Match Stats
3 6
Match Date Sun, Oct 23 2022 at 6:12 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E-ESU1, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name W00tabulous !@Fixed [Fixed by: Nugglan]
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: Sir.DoubleDutch, congo_ocell, Asd`

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
nl Trek (968th ) 574 6 1 7 13 1 8
no hOre (301st ) 535 8 1 9 28 9 3
pl -fe.dickfish- (463rd ) 474 5 5 10 13 1 17 7
us pissedoffpistol (1857th ) 457 3 1 4 1 34 2 7 3
pt Jack (1156th ) 444 3 6 9 1 31 13 14
gb DeBryne (1106th ) 442 12 9 21 13 1 18 3
ee Juss (3325th ) 259 20 7 25 1 5 1 2 5 3
nl -=]UM[=-FuriousAngel (8698th ) 223 1 4 4 1 5 1 12 21
th [Lou]Sasolle (6044th ) 111 8 3 1
ae Wildc@t (4403rd ) 107 6 2 7 6 1 1 2
ae Don't Don't Shoot (6801st ) 75 4 4
il Player18 (3450th ) 2 1
fr :f_b:Gaet'$~One (2763rd )
Totals 3 3703 64 37 96 4 160 6 4 97 57
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
gb Ooper (142nd ) 717 37 3 38 25 5 2 27 9
be oNhcet (1107th ) 416 3 4 6 29 1 13 6
pl MJ (6929th ) 280 4 7 11 1 2 15 20
tr Furnisher^^ (5750th ) 248 7 4 10 4 1 1 11 12
sk Uluru (8287th ) 174 1 1 13 1 3 3
in Heartbreakkid (4079th ) 162 7 1 7 2 1 5 2
cl SUZULU (1171st ) 147 4 1 5 7 3 1
gb cat_noir (9270th ) 140 2 1 3 7 1 2 2
ru VICTUS (8439th ) 104 14 3 17 1 1 3 1
br Benis_is_my_Penis (4842nd ) 57 4
Totals 6 2445 78 25 98 1 90 9 5 86 56

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
nl Trek (968th )14:0957418518667167.7515.5000:12
no hOre (301st )20:0853536236216269.0825.1700:08
pl -fe.dickfish- (463rd )20:084742492541715159.0330.3900:07
us pissedoffpistol (1857th )20:08457283284142166.519.5500:09
pt Jack (1156th )20:08444211214150358.319.9500:08
gb DeBryne (1106th )19:16442223225141261.1421.6400:09
ee Juss (3325th )20:082591041091525141.0412.2800:08
nl -=]UM[=-FuriousAngel (8698th )20:082238383198129.6814.2900:06
th [Lou]Sasolle (6044th )20:08111656747257.764.9200:28
ae Wildc@t (4403rd )09:12107696971149.3010.6800:08
ae Don't Don't Shoot (6801st )04:4975272840140.583.3900:07
il Player18 (3450th )00:22222433.335.2600:06
fr :f_b:Gaet'$~One (2763rd )00:220100:16
Totals3 (3703)18631883134620448.7312.5400:10
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
gb Ooper (142nd )20:087172822862124156.9427.7400:06
be oNhcet (1107th )20:08416208209214149.2919.4200:06
pl MJ (6929th )20:082809596244128.158.5800:05
tr Furnisher^^ (5750th )20:082488284211228.284.8500:06
sk Uluru (8287th )20:08174110112196236.137.3400:06
in Heartbreakkid (4079th )16:22162737897543.338.8100:11
cl SUZULU (1171st )09:23147909282252.2723.5500:07
gb cat_noir (9270th )19:58140959519732.537.9100:06
ru VICTUS (8439th )20:081044952194320.885.6900:06
br Benis_is_my_Penis (4842nd )03:075721212545.657.6200:08
Totals6 (2445)11051125167220139.3512.1500:07

