Match Stats
4 3
Match Date Tue, Apr 5 2022 at 1:49 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, SmartCTF 4E, Hit Sounds, cgzpp21a ComboGib Map Name (UTW)OPEL
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Welcome to the ComboGib CTF server hosted in London.
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
You do not get to choose your team here.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 30
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: Redouane_TAHRI

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pl one_of_my_turns (156th ) 673 14 4 17 9 1 1 13 4
no \o.BATONATOR (329th ) 365 3 2 5 1 1
us bardpill (774th ) 335 1 1 2 8 2 1
be esuoh (1655th ) 312 6 1 5 7 2 5 2
pl Baby_Doll (946th ) 232 10 2 12 1 1 4 6
fr The_Shadow (4522nd ) 227 6 2 6 2 8 7
il guess_what (6671st ) 186 3 1 4 2 4 1
sk Terrance_and_Phillip (7178th ) 184 6 2 2
dz Player12 (2946th ) 183 10 10 5 3 6
bg SB (3904th ) 120 4 1
pt cant_aim_for_shit (12787th ) 89 1 1 1 1 3
ca rN. (9986th ) 19 1
us Killer_Skull
Totals 4 2925 54 11 59 1 44 1 6 47 34
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
nl period (762nd ) 401 5 2 7 6 12 1
gb d|spose (1622nd ) 324 5 5 4 5
de mаRevolvermann (844th ) 259 3 3 1 3 1 3
pl rus_murderers (6757th ) 258 5 1 6 3 9 5
tr Furnisher^^ (5751st ) 232 1 1 1 11 11
fr 2drunk (3853rd ) 126 4 1 3
us Pappy (12086th ) 112 2 1 2 1 2 12
at TotallyNotCheating (271st ) 66 1 1
mx sus (3738th ) 36 1 1 1 1
fr [Fr!]Gaet'$~One (2850th ) 36 1 1 1 2
cz ForatNegreSupermassi (14767th ) 22 5 1 6
gb KillerstaniGL (8884th ) 11
fr Lou_Asshole (2838th ) 9 1
de Snatchha (4740th ) 4 1 1 1
Totals 3 1896 27 6 32 2 26 0 1 44 37

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pl one_of_my_turns (156th )30:0067345645620069.5139.6700:09
no \o.BATONATOR (329th )24:1636528528511770.9017.9900:13
us bardpill (774th )29:1633529429415665.3329.3200:12
be esuoh (1655th )30:0031220920915158.0619.8800:13
pl Baby_Doll (946th )17:3223213013013249.629.9500:08
fr The_Shadow (4522nd )30:00227102103241129.864.0700:08
il guess_what (6671st )23:0718611211211250.006.3700:13
sk Terrance_and_Phillip (7178th )30:0018414414412054.557.5500:16
dz Player12 (2946th )16:5018310410412146.2212.6400:09
bg SB (3904th )12:4012066668444.0010.3900:09
pt cant_aim_for_shit (12787th )22:2389585814528.575.7700:10
ca rN. (9986th )02:561919191950.0033.9300:10
us Killer_Skull01:010400:13
Totals4 (2925)1979198016021047.4315.1900:11
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
nl period (762nd )30:0040127027023853.1523.9700:08
gb d|spose (1622nd )30:0032425225221154.4317.6700:09
de mаRevolvermann (844th )23:2125918918917052.6514.8500:09
pl rus_murderers (6757th )24:3225816016019545.0713.3800:08
tr Furnisher^^ (5751st )30:0023210110120932.585.6500:09
fr 2drunk (3853rd )13:2212699998753.2312.3200:10
us Pappy (12086th )30:00112757527321.554.4500:07
at TotallyNotCheating (271st )06:426653535449.5313.9200:08
mx sus (3738th )04:343614143131.114.9600:09
fr [Fr!]Gaet'$~One (2850th )03:153614141548.2810.3400:14
cz ForatNegreSupermassi (14767th )15:262217177518.486.0900:13
gb KillerstaniGL (8884th )01:451111111542.3124.4400:07
fr Lou_Asshole (2838th )05:2596739114.898.7500:09
de Snatchha (4740th )03:19433318.824.2300:07
Totals3 (1896)1264126516431037.5811.7900:09

