Match Stats
4 7
Match Date Mon, Mar 6 2023 at 8:39 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name Liandri Docks 2022
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: Dddd

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
dk dickfish (392nd ) 312 1 1 2 10 4 2
us g (384th ) 151 2 4
us KFC-dishwasher (4994th ) 135 6 1 6 1 1 3 2
si noxfox (1771st ) 130 6 2 7 1 1 1
hu Genesis (6380th ) 119 1 1 6 5
us Dn.Verga (2789th ) 118 4 2 5 2 1 4 6
us lavak3 (248th ) 116 6 6 1 3 1
us LoSahn (7272nd ) 98 2 1 1 1 1
ar _B_R_o_l_y_Man (15759th ) 22 1 1
ar Pichuladegato (16194th ) 9
de PuTzHiErNur (4361st )
Totals 4 1210 25 7 28 1 17 0 4 25 19
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
de Player1 (745th ) 179 1 1 8 2 3 3
fr oOo (1384th ) 169 1 4 1
it Wasp (2908th ) 166 6 4 4 2 1
ru Mustafa (5477th ) 158 17 1 16 1 1 2 2 1
sk IndianaJones (6340th ) 152 1 1 1 4 5
es Corsair (5117th ) 104 1 1 1 2 2 5
us 2011rex87 (6990th ) 80 7 4
cl Don`t_Shoot (4848th ) 23 1
de Snatchha (4740th ) 2
us Doc_Taylor (5800th )
Totals 7 1033 25 3 21 2 17 0 7 23 20

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
dk dickfish (392nd )16:2331223223378174.6835.1400:13
us g (384th )08:4815194945561.4425.7300:11
us KFC-dishwasher (4994th )16:23135747412038.1415.6900:09
si noxfox (1771st )13:0113085857254.1410.7800:11
hu Genesis (6380th )16:2311952526644.076.8800:16
us Dn.Verga (2789th )16:23118565610834.159.2200:10
us lavak3 (248th )10:13116616239160.7821.1600:17
us LoSahn (7272nd )05:199813132915.862.4400:07
ar _B_R_o_l_y_Man (15759th )16:232218186122.782.8100:17
ar Pichuladegato (16194th )06:379993122.503.0200:14
de PuTzHiErNur (4361st )01:00-1-11100:49
Totals4 (1210)6936956602138.9612.0800:16
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
de Player1 (745th )16:2317992927056.7915.6800:15
fr oOo (1384th )15:131691271277562.8712.7800:13
it Wasp (2908th )16:23166737310042.203.6100:10
ru Mustafa (5477th )16:23158575711133.9310.5300:09
sk IndianaJones (6340th )16:2315269695854.333.2200:18
es Corsair (5117th )15:40104596268346.625.4100:15
us 2011rex87 (6990th )06:4880992526.474.0300:17
cl Don`t_Shoot (4848th )05:512320203238.465.9800:12
de Snatchha (4740th )01:11222820.008.7000:09
us Doc_Taylor (5800th )02:240102:22
Totals7 (1033)5085115483038.176.9900:26

Kills Match Up
dk dickfish (392nd ) 1216 34 23  2030414819184104 
us g (384th ) 10 1217121710 21 3 3331    
us KFC-dishwasher (4994th ) 43         119141111641  
si noxfox (1771st )  11         1113131369171 
hu Genesis (6380th ) 16         5381068131 
us Dn.Verga (2789th )  2         4118639742 
us lavak3 (248th )  5    1    3561551184  
us LoSahn (7272nd )            3 3123   1
ar _B_R_o_l_y_Man (15759th )            914 11 2  
ar Pichuladegato (16194th )  1          3 31  1  
de PuTzHiErNur (4361st )        1             
de Player1 (745th ) 12119981123224      1    
fr oOo (1384th ) 2011817201987107           
it Wasp (2908th ) 721696144735           
ru Mustafa (5477th ) 41135854385      1    
sk IndianaJones (6340th ) 7117531434951          
es Corsair (5117th ) 9 1363195211 1  113    
us 2011rex87 (6990th ) 2 11 22  1           
cl Don`t_Shoot (4848th ) 2 52321 32           
de Snatchha (4740th )    1 1               
us Doc_Taylor (5800th )                      

