Match Stats
0 2
Match Date Thu, Sep 15 2022 at 7:49 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E-ESU1, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp21a ComboGib Map Name (UTW)OPEL
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: Corsair, loko//novice., hawthorn_ocell, me

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
se effibrie (217th ) 317 7 1 8 1 2
pt bife (594th ) 213 2 2
de [OG]Babe (3340th ) 161 4 7
fr oOo (1385th ) 159 1 2
ar A2 (4020th ) 139 2 2 1 4 2
be esh (1506th ) 99 3 2
fr Sire (9724th ) 79 1
pl MJ (6929th ) 60 2 2 5
us BOOMER (3874th ) 48 2 2
us Free---}o (2927th ) 47 3 3
il Dddd (5774th ) 34 4 1 1
mx sus (3738th ) 5 1 1 3
Totals 0 1361 17 1 18 0 12 0 0 18 18
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
bg Slava (230th ) 355 2 2 2 1 1
fr YRGM (434th ) 269 10 2 11 2 1 3 2
gb -Pirate- (5956th ) 179 2 2 5 4
sk PARKER (6368th ) 127 1 5
gb Magus_Maximus (7138th ) 115 3 2 1 1 1 1
cl Jhon_Wick (5658th ) 111 1 1 2 6
il Player16 (3145th ) 106 2 2 2 1
us jerc (3689th ) 103 1 1 1 1
us LoSahn (7276th ) 94 1 1 2 3 4
ae Don't Shoot (2794th ) 11
fr aaa (840th )
Totals 2 1470 20 4 22 2 9 2 2 21 17

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
se effibrie (217th )20:0031727927913567.3923.6300:09
pt bife (594th )17:5921319119111861.8127.2100:10
de [OG]Babe (3340th )20:0016112212210553.7413.0200:12
fr oOo (1385th )20:001591381389958.2310.3100:13
ar A2 (4020th )20:00139979714140.767.5200:09
be esh (1506th )09:5199656657153.2317.9600:11
fr Sire (9724th )17:427968689940.727.2600:11
pl MJ (6929th )20:0060555516624.896.6300:07
us BOOMER (3874th )04:554845453357.6931.0300:09
us Free---}o (2927th )08:294743436045.7922.5000:14
il Dddd (5774th )03:583416162341.035.0500:10
mx sus (3738th )02:305331023.082.2200:14
Totals0 (1361)1122112310461047.3614.5300:11
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
bg Slava (230th )20:0035530130114267.9530.4300:09
fr YRGM (434th )20:0026919919914358.1921.3600:09
gb -Pirate- (5956th )20:0017912012015543.6418.7800:08
sk PARKER (6368th )20:00127767780148.734.5600:16
gb Magus_Maximus (7138th )20:00115767614334.7017.8400:09
cl Jhon_Wick (5658th )20:0011178785956.933.8600:22
il Player16 (3145th )19:13106808012139.805.7900:10
us jerc (3689th )20:00103939315237.9614.4500:08
us LoSahn (7276th )20:0094626215328.845.9400:08
ae Don't Shoot (2794th )02:481110102429.417.0200:07
fr aaa (840th )00:140100:16
Totals2 (1470)1095109611731040.5611.8200:11

Kills Match Up
Don't Sho
se effibrie (217th )      7      4827357261829463141
pt bife (594th )      4   1  192136624151522235 
de [OG]Babe (3340th )      4      18211021411818142 
fr oOo (1385th )      4      11102521571219267 
ar A2 (4020th )      4      141352135912182 
be esh (1506th ) 254241110 2  5832624 6  
fr Sire (9724th )      1      7910214211471 
pl MJ (6929th )      2      65111131466  
us BOOMER (3874th )             488 72286  
us Free---}o (2927th )             2361365692 
il Dddd (5774th )             14  2 423  
mx sus (3738th )              1    2    
bg Slava (230th ) 483027264672333811104   28       
fr YRGM (434th ) 23153283022029101143   12       
gb -Pirate- (5956th ) 171752111212183821   3       
sk PARKER (6368th ) 231226162   713616 6941 
gb Magus_Maximus (7138th ) 4117810 1015171    2       
cl Jhon_Wick (5658th ) 1082121274115321   1       
il Player16 (3145th ) 76114113916182    2       
us jerc (3689th ) 151661171815251    6       
us LoSahn (7276th ) 741046310111311   1       
ae Don't Shoot (2794th )  3 12 12 1             
fr aaa (840th )                        

