Match Stats
7 1
Match Date Fri, Oct 21 2022 at 9:18 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E-ESU1, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name W00tabulous !@Fixed [Fixed by: Nugglan]
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: MEony, Jakericeiscool1234, lokoo//7x.

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
it POP (1051st ) 509 4 1 4 23 4 1 19 6
pt Jack (1156th ) 464 5 14 17 24 1 2 14 8
pl Saintvinceous (2946th ) 452 8 1 9 12 4 14 4
mx cieloRojo (4546th ) 401 29 5 31 4 3 4 5
br yny (8337th ) 340 12 3 15 4 16 1 2 2
it Simon (6547th ) 314 1 1 1 6 3 1 13 16
nl Tosquiojo (4392nd ) 259 9 2 11 7 1 10 10
de Be[quiet] (5138th ) 188 23 23 9 2 2
tr Furnisher^^ (5747th ) 151 1 2 3 1 2 10 10
lb Refuses_To_Elaborate (10861st ) 68 12 11 3 1 2
br surrei_do_br@sil (8935th ) 25 1
Totals 7 3171 104 29 125 5 106 14 8 89 65
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
be oNhcet (1107th ) 427 8 2 10 13 19 5
pa Panazal! (1906th ) 403 2 2 4 6 22 1
us Immø®t@l~§øul (4403rd ) 251 1 1 2 4 14 23
us uranus (3628th ) 223 10 2 12 5 8 3
br Benis_is_my_Penis (4840th ) 167 1 1 2 4
de KrustyDerClown (6308th ) 140 2 3 5 6 8 9
us LoSahn (7272nd ) 134 5 4 9 2 7 13
de bustacell (1860th ) 98 9 1 10 1 4
pl -fe.dickfish- (462nd ) 72 2 1 3 4 1
it Un_Pene_senza_Freni (3314th ) 69 3 1
Totals 1 1984 39 17 56 0 45 0 0 84 59

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
it POP (1051st )19:49509261262148163.7535.5800:08
pt Jack (1156th )19:49464240240148161.799.7500:08
pl Saintvinceous (2946th )19:4945226426413166.8425.0500:09
mx cieloRojo (4546th )18:56401878886150.194.8700:14
br yny (8337th )17:5634017317310662.0120.8700:11
it Simon (6547th )19:49314130132128250.386.4200:10
nl Tosquiojo (4392nd )19:49259113114171139.8610.3300:07
de Be[quiet] (5138th )19:49188118122101453.745.6900:12
tr Furnisher^^ (5747th )12:341514041136123.035.3700:06
lb Refuses_To_Elaborate (10861st )08:5968252642112.944.0400:13
br surrei_do_br@sil (8935th )07:2425161843228.575.5600:11
nl RON_MASTER01:3901600:05
Totals7 (3171)14671480125613142.7611.1300:10
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
be oNhcet (1107th )19:4942723223218755.3722.8000:06
pa Panazal! (1906th )19:49403216218179254.6419.2600:07
us Immø®t@l~§øul (4403rd )19:4925192941942132.537.6200:06
us uranus (3628th )19:49223126127153145.2012.2100:08
br Benis_is_my_Penis (4840th )04:4016719193731.887.0200:08
de KrustyDerClown (6308th )19:491407778185129.556.2400:07
us LoSahn (7272nd )15:1713461621361131.347.0600:07
de bustacell (1860th )05:599839394148.7513.0400:09
pl -fe.dickfish- (462nd )04:367253534454.6428.8900:06
it Un_Pene_senza_Freni (3314th )06:306963635951.6413.5700:07
Totals1 (1984)97898512157243.5513.7700:07

