Match Stats
2 3
Match Date Wed, Dec 21 2022 at 9:19 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, Capture The Tree 3.3, Snowy scoreboard, SmartCTF 4E-ESU1, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib, TheDanes Xmas v2 Map Name |-Vp-| FragWhoreArena
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats and forum now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Seasonal maps are shown in green font.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
si 3 (128th ) 348 1 2 3 10 15 2
il Skirmish (2331st ) 320 5 4 9 2 4 15 9
pl MJ (6926th ) 269 5 8 13 1 1 13 14
gb CALIGULA_FAGGOT (3661st ) 220 4 3 7 6 4 3
ar Messi_World_Champion (2888th ) 207 14 5 18 1 1 9 5
sk IndianaJones (6340th ) 154 4 6 9 1 5 1 3 4
il the_truth (4012th ) 109 8 2 10 2 3
us Player7 (2358th ) 108 10
ae Wildc@t (4403rd ) 23 6 3 9
it Player15 (3604th ) 1
Totals 2 1759 47 33 78 4 39 0 2 62 37
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
at nosound (119th ) 489 1 2 3 1 19 13 5
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 346 7 5 11 1 23 10
fr oOo_-_The_Bastard!!! (5463rd ) 335 1 2 3 7 12 1
it . (2877th ) 257 6 7 3
at Terr (4773rd ) 230 10 6 16 1 2 9 6
ar CALIGULA (4824th ) 179 5 3
nl Player13 (2970th ) 176 18 9 24 1 2 2 5 7
us LoSahn (7273rd ) 147 6 2 8 2 3 6 9
Totals 3 2159 43 26 65 5 39 0 3 80 44

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
si 3 (128th )11:5334818718896165.9637.3000:08
il Skirmish (2331st )19:3132015915913753.7221.7200:09
pl MJ (6926th )20:0026910110118735.079.6900:07
gb CALIGULA_FAGGOT (3661st )20:002201511519461.6320.4700:14
ar Messi_World_Champion (2888th )20:00207919112043.137.6200:10
sk IndianaJones (6340th )20:00154838314137.055.4500:09
il the_truth (4012th )12:2810966667247.838.4300:11
us Player7 (2358th )04:281088080594.1238.7300:55
ae Wildc@t (4403rd )06:222317174527.425.0000:09
it Player15 (3604th )03:08111109.092.0800:20
Totals2 (1759)9369379071047.5015.6500:15
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
at nosound (119th )20:0048931631613669.9131.9800:09
us CoroNer (3723rd )20:0034610410416538.6611.7600:07
fr oOo_-_The_Bastard!!! (5463rd )20:0033520820814259.4315.3100:09
it . (2877th )20:002571661669763.1217.5500:13
at Terr (4773rd )20:00230828214436.286.2300:09
ar CALIGULA (4824th )19:5917954549041.364.7300:17
nl Player13 (2970th )20:00176585813829.599.0300:09
us LoSahn (7273rd )20:001475253159124.885.5100:08
Totals3 (2159)1040104110711045.4012.7600:10

Kills Match Up
si 3 (128th ) 1 2 1     323333201922620
il Skirmish (2331st )           222915113531826
pl MJ (6926th )           17131561721318
gb CALIGULA_FAGGOT (3661st )           131321618452312
ar Messi_World_Champion (2888th ) 1         201582781416
sk IndianaJones (6340th )           814116163916
il the_truth (4012th )           51510577710
us Player7 (2358th )           81011 14131311
ae Wildc@t (4403rd )           14213321
it Player15 (3604th )                 1 
at nosound (119th ) 215275323045241103   13   10
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 91519611161218    5   2
fr oOo_-_The_Bastard!!! (5463rd ) 2831359223120 123   13   4
it . (2877th ) 2152126213 9 91916 741211
at Terr (4773rd ) 101015614165121   1   1
ar CALIGULA (4824th ) 13221181313    1    
nl Player13 (2970th )  11891073113   4   1
us LoSahn (7273rd ) 510109842   1  31  1

