Match Stats
5 4
Match Date Fri, Apr 21 2023 at 4:36 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name |-Vp-| FragWhoreArena
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: kA*420

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
ma Enraged_Newb (4936th ) 713 13 9 20 2 4 2 9 11
mx sus (3738th ) 518 26 7 31 3 2 10 14
us [D&D]bard (2469th ) 501 3 6 9 1 7 15 2
ch sui.eraz (1462nd ) 304 6 2 8 3 15 3
fr [Lou]Asshole (2597th ) 290 13 5 18 2 10 5 2
ar CALIGULA (4824th ) 239 4 1 5 16 2
no wigglewiggle (57th ) 199 1 9 8 6 2 6 2
ca UTNL (3396th ) 177 5 4 8 1 10 10
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 20 2
nl Whatever (1975th ) 18 1 1 1
cz Kastrol 14 1 1 1
ro BabyFace (9742nd ) 11 1
it Lambda
ru POCTOB.. (4118th )
Totals 5 3004 72 44 109 8 30 0 7 89 48
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
il Skirmish (2332nd ) 471 7 2 7 1 8 2 25 12
ee Joke-Moddy (8719th ) 195 2 6 8 1 3 9 4
fr Sire (9725th ) 139 1 1 4 4 7
de «T» (347th ) 94 3 3 2 2 1
fr ceax (12642nd ) 89 1 2 3 1 1 3 6
nl period (762nd ) 51 1 1 2 5
ru ZBORNAK (6017th ) 39 2 1 3 1 2
pl kunix
Totals 4 1078 16 13 27 4 23 0 2 45 30

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
ma Enraged_Newb (4936th )19:007138790127327.047.1400:08
mx sus (3738th )19:245187576114137.036.5400:10
us [D&D]bard (2469th )20:0050132732714469.4329.9900:09
ch sui.eraz (1462nd )13:4030414414677264.8920.9700:11
fr [Lou]Asshole (2597th )20:0029018618616552.9920.5200:07
ar CALIGULA (4824th )19:5923969693665.713.0300:36
no wigglewiggle (57th )06:4219988885760.6919.3000:07
ca UTNL (3396th )12:1917740407634.487.1900:10
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th )00:542022625.0020.0000:07
nl Whatever (1975th )01:0818881338.1015.2200:05
cz Kastrol05:1814352925.052.1900:13
ro BabyFace (9742nd )05:2611993719.573.7200:09
it Lambda00:060100:07
ru POCTOB.. (4118th )02:230102:22
Totals5 (3004)103810468838035.7111.1300:20
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
il Skirmish (2332nd )20:0047118818812659.8722.7600:10
ee Joke-Moddy (8719th )20:00195848415734.8513.2500:08
fr Sire (9725th )19:571396466122232.326.2100:11
de «T» (347th )05:109467673168.3727.6900:11
fr ceax (12642nd )20:00894546148123.596.4300:08
nl period (762nd )03:425139393155.7124.1600:07
ru ZBORNAK (6017th )08:113913134024.537.3400:13
pl kunix01:5101100:11
Totals4 (1078)5005036663037.4013.4800:10

Kills Match Up
ma Enraged_Newb (4936th ) 31118 443911 5 13210 18   
mx sus (3738th ) 1212611   1     1712542211
us [D&D]bard (2469th ) 44  1955     7   5172291278185
ch sui.eraz (1462nd ) 413212591314  31  762241410  
fr [Lou]Asshole (2597th ) 82528  31392 3 1 412147525  
ar CALIGULA (4824th ) 20  112     3   91161 24 
no wigglewiggle (57th ) 15  1312     1   17172   101
ca UTNL (3396th ) 9  34     4   6731 3  
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 1             1       
nl Whatever (1975th ) 4               112   
cz Kastrol     1  1  2    3      
ro BabyFace (9742nd ) 1             113111  
it Lambda                       
ru POCTOB.. (4118th )                       
il Skirmish (2332nd ) 138298912192525110    12 17   
ee Joke-Moddy (8719th ) 191526454  23    6 27   
fr Sire (9725th ) 1510611 11  33  682 4 43
de «T» (347th )  514619  5 4 10      4   
fr ceax (12642nd ) 511412     21  466 1 31
nl period (762nd )  63943 7 3 4          
ru ZBORNAK (6017th ) 113  131        3     
pl kunix                       

Weapons Summary
us [D&D]bard (2469th ) 327 1087 326 29.99 490500
fr [Lou]Asshole (2597th ) 4 182 887 182 20.52 272310
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 2 10 2 20.00 3000
ro BabyFace (9742nd ) 1 8 242 9 3.72 10650
ar CALIGULA (4824th ) 69 396 12 3.03 15554
fr ceax (12642nd ) 46 684 44 6.43 67291
ma Enraged_Newb (4936th ) 1 23 200 22 11.00 32295
ee Joke-Moddy (8719th ) 1 83 536 71 13.25 105268
cz Kastrol 5 3
it Lambda 2
nl period (762nd ) 39 149 36 24.16 54847
fr Sire (9725th ) 2 53 690 54 7.83 69225
il Skirmish (2332nd ) 188 826 188 22.76 282000
ch sui.eraz (1462nd ) 2 144 663 139 20.97 210382
mx sus (3738th ) 1 67 139 8 5.76 11814
ca UTNL (3396th ) 40 417 30 7.19 42589
nl Whatever (1975th ) 8 46 7 15.22 10741
no wigglewiggle (57th ) 1 87 399 77 19.30 114379
ru ZBORNAK (6017th ) 13 177 13 7.34 19500
de «T» (347th ) 67 242 67 27.69 100500

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th )
ro BabyFace (9742nd )
ar CALIGULA (4824th ) 8 2 5 1
fr ceax (12642nd ) 3 1
ma Enraged_Newb (4936th ) 10 2
ee Joke-Moddy (8719th ) 13 1 1
cz Kastrol
pl kunix
it Lambda
nl period (762nd ) 8 1 1 1 1
ru POCTOB.. (4118th )
fr Sire (9725th ) 5 2
il Skirmish (2332nd ) 24 9 2 1 3 2
ch sui.eraz (1462nd ) 15 6 5 1 9
mx sus (3738th ) 12 1
ca UTNL (3396th ) 2
nl Whatever (1975th ) 3
no wigglewiggle (57th ) 12 6 6 3
ru ZBORNAK (6017th ) 1
us [D&D]bard (2469th ) 38 16 9 13 20 3
fr [Lou]Asshole (2597th ) Yes 36 10 5 6
de «T» (347th ) 10 5 1 1 3

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 0 0
ro BabyFace (9742nd ) 0 0
ar CALIGULA (4824th ) 58 2
fr ceax (12642nd ) 2 0
ma Enraged_Newb (4936th ) 3 3
ee Joke-Moddy (8719th ) 13 4
cz Kastrol 0 0
pl kunix 0 0
it Lambda 0 0
nl period (762nd ) 2 1
ru POCTOB.. (4118th ) 0 0
fr Sire (9725th ) 2 2
il Skirmish (2332nd ) 0 0
ch sui.eraz (1462nd ) 4 1
mx sus (3738th ) 6 1
ca UTNL (3396th ) 10 1
nl Whatever (1975th ) 0 0
no wigglewiggle (57th ) 11 2
ru ZBORNAK (6017th ) 0 0
us [D&D]bard (2469th ) 0 0
fr [Lou]Asshole (2597th ) 2 2
de «T» (347th ) 0 0

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format