Match Stats
5 7
Match Date Thu, Dec 15 2022 at 12:20 am Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E-ESU1, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name Jump that crates
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: ·cbg¹, R@ptor, Octoman

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pl Oo. (987th ) 370 2 1 2 1 22 17
us LoSahn (7277th ) 355 6 3 9 2 10 13
gb FIERCESTARE (7352nd ) 320 9 1 8 1 6 2 15 9
ar The_real_haxxy (2290th ) 320 4 1 5 1 9 18 12
us jerc (3689th ) 270 10 4 13 7 1 11 6
be esh (1507th ) 175 8 2 10 1 3 7 3
am Nice^|fu (1408th ) 163 12 5 16 1 8 1 3 6
cz pplarehell_im_ocell (15005th ) 42 12 5 17 1 1
za Iori (2936th ) 22 2 2 1 1
us Kyeki 10 1
my Oldbiscuit (16353rd ) 6 1 1
Totals 5 2053 64 23 82 5 39 0 5 88 66
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 467 7 5 12 2 2 32 23
us pissedoffpistol (1857th ) 403 13 5 17 1 24 1 9 5
nl starlinkP (652nd ) 399 11 10 2 15 1 14 2
us eZ (1025th ) 326 3 2 18 1 3 2
nl oh___yeah! (5938th ) 298 22 11 30 3 3 3 7 9
gb U.S.Gay_more_like (12132nd ) 165 3 1 4 15 2 1
mx sus (3738th ) 68 2 1 2 3 1 2 2
Totals 7 2126 58 26 77 8 80 0 7 69 44

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pl Oo. (987th )14:47370898916934.505.3100:05
us LoSahn (7277th )14:4335569701051139.357.9100:09
gb FIERCESTARE (7352nd )14:56320929214039.6614.0200:07
ar The_real_haxxy (2290th )14:5632010610610849.539.9300:09
us jerc (3689th )14:56270105105140142.9112.7000:07
be esh (1507th )06:5817560607345.1113.8900:06
am Nice^|fu (1408th )06:31163505164143.979.2900:06
cz pplarehell_im_ocell (15005th )08:2742885712.316.6100:09
za Iori (2936th )01:4422991145.0012.0000:10
us Kyeki00:341011420.0016.6700:09
my Oldbiscuit (16353rd )04:006232818.273.7500:11
Totals5 (2053)5915948993234.6010.1900:08
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
us CoroNer (3723rd )14:5646710010011945.6616.1000:08
us pissedoffpistol (1857th )14:564031811818468.308.7600:11
nl starlinkP (652nd )14:5639914314459170.5917.0700:16
us eZ (1025th )14:5632619919988169.207.5300:11
nl oh___yeah! (5938th )14:56298909010446.398.5900:09
gb U.S.Gay_more_like (12132nd )06:4816583833968.0310.3400:11
mx sus (3738th )02:176812121741.382.0400:08
Totals7 (2126)8088095101158.5110.0600:11

Kills Match Up
pl Oo. (987th )  15         121859264 
us LoSahn (7277th ) 161101186312  11 4    
gb FIERCESTARE (7352nd )  13         18165141583
ar The_real_haxxy (2290th )  17         17138182094
us jerc (3689th ) 118         21178151449
be esh (1507th )  8         12641578 
am Nice^|fu (1408th )  15    1    166 67 1
cz pplarehell_im_ocell (15005th )  2         4  1 1 
za Iori (2936th )  2         321 1  
us Kyeki            1      
my Oldbiscuit (16353rd )  1        1    11 
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 1211610141017132 1  4    
us pissedoffpistol (1857th ) 33 34264417116123  4    
nl starlinkP (652nd ) 1813814207673 2146110133 
us eZ (1025th ) 45 3718211920125114  8  1 
nl oh___yeah! (5938th ) 23 171813353  6  2    
gb U.S.Gay_more_like (12132nd ) 20 15111811   11  6    
mx sus (3738th ) 1 3 2 24          

Weapons Summary
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 2 98 584 94 16.10 129047
be esh (1507th ) 1 59 324 45 13.89 59854
us eZ (1025th ) 2 199 704 53 7.53 67901
gb FIERCESTARE (7352nd ) 1 91 478 67 14.02 97017
za Iori (2936th ) 9 50 6 12.00 9000
us jerc (3689th ) 5 102 512 65 12.70 80811
us Kyeki 1 6 1 16.67 1500
us LoSahn (7277th ) 2 16 272 30 11.03 39178
am Nice^|fu (1408th ) 5 46 280 26 9.29 30803
nl oh___yeah! (5938th ) 5 85 582 50 8.59 53401
my Oldbiscuit (16353rd ) 2 32 2 6.25 3000
pl Oo. (987th ) 6 83 735 39 5.31 43146
us pissedoffpistol (1857th ) 4 177 639 56 8.76 71918
cz pplarehell_im_ocell (15005th ) 8 121 8 6.61 12000
nl starlinkP (652nd ) 144 451 77 17.07 111004
mx sus (3738th ) 12 98 2 2.04 2623
ar The_real_haxxy (2290th ) 3 103 705 70 9.93 90250
gb U.S.Gay_more_like (12132nd ) 1 82 232 24 10.34 31323

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 13 3 1 2
be esh (1507th ) 7 2 3 2
us eZ (1025th ) 19 7 7 7 12 3 1
gb FIERCESTARE (7352nd ) 15 2 3
za Iori (2936th ) 2
us jerc (3689th ) 11 5 2 1 6
us Kyeki
us LoSahn (7277th ) 5 2 1
am Nice^|fu (1408th ) 4 2 1 1 2
nl oh___yeah! (5938th ) 11 3 3 4
my Oldbiscuit (16353rd )
pl Oo. (987th ) 13 1 1 1 2
us pissedoffpistol (1857th ) 21 9 3 7 14 1
cz pplarehell_im_ocell (15005th ) 1
nl starlinkP (652nd ) Yes 11 7 3 6 9 3
mx sus (3738th ) 3 1
ar The_real_haxxy (2290th ) 13 8 3
gb U.S.Gay_more_like (12132nd ) 7 2 3 5 4 3

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 5 1
be esh (1507th ) 15 13
us eZ (1025th ) 151 26
gb FIERCESTARE (7352nd ) 25 9
za Iori (2936th ) 3 0
us jerc (3689th ) 43 4
us Kyeki 0 0
us LoSahn (7277th ) 12 1
am Nice^|fu (1408th ) 26 7
nl oh___yeah! (5938th ) 43 12
my Oldbiscuit (16353rd ) 0 0
pl Oo. (987th ) 54 18
us pissedoffpistol (1857th ) 127 15
cz pplarehell_im_ocell (15005th ) 0 0
nl starlinkP (652nd ) 66 13
mx sus (3738th ) 10 3
ar The_real_haxxy (2290th ) 38 1
gb U.S.Gay_more_like (12132nd ) 59 7

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format