Match Stats
0 7
Match Date Wed, Apr 13 2022 at 10:07 am Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, SmartCTF 4E, Hit Sounds, cgzpp21a ComboGib Map Name Liandri Docks
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Welcome to the ComboGib CTF server hosted in London.
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
You do not get to choose your team here.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 30
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
fr The_Shadow (4522nd ) 341 3 2 5 6 12
pt oG.Sora (764th ) 317 4 2 5 7 1 9 7
bg Player13 (2969th ) 265 4 1 5 7 8 4
ch Mostruoso (1689th ) 253 1 1 2 6 1
de (739th ) 251 3 3 3 12 5
gb [F] (9629th ) 170 1 1 3 3 4
il William_TeLL (3654th ) 137 21 2 23 4 1
nl |Wacko| (6745th ) 101 2 2 1 3
ca Rapt (7742nd ) 96 4 6
cz ForatNegreSupermassi (14767th ) 32 9 9 1
ve sparkdigm- 2
Ja (1198th )
Totals 0 1965 48 8 55 0 21 0 1 53 43
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
th Lou_Sasolle (6972nd ) 251 1 2 1 3 2 15 10
ca drunken_fu (3973rd ) 248 1 1 3 13 2
be esh (1506th ) 230 8 2 8 2 7 2 3 4
ru Skye (3390th ) 221 8 7 4 1 4
pl wash (1030th ) 138 3 3 1 1 2 1
nl gzm (1573rd ) 131 7 2 8 4 1 1 4
gb lisica (10435th ) 77 8 2 10 1 1 2 13
pl Player17 (4233rd ) 3
bg Player8 (2803rd ) 1
Totals 7 1300 36 8 38 4 23 0 6 40 34

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
fr The_Shadow (4522nd )12:1534147477939.845.5400:10
pt oG.Sora (764th )14:0231713914074165.1213.6900:12
bg Player13 (2969th )15:2026514314489161.5410.8900:11
ch Mostruoso (1689th )10:1425367676651.4214.5500:09
de (739th )13:272511121128357.4410.9200:10
gb [F] (9629th )15:3317012512575162.3816.2000:13
il William_TeLL (3654th )15:33137666612734.2016.8800:08
nl |Wacko| (6745th )07:5610126265436.164.5600:11
ca Rapt (7742nd )15:339635358429.412.9800:12
cz ForatNegreSupermassi (14767th )11:513210106817.218.5600:11
ve sparkdigm-00:37222166.6740.0000:40
Ja (1198th )00:290100:18
Totals0 (1965)7727748012143.4512.0600:14
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
th Lou_Sasolle (6972nd )15:3325167677048.914.9000:14
ca drunken_fu (3973rd )15:3324811411468162.5014.0800:15
be esh (1506th )15:332301031038754.2118.6200:11
ru Skye (3390th )06:052211111114173.0331.8500:09
pl wash (1030th )06:2613832323936.545.0200:09
nl gzm (1573rd )14:2413176768024.528.0701:17
gb lisica (10435th )15:3377202010615.874.5700:09
pl Player17 (4233rd )01:203331220.003.9200:07
bg Player8 (2803rd )00:24111150.0020.0000:13
Totals7 (1300)5275275040142.8412.3400:18

Kills Match Up
fr The_Shadow (4522nd )  312 111 1  658 3312  
pt oG.Sora (764th ) 61 126796148  106193412171 
bg Player13 (2969th ) 16 11312131051316  53996743 
ch Mostruoso (1689th ) 168      3  9117  5143 
de (739th ) 11014      1  1291681117121 
gb [F] (9629th )  712      5 110151789182221
il William_TeLL (3654th ) 222      2  13133329141 
nl |Wacko| (6745th )  44         1234 53  
ca Rapt (7742nd )  24         12564371 
cz ForatNegreSupermassi (14767th ) 11 2 11     21    1  
ve sparkdigm-             11       
Ja (1198th )                      
th Lou_Sasolle (6972nd ) 752511120367           
ca drunken_fu (3973rd ) 1575139927710121      1   
be esh (1506th ) 18611811916699           
ru Skye (3390th ) 4131841417181310            
pl wash (1030th ) 153 517442           
nl gzm (1573rd ) 53331416116141           
gb lisica (10435th ) 2 231 5331           
pl Player17 (4233rd )    1  1 1            
bg Player8 (2803rd )       1              

