Match Stats
5 3
Match Date Fri, Apr 22 2022 at 10:42 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, SmartCTF 4E, Hit Sounds, cgzpp21a ComboGib Map Name Less Bleak
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Welcome to the ComboGib CTF server hosted in London.
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
You do not get to choose your team here.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 30
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: sad_but_true, Putin=Hitler, The_Shadow, ForatNegreSupermassi, esu, Rapt

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
ca Player5 (1912th ) 595 5 1 5 4 7 1 19 11
nl CrazyClown (2592nd ) 288 13 4 15 1 1 2 12 17
cl Asd^ (4041st ) 268 5 1 5 3 3 1 8 2
nl NerDeluxe (11967th ) 174 4 1 5 1 3 1 7 2
us jerc (3689th ) 171 9 2 11 3 2 4 2
il happy_bear (5704th ) 114 3 2 1 1 1 3
hr Coll@ (4650th ) 52 4 2 6 1 2 6
gb Octoman (9379th ) 10 1
cu StreamPunk71 (7304th ) 1
Totals 5 1672 43 11 49 2 15 14 5 54 44
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
gb Kei Tsukishima (317th ) 516 20 6 24 1 4 2 14 1
de «T3ddy» (574th ) 248 7 2 8 1 1 7 1
de bustacell (1862nd ) 215 8 8 2 11 13
ca I'm_Xan_Bitch (3751st ) 154 5 2 7 4 3 1
gb Skallion (1261st ) 106 7 6 1 2 1
us slime (13177th ) 100 1 6 11
br Velho-Br (4700th ) 96 1 6 9
nl Trippin (2150th ) 41 2 2 2 1
be late (12223rd ) 20 1 1 1
br Dark (5463rd ) 17 1 1 2 1 1
dz hayda (9806th ) 5
pt Silva (1375th )
Totals 3 1518 51 11 58 1 13 3 3 51 39

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
ca Player5 (1912th )30:0559532232210575.4132.2600:18
nl CrazyClown (2592nd )29:42288979714140.7611.0300:13
cl Asd^ (4041st )27:1226811611610452.737.4800:17
nl NerDeluxe (11967th )30:0517477779943.755.3100:20
us jerc (3689th )30:05171989812843.3612.3900:15
il happy_bear (5704th )27:24114757697143.684.9400:18
hr Coll@ (4650th )10:215228284339.4410.2400:15
gb Octoman (9379th )02:191011614.291.3500:25
cu StreamPunk71 (7304th )03:02-1012100:30
Totals5 (1672)8138157352039.279.4400:19
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
gb Kei Tsukishima (317th )30:0551625525516361.0016.0400:12
de «T3ddy» (574th )27:16248167168116158.9524.8000:15
de bustacell (1862nd )22:392154647108130.136.6200:13
ca I'm_Xan_Bitch (3751st )25:2315410410414841.2716.5200:11
gb Skallion (1261st )11:4510670705655.5612.6500:13
us slime (13177th )30:05100343410923.783.1100:18
br Velho-Br (4700th )16:479632326234.042.5800:17
nl Trippin (2150th )02:3141771231.4331.6700:13
be late (12223rd )02:142010101638.4624.3900:08
br Dark (5463rd )05:3817771630.4300:23
dz hayda (9806th )03:565551215.633.0300:26
pt Silva (1375th )00:060100:07
Totals3 (1518)7377398192035.0611.7800:15

Kills Match Up
Kei Tsuki
ca Player5 (1912th )      1  57751396318311476721
nl CrazyClown (2592nd )         2191715146108 312 
cl Asd^ (4041st )          25201317111791 21 
nl NerDeluxe (11967th )         2810101421681411 
us jerc (3689th )         11891320415111132 
il happy_bear (5704th )      1   12571671681 22 
hr Coll@ (4650th )          24147341  2 
gb Octoman (9379th )              1       
cu StreamPunk71 (7304th )         1            
gb Kei Tsukishima (317th ) 365231375126141   7         
de «T3ddy» (574th ) 26322725242644  1          
de bustacell (1862nd ) 41147644 22 1  1  2   
ca I'm_Xan_Bitch (3751st ) 14211712161491             
gb Skallion (1261st ) 141212510107              
us slime (13177th ) 536866               
br Velho-Br (4700th ) 2743853              
nl Trippin (2150th ) 212 1 1              
be late (12223rd ) 12 22      3         
br Dark (5463rd ) 1   33               
dz hayda (9806th )   1 121              
pt Silva (1375th )                      

