Match Stats
1 2
Match Date Mon, Feb 20 2023 at 8:44 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name (UTW)OPEL
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: sus, $H!C3[LO\\\\\'N, Kovas, pplarehell_im_ocell

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
nl period (762nd ) 310 9 1 1 1
br sodieh (10132nd ) 249 8 8 1 3 1
ca R@pt (6646th ) 199 1 11 5
dk dickfish«X» (317th ) 164 3 3 2 3
us Doc_Taylor (5803rd ) 155 1 1 2 9 14
us jerc (3689th ) 122 2 2 3 1 4
ar CALIGULA (4824th ) 101 3 1 4 4 1
br Velho-Br (4700th ) 88 1 1 1 1 3 8
fr oOo (1385th ) 78 1 1 1 2 1 1
il cide-showbob (13409th ) 62 2 2 2
de bustacell (1861st ) 47 3 1 4 1 1 3
us uranus (3625th ) 15 1 1 1
tr Mr.Prostate (5621st ) 6
Totals 1 1596 23 5 27 2 24 4 1 37 34
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
de -cide- (1659th ) 321 7 7 1 4 4 7
pt Jack (1157th ) 259 6 1 5 1 2 8 7
il hussar_ya_noob (1238th ) 199 14 14 5 1 1
il Sorry_Lucas (3285th ) 177 8 1 9 1 3
ru Mustafa (5480th ) 161 5 2 2
cl Don`t_Shoot (4849th ) 127 4 2
br VERN (10562nd ) 118 1 1 2 4 3
sk IndianaJones (6341st ) 106 1 5 1
us 2011rex87 (6994th ) 79 8 8 2 4
fr Sire (9724th ) 49 2 2 1
il RM-cide- 6
Totals 2 1602 44 3 45 1 19 0 2 35 28

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
nl period (762nd )20:0731025025089173.6123.9200:14
br sodieh (10132nd )18:272491691699357.5415.5700:18
ca R@pt (6646th )20:07199858514137.616.8200:09
dk dickfish«X» (317th )11:271641301307065.0033.8600:10
us Doc_Taylor (5803rd )20:07155505185137.232.8000:15
us jerc (3689th )11:1112262627445.5913.8300:09
ar CALIGULA (4824th )17:3210161617532.027.3000:19
br Velho-Br (4700th )20:078847478635.342.5400:15
fr oOo (1385th )04:037846461476.6715.6900:19
il cide-showbob (13409th )08:136258585053.7021.4000:10
de bustacell (1861st )04:444720203735.0915.3800:08
us uranus (3625th )03:051533633.3310.3400:32
tr Mr.Prostate (5621st )02:5763415120.001.7900:12
Totals1 (1596)9849868352146.3613.1700:15
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
de -cide- (1659th )20:0732121521514659.5617.4200:09
pt Jack (1157th )20:0725912712714047.579.5600:09
il hussar_ya_noob (1238th )19:2819912912911852.2311.2100:10
il Sorry_Lucas (3285th )19:06177108109117148.026.9800:10
ru Mustafa (5480th )20:0216112913087159.6310.6900:15
cl Don`t_Shoot (4849th )19:1112768686825.192.1701:23
br VERN (10562nd )20:07118676715230.599.9400:08
sk IndianaJones (6341st )20:0710657579936.543.6000:13
us 2011rex87 (6994th )20:0779404013023.534.2100:10
fr Sire (9724th )08:4749242554131.256.4100:10
il RM-cide-01:456661528.5714.6300:07
Totals2 (1602)97097311263040.248.8000:17

