Match Stats
4 7
Match Date Tue, Sep 13 2022 at 12:26 am Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, SmartCTF 4E, Hit Sounds, cgzpp21a ComboGib Map Name CTF-Leviathan
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: CrazyEyesCortez

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
us BOOMER (3874th ) 569 7 7 12 12 2 27 18
ru Shockra (21st ) 448 8 2 10 2 18 13 9
ca ! (681st ) 321 19 3 21 2 5 1 12 9
pl Putin=Hitler (2364th ) 266 3 1 4 1 4 17 11
us Smooth (4421st ) 221 28 4 31 5 1 8 8
us sfexkt (3073rd ) 186 2 2 5 9 4
br Dark (5462nd ) 105 1 1 8 2 3
ca R@ptor (5690th ) 102 4 1 5 1 3 3 3
Totals 4 2218 72 18 86 6 60 0 4 91 65
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
us TurkeY (527th ) 439 11 6 17 10 20 20
ee Juss (3325th ) 436 1 1 3 19 19
nl CrazyClown (2590th ) 372 22 6 26 5 2 17 8
br Benis_is_my_Penis (4841st ) 289 8 8 5
us 24/7/365 (2443rd ) 242 14 10 23 5 1 8 5
us porch_pirate (6153rd ) 196 9 8 5 1 6 4
cl Aces.BearBeard (3268th ) 182 14 4 15 5 3 3 5
it Simon (6548th ) 155 2 2 11 6 3
us Turtleman5 2 1 1
Totals 7 2313 73 27 93 0 52 0 7 87 69

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
us BOOMER (3874th )16:175691861867970.1931.0800:13
ru Shockra (21st )16:1744823623672176.4545.0200:14
ca ! (681st )16:1732199998852.9415.3300:12
pl Putin=Hitler (2364th )11:4326675758247.775.9700:09
us Smooth (4421st )16:1722158589537.916.6000:11
us sfexkt (3073rd )13:5718664644558.7210.6700:20
br Dark (5462nd )12:2610564644658.182.6900:17
ca R@ptor (5690th )16:1710256568739.168.9400:12
Totals4 (2218)8388385940155.1715.7900:14
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
us TurkeY (527th )16:1743911811810253.6410.4900:10
ee Juss (3325th )16:28436767613735.2710.3000:07
nl CrazyClown (2590th )16:173729090125141.9410.6700:08
br Benis_is_my_Penis (4841st )14:5728970707250.256.4900:13
us 24/7/365 (2443rd )16:17242949412942.1511.9500:08
us porch_pirate (6153rd )16:17196616111834.0812.5300:09
cl Aces.BearBeard (3268th )11:4418251518836.6914.1400:08
it Simon (6548th )13:18155575875143.285.5900:11
us Turtleman502:15211212.381.1100:09
Totals7 (2313)6186198671137.749.2500:09

Kills Match Up
us BOOMER (3874th )         2636281226231898
ru Shockra (21st )     1   16373919413118297
ca ! (681st )         1720149169941
pl Putin=Hitler (2364th )         124132919124 
us Smooth (4421st )         612788953 
us sfexkt (3073rd )         10513776943
br Dark (5462nd )         61253713108 
ca R@ptor (5690th )         7768125551
us TurkeY (527th ) 151416172281212       2 
ee Juss (3325th ) 9921120358         
nl CrazyClown (2590th ) 1161120137814     1 1 
br Benis_is_my_Penis (4841st ) 12129516248       2 
us 24/7/365 (2443rd ) 121616121011413         
us porch_pirate (6153rd ) 1076865413       2 
cl Aces.BearBeard (3268th ) 1023153556       2 
it Simon (6548th )  6644341324 432211
us Turtleman5      1           

Weapons Summary
ca ! (681st ) 2 97 424 65 15.33 94849
us 24/7/365 (2443rd ) 1 93 452 54 11.95 78260
cl Aces.BearBeard (3268th ) 3 48 304 43 14.14 59543
br Benis_is_my_Penis (4841st ) 33 177 11 6.21 12647
us BOOMER (3874th ) 4 182 563 175 31.08 262520
nl CrazyClown (2590th ) 5 87 506 54 10.67 64195
br Dark (5462nd ) 1 63 484 13 2.69 12477
ee Juss (3325th ) 3 45 304 31 10.20 42256
us porch_pirate (6153rd ) 61 391 49 12.53 67182
pl Putin=Hitler (2364th ) 6 69 603 36 5.97 37673
ca R@ptor (5690th ) 56 559 50 8.94 71995
us sfexkt (3073rd ) 1 63 450 48 10.67 68741
ru Shockra (21st ) 1 237 522 235 45.02 355500
it Simon (6548th ) 1 57 429 24 5.59 31429
us Smooth (4421st ) 2 56 742 49 6.60 60341
us TurkeY (527th ) 2 116 658 69 10.49 93192
us Turtleman5 1 45 1 2.22 1500

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
ca ! (681st ) 11 6 3 2
us 24/7/365 (2443rd ) 15 2 2
cl Aces.BearBeard (3268th ) 7
br Benis_is_my_Penis (4841st ) 7 2 3
us BOOMER (3874th ) 21 9 5 4 7 1 2
nl CrazyClown (2590th ) 13 2 1 2
br Dark (5462nd ) 7 5 2 1 1 1
ee Juss (3325th ) 12 1
us porch_pirate (6153rd ) 6 1 1
pl Putin=Hitler (2364th ) 13 3
ca R@ptor (5690th ) 3
us sfexkt (3073rd ) 6 2 2 2
ru Shockra (21st ) 30 11 9 6 13 4 1
it Simon (6548th ) 4 1 2
us Smooth (4421st ) 6 1 1
us TurkeY (527th ) Yes 17 4 1 2
us Turtleman5

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format