Kills Match Up
pl one_of_my_turns (156th )     944       645475394522511111418423
no \o.BATONATOR (329th )     436       33242438301550104 6227
us bardpill (774th )     236       4432192635114794516233
be esuoh (1655th )     222       24251418379342329 35
pl Baby_Doll (946th ) 1122 15322 22 131181215138115  11 
fr The_Shadow (4522nd ) 147141171641361411   1  2     2 
il guess_what (6671st )     115       17143613821  310  1
sk Terrance_and_Phillip (7178th )      22       1825923941751 6113
dz Player12 (2946th )     117       1293915 231 17  6
bg SB (3904th )      6       65813831122  11 
pt cant_aim_for_shit (12787th )      11       7841022721 13  
ca rN. (9986th )     25        32   2   2  3
us Killer_Skull                            
nl period (762nd ) 4431272020223313591721            8 
gb d|spose (1622nd ) 34202825151273117242331            3 
de mаRevolvermann (844th ) 44920231321412813272        1    1 
pl rus_murderers (6757th ) 171316271341014158144             5 
tr Furnisher^^ (5751st ) 18118128 105152102               
fr 2drunk (3853rd ) 109131012139 1219              1 
us Pappy (12086th ) 51113123 749351             2 
at TotallyNotCheating (271st ) 325414 67237                
mx sus (3738th ) 2  132   22              2 
fr [Fr!]Gaet'$~One (2850th ) 5 32  1 2   1              
cz ForatNegreSupermassi (14767th ) 2 32  212 32               
gb KillerstaniGL (8884th ) 1 4 1    21              2 
fr Lou_Asshole (2838th )  2  2         11        11 
de Snatchha (4740th )  1      1 1                

Weapons Summary
fr 2drunk (3853rd ) 2 97
fr [Fr!]Gaet'$~One (2850th ) 14
no \o.BATONATOR (329th ) 12 273
pl Baby_Doll (946th ) 4 126
us bardpill (774th ) 294
pt cant_aim_for_shit (12787th ) 3 55
gb d|spose (1622nd ) 2 250
be esuoh (1655th ) 2 207
cz ForatNegreSupermassi (14767th ) 17
tr Furnisher^^ (5751st ) 3 97 1
il guess_what (6671st ) 9 103
us Killer_Skull
gb KillerstaniGL (8884th ) 1 10
fr Lou_Asshole (2838th ) 7
de mаRevolvermann (844th ) 8 181
pl one_of_my_turns (156th ) 2 454
us Pappy (12086th ) 3 72
nl period (762nd ) 4 266
dz Player12 (2946th ) 13 90 1
ca rN. (9986th ) 19
pl rus_murderers (6757th ) 4 156
bg SB (3904th ) 66
de Snatchha (4740th ) 3
mx sus (3738th ) 1 13
sk Terrance_and_Phillip (7178th ) 7 137
fr The_Shadow (4522nd ) 10 93
at TotallyNotCheating (271st ) 4 49
fr 2drunk (3853rd ) 714
fr [Fr!]Gaet'$~One (2850th ) 87
no \o.BATONATOR (329th ) 1223
pl Baby_Doll (946th ) 985
us bardpill (774th ) 989
pt cant_aim_for_shit (12787th ) 589
gb d|spose (1622nd ) 1217
be esuoh (1655th ) 1011
cz ForatNegreSupermassi (14767th ) 279
tr Furnisher^^ (5751st ) 1256
il guess_what (6671st ) 1115
us Killer_Skull 21
gb KillerstaniGL (8884th ) 45
fr Lou_Asshole (2838th ) 80
de mаRevolvermann (844th ) 1010
pl one_of_my_turns (156th ) 1089
us Pappy (12086th ) 1595
nl period (762nd ) 1093
dz Player12 (2946th ) 625
ca rN. (9986th ) 56
pl rus_murderers (6757th ) 1136
bg SB (3904th ) 337
de Snatchha (4740th ) 71
mx sus (3738th ) 242
sk Terrance_and_Phillip (7178th ) 1444
fr The_Shadow (4522nd ) 1623
at TotallyNotCheating (271st ) 352
fr 2drunk (3853rd ) 88
fr [Fr!]Gaet'$~One (2850th ) 9
no \o.BATONATOR (329th ) 220
pl Baby_Doll (946th ) 98
us bardpill (774th ) 290
pt cant_aim_for_shit (12787th ) 34
gb d|spose (1622nd ) 215
be esuoh (1655th ) 201
cz ForatNegreSupermassi (14767th ) 17
tr Furnisher^^ (5751st ) 71
il guess_what (6671st ) 71
us Killer_Skull
gb KillerstaniGL (8884th ) 11
fr Lou_Asshole (2838th ) 7
de mаRevolvermann (844th ) 150
pl one_of_my_turns (156th ) 432
us Pappy (12086th ) 71
nl period (762nd ) 262
dz Player12 (2946th ) 79
ca rN. (9986th ) 19
pl rus_murderers (6757th ) 152
bg SB (3904th ) 35
de Snatchha (4740th ) 3
mx sus (3738th ) 12
sk Terrance_and_Phillip (7178th ) 109
fr The_Shadow (4522nd ) 66
at TotallyNotCheating (271st ) 49
fr 2drunk (3853rd ) 126132
fr [Fr!]Gaet'$~One (2850th ) 13500
no \o.BATONATOR (329th ) 313264
pl Baby_Doll (946th ) 138889
us bardpill (774th ) 436993
pt cant_aim_for_shit (12787th ) 42487
gb d|spose (1622nd ) 318327
be esuoh (1655th ) 298596
cz ForatNegreSupermassi (14767th ) 25500
tr Furnisher^^ (5751st ) 100109
il guess_what (6671st ) 83722
us Killer_Skull
gb KillerstaniGL (8884th ) 15990
fr Lou_Asshole (2838th ) 9898
de mаRevolvermann (844th ) 217136
pl one_of_my_turns (156th ) 648258
us Pappy (12086th ) 105063
nl period (762nd ) 386095
dz Player12 (2946th ) 107510
ca rN. (9986th ) 28500
pl rus_murderers (6757th ) 223222
bg SB (3904th ) 50872
de Snatchha (4740th ) 4363
mx sus (3738th ) 15768
sk Terrance_and_Phillip (7178th ) 142992
fr The_Shadow (4522nd ) 85550
at TotallyNotCheating (271st ) 69699
fr 2drunk (3853rd ) 12.32
fr [Fr!]Gaet'$~One (2850th ) 10.34
no \o.BATONATOR (329th ) 17.99
pl Baby_Doll (946th ) 9.95
us bardpill (774th ) 29.32
pt cant_aim_for_shit (12787th ) 5.77
gb d|spose (1622nd ) 17.67
be esuoh (1655th ) 19.88
cz ForatNegreSupermassi (14767th ) 6.09
tr Furnisher^^ (5751st ) 5.65
il guess_what (6671st ) 6.37
us Killer_Skull
gb KillerstaniGL (8884th ) 24.44
fr Lou_Asshole (2838th ) 8.75
de mаRevolvermann (844th ) 14.85
pl one_of_my_turns (156th ) 39.67
us Pappy (12086th ) 4.45
nl period (762nd ) 23.97
dz Player12 (2946th ) 12.64
ca rN. (9986th ) 33.93
pl rus_murderers (6757th ) 13.38
bg SB (3904th ) 10.39
de Snatchha (4740th ) 4.23
mx sus (3738th ) 4.96
sk Terrance_and_Phillip (7178th ) 7.55
fr The_Shadow (4522nd ) 4.07
at TotallyNotCheating (271st ) 13.92