Weapons Summary
us 2011rex87 (6990th ) 9
ar _B_R_o_l_y_Man (15759th ) 18
es Corsair (5117th ) 1 61
dk dickfish (392nd ) 233
us Dn.Verga (2789th ) 4 51 1
cl Don`t_Shoot (4848th ) 2 18
us g (384th ) 81
hu Genesis (6380th ) 2 50
sk IndianaJones (6340th ) 1 68
us KFC-dishwasher (4994th ) 5 69
us lavak3 (248th ) 62
us LoSahn (7272nd ) 1 12
ru Mustafa (5477th ) 3 54
si noxfox (1771st ) 4 81
fr oOo (1384th ) 127
ar Pichuladegato (16194th ) 9
de Player1 (745th ) 92
de PuTzHiErNur (4361st ) 1
de Snatchha (4740th ) 2
it Wasp (2908th ) 3 70
us 2011rex87 (6990th ) 149
ar _B_R_o_l_y_Man (15759th ) 640
es Corsair (5117th ) 740
dk dickfish (392nd ) 663
us Dn.Verga (2789th ) 553
cl Don`t_Shoot (4848th ) 234
us g (384th ) 269
hu Genesis (6380th ) 625
sk IndianaJones (6340th ) 808
us KFC-dishwasher (4994th ) 459
us lavak3 (248th ) 241
us LoSahn (7272nd )
ru Mustafa (5477th ) 418
si noxfox (1771st ) 575
fr oOo (1384th ) 978
ar Pichuladegato (16194th ) 298
de Player1 (745th ) 542
de PuTzHiErNur (4361st )
de Snatchha (4740th ) 23
it Wasp (2908th ) 913
us 2011rex87 (6990th ) 6
ar _B_R_o_l_y_Man (15759th ) 18
es Corsair (5117th ) 40
dk dickfish (392nd ) 233
us Dn.Verga (2789th ) 51
cl Don`t_Shoot (4848th ) 14
us g (384th ) 76
hu Genesis (6380th ) 43
sk IndianaJones (6340th ) 26
us KFC-dishwasher (4994th ) 72
us lavak3 (248th ) 51
us LoSahn (7272nd )
ru Mustafa (5477th ) 44
si noxfox (1771st ) 62
fr oOo (1384th ) 125
ar Pichuladegato (16194th ) 9
de Player1 (745th ) 85
de PuTzHiErNur (4361st )
de Snatchha (4740th ) 2
it Wasp (2908th ) 33
us 2011rex87 (6990th ) 9000
ar _B_R_o_l_y_Man (15759th ) 27000
es Corsair (5117th ) 55590
dk dickfish (392nd ) 349500
us Dn.Verga (2789th ) 69334
cl Don`t_Shoot (4848th ) 17937
us g (384th ) 114643
hu Genesis (6380th ) 58457
sk IndianaJones (6340th ) 34627
us KFC-dishwasher (4994th ) 97281
us lavak3 (248th ) 73175
us LoSahn (7272nd )
ru Mustafa (5477th ) 60823
si noxfox (1771st ) 82505
fr oOo (1384th ) 181898
ar Pichuladegato (16194th ) 12937
de Player1 (745th ) 126124
de PuTzHiErNur (4361st )
de Snatchha (4740th ) 3000
it Wasp (2908th ) 41112
us 2011rex87 (6990th ) 4.03
ar _B_R_o_l_y_Man (15759th ) 2.81
es Corsair (5117th ) 5.41
dk dickfish (392nd ) 35.14
us Dn.Verga (2789th ) 9.22
cl Don`t_Shoot (4848th ) 5.98
us g (384th ) 28.25
hu Genesis (6380th ) 6.88
sk IndianaJones (6340th ) 3.22
us KFC-dishwasher (4994th ) 15.69
us lavak3 (248th ) 21.16
us LoSahn (7272nd )
ru Mustafa (5477th ) 10.53
si noxfox (1771st ) 10.78
fr oOo (1384th ) 12.78
ar Pichuladegato (16194th ) 3.02
de Player1 (745th ) 15.68
de PuTzHiErNur (4361st )
de Snatchha (4740th ) 8.70
it Wasp (2908th ) 3.61

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
us 2011rex87 (6990th )
es Corsair (5117th ) 6 3
dk dickfish (392nd ) Yes 35 13 9 6 14 3
us Dn.Verga (2789th ) 6 4
us Doc_Taylor (5800th )
cl Don`t_Shoot (4848th ) 2
us g (384th ) 15 3 3 2 5
hu Genesis (6380th ) 4 2 1
sk IndianaJones (6340th ) 7 2 3 4
us KFC-dishwasher (4994th ) 8 1 1 2
us lavak3 (248th ) 12 2 1 3 1
us LoSahn (7272nd ) 3
ru Mustafa (5477th ) 6 3 1 1 2
si noxfox (1771st ) 12 4 1 1 6
fr oOo (1384th ) 17 7 2 1 5 2
ar Pichuladegato (16194th ) 1
de Player1 (745th ) 10 2 1 4
de PuTzHiErNur (4361st )
de Snatchha (4740th )
it Wasp (2908th ) 6 1 1 1 1
ar _B_R_o_l_y_Man (15759th ) 1

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
us 2011rex87 (6990th ) 3 0
es Corsair (5117th ) 23 3
dk dickfish (392nd ) 0 0
us Dn.Verga (2789th ) 3 0
us Doc_Taylor (5800th ) 0 0
cl Don`t_Shoot (4848th ) 6 1
us g (384th ) 4 0
hu Genesis (6380th ) 8 3
sk IndianaJones (6340th ) 42 2
us KFC-dishwasher (4994th ) 4 0
us lavak3 (248th ) 12 3
us LoSahn (7272nd ) 3 1
ru Mustafa (5477th ) 15 2
si noxfox (1771st ) 22 9
fr oOo (1384th ) 2 0
ar Pichuladegato (16194th ) 0 0
de Player1 (745th ) 7 0
de PuTzHiErNur (4361st ) 0 0
de Snatchha (4740th ) 0 0
it Wasp (2908th ) 40 14
ar _B_R_o_l_y_Man (15759th ) 0 0

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format