Match Stats
6 1
Match Date Wed, Nov 23 2022 at 8:34 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E-ESU1, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name Anda - Extra Large V3
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: sus, ocell, Nice^|fu, trade, pissedoffpistol

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pl " " ؞Ç1ë©!DQbÙsbt (1039th ) 741 16 14 30 3 15 5 35 18
fr oOo (1383rd ) 297 2 4 5 10 1 1 10 7
cn Biden (4359th ) 236 6 3 7 2 1 2 14 5
de ZOMBIE (8621st ) 180 12 10 19 6 4 3 3 6
nl oh___yeah! (5932nd ) 166 14 3 17 8 8
gb sagittarius (9689th ) 154 9 8 17 3 8 14
ru ChoomaZaya (11562nd ) 135 1 1 2 5 3 6 3
de (739th ) 116 4 1 5 2 3 1 3 4
is ZoLa (2148th ) 91 1 1 2 1 3 2
sv meep (294th ) 35 2 1
se Mackan (4621st ) 2 1 1
Totals 6 2153 65 45 104 8 45 16 6 91 67
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
us Snow_ (1915th ) 508 6 4 10 7 2 30 23
pl -fe.dickfish-*0.6* (272nd ) 486 5 4 9 17 2 19 10
se chubbseFLots (3085th ) 404 2 2 8 3 26 12
de Be[quiet] (5136th ) 326 8 2 10 6 19 6
fr sbt_fanclubleader (2060th ) 314 13 4 16 12 1 9 6
si haxxy (2042nd ) 169 6 1 7 6 5 2
ca UTNL (3402nd ) 142 9 3 12 7 3 5
nl brekt (10661st ) 73 1 1 2 5 1
nl Vital (7448th ) 59 20 2 22 1 2
fr FrenchKiss (9720th ) 49 6 2 8 1 1 4
il hahahahaah (3682nd ) 30 5 1 6 1
us jerc (3689th ) 15 1
de kaese (17565th ) 2
it it's_over
Totals 1 2577 81 24 104 0 70 7 1 115 70

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pl " " ؞Ç1ë©!DQbÙsbt (1039th )20:0074127327312468.7735.8100:10
fr oOo (1383rd )20:0029715215212654.6812.0400:10
cn Biden (4359th )20:00236727214633.033.8000:09
de ZOMBIE (8621st )20:00180575714028.935.2800:09
nl oh___yeah! (5932nd )17:45166505010033.337.5200:11
gb sagittarius (9689th )20:00154414115720.717.5900:08
ru ChoomaZaya (11562nd )10:4213543437536.4416.5200:09
de (739th )07:0411648484153.9311.0300:11
is ZoLa (2148th )03:549125252053.6425.6800:12
sv meep (294th )01:55352222739.2916.4200:14
se Mackan (4621st )00:47211150.0000:52
Totals6 (2153)7847849370042.9812.8800:14
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
us Snow_ (1915th )20:0050817617612558.4723.8700:10
pl -fe.dickfish-*0.6* (272nd )19:0148623523511966.3834.0200:10
se chubbseFLots (3085th )14:504041371378761.1624.1800:11
de Be[quiet] (5136th )20:0032611111110850.687.1600:12
fr sbt_fanclubleader (2060th )20:0031415715712555.6722.2400:10
si haxxy (2042nd )12:27169707172149.3111.3500:11
ca UTNL (3402nd )13:47142808174151.928.2000:12
nl brekt (10661st )05:0273525331162.3521.3600:10
nl Vital (7448th )20:0059171710214.295.3900:12
fr FrenchKiss (9720th )08:334913134721.675.1800:11
il hahahahaah (3682nd )02:25301616964.007.5300:17
us jerc (3689th )00:461566650.0026.3200:08
de kaese (17565th )04:092221611.112.7400:17
it it's_over00:130100:14
Totals1 (2577)107210759223044.0714.2500:12

Kills Match Up
" " Øž
pl " " ؞Ç1ë©!DQbÙsbt (1039th )          4 514131323291023019426 
fr oOo (1383rd )            181417272161332010111 
cn Biden (4359th )          1 98591227 162 1  
de ZOMBIE (8621st )            710821222172 13 
nl oh___yeah! (5932nd )          1 2964825163 12 
gb sagittarius (9689th )            58439 2 711 1 
ru ChoomaZaya (11562nd )            61357391431   
de (739th )            783811411221   
is ZoLa (2148th )            33262   6   3 
sv meep (294th ) 436234                   
se Mackan (4621st )            1             
us Snow_ (1915th ) 1822182919291483 1     834      
pl -fe.dickfish-*0.6* (272nd ) 33322936203120116       674      
se chubbseFLots (3085th ) 1922141819166431      1221      
de Be[quiet] (5136th ) 1412192192223        621      
fr sbt_fanclubleader (2060th ) 1918301213262045       451      
si haxxy (2042nd ) 447421024   47666122     1
ca UTNL (3402nd ) 671299982   24 214151     
nl brekt (10661st ) 211 32 1   106244441351   
nl Vital (7448th ) 123611  3                
fr FrenchKiss (9720th ) 1 3113            4      
il hahahahaah (3682nd ) 12121423                 
us jerc (3689th ) 2 2   11                 
de kaese (17565th )  11                      
it it's_over                          

