Match Stats
0 3
Match Date Thu, Sep 8 2022 at 6:34 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, SmartCTF 4E, Hit Sounds, cgzpp21a ComboGib Map Name |-Vp-| FragWhoreArena
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: Player15

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
no BATONATOR (103rd ) 453 5 5 6 17 3
be esh (1531st ) 357 2 4 6 4 14 4
pl kr/\kz0r (591st ) 340 7 4 11 7 8 6
gb Ooper (141st ) 327 5 3 8 3 1
be smashfucked (2368th ) 259 1 1 2 6 6
pl MJ (7014th ) 106 1 1 6 8
POLSKAGUROM (11240th ) 57
se SCREAM^ (1109th ) 36 1 1 1 1
gb kp (2534th ) 28 1 1 1 1
de LordzBrNhrn (16229th ) 16 1
cz people_are_hell (13101st ) 14 7 7
ae Don't Shoot (2838th ) 12 2 2
bg SB (3930th ) 4
Totals 0 2009 32 12 44 0 19 0 0 55 30
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pl have_a_cigar (112th ) 699 7 2 8 1 12 1 15 5
pl [FX]_e3xecutioner (774th ) 344 2 1 3 5 8 3
pl -fe.dickfish- (471st ) 323 8 5 13 8 6 3
pl sarina (3532nd ) 220 2 8 10 2 1 6 12
sk PARKER (6433rd ) 185 4 6 5
it /\/iemand (6640th ) 165 13 2 13 1 2 2 4 2
it Bria (4139th ) 121 1 2 3 1 2 3 2
pl WaldemarSzaniec (13541st ) 42 1 2 3 1 1
il Skirmish (2371st ) 21 1 1 2 1 1
fr BarbeRousse (7398th ) 11 1 1
se Mackan (4683rd ) 3 3 3 1
by SAS (14583rd ) 2
fr The_Shadow (4577th )
Totals 3 2136 36 26 59 7 35 0 3 48 34

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
no BATONATOR (103rd )20:0045327327320956.6421.1300:06
be esh (1531st )20:0035721321319552.2124.1800:06
pl kr/\kz0r (591st )18:51340211212100167.7327.9900:12
gb Ooper (141st )20:0032729329317662.4731.9700:07
be smashfucked (2368th )20:0025919219217851.8919.2200:07
pl MJ (7014th )07:1710633337231.439.4700:06
POLSKAGUROM (11240th )20:0057565619622.225.5500:06
se SCREAM^ (1109th )01:193622221068.7532.7600:08
gb kp (2534th )02:032822221855.0020.0000:07
de LordzBrNhrn (16229th )03:201614141823.345.4700:15
cz people_are_hell (13101st )04:5514774712.966.1400:06
ae Don't Shoot (2838th )04:411210102429.414.3500:12
bg SB (3930th )02:154442116.005.7700:06
Totals0 (2009)1350135112641042.3116.4600:08
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pl have_a_cigar (112th )20:0069949349318273.0452.2300:07
pl [FX]_e3xecutioner (774th )20:0034425025018158.0019.3100:07
pl -fe.dickfish- (471st )20:0032323523518855.5628.9800:07
pl sarina (3532nd )20:00220107110175338.1912.3500:07
sk PARKER (6433rd )20:001859495151138.466.5000:08
it /\/iemand (6640th )20:00165777711440.314.2100:11
it Bria (4139th )20:001217273212125.526.4200:06
pl WaldemarSzaniec (13541st )20:0042373719715.813.7200:06
il Skirmish (2371st )02:532116162341.0318.8200:08
fr BarbeRousse (7398th )02:251110102528.5713.8900:06
se Mackan (4683rd )02:30322316.065.0000:05
by SAS (14583rd )00:4220500:09
fr The_Shadow (4577th )00:310100:18
Totals3 (2136)1393139814855032.3513.1900:08

