Match Stats
7 5
Match Date Sun, Aug 6 2023 at 9:57 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name CRATES - FLAG IN THE ASS [ spawn kill fixed ]
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
us Pussycat (6163rd ) 242 3 3 11 9 8
ee Juss (3325th ) 226 8 3 9 1 3 2 8 8
pt bife (593rd ) 219 1 1 11 6 1
us cyclol (2913th ) 213 3 3 5 4 1 12 2
us oskr (1112th ) 175 5 2 5 1 3 2 5 5
br Velho-LGBTQIA+ (5593rd ) 124 2 2 3 5 1 3 3
ge maksim (4987th ) 59 1 3 2
Totals 7 1258 19 13 26 2 38 0 6 46 29
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
us Mr.Pompa (854th ) 333 15 4 1
am Nice^|fu (1408th ) 192 16 8 22 1 6 2 1 3
ca spec (2382nd ) 191 1 1 2 7 8 2
us 24/7/365 (2443rd ) 189 5 6 9 6 2 3
il dodo (3035th ) 187 10 9 1 7 1 5 5
us Blaze (3014th ) 168 4 1 5 1 10 2 4
us dce (560th ) 133 1 1 2 11 3
be -kA- (1766th ) 103 2 6 2
gb TheMunky (1195th ) 71 3 2 4 3 1 1 1
Totals 5 1567 40 19 53 3 67 0 6 33 18

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
us Pussycat (6163rd )08:3524299996958.939.4100:08
ee Juss (3325th )10:402264950881136.179.9400:07
pt bife (593rd )10:402191221229655.9629.0500:07
us cyclol (2913th )10:4021348489832.886.6400:07
us oskr (1112th )10:4017573738745.6320.1500:08
br Velho-LGBTQIA+ (5593rd )10:40124444589133.337.4300:07
ge maksim (4987th )02:045914142238.8911.2400:06
Totals7 (1258)4494515492143.1113.4100:07
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
us Mr.Pompa (854th )10:40333180181681172.226.1000:10
am Nice^|fu (1408th )10:4019276769843.689.7300:07
ca spec (2382nd )10:4019188888152.0711.3400:08
us 24/7/365 (2443rd )10:401897575100142.9410.4600:07
il dodo (3035th )07:161875354651145.0818.4900:07
us Blaze (3014th )10:40168717194143.116.2900:07
us dce (560th )06:0013379792973.1526.6200:13
be -kA- (1766th )04:5010337374744.0513.5600:06
gb TheMunky (1195th )04:3471373730155.0723.1900:09
Totals5 (1567)6966986122552.3713.9800:08

Kills Match Up
us Pussycat (6163rd )        7171519420647
ee Juss (3325th )  1   1 1599615132
pt bife (593rd )      5 815172172011126
us cyclol (2913th )      2 2881066231
us oskr (1112th )      3 91112966773
br Velho-LGBTQIA+ (5593rd )  25131 3431045131
ge maksim (4987th )        1713 11  
us Mr.Pompa (854th ) 7131371021112712181517 148
am Nice^|fu (1408th ) 119134691012   2    
ca spec (2382nd ) 181581714735   1    
us 24/7/365 (2443rd ) 76192031117   2   1
il dodo (3035th ) 565898 234114  1
us Blaze (3014th ) 488161712521       
us dce (560th ) 1316131215622        
be -kA- (1766th ) 187462 5   4    
gb TheMunky (1195th ) 355942 2   8  1 

Weapons Summary
be -kA- (1766th ) 3 34 177 24 13.56 30431
us 24/7/365 (2443rd ) 1 76 306 32 10.46 45627
pt bife (593rd ) 122 420 122 29.05 183000
us Blaze (3014th ) 2 71 509 32 6.29 40033
us cyclol (2913th ) 2 46 286 19 6.64 21432
us dce (560th ) 1 78 293 78 26.62 116816
il dodo (3035th ) 3 53 238 44 18.49 64234
ee Juss (3325th ) 2 50 312 31 9.94 38425
ge maksim (4987th ) 1 13 89 10 11.24 14558
us Mr.Pompa (854th ) 4 179 459 28 6.10 31461
am Nice^|fu (1408th ) 9 67 483 47 9.73 56853
us oskr (1112th ) 1 72 268 54 20.15 80124
us Pussycat (6163rd ) 99 372 35 9.41 48172
ca spec (2382nd ) 3 85 291 33 11.34 44532
gb TheMunky (1195th ) 1 38 138 32 23.19 47001
br Velho-LGBTQIA+ (5593rd ) 4 41 202 15 7.43 17034

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
be -kA- (1766th ) Yes 6 2 1 1
us 24/7/365 (2443rd ) 8 6 1 3
pt bife (593rd ) 14 4 6 1 6
us Blaze (3014th ) 7 1 1 3 4 1
us cyclol (2913th ) 7 2
us dce (560th ) 10 3 3 5 1
il dodo (3035th ) 7 3 1 2
ee Juss (3325th ) 5 3 2
ge maksim (4987th ) 2 1 1
us Mr.Pompa (854th ) 5 3 5 16 11 3 1
am Nice^|fu (1408th ) 14 4 1
us oskr (1112th ) 10 1 1 3
us Pussycat (6163rd ) 14 4 3 3 5 2
ca spec (2382nd ) 8 3 2 4 6
gb TheMunky (1195th ) 5 1 2 3
br Velho-LGBTQIA+ (5593rd ) 2 1 2 2

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
be -kA- (1766th ) 12 4
us 24/7/365 (2443rd ) 44 13
pt bife (593rd ) 0 0
us Blaze (3014th ) 43 7
us cyclol (2913th ) 30 8
us dce (560th ) 0 0
il dodo (3035th ) 10 2
ee Juss (3325th ) 21 3
ge maksim (4987th ) 3 2
us Mr.Pompa (854th ) 156 43
am Nice^|fu (1408th ) 28 10
us oskr (1112th ) 19 2
us Pussycat (6163rd ) 65 4
ca spec (2382nd ) 58 9
gb TheMunky (1195th ) 6 1
br Velho-LGBTQIA+ (5593rd ) 31 7

Match Report
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