Match Stats
6 7
Match Date Tue, Aug 29 2023 at 7:06 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name W00tabulous !@Fixed [Fixed by: Nugglan]
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: Nice^|fu, mad_max, espana

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
se effibrie (217th ) 563 22 4 25 2 38 1 2 1
no Degenerate (347th ) 432 5 6 11 3 33 1 2 5
be //<a (3867th ) 399 4 7 10 1 24 1 10 5
pt -ApOkaL1pS.PrT- (180th ) 385 3 2 5 26 4
ru Eingerlj (7785th ) 307 6 3 7 1 1 2 2 3
gb DeBryne (1107th ) 224 15 7 20 1 13 2 4 1
de DramaLama`dingdong (5325th ) 186 7 7 9 1 4 1
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1163rd ) 171 4 1 4 5 1 5 2
hu LeoGetz (9699th ) 73 13 3 16 1 1 1
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 54 2 1 3 3 2
gb One (2631st ) 54 3 2 5 1
de «t3DDY´» (100th ) 27 1
Totals 6 2875 81 37 110 9 156 2 8 36 21
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pl Baby_Doll (946th ) 464 9 4 10 9 1 3 19 9
be SonOfSam (1991st ) 370 1 1 1 19 14
pl mino (3310th ) 361 1 3 3 1 2 1 24 21
pl Gonzalez (2858th ) 355 1 1 2 30 12
il shOtygun (798th ) 262 1 1 5 5
us Oldman (3088th ) 204 9 3 11 2 1 1 5 3
de d (311th ) 115 6 1
ro Scott·Hall (3876th ) 63 1 1 2 2 1 2
at Terr (4774th ) 43 1 1 1 1
nl M!SSPUNT (4066th ) 23 1 1
ir Say_my_Name (10574th ) 12 4 4 1 1
il ultra_instinct (1981st )
fr slow (1352nd )
nl Devillicious (16894th ) 1
Totals 7 2272 25 13 33 3 29 3 5 105 66

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
se effibrie (217th )18:345633683691331173.2723.5800:09
no Degenerate (347th )18:3443229529513868.1322.5600:08
be //<a (3867th )15:1239916816810457.9818.0200:09
pt -ApOkaL1pS.PrT- (180th )15:14385279281131267.8739.3400:07
ru Eingerlj (7785th )11:2730741413930.385.8200:17
gb DeBryne (1107th )12:532241081087160.3419.1000:11
de DramaLama`dingdong (5325th )18:2618610210594342.986.0600:11
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1163rd )18:34171101103193234.5610.6100:06
hu LeoGetz (9699th )18:34735459111533.718.2500:11
gb One (2631st )02:145420201262.508.4600:12
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th )03:52542324251148.0827.3800:10
de «t3DDY´» (100th )03:1927242425149.0228.7400:08
Totals6 (2875)15831597107614352.4018.1600:10
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pl Baby_Doll (946th )18:3446416016016449.389.7100:07
be SonOfSam (1991st )18:343701461471941143.0211.5500:06
pl mino (3310th )18:3436112012023134.1913.1800:05
pl Gonzalez (2858th )18:313557475253122.807.5300:04
il shOtygun (798th )10:142629293122146.2821.1700:07
us Oldman (3088th )18:082047677141135.167.9700:08
de d (311th )06:0311595956160.9023.0300:06
ro Scott·Hall (3876th )10:0163303287226.457.3500:07
at Terr (4774th )05:364324244733.807.4100:07
nl M!SSPUNT (4066th )01:582314142932.5623.3300:04
ir Say_my_Name (10574th )03:2512662420.005.5600:09
fr slow (1352nd )00:200300:07
il ultra_instinct (1981st )00:220100:23
nl Devillicious (16894th )01:1101500:05
Totals7 (2272)83784313726128.909.8400:07

Kills Match Up
se effibrie (217th ) 115664 5414 5630485753272391774 1 3
no Degenerate (347th ) 12   2 238    25464233152821174421 3
be //<a (3867th ) 4   5 112    2322322017826825  1
pt -ApOkaL1pS.PrT- (180th ) 5  2   39    29255132203018121334   
ru Eingerlj (7785th ) 112    41   654434 6      
gb DeBryne (1107th )     1  6    121414181218 3 6 1 3
de DramaLama`dingdong (5325th ) 1   1 314    121081281421812   2
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1163rd ) 6157845925 337331382       2
hu LeoGetz (9699th )        75   581064516322   
gb One (2631st )     1       3445 1 1     1
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 5      2  1 2221  4 4 4   
de «t3DDY´» (100th ) 4  1   2    411  13 4 5   
pl Baby_Doll (946th ) 2724182141111216347   102         
be SonOfSam (1991st ) 2217132361611320233 1 72       1 
pl mino (3310th ) 2015121721212518132   1          
pl Gonzalez (2858th ) 861041835105  3111131 3 2   
il shOtygun (798th ) 89119293931  352814 1 6    
us Oldman (3088th ) 78883217310 12   621        
de d (311th )  171519 48 9 31   19          
ro Scott·Hall (3876th ) 231334816       1  2      
at Terr (4774th )  6 9    2 2    5          
nl M!SSPUNT (4066th ) 12 2  3 6                 
ir Say_my_Name (10574th )   11  1 1 11              
fr slow (1352nd )                           
il ultra_instinct (1981st )                           
nl Devillicious (16894th )                           