Weapons Summary
pl " " ؞Ç1ë©!DQbÙsbt (1039th ) 1 272 740 265 35.81 396313
pl -fe.dickfish-*0.6* (272nd ) 235 679 231 34.02 348631
de Be[quiet] (5136th ) 5 106 740 53 7.16 68663
cn Biden (4359th ) 3 69 736 28 3.80 33686
nl brekt (10661st ) 53 206 44 21.36 65140
ru ChoomaZaya (11562nd ) 1 42 224 37 16.52 56607
se chubbseFLots (3085th ) 1 136 521 126 24.18 190242
fr FrenchKiss (9720th ) 13 251 13 5.18 19500
il hahahahaah (3682nd ) 16 93 7 7.53 7700
si haxxy (2042nd ) 4 67 458 52 11.35 69099
us jerc (3689th ) 6 19 5 26.32 7500
de kaese (17565th ) 2 73 2 2.74 3000
se Mackan (4621st ) 1 5
sv meep (294th ) 22 67 22 32.84 33000
nl oh___yeah! (5932nd ) 3 47 532 40 7.52 50485
fr oOo (1383rd ) 3 149 1130 136 12.04 196539
de (739th ) 48 263 29 11.03 39947
gb sagittarius (9689th ) 5 36 527 40 7.59 48228
fr sbt_fanclubleader (2060th ) 4 153 679 151 22.24 222368
us Snow_ (1915th ) 176 683 163 23.87 247907
ca UTNL (3402nd ) 3 78 488 40 8.20 49151
nl Vital (7448th ) 1 16 204 11 5.39 14185
is ZoLa (2148th ) 10 25 9 36.00 13240
de ZOMBIE (8621st ) 1 56 663 35 5.28 51945

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
pl " " ؞Ç1ë©!DQbÙsbt (1039th ) 38 14 10 4 17 1
pl -fe.dickfish-*0.6* (272nd ) 38 10 7 2 9 2
de Be[quiet] (5136th ) 14 3 1 2
cn Biden (4359th ) 9 1
nl brekt (10661st ) 10 2 1 1 1
ru ChoomaZaya (11562nd ) 7
se chubbseFLots (3085th ) 18 10 1 1 6
fr FrenchKiss (9720th ) 1
il hahahahaah (3682nd ) 2 1 1
si haxxy (2042nd ) 13 2 2
it it's_over
us jerc (3689th )
de kaese (17565th )
se Mackan (4621st )
sv meep (294th ) 6 2 1 1
nl oh___yeah! (5932nd ) 4 1 2
fr oOo (1383rd ) 23 3 4 1 8
de (739th ) 9 1
gb sagittarius (9689th ) 4 1 1
fr sbt_fanclubleader (2060th ) Yes 12 13 2 2 7 1
us Snow_ (1915th ) 23 5 3 2 12
ca UTNL (3402nd ) 13 4 2 3 1
nl Vital (7448th )
is ZoLa (2148th ) 6 1 2
de ZOMBIE (8621st ) 5 1 1

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
pl " " ؞Ç1ë©!DQbÙsbt (1039th ) 7 4
pl -fe.dickfish-*0.6* (272nd ) 2 0
de Be[quiet] (5136th ) 59 6
cn Biden (4359th ) 44 3
nl brekt (10661st ) 10 0
ru ChoomaZaya (11562nd ) 5 0
se chubbseFLots (3085th ) 8 1
fr FrenchKiss (9720th ) 0 0
il hahahahaah (3682nd ) 8 0
si haxxy (2042nd ) 20 5
it it's_over 0 0
us jerc (3689th ) 1 0
de kaese (17565th ) 0 0
se Mackan (4621st ) 0 0
sv meep (294th ) 0 0
nl oh___yeah! (5932nd ) 11 2
fr oOo (1383rd ) 14 2
de (739th ) 20 3
gb sagittarius (9689th ) 3 0
fr sbt_fanclubleader (2060th ) 4 3
us Snow_ (1915th ) 10 4
ca UTNL (3402nd ) 43 4
nl Vital (7448th ) 6 0
is ZoLa (2148th ) 1 0
de ZOMBIE (8621st ) 20 0

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format