Kills Match Up
Don't Sho
no BATONATOR (103rd )   2  1       42343037122143382731 
be esh (1531st )   1          2930332962025264451 
pl kr/\kz0r (591st ) 51157 4    3320182025112822313321 
gb Ooper (141st )   2  1       40354136101856365571 
be smashfucked (2368th )   2  2       19232918593533538 1
pl MJ (7014th )         1    345422561    
POLSKAGUROM (11240th )              41356 5712 31  
se SCREAM^ (1109th )              54321 232    
gb kp (2534th )              3543 2 2  3  
de LordzBrNhrn (16229th )              1132 2221    
cz people_are_hell (13101st )              11112  1     
ae Don't Shoot (2838th )   1             1 4 4     
bg SB (3930th )               1 1 11      
pl have_a_cigar (112th ) 766843756626581451728   143        
pl [FX]_e3xecutioner (774th ) 384493727640216952   123        
pl -fe.dickfish- (471st ) 4032132228154217 10 3    21      1 
pl sarina (3532nd ) 141361118713331652   371       
sk PARKER (6433rd ) 55414611  1  151214811123  2  
it /\/iemand (6640th ) 813681329111 81    4 2      
it Bria (4139th ) 121337121141 42 1    3 1      
pl WaldemarSzaniec (13541st ) 76272 7 11111    1        
il Skirmish (2371st ) 2 23152   1               
fr BarbeRousse (7398th ) 2 3   5                   
se Mackan (4683rd )   1   1                   
by SAS (14583rd )                           
fr The_Shadow (4577th )                           

