Match Stats
1 3
Match Date Sun, May 21 2023 at 5:33 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name (UTW)OPEL
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: Shotygun, PUTODAPISTOLA, effibrie, SonOfSam

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pl Jamally (433rd ) 353 8 2 8 3 1 7 4
fr game (3743rd ) 223 1 1 2 6 2 1
it .!CapitanStoCazzo!. (2750th ) 192 1 1 1 5 2
ua USA_CHOKING_ON_DICK (13799th ) 171 4 1 5 2 3
gb . (2876th ) 164 1 1 3 2
mx sus (3738th ) 124 3 1 4 3 6
it z-twig (375th ) 98 1 2 1
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6938th ) 78 3 5
cl Don`t_Shoot (4848th ) 59 3
us p (1686th ) 54 1
hu Genesis (6381st ) 48 1
be Cobain (1709th ) 41 1 1
pl mino (3310th ) 37 1 2
hu Ulquiorra (3276th ) 31 1 1 1
ma Enraged_Newb (4932nd ) 27 1 1 2 1 4
il hahahha (896th ) 9
lt mamulia (7019th ) 5
Totals 1 1714 18 7 23 0 17 0 1 36 27
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pl creep (92nd ) 342 10 2 11 1 4 1 5 1
us kaliz (2835th ) 242 2 2 2 1
dk dickfish (392nd ) 241 2 2 4 6 1 1
us pissedoffUSA (12046th ) 165 4 2 2
gb lulu (3863rd ) 102 3 2 5 4 3 1
it $!MUL4NT (4934th ) 91 2 2 2 4
fr KAZAKHSTAN_ (14324th ) 76 2 2 1
fr [Fr!]Gaet'$~One (2850th ) 60 2 1
il FROSJA (5752nd ) 39 5 5 1
cz espana (13694th ) 2
Totals 3 1360 24 8 29 2 22 0 3 16 9

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pl Jamally (433rd )20:0035323323315260.5225.8000:08
fr game (3743rd )20:0022319019011662.0916.3900:11
it .!CapitanStoCazzo!. (2750th )20:0019213813811953.7014.2400:11
ua USA_CHOKING_ON_DICK (13799th )20:00171119120143145.458.3400:09
gb . (2876th )20:0016412512515045.4516.2600:08
mx sus (3738th )16:3812442429730.143.8400:11
it z-twig (375th )07:079876765956.3035.0700:07
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6938th )12:3978434310728.675.6600:07
cl Don`t_Shoot (4848th )07:435921213835.592.3100:13
us p (1686th )05:2254444531158.4425.6400:10
hu Genesis (6381st )09:104836364445.006.5900:13
be Cobain (1709th )03:104121212248.848.7700:09
pl mino (3310th )05:503726264337.688.4200:08
hu Ulquiorra (3276th )04:263117173234.698.3800:08
ma Enraged_Newb (4932nd )06:0427121342111.822.8800:07
il hahahha (896th )01:24999852.9419.5100:09
lt mamulia (7019th )03:505553113.894.8500:08
Totals1 (1714)1157116012343042.4212.5300:09
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pl creep (92nd )20:0034222422414860.2232.0900:08
us kaliz (2835th )20:0024219619612161.8322.1400:10
dk dickfish (392nd )16:3724120620611763.7832.3300:09
us pissedoffUSA (12046th )20:0016512212212449.599.0300:10
gb lulu (3863rd )20:00102474898132.654.0400:13
it $!MUL4NT (4934th )19:3691555510235.032.9100:12
fr KAZAKHSTAN_ (14324th )09:337662628442.4717.8500:07
fr [Fr!]Gaet'$~One (2850th )06:116042425045.6516.9600:08
il FROSJA (5752nd )05:113921214233.339.8800:08
cz espana (13694th )01:502221810.006.6700:05
Totals3 (1360)9779789041043.4615.3900:09

