Match Stats
1 5
Match Date Sun, Apr 30 2023 at 6:06 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name (UTW)OPEL
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: sus, -=]UM[=-FuriousAngel, TPM

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
ma Enraged_Newb (4931st ) 358 9 4 12 1 1 6 9
cl //_SLUG (3839th ) 256 17 7
de Player3 (1652nd ) 186 3 2 5 1 1 6 3
us effe (2611th ) 144 3 1 4 1 5 4
us my-explosive-balls (3132nd ) 141 5 1 5 1 7 2
it Francesco (4576th ) 131 2 1 5 8
fr FrrF (4966th ) 127 1 1 2 3
de blob (363rd ) 119 5 8
it toen (342nd ) 75 2 2 1 2 1
in PoOpy (3901st ) 73 3 3 3 2 3
us eZ (1025th ) 65 2 2 1 1
gb . (2877th ) 62 2 4
us uranus (3625th ) 43 1 1 2 1 2
de (739th ) 24 1 1 1 1
Totals 1 1804 28 11 37 3 12 1 2 63 50
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
fr Enraged_Retard (3424th ) 340 10 1 10 1 10 1 7 1
si noxfox (1772nd ) 296 11 1 12 7 2 5 3
us -Infringe- (937th ) 289 6 3 7 7 2 1 1
de ramalamadingdong (4477th ) 224 8 2 10 1 3 3 3
pt migo (1527th ) 157 2 1 2 4 1 1 1
be kA* (1906th ) 63 1 1 2
de bustacell (1861st ) 54 2 2 4 2 1
pt DVNO.m/\D (11861st ) 47 1 1 2 1 3 1
ar DAz (5764th ) 45 1 1 1 1
Totals 5 1515 42 11 49 3 34 2 4 23 11

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
ma Enraged_Newb (4931st )17:113587375116238.5812.8900:09
cl //_SLUG (3839th )20:03256828213238.327.7300:10
de Player3 (1652nd )20:0318611911916242.3517.6300:08
us effe (2611th )14:45144787812638.2410.3000:07
us my-explosive-balls (3132nd )12:07141616110836.096.9500:07
it Francesco (4576th )08:4713151517042.1512.2400:08
fr FrrF (4966th )11:2712795956758.6414.3300:11
de blob (363rd )12:45119515271141.946.0700:11
it toen (342nd )05:007551514453.6832.2400:07
in PoOpy (3901st )09:027338386138.388.7100:09
us eZ (1025th )08:4465454560142.998.4000:09
gb . (2877th )06:216241414150.0014.9000:10
us uranus (3625th )05:174321214133.8710.7300:08
de (739th )02:032413131350.0014.2900:10
Totals1 (1804)81982211123143.2312.6700:09
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
fr Enraged_Retard (3424th )20:0334019219213758.3619.7700:09
si noxfox (1772nd )20:0329617917912159.6714.1900:10
us -Infringe- (937th )20:032892252259470.5326.6300:14
de ramalamadingdong (4477th )20:0322410210211447.223.5900:11
pt migo (1527th )09:211571161164771.1737.5400:13
be kA* (1906th )07:346354544355.6716.3700:11
de bustacell (1861st )04:195421213041.1811.5400:09
pt DVNO.m/\D (11861st )03:024715152042.8615.6600:10
ar DAz (5764th )06:234530304042.869.4100:10
Totals5 (1515)9349346460054.3917.1900:11

Kills Match Up
ma Enraged_Newb (4931st ) 28810823422544 5324   1 
cl //_SLUG (3839th ) 7             2114141153115
de Player3 (1652nd ) 12      2      2114191885659
us effe (2611th ) 12             122161091 7 
us my-explosive-balls (3132nd ) 5             1051156103 6
it Francesco (4576th ) 2      6      71076224 5
fr FrrF (4966th ) 8             24217236  6 
de blob (363rd ) 424 35 1523 3 6533 3  1
it toen (342nd ) 10      3      5467 28 6
in PoOpy (3901st ) 2      2      6643363 3
us eZ (1025th ) 61            8248473 4
gb . (2877th ) 5             7143102    
us uranus (3625th ) 2      2      1153 42 1
de (739th )               41332    
fr Enraged_Retard (3424th ) 83432231015121359121063         
si noxfox (1772nd ) 101834281713198477662         
us -Infringe- (937th ) 16243829325201310139673         
de ramalamadingdong (4477th ) 514141311843747372         
pt migo (1527th )  1516161210612 841223         
be kA* (1906th )  75379 3367 4          
de bustacell (1861st )  14 21  632 2          
pt DVNO.m/\D (11861st ) 2352  3                
ar DAz (5764th )  52262  274            

