Match Stats
7 2
Match Date Sun, Mar 5 2023 at 9:09 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name W00tabulous !@Fixed [Fixed by: Nugglan]
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: retro, {WoC}Wombat, fw

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pl Jamally (433rd ) 499 5 6 7 17 1 4 19 6
-cide- (1659th ) 441 2 2 4 4 1 23 26
ar DAz (5764th ) 227 7 7 12 3 4 1 2 10 4
il Sorry_Lucas (3285th ) 132 4 3 7 2 4 4 3
cl Don`t_Shoot (4850th ) 128 3 3 6 2 1 6 5
us Dn.Verga (2790th ) 99 3 5 7 2 1 4 7
us Immø®t@l~§øul (4404th ) 9 1
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 1
es Corsair (5120th )
Totals 7 1536 24 26 43 7 32 3 7 66 52
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
gb Ooper (142nd ) 473 24 3 27 1 12 20 10
pt Yahiro (863rd ) 390 6 6 11 1 15 3 1 9 4
pt bife (594th ) 298 4 4 30 5
fr oOo (1385th ) 254 1 1 15 10 2
br Velho-Br (4700th ) 146 3 2 6 1 6 3
ru Schizazoid (3549th ) 97 9 2 11 3 2 2
ru Eingerlj (7785th ) 55 4 1
us 2011rex87 (6994th ) 34 25 25 1
hr Bob (1017th ) 34 1 1 3
Totals 2 1781 69 15 82 2 84 3 2 56 23

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pl Jamally (433rd )13:0149918718710963.1828.6700:07
-cide- (1659th )13:1344112912914440.7213.0000:05
ar DAz (5764th )13:012277071127135.6810.4800:06
il Sorry_Lucas (3285th )13:01132585980142.148.0500:10
cl Don`t_Shoot (4850th )10:3912835355120.592.7501:17
us Dn.Verga (2790th )13:01993132101123.886.7300:08
us Immø®t@l~§øul (4404th )01:419992526.4710.0000:04
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th )00:37111420.007.6900:06
es Corsair (5120th )00:100200:05
Totals7 (1536)5205236433030.309.7100:14
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
gb Ooper (142nd )13:01473177179123258.8825.6800:06
pt Yahiro (863rd )12:4239015415591162.7513.8000:09
pt bife (594th )13:0129818518511062.7126.4000:07
fr oOo (1385th )12:032541421429460.1717.1800:08
br Velho-Br (4700th )13:0114665659540.634.2100:09
ru Schizazoid (3549th )13:0197585990139.339.1700:09
ru Eingerlj (7785th )11:2555262815262.2211.2400:50
us 2011rex87 (6994th )11:3534111310023.901.2800:11
hr Bob (1017th )02:053422221068.7515.1500:13
Totals2 (1781)8408487288051.0413.7900:13

Kills Match Up
pl Jamally (433rd )   4      38 331834283281
-cide- (1659th )   3      31224121218 234
ar DAz (5764th ) 2311     1211014105211 
il Sorry_Lucas (3285th )   81     7 101253671
cl Don`t_Shoot (4850th )          8 31134 51
us Dn.Verga (2790th )      1   3 7 71014 
us Immø®t@l~§øul (4404th )           32  2 11
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th )             1     
es Corsair (5120th )                   
gb Ooper (142nd ) 3230291313255  232       
pt Yahiro (863rd ) 2325  2  241212624203212
pt bife (594th ) 24433518123143  15       
fr oOo (1385th ) 2126201517222   19       
br Velho-Br (4700th ) 121010461011  11       
ru Schizazoid (3549th ) 71897273 1 5   1   
ru Eingerlj (7785th ) 5231113    3    2  
us 2011rex87 (6994th ) 2332 3          2 
hr Bob (1017th ) 2614  8 1         

Weapons Summary
-cide- (1659th ) 2 117 672 93 13.84 129320
us 2011rex87 (6994th ) 13 78 3 3.85 3156
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 1 13 1 7.69 403
pt bife (594th ) 185 697 184 26.40 277500
hr Bob (1017th ) 22 66 10 15.15 14413
es Corsair (5120th ) 8
ar DAz (5764th ) 4 67 630 66 10.48 89954
us Dn.Verga (2790th ) 4 28 431 29 6.73 38878
cl Don`t_Shoot (4850th ) 1 34 273 15 5.49 15995
ru Eingerlj (7785th ) 28 249 28 11.24 40562
us Immø®t@l~§øul (4404th ) 1 8 80 8 10.00 9487
pl Jamally (433rd ) 1 186 607 174 28.67 255858
fr oOo (1385th ) 1 141 745 128 17.18 186721
gb Ooper (142nd ) 2 177 658 169 25.68 252388
ru Schizazoid (3549th ) 3 56 436 40 9.17 49073
il Sorry_Lucas (3285th ) 2 57 559 45 8.05 52351
br Velho-Br (4700th ) 1 64 546 23 4.21 32788
pt Yahiro (863rd ) 2 153 652 90 13.80 129377

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
-cide- (1659th ) 14 6 1 3 3
us 2011rex87 (6994th ) 1 2
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th )
pt bife (594th ) Yes 13 15 5 6 14
hr Bob (1017th ) 1 2 2
es Corsair (5120th )
ar DAz (5764th ) 6 4 1 3
us Dn.Verga (2790th ) 2 1
cl Don`t_Shoot (4850th ) 5 1 1 2
ru Eingerlj (7785th ) 1 1
us Immø®t@l~§øul (4404th )
pl Jamally (433rd ) 27 10 5 5 11 1
fr oOo (1385th ) 14 4 4 5 6 2
gb Ooper (142nd ) 20 8 6 6 7 1
ru Schizazoid (3549th ) 9 3 1
il Sorry_Lucas (3285th ) 5 2 2 3 1
br Velho-Br (4700th ) 8 1 1 2
pt Yahiro (863rd ) 18 13 4 3 9

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
-cide- (1659th ) 26 11
us 2011rex87 (6994th ) 10 0
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 0 0
pt bife (594th ) 0 0
hr Bob (1017th ) 12 1
es Corsair (5120th ) 0 0
ar DAz (5764th ) 6 1
us Dn.Verga (2790th ) 4 2
cl Don`t_Shoot (4850th ) 21 0
ru Eingerlj (7785th ) 0 0
us Immø®t@l~§øul (4404th ) 1 0
pl Jamally (433rd ) 13 2
fr oOo (1385th ) 14 1
gb Ooper (142nd ) 8 4
ru Schizazoid (3549th ) 19 3
il Sorry_Lucas (3285th ) 11 0
br Velho-Br (4700th ) 43 2
pt Yahiro (863rd ) 67 26

Match Report
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