Kills Match Up
pl Jamally (433rd )   512 7   9       292824281929171592
fr game (3743rd )   29 13   4  3    211719301021121793
it .!CapitanStoCazzo!. (2750th ) 22 5173  6   1   221522712101751 
ua USA_CHOKING_ON_DICK (13799th ) 343141269   2 4 11194101376165 
gb . (2876th )    7 6   7       2021151513102333
mx sus (3738th ) 53644   13    4  2 23211  1
it z-twig (375th )   38     1       854137615  6
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6938th )                  6115 849   
cl Don`t_Shoot (4848th )      2      1    561 2  22 
us p (1686th ) 665 6564 1 3 3       1     
hu Genesis (6381st )      1           738443 24 
be Cobain (1709th )    5              1 5 55   
pl mino (3310th )    1 4 1      1  33412   6 
hu Ulquiorra (3276th )   1              31 4 34  1
ma Enraged_Newb (4932nd )      2        1  112112  3 
il hahahha (896th )   11     1        3   11  1
lt mamulia (7019th )                   21 11    
pl creep (92nd ) 30262318301192310 10557435    5     
us kaliz (2835th ) 292210133395237 10486528    2     
dk dickfish (392nd ) 371637171754218 10114112 6          
us pissedoffUSA (12046th ) 121391022613124 2133316    2     
gb lulu (3863rd ) 3421451 42 3 5 1 12   1    1
it $!MUL4NT (4934th ) 96213111 4  2  14 2          
fr KAZAKHSTAN_ (14324th ) 953 75136   6 6  2          
fr [Fr!]Gaet'$~One (2850th ) 655410   1 3 1 7            
il FROSJA (5752nd ) 1322    5 4 3 1            
cz espana (13694th )  1             1           

Weapons Summary
it $!MUL4NT (4934th ) 3 52
gb . (2876th ) 4 121
it .!CapitanStoCazzo!. (2750th ) 3 135
fr [Fr!]Gaet'$~One (2850th ) 42
be Cobain (1709th ) 2 19
pl creep (92nd ) 2 222
dk dickfish (392nd ) 206
cl Don`t_Shoot (4848th ) 21
ma Enraged_Newb (4932nd ) 2 11
cz espana (13694th ) 2
il FROSJA (5752nd ) 2 19
fr game (3743rd ) 3 187
hu Genesis (6381st ) 1 35
il hahahha (896th ) 9
pl Jamally (433rd ) 5 228
us kaliz (2835th ) 196
fr KAZAKHSTAN_ (14324th ) 1 61
gb lulu (3863rd ) 2 46
lt mamulia (7019th ) 5
pl mino (3310th ) 1 25
us p (1686th ) 45
us pissedoffUSA (12046th ) 8 111 3
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6938th ) 4 39
mx sus (3738th ) 1 24
hu Ulquiorra (3276th ) 17
ua USA_CHOKING_ON_DICK (13799th ) 9 111
it z-twig (375th ) 76
it $!MUL4NT (4934th ) 892
gb . (2876th ) 621
it .!CapitanStoCazzo!. (2750th ) 864
fr [Fr!]Gaet'$~One (2850th ) 224
be Cobain (1709th ) 114
pl creep (92nd ) 645
dk dickfish (392nd ) 634
cl Don`t_Shoot (4848th ) 346
ma Enraged_Newb (4932nd ) 174
cz espana (13694th ) 30
il FROSJA (5752nd ) 172
fr game (3743rd ) 1147
hu Genesis (6381st ) 440
il hahahha (896th ) 41
pl Jamally (433rd ) 810
us kaliz (2835th ) 822
fr KAZAKHSTAN_ (14324th ) 325
gb lulu (3863rd ) 445
lt mamulia (7019th ) 103
pl mino (3310th ) 273
us p (1686th ) 156
us pissedoffUSA (12046th ) 997
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6938th ) 654
mx sus (3738th ) 442
hu Ulquiorra (3276th ) 167
ua USA_CHOKING_ON_DICK (13799th ) 947
it z-twig (375th ) 211
it $!MUL4NT (4934th ) 26
gb . (2876th ) 101
it .!CapitanStoCazzo!. (2750th ) 123
fr [Fr!]Gaet'$~One (2850th ) 38
be Cobain (1709th ) 10
pl creep (92nd ) 207
dk dickfish (392nd ) 205
cl Don`t_Shoot (4848th ) 8
ma Enraged_Newb (4932nd ) 10
cz espana (13694th ) 2
il FROSJA (5752nd ) 17
fr game (3743rd ) 188
hu Genesis (6381st ) 29
il hahahha (896th ) 8
pl Jamally (433rd ) 209
us kaliz (2835th ) 182
fr KAZAKHSTAN_ (14324th ) 58
gb lulu (3863rd ) 18
lt mamulia (7019th ) 5
pl mino (3310th ) 23
us p (1686th ) 40
us pissedoffUSA (12046th ) 90
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6938th ) 37
mx sus (3738th ) 15
hu Ulquiorra (3276th ) 14
ua USA_CHOKING_ON_DICK (13799th ) 79
it z-twig (375th ) 74
it $!MUL4NT (4934th ) 36525
gb . (2876th ) 145894
it .!CapitanStoCazzo!. (2750th ) 165727
fr [Fr!]Gaet'$~One (2850th ) 56161
be Cobain (1709th ) 13815
pl creep (92nd ) 310896
dk dickfish (392nd ) 305038
cl Don`t_Shoot (4848th ) 9998
ma Enraged_Newb (4932nd ) 15717
cz espana (13694th ) 3000
il FROSJA (5752nd ) 21602
fr game (3743rd ) 269137
hu Genesis (6381st ) 38079
il hahahha (896th ) 12000
pl Jamally (433rd ) 308376
us kaliz (2835th ) 271048
fr KAZAKHSTAN_ (14324th ) 86158
gb lulu (3863rd ) 23776
lt mamulia (7019th ) 6351
pl mino (3310th ) 33377
us p (1686th ) 59683
us pissedoffUSA (12046th ) 119481
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6938th ) 52837
mx sus (3738th ) 20310
hu Ulquiorra (3276th ) 19348
ua USA_CHOKING_ON_DICK (13799th ) 109440
it z-twig (375th ) 111000
it $!MUL4NT (4934th ) 2.91
gb . (2876th ) 16.26
it .!CapitanStoCazzo!. (2750th ) 14.24
fr [Fr!]Gaet'$~One (2850th ) 16.96
be Cobain (1709th ) 8.77
pl creep (92nd ) 32.09
dk dickfish (392nd ) 32.33
cl Don`t_Shoot (4848th ) 2.31
ma Enraged_Newb (4932nd ) 5.75
cz espana (13694th ) 6.67
il FROSJA (5752nd ) 9.88
fr game (3743rd ) 16.39
hu Genesis (6381st ) 6.59
il hahahha (896th ) 19.51
pl Jamally (433rd ) 25.80
us kaliz (2835th ) 22.14
fr KAZAKHSTAN_ (14324th ) 17.85
gb lulu (3863rd ) 4.04
lt mamulia (7019th ) 4.85
pl mino (3310th ) 8.42
us p (1686th ) 25.64
us pissedoffUSA (12046th ) 9.03
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6938th ) 5.66
mx sus (3738th ) 3.39
hu Ulquiorra (3276th ) 8.38
ua USA_CHOKING_ON_DICK (13799th ) 8.34
it z-twig (375th ) 35.07