Weapons Summary
gb [F] (9629th ) 3 124
ca drunken_fu (3973rd ) 1 115
be esh (1506th ) 103
cz ForatNegreSupermassi (14767th ) 4
nl gzm (1573rd ) 1 75
gb lisica (10435th ) 1 18 1
th Lou_Sasolle (6972nd ) 67
ch Mostruoso (1689th ) 1 15
pt oG.Sora (764th ) 1 139
de (739th ) 4 108
bg Player13 (2969th ) 5 139
pl Player17 (4233rd ) 1 2
bg Player8 (2803rd ) 1
ca Rapt (7742nd ) 1 34
ru Skye (3390th ) 1 110
ve sparkdigm- 2
fr The_Shadow (4522nd ) 1 5
pl wash (1030th ) 3
il William_TeLL (3654th ) 1 65
nl |Wacko| (6745th ) 1 4
gb [F] (9629th ) 673
ca drunken_fu (3973rd ) 412
be esh (1506th ) 537
cz ForatNegreSupermassi (14767th ) 42
nl gzm (1573rd ) 465
gb lisica (10435th ) 438
th Lou_Sasolle (6972nd ) 735
ch Mostruoso (1689th ) 47
pt oG.Sora (764th ) 599
de (739th ) 531
bg Player13 (2969th ) 698
pl Player17 (4233rd ) 51
bg Player8 (2803rd ) 5
ca Rapt (7742nd ) 403
ru Skye (3390th ) 270
ve sparkdigm- 5
fr The_Shadow (4522nd ) 62
pl wash (1030th ) 34
il William_TeLL (3654th ) 314
nl |Wacko| (6745th ) 28
gb [F] (9629th ) 109
ca drunken_fu (3973rd ) 58
be esh (1506th ) 100
cz ForatNegreSupermassi (14767th ) 6
nl gzm (1573rd ) 75
gb lisica (10435th ) 20
th Lou_Sasolle (6972nd ) 36
ch Mostruoso (1689th ) 9
pt oG.Sora (764th ) 82
de (739th ) 58
bg Player13 (2969th ) 76
pl Player17 (4233rd ) 2
bg Player8 (2803rd ) 1
ca Rapt (7742nd ) 12
ru Skye (3390th ) 86
ve sparkdigm- 2
fr The_Shadow (4522nd ) 3
pl wash (1030th ) 1
il William_TeLL (3654th ) 53
nl |Wacko| (6745th ) 3
gb [F] (9629th ) 160388
ca drunken_fu (3973rd ) 85697
be esh (1506th ) 148478
cz ForatNegreSupermassi (14767th ) 9000
nl gzm (1573rd ) 111468
gb lisica (10435th ) 26140 60
th Lou_Sasolle (6972nd ) 46442
ch Mostruoso (1689th ) 11729
pt oG.Sora (764th ) 118100
de (739th ) 77895
bg Player13 (2969th ) 107538
pl Player17 (4233rd ) 2515
bg Player8 (2803rd ) 1500
ca Rapt (7742nd ) 15749
ru Skye (3390th ) 127544
ve sparkdigm- 3000
fr The_Shadow (4522nd ) 3401
pl wash (1030th ) 814
il William_TeLL (3654th ) 79727
nl |Wacko| (6745th ) 3565
gb [F] (9629th ) 16.20
ca drunken_fu (3973rd ) 14.08
be esh (1506th ) 18.62
cz ForatNegreSupermassi (14767th ) 14.29
nl gzm (1573rd ) 16.13
gb lisica (10435th ) 4.57
th Lou_Sasolle (6972nd ) 4.90
ch Mostruoso (1689th ) 19.15
pt oG.Sora (764th ) 13.69
de (739th ) 10.92
bg Player13 (2969th ) 10.89
pl Player17 (4233rd ) 3.92
bg Player8 (2803rd ) 20.00
ca Rapt (7742nd ) 2.98
ru Skye (3390th ) 31.85
ve sparkdigm- 40.00
fr The_Shadow (4522nd ) 4.84
pl wash (1030th ) 2.94
il William_TeLL (3654th ) 16.88
nl |Wacko| (6745th ) 10.71

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
ca drunken_fu (3973rd ) 10 4 1 1 2 1
be esh (1506th ) 15 6 1 6
cz ForatNegreSupermassi (14767th ) 1
nl gzm (1573rd ) 14 3 4
Ja (1198th )
gb lisica (10435th )
th Lou_Sasolle (6972nd ) 8 1 2
ch Mostruoso (1689th ) 10 2 2
pt oG.Sora (764th ) 17 7 3 5 9 1
de (739th ) 17 6 2 8
bg Player13 (2969th ) 27 2 3 1 8 2
pl Player17 (4233rd )
bg Player8 (2803rd ) Yes
ca Rapt (7742nd ) 3 1
ru Skye (3390th ) 6 9 3 7 7 2 1
ve sparkdigm- 1
fr The_Shadow (4522nd ) 5 2
pl wash (1030th ) 6 1
il William_TeLL (3654th ) 9 3 1
gb [F] (9629th ) 18 7 1 1 3 3
nl |Wacko| (6745th ) 3 1

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format