Weapons Summary
pl -fe.dickfish- (471st ) 235
it /\/iemand (6640th ) 3 72 2
pl [FX]_e3xecutioner (774th ) 250
fr BarbeRousse (7398th ) 10
no BATONATOR (103rd ) 8 265
it Bria (4139th ) 9 64
ae Don't Shoot (2838th ) 10
be esh (1531st ) 213
pl have_a_cigar (112th ) 493
gb kp (2534th ) 1 21
pl kr/\kz0r (591st ) 1 211
de LordzBrNhrn (16229th ) 14
se Mackan (4683rd ) 2
pl MJ (7014th ) 2 31
gb Ooper (141st ) 1 292
sk PARKER (6433rd ) 9 86
cz people_are_hell (13101st ) 7
POLSKAGUROM (11240th ) 7 49
pl sarina (3532nd ) 4 106
by SAS (14583rd )
bg SB (3930th ) 4
se SCREAM^ (1109th ) 22
il Skirmish (2371st ) 16
be smashfucked (2368th ) 192
pl WaldemarSzaniec (13541st ) 4 33
pl -fe.dickfish- (471st ) 811
it /\/iemand (6640th ) 807
pl [FX]_e3xecutioner (774th ) 1269
fr BarbeRousse (7398th ) 72
no BATONATOR (103rd ) 1221
it Bria (4139th ) 795
ae Don't Shoot (2838th ) 92
be esh (1531st ) 881
pl have_a_cigar (112th ) 942
gb kp (2534th ) 105
pl kr/\kz0r (591st ) 711
de LordzBrNhrn (16229th ) 128
se Mackan (4683rd ) 20
pl MJ (7014th ) 338
gb Ooper (141st ) 904
sk PARKER (6433rd ) 1031
cz people_are_hell (13101st ) 114
POLSKAGUROM (11240th ) 973
pl sarina (3532nd ) 834
by SAS (14583rd ) 1
bg SB (3930th ) 52
se SCREAM^ (1109th ) 58
il Skirmish (2371st ) 85
be smashfucked (2368th ) 999
pl WaldemarSzaniec (13541st ) 968
pl -fe.dickfish- (471st ) 235
it /\/iemand (6640th ) 34
pl [FX]_e3xecutioner (774th ) 245
fr BarbeRousse (7398th ) 10
no BATONATOR (103rd ) 258
it Bria (4139th ) 51
ae Don't Shoot (2838th ) 4
be esh (1531st ) 213
pl have_a_cigar (112th ) 492
gb kp (2534th ) 21
pl kr/\kz0r (591st ) 199
de LordzBrNhrn (16229th ) 14
se Mackan (4683rd ) 1
pl MJ (7014th ) 32
gb Ooper (141st ) 289
sk PARKER (6433rd ) 67
cz people_are_hell (13101st ) 7
POLSKAGUROM (11240th ) 54
pl sarina (3532nd ) 103
by SAS (14583rd )
bg SB (3930th ) 3
se SCREAM^ (1109th ) 19
il Skirmish (2371st ) 16
be smashfucked (2368th ) 192
pl WaldemarSzaniec (13541st ) 36
pl -fe.dickfish- (471st ) 352500
it /\/iemand (6640th ) 45540
pl [FX]_e3xecutioner (774th ) 367546
fr BarbeRousse (7398th ) 15000
no BATONATOR (103rd ) 382809
it Bria (4139th ) 66790
ae Don't Shoot (2838th ) 5100
be esh (1531st ) 318952
pl have_a_cigar (112th ) 737636
gb kp (2534th ) 30617
pl kr/\kz0r (591st ) 298954
de LordzBrNhrn (16229th ) 21000
se Mackan (4683rd ) 1159
pl MJ (7014th ) 45587
gb Ooper (141st ) 430667
sk PARKER (6433rd ) 87763
cz people_are_hell (13101st ) 10500
POLSKAGUROM (11240th ) 75613
pl sarina (3532nd ) 150482
by SAS (14583rd )
bg SB (3930th ) 4500
se SCREAM^ (1109th ) 28113
il Skirmish (2371st ) 24000
be smashfucked (2368th ) 288000
pl WaldemarSzaniec (13541st ) 50152
pl -fe.dickfish- (471st ) 28.98
it /\/iemand (6640th ) 4.21
pl [FX]_e3xecutioner (774th ) 19.31
fr BarbeRousse (7398th ) 13.89
no BATONATOR (103rd ) 21.13
it Bria (4139th ) 6.42
ae Don't Shoot (2838th ) 4.35
be esh (1531st ) 24.18
pl have_a_cigar (112th ) 52.23
gb kp (2534th ) 20.00
pl kr/\kz0r (591st ) 27.99
de LordzBrNhrn (16229th ) 10.94
se Mackan (4683rd ) 5.00
pl MJ (7014th ) 9.47
gb Ooper (141st ) 31.97
sk PARKER (6433rd ) 6.50
cz people_are_hell (13101st ) 6.14
POLSKAGUROM (11240th ) 5.55
pl sarina (3532nd ) 12.35
by SAS (14583rd )
bg SB (3930th ) 5.77
se SCREAM^ (1109th ) 32.76
il Skirmish (2371st ) 18.82
be smashfucked (2368th ) 19.22
pl WaldemarSzaniec (13541st ) 3.72

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
pl -fe.dickfish- (471st ) 27 13 7 6 10
it /\/iemand (6640th ) 4 4 1 1
fr BarbeRousse (7398th ) 1
no BATONATOR (103rd ) 34 12 12 4 7
it Bria (4139th ) 13 1 2
ae Don't Shoot (2838th ) 1
be esh (1531st ) 32 14 6 2 8
pl have_a_cigar (112th ) 34 21 18 28 33 4 1
gb kp (2534th ) 2 1 1 2
pl kr/\kz0r (591st ) 30 15 6 1 8 1 1
de LordzBrNhrn (16229th ) 1 2
se Mackan (4683rd )
pl MJ (7014th ) 7
gb Ooper (141st ) 29 19 11 12 18
sk PARKER (6433rd ) 15 2 3
cz people_are_hell (13101st )
POLSKAGUROM (11240th ) 7 2 2
pl sarina (3532nd ) 15 2 1 2
by SAS (14583rd )
bg SB (3930th )
se SCREAM^ (1109th ) 1 2 2
il Skirmish (2371st ) 1 1
be smashfucked (2368th ) 24 6 6 3 6
fr The_Shadow (4577th )
pl WaldemarSzaniec (13541st ) 7
pl [FX]_e3xecutioner (774th ) Yes 37 13 5 5 15 2

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format