Match Stats
7 5
Match Date Mon, Aug 29 2022 at 7:06 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, SmartCTF 4E, Hit Sounds, cgzpp21a ComboGib Map Name CTF-scF-Pwage
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: Asd^, Elon_Musk, Player10

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pl kr/\kz0r (580th ) 514 7 5 10 1 20 2 11 4
de uq*Cypher (1656th ) 435 7 4 10 16 1 15 6
bg SB (3906th ) 407 4 5 8 26 1 6 1
il 'diorez (9701st ) 403 11 2 9 2 5 4 12 12
it -uccello_del_cazzo- (3233rd ) 147 14 2
sk Lily (6201st ) 136 1 1 2 4 4
be esh (1505th ) 82 1 1 3 2 1
it Miki (1677th ) 49 2 2 1 5 2
us Wise_Ass (12730th ) 39 4 4 8 2
Totals 7 2212 33 24 49 4 93 0 8 52 30
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
fr oOo (1384th ) 338 17 8 2
il sdtr' (3306th ) 248 19 5 21 1 7 3 5 4
in KiD (2641st ) 211 2 2 10 6 2
pt L (111th ) 197 2 2 4 1 9 3 1
it §P/\d|x\ (9210th ) 190 3 5 7 1 3 1 7 3
pl -fe.dickfish- (462nd ) 112 1 1 1 3 4
nl -=]UM[=-FuriousAngel (8693rd ) 53 2 2 2 3 2
be Fuck_Argenta` (13256th ) 14 1
us uranus (3628th ) 1 1 1
cz hawthorn_ocell (15455th ) 1 1 1
Totals 5 1365 28 15 39 3 49 0 4 36 18

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pl kr/\kz0r (580th )16:46514245246115167.9620.7100:09
de uq*Cypher (1656th )16:4643519919921348.3017.2100:05
bg SB (3906th )16:4640717117114554.115.2400:07
il 'diorez (9701st )16:4640313213217243.4222.6500:06
it -uccello_del_cazzo- (3233rd )05:0914789892677.399.5700:13
sk Lily (6201st )11:4813685858350.607.1700:09
be esh (1505th )05:338245455545.0012.2900:06
it Miki (1677th )03:204929292355.7717.7800:09
us Wise_Ass (12730th )10:3839292912019.465.0000:05
Totals7 (2212)102410259521051.3313.0700:08
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
fr oOo (1384th )16:46338204207145358.3113.6800:07
il sdtr' (3306th )11:42248818110543.5510.0900:07
in KiD (2641st )16:46211104105141142.517.3200:07
pt L (111th )07:281971251255768.6834.4200:08
it §P/\d|x\ (9210th )14:20190838316533.478.1800:05
pl -fe.dickfish- (462nd )05:3511274745258.7333.5000:06
nl -=]UM[=-FuriousAngel (8693rd )04:275318186421.9510.0000:04
be Fuck_Argenta` (13256th )00:5914552317.8600:02
us uranus (3628th )02:3810300:52
cz hawthorn_ocell (15455th )01:23111175.567.1400:05
Totals5 (1365)6956997724035.0612.4300:10

Kills Match Up
pl kr/\kz0r (580th ) 1393236 2816 1614149815 102 7
de uq*Cypher (1656th ) 19        34243413381015822
bg SB (3906th ) 20        251931103512151 3
il 'diorez (9701st ) 16        26181912221171  
it -uccello_del_cazzo- (3233rd )          20911616 139 5
sk Lily (6201st ) 17        1111163179  1 
be esh (1505th ) 12        10 7 610    
it Miki (1677th )          35925 32  
us Wise_Ass (12730th ) 2        255311 1   
fr oOo (1384th ) 11483635627155243         
il sdtr' (3306th ) 316141954 218          
in KiD (2641st ) 2251729152519  1       
pt L (111th ) 734232282 425          
it §P/\d|x\ (9210th ) 3211017255614          
pl -fe.dickfish- (462nd )  231012 1217            
nl -=]UM[=-FuriousAngel (8693rd ) 26322   3          
be Fuck_Argenta` (13256th ) 11  1  11          
us uranus (3628th )                    
cz hawthorn_ocell (15455th )     1              

Weapons Summary
il 'diorez (9701st ) 132 565 128 22.65 192000
nl -=]UM[=-FuriousAngel (8693rd ) 1 17 180 18 10.00 22788
pl -fe.dickfish- (462nd ) 74 200 67 33.50 101644
it -uccello_del_cazzo- (3233rd ) 1 88 230 22 9.57 30780
be esh (1505th ) 1 44 236 29 12.29 43321
be Fuck_Argenta` (13256th ) 5 21
cz hawthorn_ocell (15455th ) 1 14 1 7.14 1500
in KiD (2641st ) 7 98 628 46 7.32 54695
pl kr/\kz0r (580th ) 1 245 763 158 20.71 234454
pt L (111th ) 125 337 116 34.42 173365
sk Lily (6201st ) 4 81 474 34 7.17 41987
it Miki (1677th ) 29 90 16 17.78 23881
fr oOo (1384th ) 6 201 950 130 13.68 184149
bg SB (3906th ) 4 167 515 27 5.24 33574
il sdtr' (3306th ) 4 77 644 65 10.09 68414
de uq*Cypher (1656th ) 4 195 703 121 17.21 171771
us uranus (3628th ) 15
us Wise_Ass (12730th ) 29 580 29 5.00 40024
it §P/\d|x\ (9210th ) 7 76 428 35 8.18 43252

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
il 'diorez (9701st ) 15 10 1 2
nl -=]UM[=-FuriousAngel (8693rd ) 2
pl -fe.dickfish- (462nd ) 9 8 2 1 5 1
it -uccello_del_cazzo- (3233rd ) 1 7 3 4 4 1 2
be esh (1505th ) 12 1 1
be Fuck_Argenta` (13256th ) 1
cz hawthorn_ocell (15455th )
in KiD (2641st ) 10 8 1 4
pl kr/\kz0r (580th ) 31 14 9 7 10 4 1
pt L (111th ) 11 5 4 8 9 2
sk Lily (6201st ) Yes 7 4 1 3 4 1
it Miki (1677th ) 6 1 1 1
fr oOo (1384th ) 26 13 5 4 12 3
bg SB (3906th ) 20 5 7 6 6 2 2
il sdtr' (3306th ) 9 1 2 2 3
de uq*Cypher (1656th ) 31 8 8 7 1 1
us uranus (3628th )
us Wise_Ass (12730th ) 2
it §P/\d|x\ (9210th ) 10 4 1 1 2

Match Report
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