Match Stats
4 7
Match Date Sun, Jul 2 2023 at 5:25 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name ---------- 1 on 1 Egypt ----------
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
cl gat0 (430th ) 356 2 2 1 10 11 6
il accli (330th ) 355 12 11 9 1 10 3
pl Gonzalez (2858th ) 258 10 8 2
ru Stromatotahmar (5560th ) 221 1 1 9 6 9
ua I<3_dirty_aNaL (5746th ) 195 2 10 2 3
dk dickfish (392nd ) 162 4 1 5 1 3 5 1
lt mamulia (7020th ) 133 8 8 1 5 2 4
us uranus (3627th ) 55 4 3 1
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 27 8 8 1
it $!MUL4NT (4933rd ) 3
pt Darkwings2 1
Totals 4 1766 37 5 38 3 57 0 4 45 25
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pl hellcat (137th ) 568 1 8 7 1 26 2 17 9
cl Asd^ (4040th ) 298 12 3 14 3 10 2 1 1
fr The_Shadow (4521st ) 224 2 2 15 2 4
br . (2877th ) 201 2 1 15 1 1 4 3
il tryharder (2350th ) 197 6 2 6 1 1 2 6 7
be xu (1443rd ) 195 3 1 4 1 10 4 1
de pRo.kr4Zz (5053rd ) 176 1 1 7 1 2
cz ezero (4005th ) 118 2 1 3 5 1 1
nl jaX (5118th ) 95 3 2 1 1 4 7
ru Piston_in_your_ass (1231st ) 37 2
cz espana (13693rd ) 32 6 1 7 1 2 1
nl Lizzy (11627th ) 4
it Spaccanapoli (7363rd ) 3
ru -=KARAPUZ=- (17991st )
fr ___ (511th )
Totals 7 2148 33 21 47 8 93 4 7 40 34

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
cl gat0 (430th )14:1935620320311763.4429.4300:08
il accli (330th )14:19355183183151154.7623.7900:06
pl Gonzalez (2858th )14:19258142142145149.485.6400:06
ru Stromatotahmar (5560th )14:19221898913240.275.6900:07
ua I<3_dirty_aNaL (5746th )14:1919512112111451.495.7600:08
dk dickfish (392nd )07:4416286867254.4327.3000:07
lt mamulia (7020th )14:19133626214829.529.1000:06
us uranus (3627th )02:5855262615162.7914.0400:11
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd )03:242716163332.6510.5300:06
it $!MUL4NT (4933rd )00:45333633.3300:08
pt Darkwings201:36111127.692.0000:08
Totals4 (1766)9329329450343.6212.1200:07
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pl hellcat (137th )14:19568294294129169.4138.4600:07
cl Asd^ (4040th )14:1929812412412749.4011.2800:07
fr The_Shadow (4521st )14:19224153154121155.807.4100:07
br . (2877th )14:1920110410412046.434.8300:07
il tryharder (2350th )07:5819768686850.007.4000:07
be xu (1443rd )08:49195969781154.1915.9400:07
de pRo.kr4Zz (5053rd )14:33176525212830.945.8500:07
cz ezero (4005th )05:2311853534156.385.8400:08
nl jaX (5118th )06:3295262668124.207.3300:05
ru Piston_in_your_ass (1231st )02:263722222447.836.1000:05
cz espana (13693rd )06:213211115117.7415.7100:08
nl Lizzy (11627th )01:584442016.672.2200:05
it Spaccanapoli (7363rd )01:4332222111.546.1200:04
fr ___ (511th )00:250100:27
ru -=KARAPUZ=- (17991st )00:520900:06
Totals7 (2148)1009101110102335.378.9700:08

Kills Match Up
cl gat0 (430th )            2829212419101812671645 4
il accli (330th )     1      212015261294110651251 1
pl Gonzalez (2858th )    1       21261325310112192433 1
ru Stromatotahmar (5560th )            91113114673143322 1
ua I<3_dirty_aNaL (5746th )            18152089101371018 1 1
dk dickfish (392nd )            7111491391641 2    
lt mamulia (7020th )            1131094110352111 1
us uranus (3627th )  1         3313  5 23124  
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd )            12 1165        
it $!MUL4NT (4933rd )            11    1        
pt Darkwings2                         1 
pl hellcat (137th ) 34555231301646315    61 7         
cl Asd^ (4040th ) 16152124118203211  2            
fr The_Shadow (4521st ) 212512192292124 22111 4  11 34  
br . (2877th ) 917171312111441 2     4         
il tryharder (2350th ) 9118111074  23     3         
be xu (1443rd ) 1141012689 7137412311 4 4    
de pRo.kr4Zz (5053rd ) 68777510   1     1         
cz ezero (4005th ) 5776778 42                
nl jaX (5118th ) 22742171        1      1  
ru Piston_in_your_ass (1231st ) 31222 62     4            
cz espana (13693rd ) 14112 2                   
nl Lizzy (11627th )  11 1        1            
it Spaccanapoli (7363rd )    11 1     1             
fr ___ (511th )                           
ru -=KARAPUZ=- (17991st )                           