Weapons Summary
gb -Pirate- (5956th ) 1 119
de [OG]Babe (3340th ) 122
ar A2 (4020th ) 1 96
pt bife (594th ) 191
us BOOMER (3874th ) 45
il Dddd (5774th ) 1 15
ae Don't Shoot (2794th ) 10
se effibrie (217th ) 4 274 1
be esh (1506th ) 1 65
us Free---}o (2927th ) 1 41
us jerc (3689th ) 5 88
cl Jhon_Wick (5658th ) 5 73
us LoSahn (7276th ) 7 55
gb Magus_Maximus (7138th ) 1 75
pl MJ (6929th ) 1 54
fr oOo (1385th ) 1 137
sk PARKER (6368th ) 4 73
il Player16 (3145th ) 6 74
fr Sire (9724th ) 2 66
bg Slava (230th ) 2 299
mx sus (3738th ) 3
fr YRGM (434th ) 1 198
gb -Pirate- (5956th ) 607
de [OG]Babe (3340th ) 937
ar A2 (4020th ) 1050
pt bife (594th ) 702
us BOOMER (3874th ) 145
il Dddd (5774th ) 99
ae Don't Shoot (2794th ) 114
se effibrie (217th ) 1092
be esh (1506th ) 334
us Free---}o (2927th ) 343
us jerc (3689th ) 602
cl Jhon_Wick (5658th ) 1061
us LoSahn (7276th ) 977
gb Magus_Maximus (7138th ) 426
pl MJ (6929th ) 814
fr oOo (1385th ) 1222
sk PARKER (6368th ) 1031
il Player16 (3145th ) 1036
fr Sire (9724th ) 881
bg Slava (230th ) 828
mx sus (3738th ) 135
fr YRGM (434th ) 885
gb -Pirate- (5956th ) 114
de [OG]Babe (3340th ) 122
ar A2 (4020th ) 79
pt bife (594th ) 191
us BOOMER (3874th ) 45
il Dddd (5774th ) 5
ae Don't Shoot (2794th ) 8
se effibrie (217th ) 258
be esh (1506th ) 60
us Free---}o (2927th ) 40
us jerc (3689th ) 87
cl Jhon_Wick (5658th ) 41
us LoSahn (7276th ) 58
gb Magus_Maximus (7138th ) 76
pl MJ (6929th ) 54
fr oOo (1385th ) 126
sk PARKER (6368th ) 47
il Player16 (3145th ) 60
fr Sire (9724th ) 64
bg Slava (230th ) 252
mx sus (3738th ) 3
fr YRGM (434th ) 189
gb -Pirate- (5956th ) 169473
de [OG]Babe (3340th ) 180159
ar A2 (4020th ) 116191
pt bife (594th ) 286500
us BOOMER (3874th ) 67203
il Dddd (5774th ) 6820
ae Don't Shoot (2794th ) 10313
se effibrie (217th ) 381198
be esh (1506th ) 88547
us Free---}o (2927th ) 57482
us jerc (3689th ) 124124
cl Jhon_Wick (5658th ) 54770
us LoSahn (7276th ) 70269
gb Magus_Maximus (7138th ) 113748
pl MJ (6929th ) 77763
fr oOo (1385th ) 180836
sk PARKER (6368th ) 59232
il Player16 (3145th ) 75841
fr Sire (9724th ) 83007
bg Slava (230th ) 378288
mx sus (3738th ) 4467
fr YRGM (434th ) 280647
gb -Pirate- (5956th ) 18.78
de [OG]Babe (3340th ) 13.02
ar A2 (4020th ) 7.52
pt bife (594th ) 27.21
us BOOMER (3874th ) 31.03
il Dddd (5774th ) 5.05
ae Don't Shoot (2794th ) 7.02
se effibrie (217th ) 23.63
be esh (1506th ) 17.96
us Free---}o (2927th ) 11.66
us jerc (3689th ) 14.45
cl Jhon_Wick (5658th ) 3.86
us LoSahn (7276th ) 5.94
gb Magus_Maximus (7138th ) 17.84
pl MJ (6929th ) 6.63
fr oOo (1385th ) 10.31
sk PARKER (6368th ) 4.56
il Player16 (3145th ) 5.79
fr Sire (9724th ) 7.26
bg Slava (230th ) 30.43
mx sus (3738th ) 2.22
fr YRGM (434th ) 21.36

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
gb -Pirate- (5956th ) 15 2 3 5
ar A2 (4020th ) 13 3 1 1
fr aaa (840th )
pt bife (594th ) 25 7 9 5 11 1
us BOOMER (3874th ) 1 4 3 2 3
il Dddd (5774th ) 2 1
ae Don't Shoot (2794th ) 1
se effibrie (217th ) 32 22 10 7 16 3
be esh (1506th ) 11 3 2 2
us Free---}o (2927th ) 2 2 1
us jerc (3689th ) 12 4 1 1
cl Jhon_Wick (5658th ) 4 3 3
us LoSahn (7276th ) 5 1
gb Magus_Maximus (7138th ) 12 3 1
pl MJ (6929th ) 4
fr oOo (1385th ) 16 6 3 1 5 1
sk PARKER (6368th ) 7 4 2
il Player16 (3145th ) 9 1 3
fr Sire (9724th ) 10 2
bg Slava (230th ) 38 13 11 15 18 4 1
mx sus (3738th )
fr YRGM (434th ) Yes 22 14 4 3 9 1
de [OG]Babe (3340th ) 18 3 5

Match Report
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