Weapons Summary
it . (2877th ) 2 164
si 3 (128th ) 188
ar CALIGULA (4824th ) 1 15
gb CALIGULA_FAGGOT (3661st ) 1 150
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 2 101 1
sk IndianaJones (6340th ) 5 77 1
us LoSahn (7273rd ) 1 52
ar Messi_World_Champion (2888th ) 91
pl MJ (6926th ) 1 100
at nosound (119th ) 316
fr oOo_-_The_Bastard!!! (5463rd ) 1 207
nl Player13 (2970th ) 1 57
it Player15 (3604th ) 1
us Player7 (2358th ) 80
il Skirmish (2331st ) 159
at Terr (4773rd ) 2 80
il the_truth (4012th ) 3 63
ae Wildc@t (4403rd ) 1 16
it . (2877th ) 923
si 3 (128th ) 504
ar CALIGULA (4824th ) 163
gb CALIGULA_FAGGOT (3661st ) 596
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 833
sk IndianaJones (6340th ) 1100
us LoSahn (7273rd ) 889
ar Messi_World_Champion (2888th ) 1023
pl MJ (6926th ) 1022
at nosound (119th ) 985
fr oOo_-_The_Bastard!!! (5463rd ) 1319
nl Player13 (2970th ) 454
it Player15 (3604th ) 48
us Player7 (2358th ) 204
il Skirmish (2331st ) 732
at Terr (4773rd ) 1028
il the_truth (4012th ) 581
ae Wildc@t (4403rd ) 340
it . (2877th ) 162
si 3 (128th ) 188
ar CALIGULA (4824th ) 10
gb CALIGULA_FAGGOT (3661st ) 122
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 98
sk IndianaJones (6340th ) 60
us LoSahn (7273rd ) 49
ar Messi_World_Champion (2888th ) 78
pl MJ (6926th ) 99
at nosound (119th ) 315
fr oOo_-_The_Bastard!!! (5463rd ) 202
nl Player13 (2970th ) 41
it Player15 (3604th ) 1
us Player7 (2358th ) 79
il Skirmish (2331st ) 159
at Terr (4773rd ) 64
il the_truth (4012th ) 49
ae Wildc@t (4403rd ) 17
it . (2877th ) 240539
si 3 (128th ) 281550
ar CALIGULA (4824th ) 14297
gb CALIGULA_FAGGOT (3661st ) 181043
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 141055 30
sk IndianaJones (6340th ) 78394
us LoSahn (7273rd ) 66756
ar Messi_World_Champion (2888th ) 116925
pl MJ (6926th ) 148645
at nosound (119th ) 473300
fr oOo_-_The_Bastard!!! (5463rd ) 298862
nl Player13 (2970th ) 55243
it Player15 (3604th ) 1500
us Player7 (2358th ) 118150
il Skirmish (2331st ) 237192
at Terr (4773rd ) 94614
il the_truth (4012th ) 59378
ae Wildc@t (4403rd ) 23866
it . (2877th ) 17.55
si 3 (128th ) 37.30
ar CALIGULA (4824th ) 6.13
gb CALIGULA_FAGGOT (3661st ) 20.47
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 11.76
sk IndianaJones (6340th ) 5.45
us LoSahn (7273rd ) 5.51
ar Messi_World_Champion (2888th ) 7.62
pl MJ (6926th ) 9.69
at nosound (119th ) 31.98
fr oOo_-_The_Bastard!!! (5463rd ) 15.31
nl Player13 (2970th ) 9.03
it Player15 (3604th ) 2.08
us Player7 (2358th ) 38.73
il Skirmish (2331st ) 21.72
at Terr (4773rd ) 6.23
il the_truth (4012th ) 8.43
ae Wildc@t (4403rd ) 5.00

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
it . (2877th ) 20 5 3 2 10
si 3 (128th ) 22 12 5 5 13
ar CALIGULA (4824th ) 2
gb CALIGULA_FAGGOT (3661st ) 24 6 4 1 11 1
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 15 1
sk IndianaJones (6340th ) 10 2 1 3
us LoSahn (7273rd ) 3 1
ar Messi_World_Champion (2888th ) 6 2 1 1
pl MJ (6926th ) 7 6 2
at nosound (119th ) Yes 34 16 11 12 18 1 1
fr oOo_-_The_Bastard!!! (5463rd ) 31 15 5 10 2
nl Player13 (2970th ) 10
it Player15 (3604th )
us Player7 (2358th ) 6 3 2 3 1 2
il Skirmish (2331st ) 21 9 4 3
at Terr (4773rd ) 6 4 1
il the_truth (4012th ) 9 1 1 3
ae Wildc@t (4403rd ) 1

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
it . (2877th ) 4 1
si 3 (128th ) 0 0
ar CALIGULA (4824th ) 36 7
gb CALIGULA_FAGGOT (3661st ) 29 5
us CoroNer (3723rd ) 3 3
sk IndianaJones (6340th ) 22 4
us LoSahn (7273rd ) 2 0
ar Messi_World_Champion (2888th ) 15 1
pl MJ (6926th ) 0 0
at nosound (119th ) 0 0
fr oOo_-_The_Bastard!!! (5463rd ) 4 2
nl Player13 (2970th ) 16 3
it Player15 (3604th ) 0 0
us Player7 (2358th ) 0 0
il Skirmish (2331st ) 0 0
at Terr (4773rd ) 17 6
il the_truth (4012th ) 12 2
ae Wildc@t (4403rd ) 0 0

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format