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
fr 2drunk (3853rd ) 10 3 1 1 2
pl Baby_Doll (946th ) 18 3 2 3
us bardpill (774th ) 46 15 6 2 16 3
pt cant_aim_for_shit (12787th ) 6 1 1
gb d|spose (1622nd ) 45 6 3 4 10
be esuoh (1655th ) 32 11 8 1 8
cz ForatNegreSupermassi (14767th ) 1
tr Furnisher^^ (5751st ) 9 5 1 1
il guess_what (6671st ) 14 1 1 6
gb KillerstaniGL (8884th ) 3
us Killer_Skull
fr Lou_Asshole (2838th )
de mаRevolvermann (844th ) 27 11 2 2 6 1
pl one_of_my_turns (156th ) 40 22 18 21 31 8
us Pappy (12086th ) 3 1
nl period (762nd ) 33 11 9 3 8
dz Player12 (2946th ) 11 5 4 1 3
ca rN. (9986th ) 1 1 1 1
pl rus_murderers (6757th ) 21 3 4 2
bg SB (3904th ) 2 5 3 2 4
de Snatchha (4740th )
mx sus (3738th ) 1
sk Terrance_and_Phillip (7178th ) Yes 21 3 5 1
fr The_Shadow (4522nd ) 14 1 1
at TotallyNotCheating (271st ) 6 2 1 1 2
fr [Fr!]Gaet'$~One (2850th ) 1 1 1
no \o.BATONATOR (329th ) 34 19 8 8 13 7

Match Report
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