Match Stats
6 2
Match Date Sun, Jun 25 2023 at 7:23 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name W00tabulous !@Fixed [Fixed by: Nugglan]
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: mad_max, t, |Wacko|

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
de Stoned_Homunculus (3277th ) 525 14 4 14 6 4 4 11 11
il icecream_truckdriver (1886th ) 471 2 2 1 12 2 10 2
us Player4 (1629th ) 244 2 2 1 8 1 2 1
fr nhr (1172nd ) 178 1 1 16
br . (2878th ) 153 5 1 3 5
de wpxc (11738th ) 122 3 1 2 3 2 3 6
de pRo.kr4Zz (5056th ) 104 3 1 2
cl JHONE (5486th ) 48 3 3 1
pl MJ (6929th ) 44 4 1 5 1 2 3
cz espana (13696th ) 6 3 3
ru oleg2 5
Totals 6 1900 28 10 32 2 53 10 6 34 28
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
it the_phantaman (285th ) 370 4 4 11 1 5 5
il tryharder (2351st ) 253 15 4 17 1 4 2 5 2
ca These_H@nds (5649th ) 174 1 1 2 4 6 1
pl Gonzalez (2859th ) 163 1 1 5 7 7
it * (2596th ) 161 3 1 3 1
gb One (2632nd ) 112 2 2 1 4 2
ch Washi (1499th ) 76 1 3
il cartman (604th ) 52 6 6 1 1
be ka^ (9922nd ) 26 2 2 1
de bustacell (1862nd ) 24 4 4 2
de (739th ) 23 1 1
ch sui.eraz (1462nd ) 10 1 1 1
de Player17 (4233rd )
Totals 2 1444 37 5 40 2 30 2 2 34 21

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
de Stoned_Homunculus (3277th )20:00525246250122466.4920.6300:10
il icecream_truckdriver (1886th )20:0047132932914968.8327.6100:08
us Player4 (1629th )19:21244190191127159.878.2000:10
fr nhr (1172nd )13:1317813213498257.2613.8500:08
br . (2878th )20:00153104105136143.396.4500:09
de wpxc (11738th )20:001225459157526.705.2800:08
de pRo.kr4Zz (5056th )09:06104575888135.0811.0200:07
cl JHONE (5486th )07:1548192343432.096.3800:11
pl MJ (6929th )05:254415155322.066.2800:06
cz espana (13696th )05:07633456.253.1900:07
ru oleg202:42555278.071.6900:08
Totals6 (1900)11541172104518038.7310.0500:08
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
it the_phantaman (285th )20:00370261263171260.3232.8700:07
il tryharder (2351st )20:00253130131109154.367.9900:12
ca These_H@nds (5649th )18:39174109110188136.7910.3200:06
pl Gonzalez (2859th )19:54163858519330.587.1200:06
it * (2596th )20:00161129132118352.1715.7400:11
gb One (2632nd )11:5111279798947.0212.0500:08
ch Washi (1499th )05:1276444647248.4222.1100:07
il cartman (604th )05:4252293163232.2917.0100:05
be ka^ (9922nd )04:1726242539138.4613.8900:07
de bustacell (1862nd )02:5424771926.928.5100:10
de (739th )01:38231111750.0016.9900:16
ch sui.eraz (1462nd )01:431044736.367.2700:16
de Player17 (4233rd )00:060100:06
Totals2 (1444)912924105112039.5113.2200:09

Kills Match Up
de Stoned_Homunculus (3277th ) 4 11 18138   509284522195177322 
il icecream_truckdriver (1886th )      31313   36854672229111711522 
us Player4 (1629th ) 1 11 18115   307301826161183312 
fr nhr (1172nd )  112 1102   17429212038853  1
br . (2878th )    11862   1221525101212441  
de wpxc (11738th ) 64526541 7433631 21   1 
de pRo.kr4Zz (5056th ) 427117111 10   51          
cl JHONE (5486th ) 133531 4   4 2     1    
pl MJ (6929th )       2    22231 11 1   
cz espana (13696th )      1     1       1    
ru oleg2      1     2 11         
it the_phantaman (285th ) 35434824221341516127223    1      
il tryharder (2351st ) 5717814415  131168168557 1  
ca These_H@nds (5649th ) 1415181019152 85  41          
pl Gonzalez (2859th ) 10161110163  814 5    1      
it * (2596th ) 21221113297 3332 15  3 12     
gb One (2632nd ) 16158112    97 11           
ch Washi (1499th ) 255859  2   321 222     
il cartman (604th ) 2852351    1121   2     
be ka^ (9922nd ) 23 23  3 8  4      1    
de bustacell (1862nd ) 131  1  1               
de (739th ) 221 1     3 2           
ch sui.eraz (1462nd )   1 2       1           
de Player17 (4233rd )                         

