Match Stats
4 5
Match Date Sun, Sep 24 2023 at 12:29 am Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name TYGRA'S FIFA 3000
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
ca laggy (2489th ) 473 1 1 9 23 1
it atezris (2481st ) 446 4 5 8 3 1 21 14
us jerc (3688th ) 244 20 7 25 1 3 2 8 8
si noxfox (1771st ) 243 3 2 1 6 4
cl JHONE (5485th ) 243 6 6 12 6 3 6
us KOttler (1773rd ) 202 1 1 1 6 5 1
us rookiekiller (350th ) 102 3 3 1 2
ca PapaBear (8124th ) 6
br VaiCaralho! (7674th )
Totals 4 1959 33 23 52 2 28 0 4 68 34
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
us TLS (6794th ) 353 12 3 15 1 7 17 11
do SENSEY (2797th ) 342 19 10 26 2 8 3 6 6
gb TheMunky (1194th ) 336 4 3 1 3 1 9
co Fryderik_Kupernik (1631st ) 305 1 1 6 9
pl O.. (1159th ) 182 4 9 12 1 1 9 15
ca Freyja (1994th ) 172 14 5 19 2 1 9 2
gb we (969th ) 113 1 4 5 3 5 3
us DarthFool (9694th ) 34 1 1 2 1 1 1
ca h (1966th ) 24 3
nl =EA=SdD (5295th ) 5
ca These_H@nds (5648th )
Totals 5 1866 51 37 83 6 33 0 5 65 38

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
ca laggy (2489th )22:3847323923917258.1523.8900:08
it atezris (2481st )22:38446188189231144.8924.4500:06
us jerc (3688th )22:382446468199425.0917.0400:07
si noxfox (1771st )16:32243163165115258.5116.3500:09
cl JHONE (5485th )19:512435152113126.443.7400:13
us KOttler (1773rd )22:382021361461211052.7116.4600:12
us rookiekiller (350th )05:3110279795160.7726.6900:07
ca PapaBear (8124th )02:536662320.6911.1100:08
br VaiCaralho! (7674th )00:190100:21
Totals4 (1959)926944102618038.5815.5300:10
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
us TLS (6794th )22:38353169171149253.1120.7800:10
do SENSEY (2797th )22:38342160163159350.1515.0600:09
gb TheMunky (1194th )15:323362332338273.9729.8200:12
co Fryderik_Kupernik (1631st )22:263052022131071164.3516.3800:13
pl O.. (1159th )15:201824647139125.133.4700:07
ca Freyja (1994th )12:021725053120330.1115.4100:06
gb we (969th )06:5611356566347.0616.3300:07
us DarthFool (9694th )02:353412121642.8618.7500:10
ca h (1966th )04:272416163929.095.9900:07
nl =EA=SdD (5295th )02:0054610233.3335.2900:12
ca These_H@nds (5648th )01:360400:24
Totals5 (1866)94897088822040.8316.1200:11

Kills Match Up
ca laggy (2489th )      26   435216193610243811
it atezris (2481st )  1   15   413811731111841111
us jerc (3688th )   4  3   12115915213511
si noxfox (1771st )    2 17   202531292493 7  
cl JHONE (5485th )     14   1075118 142  
us KOttler (1773rd ) 211716141410 3168212 13152 11
us rookiekiller (350th )      5   11810141813     
ca PapaBear (8124th )           111 1  2  
br VaiCaralho! (7674th )                     
us TLS (6794th ) 29452614191274 2    15     
do SENSEY (2797th ) 3936281816585  3   8     
gb TheMunky (1194th ) 31455236259105      20     
co Fryderik_Kupernik (1631st ) 393940272213135    11 12   3 
pl O.. (1159th ) 413113516      14     
ca Freyja (1994th ) 265  37  691373  4  
gb we (969th ) 51812 108            3 
us DarthFool (9694th )  65 1               
ca h (1966th ) 25231  1      2     
nl =EA=SdD (5295th )  12         2  1  2 
ca These_H@nds (5648th )                     

Weapons Summary
nl =EA=SdD (5295th ) 6 17 6 35.29 9000
it atezris (2481st ) 1 188 769 188 24.45 280937
us DarthFool (9694th ) 1 11 64 12 18.75 17572
ca Freyja (1994th ) 53 344 53 15.41 79500
co Fryderik_Kupernik (1631st ) 213 1300 213 16.38 319500
ca h (1966th ) 16 217 13 5.99 19152
us jerc (3688th ) 68 399 68 17.04 100448
cl JHONE (5485th ) 6 42 46 1 2.17 1500
us KOttler (1773rd ) 146 887 146 16.46 219000
ca laggy (2489th ) 239 971 232 23.89 348901
si noxfox (1771st ) 4 161 942 154 16.35 227968
pl O.. (1159th ) 2 45 750 26 3.47 31656
ca PapaBear (8124th ) 6 54 6 11.11 9000
us rookiekiller (350th ) 79 296 79 26.69 118500
do SENSEY (2797th ) 163 1069 161 15.06 241314
gb TheMunky (1194th ) 233 768 229 29.82 343207
ca These_H@nds (5648th ) 10
us TLS (6794th ) 171 818 170 20.78 256371
br VaiCaralho! (7674th ) 1
gb we (969th ) 56 343 56 16.33 84000

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
nl =EA=SdD (5295th ) 1
it atezris (2481st ) 23 10 1 1 3
us DarthFool (9694th ) 1 1
ca Freyja (1994th ) 6 2
co Fryderik_Kupernik (1631st ) 29 12 1 2 13 1 1
ca h (1966th ) 2
us jerc (3688th ) 7 1
cl JHONE (5485th ) 2 1 1
us KOttler (1773rd ) Yes 18 9 1 2 9 1
ca laggy (2489th ) 36 12 6 3 8
si noxfox (1771st ) 22 9 6 4 2 1
pl O.. (1159th ) 5 1
ca PapaBear (8124th )
us rookiekiller (350th ) 14 3 3 2 1 1
do SENSEY (2797th ) 15 10 3 2 7 1
gb TheMunky (1194th ) 27 7 3 14 21 3
ca These_H@nds (5648th )
us TLS (6794th ) 20 6 1 2 8
br VaiCaralho! (7674th )
gb we (969th ) 6 4 1

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
nl =EA=SdD (5295th ) 0 0
it atezris (2481st ) 1 1
us DarthFool (9694th ) 0 0
ca Freyja (1994th ) 0 0
co Fryderik_Kupernik (1631st ) 0 0
ca h (1966th ) 3 0
us jerc (3688th ) 0 0
cl JHONE (5485th ) 18 4
us KOttler (1773rd ) 0 0
ca laggy (2489th ) 6 1
si noxfox (1771st ) 9 3
pl O.. (1159th ) 22 2
ca PapaBear (8124th ) 0 0
us rookiekiller (350th ) 0 0
do SENSEY (2797th ) 2 0
gb TheMunky (1194th ) 4 1
ca These_H@nds (5648th ) 0 0
us TLS (6794th ) 0 0
br VaiCaralho! (7674th ) 0 0
gb we (969th ) 0 1

Match Report
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