Match Stats
6 5
Match Date Sat, Apr 9 2022 at 10:13 am Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, SmartCTF 4E, Hit Sounds, cgzpp21a ComboGib Map Name Ranel-Jolt Edition
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Welcome to the ComboGib CTF server hosted in London.
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
You do not get to choose your team here.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 30
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: ForatNegreSupermassi, Asd^, PutinWantsYourBody!

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pl highlander (91st ) 415 10 1 11 2 4 1 9 6
gb [D]amage (1320th ) 281 9 1 8 2 1 2 5 1
nl period (762nd ) 248 12 4 13 5 3 2
gb cra-z (1219th ) 224 6 1 5 2 2 2 9 9
us eZ_2 (1402nd ) 176 3 2 4 3
de !N$T/\CL0\\'N (7238th ) 149 5 5 3 1 3 2
ru yourself (2557th ) 121 4 1 5 3 4 4
ca Rapt (7738th ) 48 1 1 2 4
es ErChuLo_O (6191st ) 45 2 2
il guess (6601st ) 25 2 2 1 1
fr Harpo (4638th ) 23 2
Totals 6 1755 49 8 50 2 22 7 7 43 32
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
se (oO) (471st ) 365 17 3 19 1 3 4 1 15 12
se faye_wong (533rd ) 351 2 1 2 6 5 1 6 6
at TotallyNotCheating (271st ) 157 7 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1
be esuoh (1652nd ) 130 3 2 1 4 5
th Lou_Sasolle (6967th ) 126 2 2 1 9 6
gb neokaio (3604th ) 115 2 2 4 5 2
sk LilyRader (7320th ) 91 1 2 1
hu BOOMER (3870th ) 88 1 4 6
us Pappy (12082nd ) 15 1 1 2
nl Pacman (8770th ) 5 1 1 1
Totals 5 1443 33 10 39 2 11 13 4 46 39

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pl highlander (91st )31:3041525925910571.1534.6300:19
gb [D]amage (1320th )31:3028116616610162.1717.5600:20
nl period (762nd )31:3024815715711857.0921.3500:17
gb cra-z (1219th )31:302246263103137.725.9900:20
us eZ_2 (1402nd )31:3017611111111249.784.7600:18
de !N$T/\CL0\\'N (7238th )31:3014999999551.035.4800:21
ru yourself (2557th )23:5912168689441.989.5300:16
ca Rapt (7738th )08:0448992134.484.3400:25
es ErChuLo_O (6191st )07:294526262452.007.8700:19
il guess (6601st )04:432514141351.857.3900:23
fr Harpo (4638th )05:2823441422.220.6100:24
Totals6 (1755)9759768001048.3210.8600:20
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
se (oO) (471st )31:30365125126119151.2217.3800:17
se faye_wong (533rd )31:3035121721710766.9821.9000:19
at TotallyNotCheating (271st )21:1815710110111247.4213.8200:12
be esuoh (1652nd )21:4213075759943.1017.1700:14
th Lou_Sasolle (6967th )31:30126414387232.583.6000:23
gb neokaio (3604th )31:30115717112735.866.6400:16
sk LilyRader (7320th )31:3091666611037.503.4400:18
hu BOOMER (3870th )31:3088454510629.803.8200:19
us Pappy (12082nd )09:461514144225.005.1700:15
nl Pacman (8770th )05:31511263.701.0900:14
Totals5 (1443)7567599353037.329.4000:17

Kills Match Up
pl highlander (91st )    6       3827393423362121122
gb [D]amage (1320th )    10       17271851220282243
nl period (762nd )    3       1515201418161526114
gb cra-z (1219th ) 1411 1 2211467789513 
us eZ_2 (1402nd )    3       151351071623748
de !N$T/\CL0\\'N (7238th )    2       1291610121451432
ru yourself (2557th )            1097939975 
ca Rapt (7738th )            2  2 3 1 1
es ErChuLo_O (6191st )    2       3  52324 5
il guess (6601st )    1       11 32113 1
fr Harpo (4638th )    1       2     1   
se (oO) (471st ) 1317201711171792211         
se faye_wong (533rd ) 3129352434192721033          
at TotallyNotCheating (271st ) 1710119825192             
be esuoh (1652nd ) 13794151032543          
th Lou_Sasolle (6967th ) 8765264 122    2     
gb neokaio (3604th ) 86772110821 1          
sk LilyRader (7320th ) 71113513282113          
hu BOOMER (3870th ) 68131825 2            
us Pappy (12082nd ) 1223 33              
nl Pacman (8770th )   1                  

Weapons Summary
de !N$T/\CL0\\'N (7238th ) 3 96 968 53 5.48 66351
se (oO) (471st ) 3 123 541 94 17.38 134278
gb [D]amage (1320th ) 1 165 786 138 17.56 203252
hu BOOMER (3870th ) 2 43 916 35 3.82 49047
gb cra-z (1219th ) 2 61 701 42 5.99 62922
es ErChuLo_O (6191st ) 26 178 14 7.87 21000
be esuoh (1652nd ) 1 74 431 74 17.17 109874
us eZ_2 (1402nd ) 1 110 1072 51 4.76 66803
se faye_wong (533rd ) 3 214 831 182 21.90 266239
il guess (6601st ) 14 176 13 7.39 16710
fr Harpo (4638th ) 4 163 1 0.61 1326
pl highlander (91st ) 1 258 696 241 34.63 361851
sk LilyRader (7320th ) 1 65 959 33 3.44 44021
th Lou_Sasolle (6967th ) 1 42 667 24 3.60 29477
gb neokaio (3604th ) 2 69 663 44 6.64 61113
nl Pacman (8770th ) 1 92 1 1.09 1045
us Pappy (12082nd ) 14 271 14 5.17 21000
nl period (762nd ) 1 156 665 142 21.35 210003
ca Rapt (7738th ) 6 44 3 6.82 4072
at TotallyNotCheating (271st ) 5 96 615 85 13.82 123492
ru yourself (2557th ) 1 67 535 51 9.53 71880

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
de !N$T/\CL0\\'N (7238th ) 7 1 3
se (oO) (471st ) Yes 19 2 5
hu BOOMER (3870th ) 2
gb cra-z (1219th ) 6 1
es ErChuLo_O (6191st ) 4 1 2
be esuoh (1652nd ) 10 1 1
us eZ_2 (1402nd ) 11 1 2 1 3
se faye_wong (533rd ) 28 5 3 1 8 2
il guess (6601st ) 4
fr Harpo (4638th )
pl highlander (91st ) 31 12 5 2 19 1
sk LilyRader (7320th ) 4 1
th Lou_Sasolle (6967th ) 1 1 1
gb neokaio (3604th ) 7 1
nl Pacman (8770th )
us Pappy (12082nd )
nl period (762nd ) 23 3 2 1 12
ca Rapt (7738th )
at TotallyNotCheating (271st ) 15 2 1
ru yourself (2557th ) 7
gb [D]amage (1320th ) 22 5 1 1 13 1

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format