Kills Match Up
Don't Don
nl Trek (968th ) 1   3 6      38142118221591822 
no hOre (301st )     181318      3544295542251042274
pl -fe.dickfish- (463rd )   5 18310      3835172628101828214
us pissedoffpistol (1857th )    110715      2034253537101642258
pt Jack (1156th ) 216168382152159 11414331211161118 
gb DeBryne (1106th )  6883268384  19172823191661528 
ee Juss (3325th )  8103 359163  31013478869 
nl -=]UM[=-FuriousAngel (8698th )     3 13      1512612364461
th [Lou]Sasolle (6044th )     1 4 2    98576241362
ae Wildc@t (4403rd )     1047 1    515 8111 63 
ae Don't Don't Shoot (6801st )     31    1  42 441 5 4
il Player18 (3450th )                 1  1   
fr :f_b:Gaet'$~One (2763rd )                        
gb Ooper (142nd ) 2429403223251252988  4 21     5 
be oNhcet (1107th ) 1023272616308226107   118     6 
pl MJ (6929th ) 2289125197     1071342 411
tr Furnisher^^ (5750th ) 612683352525     62    3 
sk Uluru (8287th ) 81715108641631122   3 2   7 
in Heartbreakkid (4079th ) 46109374121243    3  5  1 
cl SUZULU (1171st ) 31488111511155  2       2   
gb cat_noir (9270th ) 61811133759131    15     3 
ru VICTUS (8439th ) 286524362    22132  331
br Benis_is_my_Penis (4842nd )  363   2 13          3 

Weapons Summary
nl -=]UM[=-FuriousAngel (8698th ) 1 84
pl -fe.dickfish- (463rd ) 2 254
th [Lou]Sasolle (6044th ) 4 63
br Benis_is_my_Penis (4842nd ) 1 20
gb cat_noir (9270th ) 7 88
gb DeBryne (1106th ) 1 224
ae Don't Don't Shoot (6801st ) 3 25
tr Furnisher^^ (5750th ) 4 80
in Heartbreakkid (4079th ) 3 75
no hOre (301st ) 3 359
pt Jack (1156th ) 9 205
ee Juss (3325th ) 10 101
pl MJ (6929th ) 1 95
be oNhcet (1107th ) 3 206
gb Ooper (142nd ) 5 283
us pissedoffpistol (1857th ) 5 279
il Player18 (3450th ) 2
cl SUZULU (1171st ) 92
nl Trek (968th ) 3 17
sk Uluru (8287th ) 14 98
ru VICTUS (8439th ) 3 48 1
ae Wildc@t (4403rd ) 6 65
nl -=]UM[=-FuriousAngel (8698th ) 588
pl -fe.dickfish- (463rd ) 803
th [Lou]Sasolle (6044th ) 915
br Benis_is_my_Penis (4842nd ) 105
gb cat_noir (9270th ) 872
gb DeBryne (1106th ) 1012
ae Don't Don't Shoot (6801st ) 236
tr Furnisher^^ (5750th ) 639
in Heartbreakkid (4079th ) 556
no hOre (301st ) 1192
pt Jack (1156th ) 1065
ee Juss (3325th ) 619
pl MJ (6929th ) 1060
be oNhcet (1107th ) 973
gb Ooper (142nd ) 959
us pissedoffpistol (1857th ) 1141
il Player18 (3450th ) 19
cl SUZULU (1171st ) 361
nl Trek (968th ) 104
sk Uluru (8287th ) 995
ru VICTUS (8439th ) 527
ae Wildc@t (4403rd ) 412
nl -=]UM[=-FuriousAngel (8698th ) 84
pl -fe.dickfish- (463rd ) 244
th [Lou]Sasolle (6044th ) 45
br Benis_is_my_Penis (4842nd ) 8
gb cat_noir (9270th ) 69
gb DeBryne (1106th ) 219
ae Don't Don't Shoot (6801st ) 8
tr Furnisher^^ (5750th ) 31
in Heartbreakkid (4079th ) 49
no hOre (301st ) 300
pt Jack (1156th ) 106
ee Juss (3325th ) 76
pl MJ (6929th ) 91
be oNhcet (1107th ) 189
gb Ooper (142nd ) 266
us pissedoffpistol (1857th ) 109
il Player18 (3450th ) 1
cl SUZULU (1171st ) 85
nl Trek (968th ) 15
sk Uluru (8287th ) 73
ru VICTUS (8439th ) 30
ae Wildc@t (4403rd ) 44
nl -=]UM[=-FuriousAngel (8698th ) 124638
pl -fe.dickfish- (463rd ) 370136
th [Lou]Sasolle (6044th ) 37015
br Benis_is_my_Penis (4842nd ) 10036
gb cat_noir (9270th ) 76145
gb DeBryne (1106th ) 315427
ae Don't Don't Shoot (6801st ) 9999
tr Furnisher^^ (5750th ) 35032
in Heartbreakkid (4079th ) 64437
no hOre (301st ) 443096
pt Jack (1156th ) 136762
ee Juss (3325th ) 82938
pl MJ (6929th ) 125937
be oNhcet (1107th ) 275568
gb Ooper (142nd ) 387861
us pissedoffpistol (1857th ) 131230
il Player18 (3450th ) 1227
cl SUZULU (1171st ) 129376
nl Trek (968th ) 22230
sk Uluru (8287th ) 78581
ru VICTUS (8439th ) 32530
ae Wildc@t (4403rd ) 54413
nl -=]UM[=-FuriousAngel (8698th ) 14.29
pl -fe.dickfish- (463rd ) 30.39
th [Lou]Sasolle (6044th ) 4.92
br Benis_is_my_Penis (4842nd ) 7.62
gb cat_noir (9270th ) 7.91
gb DeBryne (1106th ) 21.64
ae Don't Don't Shoot (6801st ) 3.39
tr Furnisher^^ (5750th ) 4.85
in Heartbreakkid (4079th ) 8.81
no hOre (301st ) 25.17
pt Jack (1156th ) 9.95
ee Juss (3325th ) 12.28
pl MJ (6929th ) 8.58
be oNhcet (1107th ) 19.42
gb Ooper (142nd ) 27.74
us pissedoffpistol (1857th ) 9.55
il Player18 (3450th ) 5.26
cl SUZULU (1171st ) 23.55
nl Trek (968th ) 14.42
sk Uluru (8287th ) 7.34
ru VICTUS (8439th ) 5.69
ae Wildc@t (4403rd ) 10.68

