Match Stats
6 5
Match Date Thu, Sep 7 2023 at 11:51 am Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name |-Vp-| FragWhoreArena
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: Druss, women_are_trash, Kosak-BOT, Cilia-BOT, Cali-BOT

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
se ZOoM`- (1309th ) 572 10 6 14 1 7 2 27 5
bg pl (607th ) 481 2 2 4 2 2 26 8
lv Player10 (3032nd ) 221 7 8 12 1 2 3 10 11
us Not_Msbehavin (9766th ) 144 4 3 7 4 1 6 17
cz ezero (4007th ) 64 1 1 2 1
be rafc (1733rd ) 39 2 2 1
Totals 6 1521 26 19 40 8 12 0 5 72 42
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
ch sui.eraz (1461st ) 415 8 2 9 1 6 1 22 3
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 329 28 11 37 4 2 2 9 8
us NotEvenHalfAsSexy! (9068th ) 269 5 10 14 3 3 1 12 11
de CornFl/\ke (6682nd ) 171 1 7 7 1 1 9 8
fr ImpleXus (2623rd ) 106 7 4 10 2 1 5 3
gb (3598th ) 101 10 3 12 2 3 1
it Player1 (745th ) 64 1 1 4
nl Zeus (6551st ) 41 2 2 1 2 1
Totals 5 1496 62 37 92 11 21 0 6 60 34

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
se ZOoM`- (1309th )19:37572236237145156.1727.9200:10
bg pl (607th )15:014811771777071.6615.0100:14
lv Player10 (3032nd )14:0422168688843.5917.1300:10
us Not_Msbehavin (9766th )19:471443132110122.388.3100:11
cz ezero (4007th )04:426430303149.186.6100:10
be rafc (1733rd )03:063928282256.0022.2200:09
Totals6 (1521)5705724662049.8316.2000:11
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
ch sui.eraz (1461st )16:1141516816811260.0024.3200:09
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd )20:0032999100114146.5121.3300:11
us NotEvenHalfAsSexy! (9068th )20:00269107108120147.1610.0700:10
de CornFl/\ke (6682nd )20:00171595916026.949.1500:08
fr ImpleXus (2623rd )06:2010628284140.5816.2200:09
gb (3598th )07:0510139395441.9413.7500:08
it Player1 (745th )03:306453533460.9233.9700:06
nl Zeus (6551st )04:254116164028.5713.5900:07
Totals5 (1496)5695716752044.0817.8000:09

Kills Match Up
se ZOoM`- (1309th ) 1     381451732219515
bg pl (607th )       352237373191014
lv Player10 (3032nd )       1021710 884
us Not_Msbehavin (9766th )    1  63492512
cz ezero (4007th )       8358 15 
be rafc (1733rd )       6546 25 
ch sui.eraz (1461st ) 36223837710 18      
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 7720111191101613  5
us NotEvenHalfAsSexy! (9068th ) 451571485 10111   
de CornFl/\ke (6682nd ) 224101431 41     
fr ImpleXus (2623rd ) 4  9   141     
gb (3598th ) 12106821        
it Player1 (745th ) 149511104        
nl Zeus (6551st ) 5326          

Weapons Summary
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 4 96
de CornFl/\ke (6682nd ) 1 58
cz ezero (4007th ) 2 28
fr ImpleXus (2623rd ) 28
gb (3598th ) 1 37 1
us Not_Msbehavin (9766th ) 32
us NotEvenHalfAsSexy! (9068th ) 106
bg pl (607th ) 177
it Player1 (745th ) 53
lv Player10 (3032nd ) 68
be rafc (1733rd ) 1 27
ch sui.eraz (1461st ) 168
nl Zeus (6551st ) 1 15
se ZOoM`- (1309th ) 1 7
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 422
de CornFl/\ke (6682nd ) 623
cz ezero (4007th ) 257
fr ImpleXus (2623rd ) 111
gb (3598th ) 160
us Not_Msbehavin (9766th ) 385
us NotEvenHalfAsSexy! (9068th ) 1072
bg pl (607th ) 906
it Player1 (745th ) 156
lv Player10 (3032nd ) 356
be rafc (1733rd ) 126
ch sui.eraz (1461st ) 666
nl Zeus (6551st ) 103
se ZOoM`- (1309th ) 733
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 90
de CornFl/\ke (6682nd ) 57
cz ezero (4007th ) 17
fr ImpleXus (2623rd ) 18
gb (3598th ) 22
us Not_Msbehavin (9766th ) 32
us NotEvenHalfAsSexy! (9068th ) 108
bg pl (607th ) 136
it Player1 (745th ) 53
lv Player10 (3032nd ) 61
be rafc (1733rd ) 28
ch sui.eraz (1461st ) 162
nl Zeus (6551st ) 14
se ZOoM`- (1309th ) 226
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 132736
de CornFl/\ke (6682nd ) 84127
cz ezero (4007th ) 21735
fr ImpleXus (2623rd ) 27000
gb (3598th ) 32344
us Not_Msbehavin (9766th ) 48000
us NotEvenHalfAsSexy! (9068th ) 162000
bg pl (607th ) 200766
it Player1 (745th ) 79500
lv Player10 (3032nd ) 91245
be rafc (1733rd ) 41463
ch sui.eraz (1461st ) 241086
nl Zeus (6551st ) 20344
se ZOoM`- (1309th ) 338799
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 21.33
de CornFl/\ke (6682nd ) 9.15
cz ezero (4007th ) 6.61
fr ImpleXus (2623rd ) 16.22
gb (3598th ) 13.75
us Not_Msbehavin (9766th ) 8.31
us NotEvenHalfAsSexy! (9068th ) 10.07
bg pl (607th ) 15.01
it Player1 (745th ) 33.97
lv Player10 (3032nd ) 17.13
be rafc (1733rd ) 22.22
ch sui.eraz (1461st ) 24.32
nl Zeus (6551st ) 13.59
se ZOoM`- (1309th ) 30.83

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 5 2 2 1 2
de CornFl/\ke (6682nd ) 6 1
cz ezero (4007th ) 5 1
fr ImpleXus (2623rd ) Yes 2 1
gb (3598th ) 4 2
us NotEvenHalfAsSexy! (9068th ) 9 6 4
us Not_Msbehavin (9766th )
bg pl (607th ) 21 10 4 3 12 2
it Player1 (745th ) 10 1 2 1 1
lv Player10 (3032nd ) 12 1
be rafc (1733rd ) 3 3 1
ch sui.eraz (1461st ) 22 8 6 2 8
nl Zeus (6551st ) 5
se ZOoM`- (1309th ) 37 15 3 4 10 1

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 11 2
de CornFl/\ke (6682nd ) 2 0
cz ezero (4007th ) 13 9
fr ImpleXus (2623rd ) 10 3
gb (3598th ) 17 10
us NotEvenHalfAsSexy! (9068th ) 0 0
us Not_Msbehavin (9766th ) 0 0
bg pl (607th ) 40 14
it Player1 (745th ) 0 0
lv Player10 (3032nd ) 7 0
be rafc (1733rd ) 0 0
ch sui.eraz (1461st ) 6 2
nl Zeus (6551st ) 2 1
se ZOoM`- (1309th ) 4 1

Match Report
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