Kills Match Up
nl period (762nd )     8      123247162061536213495
br sodieh (10132nd )     1        1621131361427232735
ca R@pt (6646th )             216621710163841
dk dickfish«X» (317th )              1816151151121111381
us Doc_Taylor (5803rd )  14 1 1      88172  2152 
us jerc (3689th )              11611743875  
ar CALIGULA (4824th )     5        7941 589103 
br Velho-Br (4700th )     1       3371061371221
fr oOo (1385th )              7533551053  
il cide-showbob (13409th )              10465467763 
de bustacell (1861st )              21 163133  
us uranus (3625th )     1        1     1    
tr Mr.Prostate (5621st )   3   1     1           
de -cide- (1659th ) 252439189817154161011   914    5 
pt Jack (1157th ) 1418974812221652    77    5 
il hussar_ya_noob (1238th ) 373062457253441    26    2 
il Sorry_Lucas (3285th ) 11515614928123 17221 282621
ru Mustafa (5480th ) 47176611242127 578 71 94831
cl Don`t_Shoot (4849th ) 109692983213     33      
br VERN (10562nd ) 75813966 82     55    2 
sk IndianaJones (6341st ) 977368611 21    14    1 
us 2011rex87 (6994th ) 38 12 751 11     11      
fr Sire (9724th )  222  71    11  6  12 1 
il RM-cide- 3 1 1 1                 

Weapons Summary
de -cide- (1659th ) 2 213
us 2011rex87 (6994th ) 3 37
de bustacell (1861st ) 2 18
ar CALIGULA (4824th ) 1 21
il cide-showbob (13409th ) 58
dk dickfish«X» (317th ) 130
us Doc_Taylor (5803rd ) 3 48
cl Don`t_Shoot (4849th ) 3 65
il hussar_ya_noob (1238th ) 3 126
sk IndianaJones (6341st ) 2 55
pt Jack (1157th ) 9 118
us jerc (3689th ) 1 61
tr Mr.Prostate (5621st ) 4
ru Mustafa (5480th ) 1 128 1
fr oOo (1385th ) 46
nl period (762nd ) 4 248
ca R@pt (6646th ) 3 82
il RM-cide- 6
fr Sire (9724th ) 1 24
br sodieh (10132nd ) 4 160
il Sorry_Lucas (3285th ) 5 104
us uranus (3625th ) 3
br Velho-Br (4700th ) 3 44
br VERN (10562nd ) 4 63
de -cide- (1659th ) 1056
us 2011rex87 (6994th ) 736
de bustacell (1861st ) 91
ar CALIGULA (4824th ) 95
il cide-showbob (13409th ) 271
dk dickfish«X» (317th ) 381
us Doc_Taylor (5803rd ) 963
cl Don`t_Shoot (4849th ) 783
il hussar_ya_noob (1238th ) 749
sk IndianaJones (6341st ) 1112
pt Jack (1157th ) 1046
us jerc (3689th ) 376
tr Mr.Prostate (5621st ) 56
ru Mustafa (5480th ) 1038
fr oOo (1385th ) 274
nl period (762nd ) 945
ca R@pt (6646th ) 850
il RM-cide- 41
fr Sire (9724th ) 390
br sodieh (10132nd ) 747
il Sorry_Lucas (3285th ) 1046
us uranus (3625th ) 29
br Velho-Br (4700th ) 1024
br VERN (10562nd ) 362
de -cide- (1659th ) 184
us 2011rex87 (6994th ) 31
de bustacell (1861st ) 14
ar CALIGULA (4824th ) 12
il cide-showbob (13409th ) 58
dk dickfish«X» (317th ) 129
us Doc_Taylor (5803rd ) 27
cl Don`t_Shoot (4849th ) 34
il hussar_ya_noob (1238th ) 84
sk IndianaJones (6341st ) 40
pt Jack (1157th ) 100
us jerc (3689th ) 52
tr Mr.Prostate (5621st ) 1
ru Mustafa (5480th ) 111
fr oOo (1385th ) 43
nl period (762nd ) 226
ca R@pt (6646th ) 58
il RM-cide- 6
fr Sire (9724th ) 25
br sodieh (10132nd ) 133
il Sorry_Lucas (3285th ) 73
us uranus (3625th ) 3
br Velho-Br (4700th ) 26
br VERN (10562nd ) 36
de -cide- (1659th ) 266568
us 2011rex87 (6994th ) 39310
de bustacell (1861st ) 16366
ar CALIGULA (4824th ) 15635
il cide-showbob (13409th ) 87000
dk dickfish«X» (317th ) 193500
us Doc_Taylor (5803rd ) 34041
cl Don`t_Shoot (4849th ) 42884
il hussar_ya_noob (1238th ) 118279
sk IndianaJones (6341st ) 50935
pt Jack (1157th ) 137095
us jerc (3689th ) 73447
tr Mr.Prostate (5621st ) 1260
ru Mustafa (5480th ) 160442
fr oOo (1385th ) 62636
nl period (762nd ) 334264
ca R@pt (6646th ) 80379
il RM-cide- 9000
fr Sire (9724th ) 33857
br sodieh (10132nd ) 191194
il Sorry_Lucas (3285th ) 87899
us uranus (3625th ) 4204
br Velho-Br (4700th ) 36407
br VERN (10562nd ) 53045
de -cide- (1659th ) 17.42
us 2011rex87 (6994th ) 4.21
de bustacell (1861st ) 15.38
ar CALIGULA (4824th ) 12.63
il cide-showbob (13409th ) 21.40
dk dickfish«X» (317th ) 33.86
us Doc_Taylor (5803rd ) 2.80
cl Don`t_Shoot (4849th ) 4.34
il hussar_ya_noob (1238th ) 11.21
sk IndianaJones (6341st ) 3.60
pt Jack (1157th ) 9.56
us jerc (3689th ) 13.83
tr Mr.Prostate (5621st ) 1.79
ru Mustafa (5480th ) 10.69
fr oOo (1385th ) 15.69
nl period (762nd ) 23.92
ca R@pt (6646th ) 6.82
il RM-cide- 14.63
fr Sire (9724th ) 6.41
br sodieh (10132nd ) 17.80
il Sorry_Lucas (3285th ) 6.98
us uranus (3625th ) 10.34
br Velho-Br (4700th ) 2.54
br VERN (10562nd ) 9.94

