Match Stats
2 5
Match Date Sat, Nov 12 2022 at 6:57 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E-ESU1, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name Liandri Docks
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: Terr, onhcet, Player10, DieBitchTriggerBot!

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
no hOre (301st ) 302 6 1 7 2 5 1
nl `period (750th ) 284 7 3
pl ohboi (10405th ) 281 1 3 2 7 2 3 3
gb OCTOMAN=CANCER (931st ) 228 2 2 5 2 2
th [Lou]Sasolle (6044th ) 142 2 1 1
it -PANE_E_PROSCIUTTO- (14578th ) 117 1 3
ae mad_max (4793rd ) 98 20 19 1 1 1 2
de de1337or (17817th ) 86 1 2 2 1 1 3 4
de Player18 (3450th ) 73 1
us pissedoffpistol (1857th ) 51 5 5 1 2 1
il clayk1ng (5107th ) 15 1 1 1
de Reza (14738th ) 4
Totals 2 1681 35 7 38 1 27 0 4 23 15
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pl -fe.dickfish- (463rd ) 332 1 1 1 3 4 4
be SonOfSam (1992nd ) 244 2 1 3 1 1 5 3
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6939th ) 201 1 1 2 1 11 8
it [.PsM.caliz.] (1621st ) 159 11 2 11 2 2 2 2
il noam (4181st ) 149 1 1 1 5 6
pl VonKeilern (8990th ) 86 1 1 2 2 2 2
ca Tycho (16050th ) 52 3 3
ro BabyFace (9742nd ) 50 1 1
ee Joke-Moddy (8719th ) 32 2
nl Tosquiojo (4390th ) 31 2 1 1 1
br Z (3525th ) 6
de kr4Zz (7127th ) 3
ru Deus_Irae (8757th )
Totals 5 1345 18 6 20 7 7 0 3 34 30

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
no hOre (301st )20:0030224124113464.2729.1200:09
nl `period (750th )20:0028422922992171.2124.9700:14
pl ohboi (10405th )20:0028119819997167.0021.1400:13
gb OCTOMAN=CANCER (931st )19:5022817617610263.3115.8300:12
th [Lou]Sasolle (6044th )20:001421181187860.209.8800:16
it -PANE_E_PROSCIUTTO- (14578th )20:00117868676153.059.6600:17
ae mad_max (4793rd )10:499841416239.816.0400:11
de de1337or (17817th )20:0086363612122.936.3500:10
de Player18 (3450th )18:187353537541.415.2100:16
us pissedoffpistol (1857th )03:1151141415148.396.2500:12
il clayk1ng (5107th )01:41151313861.9025.4900:11
de Reza (14738th )04:24444822.224.6500:38
Totals2 (1681)120912108681351.3113.7200:15
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pl -fe.dickfish- (463rd )20:0033227227213467.0031.4900:09
be SonOfSam (1992nd )20:0024417317312957.2811.5200:10
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6939th )20:002017878141135.757.1100:09
it [.PsM.caliz.] (1621st )07:1315939394347.5621.1500:10
il noam (4181st )20:001498282171132.557.0100:07
pl VonKeilern (8990th )20:0086474712826.864.5800:10
ca Tycho (16050th )10:555219196821.845.5200:10
ro BabyFace (9742nd )18:0450393913822.034.4500:08
ee Joke-Moddy (8719th )14:3732282813317.396.1600:07
nl Tosquiojo (4390th )07:533117174228.818.9900:12
br Z (3525th )02:086661825.0013.1600:06
de kr4Zz (7127th )01:02333633.336.0600:11
ru Deus_Irae (8757th )01:260400:23
Totals5 (1345)80380311550231.959.7800:10

Kills Match Up
no hOre (301st )   10         2429241031261826324412
nl `period (750th )   4 1       252137113321102726123  
pl ohboi (10405th ) 231237 102211242421222191118204  1
gb OCTOMAN=CANCER (931st )   3         1427218212410141610521
th [Lou]Sasolle (6044th )   3         12611222992017511 
it -PANE_E_PROSCIUTTO- (14578th )   1        11278517621211321 
ae mad_max (4793rd )             915 365642   
de de1337or (17817th )             133194 672   
de Player18 (3450th )   3         765 11939     
us pissedoffpistol (1857th )   1  1      125211    2  
il clayk1ng (5107th )   2         42121      1 
de Reza (14738th )             1    3       
pl -fe.dickfish- (463rd ) 434325401418214317422             
be SonOfSam (1992nd ) 251617232313102318311             
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6939th ) 1255978151052 1 1           
it [.PsM.caliz.] (1621st ) 45 683 35311             
il noam (4181st ) 1836101097119             1  
pl VonKeilern (8990th ) 753535379                
ca Tycho (16050th ) 421114213                
ro BabyFace (9742nd ) 946155162                
ee Joke-Moddy (8719th ) 726 22234                
nl Tosquiojo (4390th ) 231311141                
br Z (3525th )  1 2      21             
de kr4Zz (7127th ) 1        11              
ru Deus_Irae (8757th )                          