Weapons Summary
cl Asd^ (4041st ) 3 113
de bustacell (1862nd ) 3 44
hr Coll@ (4650th ) 28
nl CrazyClown (2592nd ) 5 92
br Dark (5463rd ) 7
il happy_bear (5704th ) 6 69 1
dz hayda (9806th ) 5
ca I'm_Xan_Bitch (3751st ) 1 103
us jerc (3689th ) 98
gb Kei Tsukishima (317th ) 4 251
be late (12223rd ) 10
nl NerDeluxe (11967th ) 1 76
gb Octoman (9379th ) 1
ca Player5 (1912th ) 1 321
gb Skallion (1261st ) 70
us slime (13177th ) 1 33
nl Trippin (2150th ) 1
br Velho-Br (4700th ) 1 31
de «T3ddy» (574th ) 1 167
cl Asd^ (4041st ) 1136
de bustacell (1862nd ) 393
hr Coll@ (4650th ) 205
nl CrazyClown (2592nd ) 653
br Dark (5463rd ) 100
il happy_bear (5704th ) 1073
dz hayda (9806th ) 66
ca I'm_Xan_Bitch (3751st ) 563
us jerc (3689th ) 678
gb Kei Tsukishima (317th ) 1166
be late (12223rd ) 41
nl NerDeluxe (11967th ) 828
gb Octoman (9379th ) 74
ca Player5 (1912th ) 930
gb Skallion (1261st ) 411
us slime (13177th ) 708
nl Trippin (2150th ) 3
br Velho-Br (4700th ) 465
de «T3ddy» (574th ) 621
cl Asd^ (4041st ) 85
de bustacell (1862nd ) 26
hr Coll@ (4650th ) 21
nl CrazyClown (2592nd ) 72
br Dark (5463rd )
il happy_bear (5704th ) 53
dz hayda (9806th ) 4
ca I'm_Xan_Bitch (3751st ) 93
us jerc (3689th ) 84
gb Kei Tsukishima (317th ) 187
be late (12223rd ) 10
nl NerDeluxe (11967th ) 44
gb Octoman (9379th ) 1
ca Player5 (1912th ) 300
gb Skallion (1261st ) 52
us slime (13177th ) 22
nl Trippin (2150th ) 1
br Velho-Br (4700th ) 12
de «T3ddy» (574th ) 154
cl Asd^ (4041st ) 121474
de bustacell (1862nd ) 33328
hr Coll@ (4650th ) 30245
nl CrazyClown (2592nd ) 100131
br Dark (5463rd )
il happy_bear (5704th ) 66255 60
dz hayda (9806th ) 7500
ca I'm_Xan_Bitch (3751st ) 135219
us jerc (3689th ) 122725
gb Kei Tsukishima (317th ) 271293
be late (12223rd ) 15000
nl NerDeluxe (11967th ) 60583
gb Octoman (9379th ) 1500
ca Player5 (1912th ) 449844
gb Skallion (1261st ) 73968
us slime (13177th ) 31605
nl Trippin (2150th ) 1500
br Velho-Br (4700th ) 17052
de «T3ddy» (574th ) 233354
cl Asd^ (4041st ) 7.48
de bustacell (1862nd ) 6.62
hr Coll@ (4650th ) 10.24
nl CrazyClown (2592nd ) 11.03
br Dark (5463rd )
il happy_bear (5704th ) 4.94
dz hayda (9806th ) 6.06
ca I'm_Xan_Bitch (3751st ) 16.52
us jerc (3689th ) 12.39
gb Kei Tsukishima (317th ) 16.04
be late (12223rd ) 24.39
nl NerDeluxe (11967th ) 5.31
gb Octoman (9379th ) 1.35
ca Player5 (1912th ) 32.26
gb Skallion (1261st ) 12.65
us slime (13177th ) 3.11
nl Trippin (2150th ) 33.33
br Velho-Br (4700th ) 2.58
de «T3ddy» (574th ) 24.80

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
cl Asd^ (4041st ) 12 1 1 3
de bustacell (1862nd ) 3
hr Coll@ (4650th ) 4 1 1
nl CrazyClown (2592nd ) 10 1 1
br Dark (5463rd ) 1
il happy_bear (5704th ) 4 1
dz hayda (9806th )
ca I'm_Xan_Bitch (3751st ) 12 1 3
us jerc (3689th ) 9 1 2 2
gb Kei Tsukishima (317th ) 38 18 3 1 17
be late (12223rd )
nl NerDeluxe (11967th ) Yes 6 1 5
gb Octoman (9379th )
ca Player5 (1912th ) 48 21 3 5 16 8
pt Silva (1375th )
gb Skallion (1261st ) 11 1 3
us slime (13177th )
cu StreamPunk71 (7304th )
nl Trippin (2150th ) 2
br Velho-Br (4700th ) 2
de «T3ddy» (574th ) 24 2 4 10

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format