Match Stats
7 2
Match Date Fri, Sep 9 2022 at 1:55 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, SmartCTF 4E, Hit Sounds, cgzpp21a ComboGib Map Name W00tabulous !@Fixed [Fixed by: Nugglan]
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: uranus, -fe.dickfish-

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
at [WfH]VDR^ (5273rd ) 684 5 3 7 22 1 28 10
cl R4n4 (6533rd ) 398 5 1 5 12 1 1 10
de CoD|AVII (3400th ) 288 13 4 15 3 2 2 4 6
il Player6 (2286th ) 236 19 6 23 6 2 5 9
ca R@ptor (5759th ) 150 1 1 1 6 1 3 2
pl Dwayne_Hicks (4211th ) 85 8 1 2 2
gb rip-the-queen-:( (3268th ) 62 2 2 4 1 2
il Skirmish (2371st ) 45 3 3 2 2 1
be esh{SFM} (6061st ) 8 1
Totals 7 1956 48 17 58 5 59 3 7 53 31
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
es iMzZ (697th ) 418 1 3 4 15 20 8
ee Juss (3379th ) 257 21 3 22 1 2 7 7
it Miki (1706th ) 254 2 5 7 6 1 9 8
de Kulimuh (6876th ) 202 3 3 2 1 5 6
hu Genesis (6447th ) 144 1 1 2 8 8
nl gzm (1595th ) 139 10 3 13 1 4 5
it Bria (4139th ) 62 1 1 7
cl Jhon_Wick (5723rd ) 58 2 2
cz people_are_hell (13101st ) 14 4 1 5 1
us improvelence 1
Totals 2 1549 39 20 57 0 34 2 2 55 43

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
at [WfH]VDR^ (5273rd )16:46684334339105575.5035.4900:10
cl R4n4 (6533rd )16:46398256259104370.7731.6900:10
de CoD|AVII (3400th )16:4628812012016342.4011.3600:06
il Player6 (2286th )16:46236848692247.785.2500:12
ca R@ptor (5759th )16:4615099100153139.3712.7100:07
pl Dwayne_Hicks (4211th )03:448530302455.5610.1400:10
gb rip-the-queen-:( (3268th )16:4662505258246.4314.8100:19
il Skirmish (2371st )02:02451212763.1620.3700:19
be esh{SFM} (6061st )00:18844266.6736.3600:10
Totals7 (1956)989100270813056.4019.8000:11
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
es iMzZ (697th )16:30418230232189254.8532.8700:05
ee Juss (3379th )16:462577678136236.118.5300:08
it Miki (1706th )16:13254142144164246.4524.3800:06
de Kulimuh (6876th )15:342025859154129.798.5300:07
hu Genesis (6447th )16:461445354161125.005.9900:06
nl gzm (1595th )16:46139909297248.1720.2200:11
it Bria (4139th )11:3862444654245.105.1500:14
cl Jhon_Wick (5723rd )06:1458131427132.274.0000:14
cz people_are_hell (13101st )04:3414343415.412.8200:22
us improvelence00:19111233.3311.1100:10
Totals2 (1549)710724101814035.6512.3600:10

Kills Match Up
at [WfH]VDR^ (5273rd ) 5101294 13  60425246532674 1
cl R4n4 (6533rd ) 73       45324140302427481
de CoD|AVII (3400th )          28171024238433 
il Player6 (2286th ) 2  2     14151010158732 
ca R@ptor (5759th ) 6   1    20112216981 7 
pl Dwayne_Hicks (4211th )          44364225  
gb rip-the-queen-:( (3268th ) 2     2  962711861  
il Skirmish (2371st )          11216  1  
be esh{SFM} (6061st )           12 1     
es iMzZ (697th ) 27265831577101 2 9 6     
ee Juss (3379th ) 9101511144522 22 4     
it Miki (1706th ) 1717291132452 6523 1 48 
de Kulimuh (6876th ) 8121471611     1      
hu Genesis (6447th ) 589310121 22 112 26 
nl gzm (1595th ) 11131112135161   4 62    
it Bria (4139th ) 1161067 6        2   
cl Jhon_Wick (5723rd )  142 2     3 2  1  
cz people_are_hell (13101st )  1         2 1   1 
us improvelence   1                

