Match Stats
7 0
Match Date Thu, Nov 24 2022 at 9:44 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E-ESU1, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name Less Bleak
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: new_player, Biden, uranus, people_are_hell, Il_Nuovo1111

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pl sbt (133rd ) 309 17 4 17 3 5 1 4 1
pt bife (594th ) 206 5 5 9 1 8 2 1 2 1
de Be[quiet] (5141st ) 171 1 1 4 4 6 7
tr Furnisher^^ (5750th ) 165 1 2 2 1 4 4 1 8 6
nl Player15 (3604th ) 135 1 1 1 6 2
us pissedoffpistol (1857th ) 127 1 1 1 1 1 3
us EscapedTurkeyDinner (3641st ) 124 6 6 1 4 2
ar Flord (4035th ) 3
de ZOMBIE (8629th ) 1
Totals 7 1241 31 12 37 6 24 12 6 30 18
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pl -fe.dickfish-*0.6* (272nd ) 315 2 13 3
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1162nd ) 174 3 1 4 3 8 6
it :-UccelloDelCazzo-: (3034th ) 92 3 1 1
us FreshGiblets (5653rd ) 90 9 4 13 1 2 1 2 4
be oNhcet (1107th ) 76 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2
il hahahahaah (3683rd ) 62 1 1 2 3
hu jerkky (5142nd ) 52 2 1 3 1
us eZ (1025th ) 50
br Z (3525th ) 23 2 2
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 21
gb SIN (16407th ) 10 2
cl Don`t_Shoot (4849th ) 5
se Mackan (4623rd ) 3 2 2
Totals 0 973 19 7 25 1 11 2 1 29 24

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pl sbt (133rd )19:073091351357763.6828.6700:16
pt bife (594th )19:072061261269656.7625.0500:13
de Be[quiet] (5141st )19:0717166666849.254.9700:18
tr Furnisher^^ (5750th )19:0716541416737.964.1300:18
nl Player15 (3604th )19:07135707192143.2916.3400:13
us pissedoffpistol (1857th )19:0712787878151.797.7100:15
us EscapedTurkeyDinner (3641st )19:07124747598143.1015.1700:12
ar Flord (4035th )01:18333633.3314.2900:14
de ZOMBIE (8629th )02:02116112.502.4400:22
Totals7 (1241)6026055913043.5213.2000:16
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pl -fe.dickfish-*0.6* (272nd )19:073151971978071.1237.2600:15
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1162nd )19:07174878711143.9412.0800:11
it :-UccelloDelCazzo-: (3034th )14:3392737449159.6819.3900:19
us FreshGiblets (5653rd )19:0790383983131.718.3700:15
be oNhcet (1107th )08:4376474834157.8316.7200:16
il hahahahaah (3683rd )08:546235353847.956.9400:15
hu jerkky (5142nd )19:0752394085131.756.4500:14
us eZ (1025th )12:445049494552.134.7200:18
br Z (3525th )02:322344544.448.3300:30
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd )04:562120202247.6228.3600:14
gb SIN (16407th )07:421033376.670.7100:15
cl Don`t_Shoot (4849th )06:485441114.291.5201:25
se Mackan (4623rd )02:54311156.2511.1100:12
Totals0 (973)5976016154039.6412.4600:21

Kills Match Up
pl sbt (133rd )     19 18 12129 3 1014315821
pt bife (594th )     20 12  131818 818814825
de Be[quiet] (5141st )     5 11  413 51495 23 4
tr Furnisher^^ (5750th )     6 5  57 7 161 11 1
nl Player15 (3604th ) 699151113    76  4   1  
us pissedoffpistol (1857th )     13 5  916 5 69143331 
us EscapedTurkeyDinner (3641st ) 61068551 242595 23   21
ar Flord (4035th )       1  1      1     
de ZOMBIE (8629th )         1    1        
pl -fe.dickfish-*0.6* (272nd ) 3035181812711 1  191513 7   2  
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1162nd ) 1613156 1532   166 2   2  
it :-UccelloDelCazzo-: (3034th )     8 15  111015 744 37  
us FreshGiblets (5653rd ) 2124623  44211212 111 
be oNhcet (1107th )   1 6 3 1510 61 74   32
il hahahahaah (3683rd ) 4873 4 2   5   2      
hu jerkky (5142nd ) 44772 12131212 1  3   
us eZ (1025th ) 31212 125    545        
br Z (3525th ) 2  1        1         
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 3423 4     22         
gb SIN (16407th )     1     1          1
cl Don`t_Shoot (4849th ) 1     2            1  
se Mackan (4623rd )      1                