Weapons Summary
pt -ApOkaL1pS.PrT- (180th ) 3 278 694 273 39.34 406965
be //<a (3867th ) 2 125 562 115 20.46 171689
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 2 24 84 23 27.38 34392
pl Baby_Doll (946th ) 6 154 927 90 9.71 129980
de d (311th ) 3 92 317 73 23.03 105649
gb DeBryne (1107th ) 108 555 106 19.10 152775
no Degenerate (347th ) 295 1170 264 22.56 389895
nl Devillicious (16894th ) 17
de DramaLama`dingdong (5325th ) 3 10 793 39 4.92 53094
se effibrie (217th ) 6 365 1302 307 23.58 452344
ru Eingerlj (7785th ) 1 6 65 4 6.15 4096
pl Gonzalez (2858th ) 2 73 332 25 7.53 31003
hu LeoGetz (9699th ) 3 56 485 40 8.25 49062
nl M!SSPUNT (4066th ) 14 60 14 23.33 21000
pl mino (3310th ) 4 116 895 118 13.18 167803
us Oldman (3088th ) 2 75 715 57 7.97 81967
gb One (2631st ) 1 19 130 11 8.46 13193
ir Say_my_Name (10574th ) 1 5 72 4 5.56 5506
ro Scott·Hall (3876th ) 1 31 381 28 7.35 36963
il shOtygun (798th ) 47 218 39 17.89 58428
fr slow (1352nd ) 2
be SonOfSam (1991st ) 6 143 996 115 11.55 156198
at Terr (4774th ) 1 23 243 18 7.41 26408
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1163rd ) 2 101 622 66 10.61 92605
de «t3DDY´» (100th ) 2 24 87 25 28.74 37197

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
pt -ApOkaL1pS.PrT- (180th ) 29 16 9 12 17 3
be //<a (3867th ) Yes 26 7 5 3 8 1
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 5 1 1
pl Baby_Doll (946th ) 19 6 5 2 8
de d (311th ) 7 2 4 6 5 1
gb DeBryne (1107th ) 14 8 1 4
no Degenerate (347th ) 37 15 8 9 21 2
nl Devillicious (16894th )
de DramaLama`dingdong (5325th ) 13 3 3 1 2
se effibrie (217th ) 44 21 11 15 22 5
ru Eingerlj (7785th ) 4 1 2
pl Gonzalez (2858th ) 9 3 1 2
hu LeoGetz (9699th ) 9 1 2
nl M!SSPUNT (4066th ) 3
pl mino (3310th ) 17 2 3 1
us Oldman (3088th ) 11 2 3
gb One (2631st ) 3 1 1 2
ir Say_my_Name (10574th )
ro Scott·Hall (3876th ) 3 2
il shOtygun (798th ) 16 6 3 1 2 1
fr slow (1352nd )
be SonOfSam (1991st ) 23 6 1 6
at Terr (4774th ) 1 1 1
il ultra_instinct (1981st )
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1163rd ) 12 1 2 2 5
de «t3DDY´» (100th ) 5 2

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
pt -ApOkaL1pS.PrT- (180th ) 8 1
be //<a (3867th ) 12 6
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 0 3
pl Baby_Doll (946th ) 71 3
de d (311th ) 25 4
gb DeBryne (1107th ) 2 0
no Degenerate (347th ) 32 1
nl Devillicious (16894th ) 0 0
de DramaLama`dingdong (5325th ) 59 3
se effibrie (217th ) 57 7
ru Eingerlj (7785th ) 11 1
pl Gonzalez (2858th ) 51 0
hu LeoGetz (9699th ) 21 2
nl M!SSPUNT (4066th ) 0 0
pl mino (3310th ) 3 0
us Oldman (3088th ) 21 2
gb One (2631st ) 9 3
ir Say_my_Name (10574th ) 2 0
ro Scott·Hall (3876th ) 4 2
il shOtygun (798th ) 13 1
fr slow (1352nd ) 0 0
be SonOfSam (1991st ) 33 6
at Terr (4774th ) 6 0
il ultra_instinct (1981st ) 0 0
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1163rd ) 38 2
de «t3DDY´» (100th ) 0 0

Match Report
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