Weapons Summary
pl -fe.dickfish- (463rd ) 272 848 267 31.49 400314
it -PANE_E_PROSCIUTTO- (14578th ) 1 87 859 83 9.66 122377
it [.PsM.caliz.] (1621st ) 1 38 104 22 21.15 33222
th [Lou]Sasolle (6044th ) 9 109 962 95 9.88 107467
nl `period (750th ) 2 229 813 203 24.97 299998
ro BabyFace (9742nd ) 5 34 854 38 4.45 46703
il clayk1ng (5107th ) 1 12 51 13 25.49 18952
de de1337or (17817th ) 36 551 35 6.35 51223
ru Deus_Irae (8757th ) 11
no hOre (301st ) 2 239 759 221 29.12 329076
ee Joke-Moddy (8719th ) 1 27 276 17 6.16 23708
de kr4Zz (7127th ) 3 33 2 6.06 2884
ae mad_max (4793rd ) 3 38 679 41 6.04 53150
il noam (4181st ) 6 78 713 50 7.01 67764
gb OCTOMAN=CANCER (931st ) 4 172 872 138 15.83 201944
pl ohboi (10405th ) 2 197 804 170 21.14 254552
us pissedoffpistol (1857th ) 1 15 80 5 6.25 6736
de Player18 (3450th ) 2 51 729 38 5.21 50403
de Reza (14738th ) 4 43 4 9.30 6000
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6939th ) 4 76 1069 76 7.11 105653
be SonOfSam (1992nd ) 2 171 1155 133 11.52 189895
nl Tosquiojo (4390th ) 2 15 178 16 8.99 19896
ca Tycho (16050th ) 19 344 19 5.52 27866
pl VonKeilern (8990th ) 47 590 27 4.58 35547
br Z (3525th ) 6 38 5 13.16 5307

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
pl -fe.dickfish- (463rd ) 23 19 10 11 16 3
it -PANE_E_PROSCIUTTO- (14578th ) 10 3 1 4
ro BabyFace (9742nd ) 1 1
il clayk1ng (5107th ) 1 1 1
de de1337or (17817th ) 3 1
ru Deus_Irae (8757th )
no hOre (301st ) 33 14 5 9 13
ee Joke-Moddy (8719th ) 1 1
de kr4Zz (7127th ) 1
ae mad_max (4793rd ) 6 3
il noam (4181st ) 6
gb OCTOMAN=CANCER (931st ) 27 10 3 3 10 1 1
pl ohboi (10405th ) Yes 27 14 2 3 11 3
us pissedoffpistol (1857th ) 2
de Player18 (3450th ) 6 1 1 1
de Reza (14738th ) 1
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6939th ) 8 1 1
be SonOfSam (1992nd ) 20 8 1 3 8
nl Tosquiojo (4390th ) 2
ca Tycho (16050th ) 2
pl VonKeilern (8990th ) 2 1
br Z (3525th ) 2
it [.PsM.caliz.] (1621st ) 8 2 2 1
th [Lou]Sasolle (6044th ) 17 5 1 5 1
nl `period (750th ) 38 8 5 5 16 2

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
pl -fe.dickfish- (463rd ) 5 1
it -PANE_E_PROSCIUTTO- (14578th ) 4 1
ro BabyFace (9742nd ) 0 0
il clayk1ng (5107th ) 0 0
de de1337or (17817th ) 1 0
ru Deus_Irae (8757th ) 0 0
no hOre (301st ) 17 0
ee Joke-Moddy (8719th ) 12 0
de kr4Zz (7127th ) 1 0
ae mad_max (4793rd ) 0 0
il noam (4181st ) 34 5
gb OCTOMAN=CANCER (931st ) 37 10
pl ohboi (10405th ) 28 11
us pissedoffpistol (1857th ) 8 0
de Player18 (3450th ) 14 10
de Reza (14738th ) 0 0
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6939th ) 3 1
be SonOfSam (1992nd ) 40 9
nl Tosquiojo (4390th ) 1 1
ca Tycho (16050th ) 0 0
pl VonKeilern (8990th ) 20 0
br Z (3525th ) 2 0
it [.PsM.caliz.] (1621st ) 15 7
th [Lou]Sasolle (6044th ) 21 5
nl `period (750th ) 26 5

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format