Match Stats
7 0
Match Date Tue, Feb 7 2023 at 9:13 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name BlockiestMapEver_40
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: Skirmish, chinese_tea_ocell, eh, Skallion

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
cz ezero (4003rd ) 510 1 1 1 10 3
nl sd (539th ) 418 8 3 7 1 12 8 4 10 3
pl highlander (91st ) 400 20 8 26 1 8 5 2 7 3
cl Don`t_Shoot (4849th ) 310 2 1 1 1 5 6
us HotPiE (3485th ) 236 4 3 7 8 10 4 4
gb neokaio (3605th ) 125 5 1 6 2 3 3
us slime (13176th ) 123 2 1 3 2 2 2 12
pt bife (594th ) 109 1 1 1 3 4 1
es TPM (5739th ) 43 3 1 4 1 1
br Z (3525th ) 7 1 1 1
us LoSahn (7277th ) 6 1 1 1
fr FrenchKiss (9726th ) 5
gb DeBryne (1106th )
Totals 7 2292 45 20 58 4 38 32 7 39 36
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pl Jamally (434th ) 480 9 1 10 7 6 22 7
nl Meira (1235th ) 246 10 10 1 4 7 5
br have_a_vagina (5844th ) 194 1 1 5 9
at Terr (4773rd ) 106 4 4 5 3
dk dickfish«X» (318th ) 50 4 3 1
be oNhcet (1107th ) 38 1 1 1 1
ar CALIGULA (4824th ) 20 1
pr Robin_JJ9 (6433rd ) 6 1
us xt 4
Totals 0 1144 24 1 25 0 13 14 0 42 26

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
cz ezero (4003rd )13:33510626489241.805.2600:09
nl sd (539th )14:484181761769265.6726.6700:10
pl highlander (91st )17:2940018818810464.3829.4500:11
cl Don`t_Shoot (4849th )13:03310495065143.504.4200:13
us HotPiE (3485th )17:2923610510512944.8712.0300:08
gb neokaio (3605th )17:29125878711343.508.9100:10
us slime (13176th )17:29123313111920.673.9400:09
pt bife (594th )06:1910967673764.4225.1900:10
es TPM (5739th )05:064323233638.9810.0700:08
br Z (3525th )01:17711516.674.5500:13
us LoSahn (7277th )00:43622433.334.3500:11
fr FrenchKiss (9726th )02:31533632.5013.2600:27
gb DeBryne (1106th )01:020100:52
Totals7 (2292)7947978003039.2511.3900:15
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pl Jamally (434th )17:2948020020013559.7025.8400:08
nl Meira (1235th )17:2924614314312952.5726.6400:08
br have_a_vagina (5844th )10:2019420206124.736.9500:10
at Terr (4773rd )10:2010640407833.908.6900:08
dk dickfish«X» (318th )01:5650232410168.5733.8000:12
be oNhcet (1107th )04:293830304042.8616.8800:06
ar CALIGULA (4824th )04:5020991123.692.6801:19
pr Robin_JJ9 (6433rd )00:39611325.008.3300:14
us xt00:23444180.0030.7700:25
Totals0 (1144)4704714681045.6717.8400:19

Kills Match Up
cz ezero (4003rd ) 28132664211   5622 6   
nl sd (539th ) 15  7 23     2 3444172232511
pl highlander (91st ) 23  10 25     1 45321927 51  
cl Don`t_Shoot (4849th ) 518113143    92271 3  
us HotPiE (3485th ) 6  4 26       14296131411 
gb neokaio (3605th ) 4128519 1984   111 14    
us slime (13176th ) 3    5       8516 3   
pt bife (594th ) 3  10 10       1169  17 1 
es TPM (5739th ) 1  1 3       635  31  
br Z (3525th )              1        
us LoSahn (7277th )               1  1    
fr FrenchKiss (9726th )    11        1        
gb DeBryne (1106th )                       
pl Jamally (434th ) 16283785033213101 2          
nl Meira (1235th ) 8261583623159 21          
br have_a_vagina (5844th )  34 4 6 21            
at Terr (4773rd ) 1686729   1           
dk dickfish«X» (318th )  553352   1      1    
be oNhcet (1107th ) 425   6562            
ar CALIGULA (4824th )   1 1 7               
pr Robin_JJ9 (6433rd )         1             
us xt  1  1 2               

Weapons Summary
pt bife (594th ) 67 266 67 25.19 100500
ar CALIGULA (4824th ) 1 8 56 3 5.36 4102
dk dickfish«X» (318th ) 24 71 24 33.80 36000
cl Don`t_Shoot (4849th ) 1 18 144 8 5.56 10899
cz ezero (4003rd ) 1 12 94 3 3.19 4300
fr FrenchKiss (9726th ) 1 12 1 8.33 1500
br have_a_vagina (5844th ) 9 90 8 8.89 11503
pl highlander (91st ) 1 187 567 167 29.45 248676
us HotPiE (3485th ) 2 103 698 84 12.03 120954
pl Jamally (434th ) 1 199 685 177 25.84 260595
us LoSahn (7277th ) 2 23 1 4.35 2704
nl Meira (1235th ) 1 142 518 138 26.64 207930
gb neokaio (3605th ) 2 85 741 66 8.91 86800
be oNhcet (1107th ) 30 154 26 16.88 37399
pr Robin_JJ9 (6433rd ) 1 12 1 8.33 1500
nl sd (539th ) 1 175 645 172 26.67 257867
us slime (13176th ) 1 30 660 26 3.94 38676
at Terr (4773rd ) 1 39 426 37 8.69 54684
es TPM (5739th ) 1 22 149 15 10.07 19016
us xt 4 13 4 30.77 6000
br Z (3525th ) 1 22 1 4.55 1500

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
pt bife (594th ) 13 2 2 2 4 1
ar CALIGULA (4824th ) 1
gb DeBryne (1106th )
dk dickfish«X» (318th ) 1 2 1
cl Don`t_Shoot (4849th ) 9 1
cz ezero (4003rd ) 6 2 1
fr FrenchKiss (9726th ) 1
br have_a_vagina (5844th ) 2
pl highlander (91st ) 25 5 7 3 9
us HotPiE (3485th ) 10 5 1 1 1
pl Jamally (434th ) 29 16 6 11
us LoSahn (7277th ) 1
nl Meira (1235th ) 22 7 2 8
gb neokaio (3605th ) Yes 11 2 1 2
be oNhcet (1107th ) 3 2 2
pr Robin_JJ9 (6433rd )
nl sd (539th ) 30 8 1 5 10 2
us slime (13176th ) 1
at Terr (4773rd ) 4 2
es TPM (5739th ) 1 1
us xt 1
br Z (3525th )

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
pt bife (594th ) 0 0
ar CALIGULA (4824th ) 6 0
gb DeBryne (1106th ) 0 0
dk dickfish«X» (318th ) 0 0
cl Don`t_Shoot (4849th ) 30 2
cz ezero (4003rd ) 37 17
fr FrenchKiss (9726th ) 0 0
br have_a_vagina (5844th ) 8 0
pl highlander (91st ) 21 12
us HotPiE (3485th ) 21 6
pl Jamally (434th ) 22 6
us LoSahn (7277th ) 0 0
nl Meira (1235th ) 4 0
gb neokaio (3605th ) 23 4
be oNhcet (1107th ) 3 2
pr Robin_JJ9 (6433rd ) 0 0
nl sd (539th ) 2 0
us slime (13176th ) 6 2
at Terr (4773rd ) 3 0
es TPM (5739th ) 9 6
us xt 0 0
br Z (3525th ) 0 0

Match Report
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