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
it $!MUL4NT (4934th ) 4 2 1
gb . (2876th ) 16 7 2 1 4
it .!CapitanStoCazzo!. (2750th ) 20 8 1 1 8 1
be Cobain (1709th ) 4 1
pl creep (92nd ) 28 9 6 9 12
dk dickfish (392nd ) 25 9 5 9 17 1
cl Don`t_Shoot (4848th ) 1
ma Enraged_Newb (4932nd ) 2 1
cz espana (13694th )
il FROSJA (5752nd ) 4 1
fr game (3743rd ) 24 10 5 1 11
hu Genesis (6381st ) 4 2
il hahahha (896th ) Yes 1 1
pl Jamally (433rd ) 31 6 7 7 12 1
us kaliz (2835th ) 24 12 4 5 13 1 1
fr KAZAKHSTAN_ (14324th ) 6 1 3 1 2
gb lulu (3863rd ) 5 1 2 1
lt mamulia (7019th ) 1
pl mino (3310th ) 3
us p (1686th ) 6 4 1 1 4
us pissedoffUSA (12046th ) 15 3 2 6 1
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6938th ) 2 1 1
mx sus (3738th ) 5
hu Ulquiorra (3276th )
ua USA_CHOKING_ON_DICK (13799th ) 13 5 4 2 1 1
it z-twig (375th ) 11 4 4 4
fr [Fr!]Gaet'$~One (2850th ) 8 2 1

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
it $!MUL4NT (4934th ) 28 7
gb . (2876th ) 23 12
it .!CapitanStoCazzo!. (2750th ) 13 4
be Cobain (1709th ) 11 7
pl creep (92nd ) 14 10
dk dickfish (392nd ) 1 0
cl Don`t_Shoot (4848th ) 15 7
ma Enraged_Newb (4932nd ) 2 2
cz espana (13694th ) 0 0
il FROSJA (5752nd ) 4 1
fr game (3743rd ) 3 0
hu Genesis (6381st ) 7 3
il hahahha (896th ) 1 0
pl Jamally (433rd ) 18 3
us kaliz (2835th ) 14 6
fr KAZAKHSTAN_ (14324th ) 4 3
gb lulu (3863rd ) 30 8
lt mamulia (7019th ) 0 0
pl mino (3310th ) 3 0
us p (1686th ) 5 0
us pissedoffUSA (12046th ) 29 7
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6938th ) 6 3
mx sus (3738th ) 12 3
hu Ulquiorra (3276th ) 3 1
ua USA_CHOKING_ON_DICK (13799th ) 40 6
it z-twig (375th ) 2 0
fr [Fr!]Gaet'$~One (2850th ) 5 3

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format