Weapons Summary
pl -fe.dickfish-*0.6* (272nd ) 197 518 193 37.26 291000
it :-UccelloDelCazzo-: (3034th ) 74 361 70 19.39 105000
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 20 67 19 28.36 28500
de Be[quiet] (5141st ) 66 704 35 4.97 48441
pt bife (594th ) 126 503 126 25.05 189000
cl Don`t_Shoot (4849th ) 4 66 2 3.03 2092
us EscapedTurkeyDinner (3641st ) 1 74 402 61 15.17 89702
us eZ (1025th ) 2 47 424 20 4.72 26320
ar Flord (4035th ) 3 21 3 14.29 4062
us FreshGiblets (5653rd ) 4 35 406 34 8.37 43954
tr Furnisher^^ (5750th ) 1 40 436 18 4.13 23853
il hahahahaah (3683rd ) 2 33 317 22 6.94 29811
hu jerkky (5142nd ) 40 310 20 6.45 27927
se Mackan (4623rd ) 1 9 1 11.11 1500
be oNhcet (1107th ) 1 47 287 48 16.72 67512
us pissedoffpistol (1857th ) 1 86 687 53 7.71 75944
nl Player15 (3604th ) 71 355 58 16.34 83139
pl sbt (133rd ) 135 429 123 28.67 185683
gb SIN (16407th ) 3 8
br Z (3525th ) 4 24 2 8.33 3000
de ZOMBIE (8629th ) 1 41 1 2.44 1500
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1162nd ) 1 86 629 76 12.08 109716

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
pl -fe.dickfish-*0.6* (272nd ) 25 9 4 4 16 3
it :-UccelloDelCazzo-: (3034th ) 6 1 1 3 1
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 2 1 1
de Be[quiet] (5141st ) 3 3
pt bife (594th ) 24 4 5
cl Don`t_Shoot (4849th )
us EscapedTurkeyDinner (3641st ) 13 3 1
us eZ (1025th ) 7 2
ar Flord (4035th )
us FreshGiblets (5653rd ) 2
tr Furnisher^^ (5750th ) 5 1
il hahahahaah (3683rd ) 3 1 1
hu jerkky (5142nd ) 3
se Mackan (4623rd )
be oNhcet (1107th ) 8 2 1
us pissedoffpistol (1857th ) Yes 9 1 3 1
nl Player15 (3604th ) 5 4 2
pl sbt (133rd ) 18 8 2 1 6
gb SIN (16407th ) 1
br Z (3525th ) 1
de ZOMBIE (8629th )
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1162nd ) 14 2 1

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
pl -fe.dickfish-*0.6* (272nd ) 3 0
it :-UccelloDelCazzo-: (3034th ) 4 1
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 1 1
de Be[quiet] (5141st ) 29 2
pt bife (594th ) 0 0
cl Don`t_Shoot (4849th ) 2 1
us EscapedTurkeyDinner (3641st ) 14 4
us eZ (1025th ) 30 1
ar Flord (4035th ) 0 0
us FreshGiblets (5653rd ) 6 1
tr Furnisher^^ (5750th ) 24 1
il hahahahaah (3683rd ) 13 2
hu jerkky (5142nd ) 19 6
se Mackan (4623rd ) 0 0
be oNhcet (1107th ) 1 1
us pissedoffpistol (1857th ) 34 4
nl Player15 (3604th ) 13 2
pl sbt (133rd ) 13 8
gb SIN (16407th ) 0 0
br Z (3525th ) 1 0
de ZOMBIE (8629th ) 0 0
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1162nd ) 11 2

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format