Match Stats
7 5
Match Date Sun, Jul 9 2023 at 12:57 am Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name ---------- 1 on 1 Egypt ----------
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: Nice^|fu

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
do -( è¸é )- (6346th ) 368 6 1 7 1 22 10
za Iori (2936th ) 363 3 5 6 6 2 22 13
il The_MenorA (2217th ) 297 16 8 20 2 9 4 2 6
cl Xstar (1461st ) 275 16 3 19 2 10 6 2
ca .Player. (2294th ) 271 1 1 28 3 2
gb One (2632nd ) 180 3 4 6 1 4 1 6 8
ca KillerBee (7716th ) 154 4 4 2 11 15
cl JHONE (5488th ) 67 1 3 4 4 1
au 2bobwatch (11698th ) 18 1
Totals 7 1993 49 25 67 6 85 0 7 61 47
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
gb Ooper (142nd ) 744 33 11 41 1 10 3 34 9
us Player4 (1629th ) 406 1 24 1 8 10
pl O.. (1160th ) 256 1 1 13 7 7
us KOttler (1775th ) 217 6 1 7 2 11 1 2
ca These_H@nds (5651st ) 207 2 4 5 1 16 1 3 2
cl =Brothers_of_Style= (9229th ) 188 3 3 6 10 5
be ez38war 1
co nOs*F-16 (6987th )
Totals 5 2019 45 17 57 4 80 0 5 63 35

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
do -( è¸é )- (6346th )13:2336819519511163.7330.6100:07
za Iori (2936th )12:13363949411544.9811.6300:07
il The_MenorA (2217th )13:24297109109147142.6414.3700:06
cl Xstar (1461st )13:2427511911913347.2221.3700:06
ca .Player. (2294th )13:2427116716711459.433.4400:07
gb One (2632nd )09:0718073737350.0010.9400:08
ca KillerBee (7716th )13:241543132141118.395.0000:06
cl JHONE (5488th )06:186751514752.048.5200:08
au 2bobwatch (11698th )01:201899950.0022.5800:09
Totals7 (1993)8488498901147.6014.2700:07
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
gb Ooper (142nd )13:24744201202139159.0626.4300:06
us Player4 (1629th )13:2440618318313757.197.7600:06
pl O.. (1160th )13:2325611211213645.164.8200:06
us KOttler (1775th )13:242171431439659.834.4600:09
ca These_H@nds (5651st )13:24207107107160140.1510.9800:05
cl =Brothers_of_Style= (9229th )10:0518859599338.826.5000:07
be ez38war01:34111811.111.5900:13
co nOs*F-16 (6987th )00:140100:15
Totals5 (2019)8068077701138.927.8200:08

Kills Match Up
-( è¸é
do -( è¸é )- (6346th )       12  2535352430304 
za Iori (2936th )       6  2351514229  
il The_MenorA (2217th ) 1     16  7221123229  
cl Xstar (1461st )       9  18351252415 1
ca .Player. (2294th )       9  2926371432173 
gb One (2632nd )       9  187761691 
ca KillerBee (7716th ) 4334 21  101 14   
cl JHONE (5488th )       4  7616972  
au 2bobwatch (11698th )          2 2 32  
gb Ooper (142nd ) 3228254226182110 1       
us Player4 (1629th ) 1826333627221272        
pl O.. (1160th ) 20142112197109         
us KOttler (1775th ) 18172412241415145        
ca These_H@nds (5651st ) 101625191191161  1     
cl =Brothers_of_Style= (9229th ) 81016871711        
be ez38war  1               
co nOs*F-16 (6987th )                  

Weapons Summary
do -( è¸é )- (6346th ) 2 193 526 161 30.61 240388
ca .Player. (2294th ) 2 165 523 18 3.44 17880
au 2bobwatch (11698th ) 9 31 7 22.58 10500
cl =Brothers_of_Style= (9229th ) 3 56 277 18 6.50 21910
be ez38war 1 63 1 1.59 1500
za Iori (2936th ) 2 92 447 52 11.63 69452
cl JHONE (5488th ) 1 50 223 19 8.52 21759
ca KillerBee (7716th ) 32 640 32 5.00 48000
us KOttler (1775th ) 2 141 493 22 4.46 25491
pl O.. (1160th ) 5 107 664 32 4.82 36812
gb One (2632nd ) 1 72 530 58 10.94 82118
gb Ooper (142nd ) 3 199 560 148 26.43 209243
us Player4 (1629th ) 2 181 580 45 7.76 60478
il The_MenorA (2217th ) 2 109 487 70 14.37 100014
ca These_H@nds (5651st ) 1 108 738 81 10.98 114297
cl Xstar (1461st ) 2 117 365 78 21.37 112392

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
do -( è¸é )- (6346th ) 19 14 5 8 13 1
ca .Player. (2294th ) 11 5 2 13 11 3 1
au 2bobwatch (11698th ) 1 1
cl =Brothers_of_Style= (9229th ) 6 3 1 1 1 1
be ez38war
za Iori (2936th ) 13 4 1 1
cl JHONE (5488th ) 4 2 2 1 2 1
ca KillerBee (7716th ) 1
us KOttler (1775th ) 15 9 5 5 11 1 1
co nOs*F-16 (6987th )
pl O.. (1160th ) 13 8 2 2 4 1
gb One (2632nd ) 8 3 1 2 4 1
gb Ooper (142nd ) Yes 19 16 8 5 7 2
us Player4 (1629th ) 14 5 3 12 5 6
ca These_H@nds (5651st ) 20 3 3 2
il The_MenorA (2217th ) 15 7 2 1 5
cl Xstar (1461st ) 12 5 6 2 5 1

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
do -( è¸é )- (6346th ) 34 7
ca .Player. (2294th ) 154 3
au 2bobwatch (11698th ) 2 0
cl =Brothers_of_Style= (9229th ) 43 7
be ez38war 0 0
za Iori (2936th ) 43 3
cl JHONE (5488th ) 30 1
ca KillerBee (7716th ) 0 0
us KOttler (1775th ) 116 2
co nOs*F-16 (6987th ) 0 0
pl O.. (1160th ) 77 7
gb One (2632nd ) 16 0
gb Ooper (142nd ) 52 44
us Player4 (1629th ) 135 38
ca These_H@nds (5651st ) 27 8
il The_MenorA (2217th ) 40 20
cl Xstar (1461st ) 41 11

Match Report
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