Weapons Summary
it $!MUL4NT (4933rd ) 3 18
br . (2877th ) 5 99 538 26 4.83 31580
fr ___ (511th ) 3
il accli (330th ) 3 182 643 153 23.79 225970
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 16 57 6 10.53 8847
cl Asd^ (4040th ) 3 121 647 73 11.28 99202
pt Darkwings2 1 50 1 2.00 1002
dk dickfish (392nd ) 86 315 86 27.30 128731
cz espana (13693rd ) 11 70 11 15.71 16500
cz ezero (4005th ) 3 50 274 16 5.84 20179
cl gat0 (430th ) 1 202 615 181 29.43 270389
pl Gonzalez (2858th ) 6 138 461 26 5.64 29163
pl hellcat (137th ) 4 292 676 260 38.46 391633
ua I<3_dirty_aNaL (5746th ) 5 116 642 37 5.76 48044
nl jaX (5118th ) 2 21 240 22 9.17 26730
nl Lizzy (11627th ) 4 45 1 2.22 922
lt mamulia (7020th ) 6 56 681 62 9.10 77327
ru Piston_in_your_ass (1231st ) 1 21 82 5 6.10 6713
de pRo.kr4Zz (5053rd ) 1 11 94 5 5.32 5947
it Spaccanapoli (7363rd ) 1 3 49 3 6.12 4500
ru Stromatotahmar (5560th ) 7 82 650 37 5.69 47042
fr The_Shadow (4521st ) 9 145 783 58 7.41 69349
il tryharder (2350th ) 2 66 446 33 7.40 44591
us uranus (3627th ) 1 27 114 16 14.04 22598
be xu (1443rd ) 5 92 389 62 15.94 88773

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
it $!MUL4NT (4933rd ) 1
ru -=KARAPUZ=- (17991st )
br . (2877th ) 10 7 5 1 4 1
il accli (330th ) Yes 27 10 4 4 7
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 3 1
cl Asd^ (4040th ) 12 6 1 4 3 1
pt Darkwings2
dk dickfish (392nd ) 14 3 3 4 1
cz espana (13693rd ) 1
cz ezero (4005th ) 14 1 1
cl gat0 (430th ) 18 15 3 7 8 3
pl Gonzalez (2858th ) 14 4 5 7 5 2 1
pl hellcat (137th ) 25 13 8 19 15 3 2
ua I<3_dirty_aNaL (5746th ) 11 4 4 4 4 1 1
nl jaX (5118th ) 1 1 1 1 2
nl Lizzy (11627th ) 1
lt mamulia (7020th ) 4 1
ru Piston_in_your_ass (1231st ) 4 1
de pRo.kr4Zz (5053rd ) 7 1 1
it Spaccanapoli (7363rd )
ru Stromatotahmar (5560th ) 12 5 1 3
fr The_Shadow (4521st ) 19 4 4 7 7 1
il tryharder (2350th ) 8 3 3 1 3
us uranus (3627th ) 1 4 1 3
be xu (1443rd ) 15 3 2 3 4 1
fr ___ (511th )

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
it $!MUL4NT (4933rd ) 3 0
ru -=KARAPUZ=- (17991st ) 0 0
br . (2877th ) 81 2
il accli (330th ) 31 7
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 10 1
cl Asd^ (4040th ) 51 32
pt Darkwings2 0 0
dk dickfish (392nd ) 0 0
cz espana (13693rd ) 0 0
cz ezero (4005th ) 36 22
cl gat0 (430th ) 21 3
pl Gonzalez (2858th ) 121 5
pl hellcat (137th ) 32 5
ua I<3_dirty_aNaL (5746th ) 85 4
nl jaX (5118th ) 0 1
nl Lizzy (11627th ) 3 0
lt mamulia (7020th ) 2 2
ru Piston_in_your_ass (1231st ) 17 7
de pRo.kr4Zz (5053rd ) 22 6
it Spaccanapoli (7363rd ) 0 0
ru Stromatotahmar (5560th ) 48 11
fr The_Shadow (4521st ) 92 4
il tryharder (2350th ) 34 4
us uranus (3627th ) 11 2
be xu (1443rd ) 32 13
fr ___ (511th ) 0 0

Match Report
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