Match Stats
4 7
Match Date Thu, Sep 28 2023 at 9:37 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name 2on2 Crates spfix
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pl Jamally (434th ) 638 6 2 8 17 36 21
us Smooth (4421st ) 319 17 5 22 7 7 10
nt.maharaja (3387th ) 317 14 9 20 10 3 9 7
us uranus (3625th ) 215 10 3 13 6 8 5
pt VTR (1503rd ) 187 6 1 7 1 9 8 2
ar DAz (5764th ) 171 11 7 17 5 1 6 4
it Mandolino (2454th ) 155 5 5 8 6 4
cl JHONE (5486th ) 129 1 1 1 10 4
Totals 4 2131 64 33 93 1 63 0 4 90 57
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
ru Nik (623rd ) 428 11 4 15 10 23 11
ca -=CoN=-R00kie (3905th ) 326 8 1 9 3 22 15
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1162nd ) 249 2 3 4 1 6 1 12 6
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 241 12 1 13 2 5 11 7
us jerc (3689th ) 237 6 2 7 1 3 1 12 4
us LoSahn (7277th ) 204 6 7 12 1 9 1 7 9
am Nice^|fu (1408th ) 189 16 14 27 3 3 3 6
ee Elmo (663rd ) 109 3 1 3 6 1 3 2
Totals 7 1983 64 33 90 5 45 0 7 93 60

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pl Jamally (434th )13:0463815915910260.9221.0000:08
us Smooth (4421st )13:1231947478036.996.8200:10
nt.maharaja (3387th )11:5831794946957.6713.8600:11
us uranus (3625th )12:2321572729044.448.4800:09
pt VTR (1503rd )09:1618773734959.8429.7100:12
ar DAz (5764th )13:0417162629240.268.1500:09
it Mandolino (2454th )06:5115562624856.367.7500:09
cl JHONE (5486th )05:2012927273047.376.3200:11
Totals4 (2131)5965965600050.4812.7600:10
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
ru Nik (623rd )13:024281281288460.3813.6300:10
ca -=CoN=-R00kie (3905th )11:4432668688821.944.7500:07
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1162nd )13:0424989898252.058.2400:10
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd )13:0424159597245.0411.4800:11
us jerc (3689th )13:0423771719941.7610.5900:08
us LoSahn (7277th )13:0420454547840.916.7700:11
am Nice^|fu (1408th )09:5618950506643.106.0500:09
ee Elmo (663rd )04:2210941412760.2933.3300:10
Totals7 (1983)5605605960045.6811.8500:10

Kills Match Up
pl Jamally (434th )         2716192619142810
us Smooth (4421st )         677391023
nt.maharaja (3387th )         15201313121533
us uranus (3625th )         714124201041
pt VTR (1503rd )         10715914108 
ar DAz (5764th )         7106815664
it Mandolino (2454th )         6128669114
cl JHONE (5486th )         62234442
ru Nik (623rd ) 181516241619146        
ca -=CoN=-R00kie (3905th ) 10781541653        
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1162nd ) 1520121581243        
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 15410721353        
us jerc (3689th ) 161531091062        
us LoSahn (7277th ) 679881231        
am Nice^|fu (1408th ) 146882552        
ee Elmo (663rd ) 8633 5610        

Weapons Summary
ca -=CoN=-R00kie (3905th ) 4 64 295 28 9.49 32157
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 5 54 366 42 11.48 58357
ar DAz (5764th ) 3 59 687 56 8.15 75014
ee Elmo (663rd ) 41 117 39 33.33 60000
pl Jamally (434th ) 5 154 538 113 21.00 162918
us jerc (3689th ) 1 70 444 47 10.59 65201
cl JHONE (5486th ) 2 25 253 16 6.32 16883
us LoSahn (7277th ) 2 52 591 40 6.77 51856
it Mandolino (2454th ) 2 60 271 21 7.75 26176
am Nice^|fu (1408th ) 2 48 479 29 6.05 37858
ru Nik (623rd ) 2 126 609 83 13.63 119826
nt.maharaja (3387th ) 3 91 339 47 13.86 61093
us Smooth (4421st ) 1 24 219 18 8.22 19437
us uranus (3625th ) 4 68 460 39 8.48 51528
pt VTR (1503rd ) 73 239 71 29.71 106500
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1162nd ) 89 534 44 8.24 59735

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
ca -=CoN=-R00kie (3905th ) 3 2 2 3
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 10 1 2
ar DAz (5764th ) Yes 7 3
ee Elmo (663rd ) 4 1 1 1
pl Jamally (434th ) 17 13 4 2 3 1
us jerc (3689th ) 11 2 1
cl JHONE (5486th ) 6 2
us LoSahn (7277th ) 8 1
it Mandolino (2454th ) 5 5 2
am Nice^|fu (1408th ) 5 5
ru Nik (623rd ) 18 9 1 1 6
nt.maharaja (3387th ) 13 5 2 1 4
us Smooth (4421st ) 6 1
us uranus (3625th ) 11 1 3
pt VTR (1503rd ) 11 2 1 2 4
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1162nd ) 12 2 1 3

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
ca -=CoN=-R00kie (3905th ) 44 9
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 17 1
ar DAz (5764th ) 8 4
ee Elmo (663rd ) 1 0
pl Jamally (434th ) 46 21
us jerc (3689th ) 24 6
cl JHONE (5486th ) 12 2
us LoSahn (7277th ) 16 3
it Mandolino (2454th ) 43 9
am Nice^|fu (1408th ) 24 5
ru Nik (623rd ) 46 12
nt.maharaja (3387th ) 48 12
us Smooth (4421st ) 12 6
us uranus (3625th ) 33 7
pt VTR (1503rd ) 2 2
cl ~Mago'Ed!* (1162nd ) 47 7

Match Report
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