Kills Match Up
it POP (1051st ) 1  5  18138  31333035437298911
pt Jack (1156th )    7  20 23 12429511763824677
pl Saintvinceous (2946th )    7  9 77  46263831933255912
mx cieloRojo (4546th ) 12314 8483  9665 137522
br yny (8337th )    2  10 53  1735292471613426
it Simon (6547th )      28 25  1816171331617557
nl Tosquiojo (4392nd ) 69653713  4299981910446
de Be[quiet] (5138th )    1  6427  261711155155156
tr Furnisher^^ (5747th )  112    141 74 2265312
lb Refuses_To_Elaborate (10861st ) 333134 6 13           
br surrei_do_br@sil (8935th )       5 112  333 11   
nl RON_MASTER                       
be oNhcet (1107th ) 372737162528151617194          
pa Panazal! (1906th ) 37362413202517827 65 2        
us Immø®t@l~§øul (4403rd ) 62286139998 41  2  1    
us uranus (3628th ) 1414153111992013 9    1      
br Benis_is_my_Penis (4840th ) 323222221             
de KrustyDerClown (6308th ) 9911788787 31     1    
us LoSahn (7272nd ) 10756753104 42 1    1   
de bustacell (1860th ) 337132749             
pl -fe.dickfish- (462nd ) 1495 43837             
it Un_Pene_senza_Freni (3314th ) 543231610713             

Weapons Summary
pl -fe.dickfish- (462nd ) 53
de Be[quiet] (5138th ) 2 120
br Benis_is_my_Penis (4840th ) 1 7
de bustacell (1860th ) 39
mx cieloRojo (4546th ) 4 63
tr Furnisher^^ (5747th ) 2 39
us Immø®t@l~§øul (4403rd ) 6 89 1
pt Jack (1156th ) 8 234
de KrustyDerClown (6308th ) 1 77
us LoSahn (7272nd ) 6 58
be oNhcet (1107th ) 7 225
pa Panazal! (1906th ) 4 214
it POP (1051st ) 262
lb Refuses_To_Elaborate (10861st ) 26
pl Saintvinceous (2946th ) 1 263
it Simon (6547th ) 9 123
br surrei_do_br@sil (8935th ) 1 17
nl Tosquiojo (4392nd ) 5 109
it Un_Pene_senza_Freni (3314th ) 3 60
us uranus (3628th ) 5 122
br yny (8337th ) 173
pl -fe.dickfish- (462nd ) 180
de Be[quiet] (5138th ) 1020
br Benis_is_my_Penis (4840th ) 53
de bustacell (1860th ) 115
mx cieloRojo (4546th ) 242
tr Furnisher^^ (5747th ) 484
us Immø®t@l~§øul (4403rd ) 984
pt Jack (1156th ) 1128
de KrustyDerClown (6308th ) 1106
us LoSahn (7272nd ) 807
be oNhcet (1107th ) 943
pa Panazal! (1906th ) 680
it POP (1051st ) 728
lb Refuses_To_Elaborate (10861st ) 132
pl Saintvinceous (2946th ) 934
it Simon (6547th ) 935
br surrei_do_br@sil (8935th ) 270
nl Tosquiojo (4392nd ) 697
it Un_Pene_senza_Freni (3314th ) 280
us uranus (3628th ) 598
br yny (8337th ) 642
pl -fe.dickfish- (462nd ) 52
de Be[quiet] (5138th ) 58
br Benis_is_my_Penis (4840th ) 3
de bustacell (1860th ) 15
mx cieloRojo (4546th ) 9
tr Furnisher^^ (5747th ) 26
us Immø®t@l~§øul (4403rd ) 75
pt Jack (1156th ) 110
de KrustyDerClown (6308th ) 69
us LoSahn (7272nd ) 57
be oNhcet (1107th ) 215
pa Panazal! (1906th ) 131
it POP (1051st ) 259
lb Refuses_To_Elaborate (10861st ) 16
pl Saintvinceous (2946th ) 234
it Simon (6547th ) 60
br surrei_do_br@sil (8935th ) 15
nl Tosquiojo (4392nd ) 72
it Un_Pene_senza_Freni (3314th ) 38
us uranus (3628th ) 73
br yny (8337th ) 134
pl -fe.dickfish- (462nd ) 78000
de Be[quiet] (5138th ) 80131
br Benis_is_my_Penis (4840th ) 3949
de bustacell (1860th ) 21718
mx cieloRojo (4546th ) 10815
tr Furnisher^^ (5747th ) 33865
us Immø®t@l~§øul (4403rd ) 101847
pt Jack (1156th ) 144411
de KrustyDerClown (6308th ) 89386
us LoSahn (7272nd ) 71828
be oNhcet (1107th ) 318166
pa Panazal! (1906th ) 192115
it POP (1051st ) 391865
lb Refuses_To_Elaborate (10861st ) 22356
pl Saintvinceous (2946th ) 349515
it Simon (6547th ) 79599
br surrei_do_br@sil (8935th ) 20219
nl Tosquiojo (4392nd ) 92281
it Un_Pene_senza_Freni (3314th ) 53342
us uranus (3628th ) 98673
br yny (8337th ) 196815
pl -fe.dickfish- (462nd ) 28.89
de Be[quiet] (5138th ) 5.69
br Benis_is_my_Penis (4840th ) 5.66
de bustacell (1860th ) 13.04
mx cieloRojo (4546th ) 3.72
tr Furnisher^^ (5747th ) 5.37
us Immø®t@l~§øul (4403rd ) 7.62
pt Jack (1156th ) 9.75
de KrustyDerClown (6308th ) 6.24
us LoSahn (7272nd ) 7.06
be oNhcet (1107th ) 22.80
pa Panazal! (1906th ) 19.26
it POP (1051st ) 35.58
lb Refuses_To_Elaborate (10861st ) 12.12
pl Saintvinceous (2946th ) 25.05
it Simon (6547th ) 6.42
br surrei_do_br@sil (8935th ) 5.56
nl Tosquiojo (4392nd ) 10.33
it Un_Pene_senza_Freni (3314th ) 13.57
us uranus (3628th ) 12.21
br yny (8337th ) 20.87

