Match Stats
2 0
Match Date Sat, Dec 10 2022 at 7:51 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E-ESU1, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name Less Bleak
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: Yahiro, Blake*inactive

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pl -fe.dickfish-*1.5* (743rd ) 239 1 2 3 2 2 5 3
se effibrie (217th ) 224 7 7 1 2 1 2
us !coniQ (371st ) 202 9 9
pt Jack (1156th ) 177 11 2 12 1 1 1 5 2
no hOre (300th ) 172 3 1 4 1 4 4 1
pl sarina (3481st ) 158 2 3 5 1 2 1 7 11
ee Juss (3325th ) 58 1 1 1
fr Sire (9721st ) 57 1 1 3 1
se Mackan (4623rd ) 5 1 1
pt **_MxT_** (7194th ) 3
sc thenovik
ru -=Nap=- (3710th )
Totals 2 1295 25 10 33 3 11 9 2 33 26
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pl hussar (127th ) 413 7 1 8 1 13 5
nl `period (750th ) 194 10 1 11 5 2
at Test (865th ) 167 1 1 3
cz LajkAjKer (2954th ) 143 2 2 1 5 3
us pissedoffpistol (1855th ) 141 3 3 3 3
it Wasp (2908th ) 124 1 2 3 4 4
il c (2080th ) 54 1 1
pl Luca^Brasi (1280th ) 48 4 4 1
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 48 4 4 2 4
ru Mustafa (5476th ) 46 1
sv AK_morido. 26 1 1
cl Don`t_Shoot (4847th ) 5 1
fr Tigrus
Totals 0 1409 32 4 36 0 3 0 0 36 26

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pl -fe.dickfish-*1.5* (743rd )19:0923917317310662.0131.9100:11
se effibrie (217th )20:1222415515512255.9616.3700:10
us !coniQ (371st )20:1220211511510552.2713.9500:12
pt Jack (1156th )20:12177909010346.637.4600:12
no hOre (300th )18:3617212312310853.2521.9700:11
pl sarina (3481st )20:1215869699242.868.7800:14
ee Juss (3325th )20:1258494912128.827.0500:11
fr Sire (9721st )20:125725258722.323.4100:15
se Mackan (4623rd )00:56533442.8610.0000:15
pt **_MxT_** (7194th )00:42322340.0025.0000:15
sc thenovik00:100100:11
ru -=Nap=- (3710th )00:170100:18
Totals2 (1295)8048048530037.2512.1600:13
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pl hussar (127th )20:1241326826810571.8539.4900:12
nl `period (750th )20:1219412612610255.2623.5200:13
at Test (865th )18:551671551559661.7528.2600:12
cz LajkAjKer (2954th )17:27143838310344.6210.7500:11
us pissedoffpistol (1855th )20:131411061069226.915.2200:23
it Wasp (2908th )20:1112473737748.674.2100:17
il c (2080th )15:145443438234.407.7400:12
pl Luca^Brasi (1280th )08:134831313944.2912.7200:13
us CoroNer (3723rd )20:12482324126115.896.6100:10
ru Mustafa (5476th )15:064636366834.627.3700:14
sv AK_morido.04:072617171651.5223.1900:17
cl Don`t_Shoot (4847th )03:045551033.336.2500:20
fr Tigrus01:060200:36
Totals0 (1409)9669679181040.2413.4900:16

Kills Match Up
pl -fe.dickfish-*1.5* (743rd )             222129181715141091053 
se effibrie (217th )             12211922171319641453 
us !coniQ (371st )             23161114158153451  
pt Jack (1156th )             101181011111226621 
no hOre (300th )             1891717151110541412 
pl sarina (3481st )             911311764727 11
ee Juss (3325th )             774644212101 1
fr Sire (9721st )             23143543     
se Mackan (4623rd )                11    1   
pt **_MxT_** (7194th )                  11      
sc thenovik                          
ru -=Nap=- (3710th )                          
pl hussar (127th ) 28362523303339201           33    
nl `period (750th ) 992318141611121 1         12    
at Test (865th ) 20181712281118161  1        13    
cz LajkAjKer (2954th ) 13167694108            10    
us pissedoffpistol (1855th ) 14131313107111011          13    
it Wasp (2908th ) 12107867126            5    
il c (2080th ) 34594646 1          1    
pl Luca^Brasi (1280th ) 14373235 1          2    
us CoroNer (3723rd )      131    234 2312111  
ru Mustafa (5476th ) 38442372            3    
sv AK_morido. 24 32111            3    
cl Don`t_Shoot (4847th ) 1 1  12                  
fr Tigrus                          