Weapons Summary
us -Infringe- (937th ) 225
gb . (2877th ) 2 39
cl //_SLUG (3839th ) 2 80
de blob (363rd ) 3 49
de bustacell (1861st ) 21
ar DAz (5764th ) 2 28
pt DVNO.m/\D (11861st ) 15
us effe (2611th ) 3 75
ma Enraged_Newb (4931st ) 16
fr Enraged_Retard (3424th ) 7 185
us eZ (1025th ) 5 42
it Francesco (4576th ) 3 48
fr FrrF (4966th ) 1 94
be kA* (1906th ) 54
pt migo (1527th ) 116
us my-explosive-balls (3132nd ) 10 51
si noxfox (1772nd ) 5 173 1
de (739th ) 13
de Player3 (1652nd ) 1 118
in PoOpy (3901st ) 1 37
de ramalamadingdong (4477th ) 3 99
it toen (342nd ) 51
us uranus (3625th ) 3 18
us -Infringe- (937th ) 811
gb . (2877th ) 255
cl //_SLUG (3839th ) 699
de blob (363rd ) 461
de bustacell (1861st ) 104
ar DAz (5764th ) 287
pt DVNO.m/\D (11861st ) 83
us effe (2611th ) 641
ma Enraged_Newb (4931st ) 156
fr Enraged_Retard (3424th ) 880
us eZ (1025th ) 369
it Francesco (4576th ) 245
fr FrrF (4966th ) 642
be kA* (1906th ) 281
pt migo (1527th ) 309
us my-explosive-balls (3132nd ) 561
si noxfox (1772nd ) 1057
de (739th ) 70
de Player3 (1652nd ) 675
in PoOpy (3901st ) 356
de ramalamadingdong (4477th ) 918
it toen (342nd ) 152
us uranus (3625th ) 177
us -Infringe- (937th ) 216
gb . (2877th ) 38
cl //_SLUG (3839th ) 54
de blob (363rd ) 28
de bustacell (1861st ) 12
ar DAz (5764th ) 27
pt DVNO.m/\D (11861st ) 13
us effe (2611th ) 66
ma Enraged_Newb (4931st ) 16
fr Enraged_Retard (3424th ) 174
us eZ (1025th ) 31
it Francesco (4576th ) 30
fr FrrF (4966th ) 92
be kA* (1906th ) 46
pt migo (1527th ) 116
us my-explosive-balls (3132nd ) 39
si noxfox (1772nd ) 150
de (739th ) 10
de Player3 (1652nd ) 119
in PoOpy (3901st ) 31
de ramalamadingdong (4477th ) 33
it toen (342nd ) 49
us uranus (3625th ) 19
us -Infringe- (937th ) 325319
gb . (2877th ) 54295
cl //_SLUG (3839th ) 72320
de blob (363rd ) 35978
de bustacell (1861st ) 17217
ar DAz (5764th ) 38837
pt DVNO.m/\D (11861st ) 19500
us effe (2611th ) 96058
ma Enraged_Newb (4931st ) 23709
fr Enraged_Retard (3424th ) 251597
us eZ (1025th ) 42373
it Francesco (4576th ) 41242
fr FrrF (4966th ) 134546
be kA* (1906th ) 68193
pt migo (1527th ) 174000
us my-explosive-balls (3132nd ) 48518
si noxfox (1772nd ) 219003
de (739th ) 14222
de Player3 (1652nd ) 176091
in PoOpy (3901st ) 43616
de ramalamadingdong (4477th ) 45735
it toen (342nd ) 73384
us uranus (3625th ) 24939
us -Infringe- (937th ) 26.63
gb . (2877th ) 14.90
cl //_SLUG (3839th ) 7.73
de blob (363rd ) 6.07
de bustacell (1861st ) 11.54
ar DAz (5764th ) 9.41
pt DVNO.m/\D (11861st ) 15.66
us effe (2611th ) 10.30
ma Enraged_Newb (4931st ) 10.26
fr Enraged_Retard (3424th ) 19.77
us eZ (1025th ) 8.40
it Francesco (4576th ) 12.24
fr FrrF (4966th ) 14.33
be kA* (1906th ) 16.37
pt migo (1527th ) 37.54
us my-explosive-balls (3132nd ) 6.95
si noxfox (1772nd ) 14.19
de (739th ) 14.29
de Player3 (1652nd ) 17.63
in PoOpy (3901st ) 8.71
de ramalamadingdong (4477th ) 3.59
it toen (342nd ) 32.24
us uranus (3625th ) 10.73

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
us -Infringe- (937th ) 33 14 5 6 17 1
gb . (2877th ) 7 2
cl //_SLUG (3839th ) 8 2 2
de blob (363rd ) 5 1 1
de bustacell (1861st ) 5 1
ar DAz (5764th ) 4 1 1 1
pt DVNO.m/\D (11861st ) 2 1 2
us effe (2611th ) 12 1 1 2
ma Enraged_Newb (4931st ) 9 4
fr Enraged_Retard (3424th ) 33 9 5 2 8
us eZ (1025th ) 6 2 1
it Francesco (4576th ) 7 1
fr FrrF (4966th ) 16 8 1 3
be kA* (1906th ) 7 1 1 2 3
pt migo (1527th ) 12 6 5 4 6 2
us my-explosive-balls (3132nd ) 7 2 2
si noxfox (1772nd ) 21 11 3 1 9 1
de (739th ) 2
de Player3 (1652nd ) 16 3 1 1 4
in PoOpy (3901st ) 7 2
de ramalamadingdong (4477th ) 12 1 1 1 4
it toen (342nd ) Yes 2 6 1 3
us uranus (3625th ) 2 1

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
us -Infringe- (937th ) 7 3
gb . (2877th ) 5 0
cl //_SLUG (3839th ) 32 11
de blob (363rd ) 24 5
de bustacell (1861st ) 8 7
ar DAz (5764th ) 3 3
pt DVNO.m/\D (11861st ) 2 2
us effe (2611th ) 14 9
ma Enraged_Newb (4931st ) 2 0
fr Enraged_Retard (3424th ) 14 10
us eZ (1025th ) 11 2
it Francesco (4576th ) 21 7
fr FrrF (4966th ) 3 0
be kA* (1906th ) 8 4
pt migo (1527th ) 0 0
us my-explosive-balls (3132nd ) 21 2
si noxfox (1772nd ) 26 12
de (739th ) 3 1
de Player3 (1652nd ) 0 0
in PoOpy (3901st ) 7 1
de ramalamadingdong (4477th ) 71 41
it toen (342nd ) 2 0
us uranus (3625th ) 2 1

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format