Weapons Summary
at [WfH]VDR^ (5273rd ) 339
it Bria (4139th ) 44 2
de CoD|AVII (3400th ) 2 118
pl Dwayne_Hicks (4211th ) 30
be esh{SFM} (6061st ) 4
hu Genesis (6447th ) 5 49
nl gzm (1595th ) 92
us improvelence 1
es iMzZ (697th ) 3 229
cl Jhon_Wick (5723rd ) 10
ee Juss (3379th ) 1 77
de Kulimuh (6876th ) 32
it Miki (1706th ) 2 142
cz people_are_hell (13101st ) 4
il Player6 (2286th ) 5 81
cl R4n4 (6533rd ) 1 258
ca R@ptor (5759th ) 100
gb rip-the-queen-:( (3268th ) 52
il Skirmish (2371st ) 12
at [WfH]VDR^ (5273rd ) 944
it Bria (4139th ) 272
de CoD|AVII (3400th ) 449
pl Dwayne_Hicks (4211th ) 148
be esh{SFM} (6061st ) 11
hu Genesis (6447th ) 618
nl gzm (1595th ) 455
us improvelence 9
es iMzZ (697th ) 651
cl Jhon_Wick (5723rd ) 50
ee Juss (3379th ) 539
de Kulimuh (6876th ) 348
it Miki (1706th ) 525
cz people_are_hell (13101st )
il Player6 (2286th ) 876
cl R4n4 (6533rd ) 770
ca R@ptor (5759th ) 771
gb rip-the-queen-:( (3268th ) 297
il Skirmish (2371st ) 54
at [WfH]VDR^ (5273rd ) 335
it Bria (4139th ) 14
de CoD|AVII (3400th ) 51
pl Dwayne_Hicks (4211th ) 15
be esh{SFM} (6061st ) 4
hu Genesis (6447th ) 37
nl gzm (1595th ) 92
us improvelence 1
es iMzZ (697th ) 214
cl Jhon_Wick (5723rd ) 2
ee Juss (3379th ) 46
de Kulimuh (6876th ) 32
it Miki (1706th ) 128
cz people_are_hell (13101st )
il Player6 (2286th ) 46
cl R4n4 (6533rd ) 244
ca R@ptor (5759th ) 98
gb rip-the-queen-:( (3268th ) 44
il Skirmish (2371st ) 11
at [WfH]VDR^ (5273rd ) 508500
it Bria (4139th ) 16325
de CoD|AVII (3400th ) 68122
pl Dwayne_Hicks (4211th ) 20677
be esh{SFM} (6061st ) 6000
hu Genesis (6447th ) 49244
nl gzm (1595th ) 137953
us improvelence 1500
es iMzZ (697th ) 318384
cl Jhon_Wick (5723rd ) 1990
ee Juss (3379th ) 63927
de Kulimuh (6876th ) 48000
it Miki (1706th ) 189512
cz people_are_hell (13101st )
il Player6 (2286th ) 51889
cl R4n4 (6533rd ) 364631
ca R@ptor (5759th ) 146742
gb rip-the-queen-:( (3268th ) 64799
il Skirmish (2371st ) 18000
at [WfH]VDR^ (5273rd ) 35.49
it Bria (4139th ) 5.15
de CoD|AVII (3400th ) 11.36
pl Dwayne_Hicks (4211th ) 10.14
be esh{SFM} (6061st ) 36.36
hu Genesis (6447th ) 5.99
nl gzm (1595th ) 20.22
us improvelence 11.11
es iMzZ (697th ) 32.87
cl Jhon_Wick (5723rd ) 4.00
ee Juss (3379th ) 8.53
de Kulimuh (6876th ) 9.20
it Miki (1706th ) 24.38
cz people_are_hell (13101st )
il Player6 (2286th ) 5.25
cl R4n4 (6533rd ) 31.69
ca R@ptor (5759th ) 12.71
gb rip-the-queen-:( (3268th ) 14.81
il Skirmish (2371st ) 20.37

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
it Bria (4139th ) 3 1 4 1 4
de CoD|AVII (3400th ) 20 5 1 2 1 1
pl Dwayne_Hicks (4211th ) 4 1 1 3
be esh{SFM} (6061st ) 1
hu Genesis (6447th ) 4
nl gzm (1595th ) 7 4 2 1 2
us improvelence
es iMzZ (697th ) 20 17 5 8 8 1
cl Jhon_Wick (5723rd ) 3 1
ee Juss (3379th ) 8 1 2 3 2 1
de Kulimuh (6876th ) 3 1
it Miki (1706th ) 13 9 5 2
cz people_are_hell (13101st )
il Player6 (2286th ) 11 4 1 1
cl R4n4 (6533rd ) Yes 29 14 11 10 18 2 1
ca R@ptor (5759th ) 15 1 3
gb rip-the-queen-:( (3268th ) 5 1 1 1
il Skirmish (2371st ) 2 1
at [WfH]VDR^ (5273rd ) 21 13 12 19 19 2 3 1 1

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format