Match Stats
1 0
Match Date Fri, Sep 9 2022 at 8:50 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, SmartCTF 4E, Hit Sounds, cgzpp21a ComboGib Map Name Control The Docks (mini-map)
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: caliz, esh, hawthorn_ocell, Player16, kr/\\kz0r, uranus, Skirmish, HawaHawaii

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pl have_a_cigar (108th ) 503 17 4 21 20 15 3
us LoSahn (7277th ) 292 3 4 7 9 15 11
cl Jhon_Wick (5657th ) 250 1 1 4 12 2
by Hades (6700th ) 246 2 2 5 15 13
pl MJ (6929th ) 235 9 3 12 6 9 13
us porch_pirate (6157th ) 208 16 4 19 6 1 9 8
us ~ (1277th ) 205 3 7
gb Whiskey (13667th ) 103 2 2 7
es Corsair (5119th ) 31 1 1
ru yourself (2562nd )
Totals 1 2073 48 15 62 0 55 0 1 85 58
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
nl CrazyClown (2591st ) 345 2 6 8 21 3 13 8
ae mad_max (4793rd ) 341 38 7 45 2 2 17 6
ca ! (681st ) 297 3 3 15 1 5 2
at TerrTreffnix (6706th ) 213 3 3 4 2 7 5
us jerc (3689th ) 187 9 3 12 11 2 2 8
br Brics (5065th ) 130 5 1 6 5 4 3
us Wise_Ass (12732nd ) 129 1 1 3 6 8
br Benis_is_my_Penis (4842nd ) 88 1 1 3 1 5 1
se Mackan (4624th ) 74 7 2 9 4 1 2
il Player17 (4233rd ) 66 5 5 3 3 2
il Player15 (3604th ) 53 2 2 2 2
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6939th ) 8
Totals 0 1931 71 24 95 0 73 11 0 63 47

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pl have_a_cigar (108th )20:0950327929210413171.2938.1800:12
us LoSahn (7277th )20:092921101231341345.5611.9400:09
cl Jhon_Wick (5657th )19:4225079881009144.836.6800:13
by Hades (6700th )20:09246697914510133.906.9200:09
pl MJ (6929th )20:09235111120133945.8011.0600:09
us porch_pirate (6157th )20:09208701051113541.8312.2300:11
us ~ (1277th )09:4920512612762166.8420.6300:10
gb Whiskey (13667th )20:091037376142334.397.1400:09
es Corsair (5119th )04:3031192226343.146.1800:11
ru yourself (2562nd )00:120100:13
Totals1 (2073)936103295896342.7612.1000:11
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
nl CrazyClown (2591st )20:09345157166137953.2110.6000:09
ae mad_max (4793rd )20:09341123129159643.888.7500:08
ca ! (681st )20:09297171184921363.6712.9500:14
at TerrTreffnix (6706th )20:09213116120164441.677.4600:08
us jerc (3689th )20:151871221401241839.3814.7900:10
br Brics (5065th )20:091308387117441.836.4800:11
us Wise_Ass (12732nd )20:091296067178726.595.3900:07
br Benis_is_my_Penis (4842nd )08:2488323464234.002.2500:08
se Mackan (4624th )04:2174404321364.1816.1300:13
il Player17 (4233rd )06:44662031301143.066.0800:14
il Player15 (3604th )06:0853354223758.337.7200:17
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6939th )02:4688923127.276.1500:07
Totals0 (1931)9671052113285044.768.7300:11

Kills Match Up
pl have_a_cigar (108th ) 13 5       49501241292645153595
us LoSahn (7277th )  132       112110191716175 41 
cl Jhon_Wick (5657th ) 3 9131 3  11131566477361 
by Hades (6700th )   110 1    1513832086 1221
pl MJ (6929th )   5 9     111611221017184 114
us porch_pirate (6157th )      35    21178889147 454
us ~ (1277th )       1   61252211143318 42 
gb Whiskey (13667th )   3    3  6571798116 121
es Corsair (5119th )         3  2222542 3  
ru yourself (2562nd )                       
nl CrazyClown (2591st ) 2225172517227178 9 2     4   
ae mad_max (4793rd ) 19165242126410   62     2   
ca ! (681st ) 916122819109165 4813167416 1  4
at TerrTreffnix (6706th ) 111958161116252   44    3   
us jerc (3689th ) 82016231411132841  2 18       
br Brics (5065th ) 10149111283115   1  4  3   
us Wise_Ass (12732nd ) 10757563201   3   7     
br Benis_is_my_Penis (4842nd ) 692 8324         2    
se Mackan (4624th )   3 13 1  32 8567 3  4
il Player17 (4233rd ) 242684311          11  
il Player15 (3604th ) 248115525            7 
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6939th ) 2  14  1          1  1

Weapons Summary
ca ! (681st ) 1 183 525 68 12.95 97317
br Benis_is_my_Penis (4842nd ) 1 33 311 7 2.25 9274
br Brics (5065th ) 3 84 525 34 6.48 45355
es Corsair (5119th ) 22 178 11 6.18 14846
nl CrazyClown (2591st ) 4 162 632 67 10.60 84180
by Hades (6700th ) 3 78 910 63 6.92 88587
pl have_a_cigar (108th ) 4 290 626 239 38.18 362869
us jerc (3689th ) 10 2 672 98 14.58 132195
cl Jhon_Wick (5657th ) 2 69 605 30 4.96 33264
us LoSahn (7277th ) 3 120 846 101 11.94 122377
se Mackan (4624th ) 1 42 93 15 16.13 20534
ae mad_max (4793rd ) 8 121 1269 111 8.75 143675
pl MJ (6929th ) 4 116 1004 111 11.06 161078
il Player15 (3604th ) 42 246 19 7.72 20668
il Player17 (4233rd ) 31 329 20 6.08 25100
us porch_pirate (6157th ) 4 101 605 74 12.23 98145
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6939th ) 9 130 8 6.15 9275
at TerrTreffnix (6706th ) 5 115 1073 80 7.46 114903
gb Whiskey (13667th ) 1 75 1079 77 7.14 114233
us Wise_Ass (12732nd ) 67 1095 59 5.39 83551
us ~ (1277th ) 1 126 441 91 20.63 134282

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
ca ! (681st ) 26 10 2 8 7 3 1
br Benis_is_my_Penis (4842nd ) 2 1 1
br Brics (5065th ) 11 1 1 2 3 1
es Corsair (5119th ) 1 2
nl CrazyClown (2591st ) 22 1 2 8 9 1 1
by Hades (6700th ) 13 1 1 2
pl have_a_cigar (108th ) 26 18 10 13 20 1 1 1
us jerc (3689th ) 16 8 3 2 8
cl Jhon_Wick (5657th ) Yes 10 2 1 2 1
us LoSahn (7277th ) 10 7 2 3 8
se Mackan (4624th ) 2 2 1 3 2 1
ae mad_max (4793rd ) 18 5 2 1 3
pl MJ (6929th ) 20 8 2 4 1
il Player15 (3604th ) 5 2 1 2 3 1
il Player17 (4233rd ) 2 1 1 1
us porch_pirate (6157th ) 9 4 2 3
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6939th ) 2
at TerrTreffnix (6706th ) 13 3 3 1 5
gb Whiskey (13667th ) 16 1 1 2
us Wise_Ass (12732nd ) 8 1 2 2
ru yourself (2562nd )
us ~ (1277th ) 10 10 6 2 6 2 1

Match Report
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