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
de -cide- (1659th ) Yes 21 11 10 4 10 2
us 2011rex87 (6994th ) 3 2
de bustacell (1861st ) 1
ar CALIGULA (4824th ) 7 2 2 1 1 1
il cide-showbob (13409th ) 9 2 1 3
dk dickfish«X» (317th ) 14 6 7 4 4 2
us Doc_Taylor (5803rd ) 4 2 1
cl Don`t_Shoot (4849th ) 10 1 3
il hussar_ya_noob (1238th ) 19 3 2 2 4
sk IndianaJones (6341st ) 4 2 1
pt Jack (1157th ) 15 6 1 1 4
us jerc (3689th ) 7 5 1
tr Mr.Prostate (5621st )
ru Mustafa (5480th ) 15 10 8
fr oOo (1385th ) 3 2 2 1 1 1
nl period (762nd ) 28 7 9 9 14 4 1 2
ca R@pt (6646th ) 10 1
il RM-cide- 1
fr Sire (9724th ) 2
br sodieh (10132nd ) 20 9 2 5 11 1
il Sorry_Lucas (3285th ) 11 5 2 1 6
us uranus (3625th )
br Velho-Br (4700th ) 3 1 2
br VERN (10562nd ) 7 2 1 1

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
de -cide- (1659th ) 29 18
us 2011rex87 (6994th ) 9 6
de bustacell (1861st ) 8 7
ar CALIGULA (4824th ) 24 12
il cide-showbob (13409th ) 0 0
dk dickfish«X» (317th ) 1 0
us Doc_Taylor (5803rd ) 25 4
cl Don`t_Shoot (4849th ) 34 13
il hussar_ya_noob (1238th ) 46 19
sk IndianaJones (6341st ) 16 2
pt Jack (1157th ) 28 9
us jerc (3689th ) 10 4
tr Mr.Prostate (5621st ) 3 2
ru Mustafa (5480th ) 19 2
fr oOo (1385th ) 3 0
nl period (762nd ) 21 14
ca R@pt (6646th ) 27 4
il RM-cide- 0 0
fr Sire (9724th ) 0 0
br sodieh (10132nd ) 31 15
il Sorry_Lucas (3285th ) 39 19
us uranus (3625th ) 0 0
br Velho-Br (4700th ) 22 0
br VERN (10562nd ) 30 9

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format