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
pl -fe.dickfish- (462nd ) 2 6 2 1
br Benis_is_my_Penis (4840th ) 1
de Be[quiet] (5138th ) 20 7 1 2 6
de bustacell (1860th ) 6 2 1 1
mx cieloRojo (4546th ) 10 2 1 1 2
tr Furnisher^^ (5747th ) 6 1
us Immø®t@l~§øul (4403rd ) 11 2 1
pt Jack (1156th ) 21 12 7 10 11 3
de KrustyDerClown (6308th ) 6 3 1
us LoSahn (7272nd ) 7 2
be oNhcet (1107th ) Yes 37 18 4 2 11
pa Panazal! (1906th ) 26 14 4 5 11 2
it POP (1051st ) 37 16 4 5 12 2
lb Refuses_To_Elaborate (10861st ) 2 1 1
pl Saintvinceous (2946th ) 28 19 5 8 19 1
it Simon (6547th ) 14 2 2 3 6
br surrei_do_br@sil (8935th ) 1 1 1
nl Tosquiojo (4392nd ) 17 3 1 1 4
it Un_Pene_senza_Freni (3314th ) 8 2 3 2 1 1
us uranus (3628th ) 12 6 3 2 5
br yny (8337th ) 23 8 4 5 12

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
pl -fe.dickfish- (462nd ) 1 0
br Benis_is_my_Penis (4840th ) 10 0
de Be[quiet] (5138th ) 63 5
de bustacell (1860th ) 24 20
mx cieloRojo (4546th ) 37 1
tr Furnisher^^ (5747th ) 14 0
us Immø®t@l~§øul (4403rd ) 16 2
pt Jack (1156th ) 117 21
de KrustyDerClown (6308th ) 8 0
us LoSahn (7272nd ) 5 0
be oNhcet (1107th ) 16 6
pa Panazal! (1906th ) 82 2
it POP (1051st ) 0 0
lb Refuses_To_Elaborate (10861st ) 11 1
pl Saintvinceous (2946th ) 27 1
it Simon (6547th ) 70 5
br surrei_do_br@sil (8935th ) 3 0
nl Tosquiojo (4392nd ) 40 6
it Un_Pene_senza_Freni (3314th ) 25 0
us uranus (3628th ) 55 2
br yny (8337th ) 40 5

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format