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
nl -=]UM[=-FuriousAngel (8698th ) 8 1 1
pl -fe.dickfish- (463rd ) 34 15 8 6 10 2
fr :f_b:Gaet'$~One (2763rd )
br Benis_is_my_Penis (4842nd ) 4
gb cat_noir (9270th ) 11 2 1 3
gb DeBryne (1106th ) 28 7 9 7 9 2
ae Don't Don't Shoot (6801st ) 4 1 1
tr Furnisher^^ (5750th ) 12 4 3 1
in Heartbreakkid (4079th ) 11 1 1 4
no hOre (301st ) 36 23 11 14 20 3 1
pt Jack (1156th ) Yes 12 16 5 8 11 2 1
ee Juss (3325th ) 10 5 1 3 4
pl MJ (6929th ) 12 3 1 1
be oNhcet (1107th ) 27 11 6 3 7
gb Ooper (142nd ) 30 21 15 3 10
us pissedoffpistol (1857th ) 27 12 14 13 17 4
il Player18 (3450th )
cl SUZULU (1171st ) 11 4 4 1 4 1
nl Trek (968th ) 13 11 4 8 11 4
sk Uluru (8287th ) 13 4 1 1 5
ru VICTUS (8439th ) 4 1 1 1
ae Wildc@t (4403rd ) 10 2 1 2 3 1
th [Lou]Sasolle (6044th ) 9 1 1 1 3 1

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
nl -=]UM[=-FuriousAngel (8698th ) 0 0
pl -fe.dickfish- (463rd ) 5 3
fr :f_b:Gaet'$~One (2763rd ) 0 0
br Benis_is_my_Penis (4842nd ) 11 0
gb cat_noir (9270th ) 28 4
gb DeBryne (1106th ) 5 2
ae Don't Don't Shoot (6801st ) 20 3
tr Furnisher^^ (5750th ) 52 3
in Heartbreakkid (4079th ) 28 1
no hOre (301st ) 64 0
pt Jack (1156th ) 113 20
ee Juss (3325th ) 39 4
pl MJ (6929th ) 3 1
be oNhcet (1107th ) 14 4
gb Ooper (142nd ) 21 7
us pissedoffpistol (1857th ) 167 3
il Player18 (3450th ) 1 0
cl SUZULU (1171st ) 5 1
nl Trek (968th ) 50 4
sk Uluru (8287th ) 37 2
ru VICTUS (8439th ) 22 0
ae Wildc@t (4403rd ) 25 0
th [Lou]Sasolle (6044th ) 25 1

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format