub (4401st ) 29 1 1 1 1
us Pappy (12085th ) 25
cl Jhon_Wick (5654th ) 13
Totals 4 1623 41 10 47 4 11 2 4 47 31
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pl highlander (91st ) 576 11 5 15 2 13 1 1 16 4
ca UTNL (3404th ) 249 9 3 10 2 2 8 11
it [PuTzHiErNuR] (5427th ) 184 1 1 2 1 12 5
nl Eelco (5870th ) 159 6 4 9 2 1 6 5
ru p.o.l.k.a.d.o.t.s (8289th ) 134 12 5 16 1 8 1 3 5
Xan_Lives_Matter (10964th ) 95 3 3 1 3 4
it spadix (12695th ) 78 2 2 3 4
ro sinclair11 (15159th ) 27 1 1
be SpiderRS (18042nd ) 13 1 2
Totals 5 1515 42 20 57 6 24 1 5 53 41

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
us bardpill (774th )30:0944026926910472.1227.1000:19
mx sus (3738th )20:5126836366833.594.9600:19
us Smooth (4420th )30:09180767612338.195.2200:16
cl PECOS_PAUL_KELE (3406th )18:351801051056262.8720.1300:19
il %1 (5471st )29:20166727210540.686.2000:18
be esu (1894th )18:2316152528517.034.8900:14
nl Proximus (780th )09:03112747531170.0925.5100:19
il FROSJA (5750th )10:144922223439.297.5800:19
il kub (4401st )03:572914141351.858.5100:20
us Pappy (12085th )12:562524245240.544.0600:29
cl Jhon_Wick (5654th )06:2813661922.504.6900:25
Totals4 (1623)7507516961044.4310.8000:20
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pl highlander (91st )30:0957631831811773.1036.1400:16
ca UTNL (3404th )30:09249919276154.446.9600:26
it [PuTzHiErNuR] (5427th )30:09184646661251.164.2100:32
nl Eelco (5870th )30:09159848414436.847.0700:13
ru p.o.l.k.a.d.o.t.s (8289th )30:0913461618442.0722.5400:23
Xan_Lives_Matter (10964th )20:2595464765120.984.0500:17
it spadix (12695th )28:1578484812913.641.8201:17
ro sinclair11 (15159th )08:002718185325.355.3700:09
be SpiderRS (18042nd )11:521322621.590.7300:15
Totals5 (1515)7327367914035.469.8800:26

Kills Match Up
us bardpill (774th )  7    3    42251564271491521
mx sus (3738th )   1 1 3  4 44168 31 
us Smooth (4420th )  1    1    171061310 1017
cl PECOS_PAUL_KELE (3406th )  4    1    139102114 2085
il %1 (5471st )  1    1    1561098 1723
be esu (1894th )       3    76 112 797
nl Proximus (780th ) 3634381  53324637375
il FROSJA (5750th )            15442 6  
il kub (4401st )            3 141 5  
us Pappy (12085th ) 1          2 132 375
cl Jhon_Wick (5654th )             21 3    
pl highlander (91st ) 4822452554429195212  1  25   
ca UTNL (3404th ) 15520810537233 11  9  1
it [PuTzHiErNuR] (5427th ) 721511322525  22 19   
nl Eelco (5870th ) 11616481522353  1  8   
ru p.o.l.k.a.d.o.t.s (8289th ) 7615477 1 17  2  3  1
Xan_Lives_Matter (10964th )  42 1 2    1043331636
it spadix (12695th ) 93610641 141     3   
ro sinclair11 (15159th ) 31 522   4         1
be SpiderRS (18042nd )    1        1       

Weapons Summary
il %1 (5471st ) 1 71 758 47 6.20 59511
it [PuTzHiErNuR] (5427th ) 1 65 736 31 4.21 44618
us bardpill (774th ) 1 268 978 265 27.10 397075
nl Eelco (5870th ) 1 83 778 55 7.07 76718
be esu (1894th ) 47 406 45 11.08 64851
il FROSJA (5750th ) 22 198 15 7.58 21994
pl highlander (91st ) 318 819 296 36.14 443524
cl Jhon_Wick (5654th ) 1 18 1 5.56 810
il kub (4401st ) 1 13 94 8 8.51 11850
ru p.o.l.k.a.d.o.t.s (8289th ) 61 244 55 22.54 82500
us Pappy (12085th ) 23 560 20 3.57 29419
cl PECOS_PAUL_KELE (3406th ) 105 477 96 20.13 145967
nl Proximus (780th ) 75 294 75 25.51 112500
ro sinclair11 (15159th ) 18 335 18 5.37 25175
us Smooth (4420th ) 2 74 805 42 5.22 58045
it spadix (12695th ) 1 47 716 26 3.63 37547
be SpiderRS (18042nd ) 2 137 2 1.46 3000
mx sus (3738th ) 6 109 5 4.59 7308
ca UTNL (3404th ) 1 91 819 57 6.96 80723
Xan_Lives_Matter (10964th ) 2 45 457 37 8.10 53735

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
il %1 (5471st ) 8 1
us bardpill (774th ) 38 8 4 6 20 4
nl Eelco (5870th ) 4 2
be esu (1894th ) 6 1 1
il FROSJA (5750th ) 3 1
pl highlander (91st ) Yes 42 16 10 8 23 4
cl Jhon_Wick (5654th )
il kub (4401st ) 1 1
ru p.o.l.k.a.d.o.t.s (8289th ) 8 1
us Pappy (12085th )
cl PECOS_PAUL_KELE (3406th ) 11 3 9
nl Proximus (780th ) 9 6 2 4 2
ro sinclair11 (15159th ) 1
us Smooth (4420th ) 2 1 2 2 1
it spadix (12695th ) 4 1 1 2
be SpiderRS (18042nd )
mx sus (3738th ) 3 1
ca UTNL (3404th ) 8 3 6
Xan_Lives_Matter (10964th ) 3 1
it [PuTzHiErNuR] (5427th ) 3 1 3 1

Match Report
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