Weapons Summary
it * (2596th ) 132
br . (2878th ) 3 102
de bustacell (1862nd ) 7
il cartman (604th ) 1 30
cz espana (13696th ) 3
pl Gonzalez (2859th ) 1 84
il icecream_truckdriver (1886th ) 329
cl JHONE (5486th ) 1 15
be ka^ (9922nd ) 25
pl MJ (6929th ) 1 14
fr nhr (1172nd ) 2 132
ru oleg2 5
gb One (2632nd ) 1 78
de (739th ) 1 1
us Player4 (1629th ) 3 188
de pRo.kr4Zz (5056th ) 55
de Stoned_Homunculus (3277th ) 6 244
ch sui.eraz (1462nd ) 4
it the_phantaman (285th ) 2 261
ca These_H@nds (5649th ) 1 109
il tryharder (2351st ) 7 124
ch Washi (1499th ) 46
de wpxc (11738th ) 2 55 2
it * (2596th ) 756
br . (2878th ) 822
de bustacell (1862nd ) 47
il cartman (604th ) 147
cz espana (13696th ) 94
pl Gonzalez (2859th ) 379
il icecream_truckdriver (1886th ) 1065
cl JHONE (5486th ) 108
be ka^ (9922nd ) 180
pl MJ (6929th ) 239
fr nhr (1172nd ) 816
ru oleg2 89
gb One (2632nd ) 589
de (739th ) 12
us Player4 (1629th ) 829
de pRo.kr4Zz (5056th ) 342
de Stoned_Homunculus (3277th ) 1042
ch sui.eraz (1462nd ) 55
it the_phantaman (285th ) 727
ca These_H@nds (5649th ) 1008
il tryharder (2351st ) 1177
ch Washi (1499th ) 199
de wpxc (11738th ) 1099
it * (2596th ) 119
br . (2878th ) 53
de bustacell (1862nd ) 4
il cartman (604th ) 25
cz espana (13696th ) 3
pl Gonzalez (2859th ) 27
il icecream_truckdriver (1886th ) 294
cl JHONE (5486th ) 11
be ka^ (9922nd ) 25
pl MJ (6929th ) 15
fr nhr (1172nd ) 113
ru oleg2 3
gb One (2632nd ) 71
de (739th ) 1
us Player4 (1629th ) 68
de pRo.kr4Zz (5056th ) 40
de Stoned_Homunculus (3277th ) 215
ch sui.eraz (1462nd ) 4
it the_phantaman (285th ) 239
ca These_H@nds (5649th ) 104
il tryharder (2351st ) 94
ch Washi (1499th ) 44
de wpxc (11738th ) 58
it * (2596th ) 176954
br . (2878th ) 71561
de bustacell (1862nd ) 5722
il cartman (604th ) 36575
cz espana (13696th ) 4500
pl Gonzalez (2859th ) 33975
il icecream_truckdriver (1886th ) 438549
cl JHONE (5486th ) 11916
be ka^ (9922nd ) 36653
pl MJ (6929th ) 20279
fr nhr (1172nd ) 160384
ru oleg2 3757
gb One (2632nd ) 105105
de (739th ) 1500
us Player4 (1629th ) 92259
de pRo.kr4Zz (5056th ) 57487
de Stoned_Homunculus (3277th ) 318847
ch sui.eraz (1462nd ) 6000
it the_phantaman (285th ) 356523
ca These_H@nds (5649th ) 150448
il tryharder (2351st ) 122864
ch Washi (1499th ) 66003
de wpxc (11738th ) 71972 30
it * (2596th ) 15.74
br . (2878th ) 6.45
de bustacell (1862nd ) 8.51
il cartman (604th ) 17.01
cz espana (13696th ) 3.19
pl Gonzalez (2859th ) 7.12
il icecream_truckdriver (1886th ) 27.61
cl JHONE (5486th ) 10.19
be ka^ (9922nd ) 13.89
pl MJ (6929th ) 6.28
fr nhr (1172nd ) 13.85
ru oleg2 3.37
gb One (2632nd ) 12.05
de (739th ) 8.33
us Player4 (1629th ) 8.20
de pRo.kr4Zz (5056th ) 11.70
de Stoned_Homunculus (3277th ) 20.63
ch sui.eraz (1462nd ) 7.27
it the_phantaman (285th ) 32.87
ca These_H@nds (5649th ) 10.32
il tryharder (2351st ) 7.99
ch Washi (1499th ) 22.11
de wpxc (11738th ) 5.28

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
it * (2596th ) Yes 13 6 1 5 2
br . (2878th ) 11 4 3 4 1
de bustacell (1862nd ) 1
il cartman (604th ) 4 1
cz espana (13696th )
pl Gonzalez (2859th ) 10 4 3 3 5
il icecream_truckdriver (1886th ) 43 22 14 8 18 5
cl JHONE (5486th ) 3 1
be ka^ (9922nd ) 4
pl MJ (6929th ) 1
fr nhr (1172nd ) 18 4 2 5 7 1
ru oleg2
gb One (2632nd ) 8 3 1 2
de (739th ) 3
de Player17 (4233rd )
us Player4 (1629th ) 16 11 4 10 14 1
de pRo.kr4Zz (5056th ) 6 2
de Stoned_Homunculus (3277th ) 35 12 6 7 10 2 1
ch sui.eraz (1462nd )
ca These_H@nds (5649th ) 19 3 2 1
it the_phantaman (285th ) 27 13 7 10 15 1 1
il tryharder (2351st ) 14 5 3 1 8
ch Washi (1499th ) 5 1 4 5
de wpxc (11738th ) 5

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
it * (2596th ) 14 0
br . (2878th ) 54 0
de bustacell (1862nd ) 3 3
il cartman (604th ) 5 3
cz espana (13696th ) 0 0
pl Gonzalez (2859th ) 59 1
il icecream_truckdriver (1886th ) 36 2
cl JHONE (5486th ) 10 0
be ka^ (9922nd ) 1 0
pl MJ (6929th ) 0 0
fr nhr (1172nd ) 24 0
ru oleg2 2 0
gb One (2632nd ) 8 1
de (739th ) 0 0
de Player17 (4233rd ) 0 0
us Player4 (1629th ) 126 1
de pRo.kr4Zz (5056th ) 17 8
de Stoned_Homunculus (3277th ) 33 10
ch sui.eraz (1462nd ) 0 0
ca These_H@nds (5649th ) 6 0
it the_phantaman (285th ) 27 9
il tryharder (2351st ) 35 2
ch Washi (1499th ) 2 0
de wpxc (11738th ) 2 1

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format