Weapons Summary
us !coniQ (371st ) 1 114 767 107 13.95 156366
pt **_MxT_** (7194th ) 2 4 1 25.00 1500
ru -=Nap=- (3710th ) 7
pl -fe.dickfish-*1.5* (743rd ) 1 172 514 164 31.91 251183
nl `period (750th ) 2 124 506 119 23.52 177561
sv AK_morido. 17 69 16 23.19 24000
il c (2080th ) 43 336 26 7.74 37130
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 3 21 363 24 6.61 34124
cl Don`t_Shoot (4847th ) 2 3 64 4 6.25 5063
se effibrie (217th ) 1 154 898 147 16.37 218103
no hOre (300th ) 1 122 528 116 21.97 173459
pl hussar (127th ) 1 267 633 250 39.49 373105
pt Jack (1156th ) 3 87 844 63 7.46 90736
ee Juss (3325th ) 4 45 525 37 7.05 51389
cz LajkAjKer (2954th ) 3 80 642 69 10.75 100283
pl Luca^Brasi (1280th ) 1 30 173 22 12.72 30408
se Mackan (4623rd ) 3 10 1 10.00 1500
ru Mustafa (5476th ) 3 33 475 35 7.37 47723
us pissedoffpistol (1855th ) 5 101 690 72 10.43 97162
pl sarina (3481st ) 3 66 695 61 8.78 85406
fr Sire (9721st ) 25 733 25 3.41 30541
at Test (865th ) 155 545 154 28.26 232500
fr Tigrus 1
it Wasp (2908th ) 1 72 902 38 4.21 51817

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
us !coniQ (371st ) 10 3 1 3 1
pt **_MxT_** (7194th ) 1
ru -=Nap=- (3710th )
pl -fe.dickfish-*1.5* (743rd ) 27 13 3 1 10 1
sv AK_morido. 3
il c (2080th ) 7 2 3
us CoroNer (3723rd )
cl Don`t_Shoot (4847th )
se effibrie (217th ) 27 9 8
no hOre (300th ) 18 7 2 6
pl hussar (127th ) 37 14 11 5 18 2
pt Jack (1156th ) 6 4 2 3
ee Juss (3325th ) 1 1 2
cz LajkAjKer (2954th ) 7 4 1
pl Luca^Brasi (1280th ) 4 1 1
se Mackan (4623rd )
ru Mustafa (5476th ) 2
us pissedoffpistol (1855th ) 18 1 1 5
pl sarina (3481st ) 1 3
fr Sire (9721st ) 1
at Test (865th ) 30 4 2 3 8
sc thenovik
fr Tigrus
it Wasp (2908th ) 7 1 1 3
nl `period (750th ) Yes 15 6 1 5

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
us !coniQ (371st ) 9 2
pt **_MxT_** (7194th ) 1 1
ru -=Nap=- (3710th ) 0 0
pl -fe.dickfish-*1.5* (743rd ) 5 1
sv AK_morido. 1 0
il c (2080th ) 16 6
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 0 0
cl Don`t_Shoot (4847th ) 1 0
se effibrie (217th ) 8 5
no hOre (300th ) 7 2
pl hussar (127th ) 16 8
pt Jack (1156th ) 25 10
ee Juss (3325th ) 12 0
cz LajkAjKer (2954th ) 13 6
pl Luca^Brasi (1280th ) 8 4
se Mackan (4623rd ) 2 1
ru Mustafa (5476th ) 3 1
us pissedoffpistol (1855th ) 34 4
pl sarina (3481st ) 8 1
fr Sire (9721st ) 1 0
at Test (865th ) 0 0
sc thenovik 0 0
fr Tigrus 0 0
it Wasp (2908th ) 35 8
nl `period (750th ) 7 5

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format