Match Stats
3 6
Match Date Thu, Oct 5 2023 at 8:45 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name Duku - NuLL Retheme
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: oxo, Player13, Jamally

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
de bustacell (1862nd ) 301 7 6 11 1 2 16 16
us effibrie (217th ) 251 11 3 13 1 3 1 1 4 1
pt bife (594th ) 239 4 4 5 1 6 1
gb (3597th ) 198 3 1 4 2 10 12
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 189 4 1 5 1 1 10 6
gb One (2631st ) 102 3 3 2 3
it atezris (2482nd ) 96 1 1 6 1 2 1
il jbeeks (13066th ) 54 2 2 6 1
de Player15 (3604th ) 47 1 3 1
us uranus (3625th ) 22 3 3 1
br Z (3525th ) 6
Totals 3 1505 35 14 46 1 23 6 3 55 41
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pl sbt (133rd ) 442 5 1 6 1 6 9 19 14
tr Rkn (359th ) 333 11 3 12 9 1 1 11 9
fr -AMIR- (1755th ) 285 12 5 15 1 9 3 2 2 1
us QUEEFLATINA (2539th ) 186 3 1 4 2 8 3
il A_beginner (3835th ) 130 7 7 2 1 1
nl UrS*Snakeman (3620th ) 120 5 3 7 1 6 1 1 1
pt bugiipt (9203rd ) 53 3 3 1 1
us Bum (2241st ) 48 3 3 2 1 1
ru yourself (2562nd ) 37 1 1
ma T-SM (9644th ) 30 1 1 1 1 2
Totals 6 1664 47 15 55 3 40 16 6 45 31

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
de bustacell (1862nd )20:00301676712135.6410.6100:10
us effibrie (217th )20:0025113913912153.4614.4200:10
pt bife (594th )20:0023916316312257.1926.4700:10
gb (3597th )20:001985152114131.145.8000:11
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd )20:00189787966154.1114.1100:19
gb One (2631st )12:2810258585352.254.5100:15
it atezris (2482nd )09:209639395740.6310.3400:10
il jbeeks (13066th )07:085428283941.7910.4000:12
de Player15 (3604th )03:434716162044.4424.2400:12
us uranus (3625th )08:052213132633.334.8800:19
br Z (3525th )02:06655935.716.6700:15
Totals3 (1505)6576597482043.6112.0400:13
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pl sbt (133rd )20:004421601608365.8421.1400:15
tr Rkn (359th )20:0033314414598159.4323.4100:13
fr -AMIR- (1755th )20:002851391399559.4023.3100:13
us QUEEFLATINA (2539th )20:0018668689840.966.3100:13
il A_beginner (3835th )15:23130909174154.826.4600:13
nl UrS*Snakeman (3620th )15:4412074749543.7911.7900:10
pt bugiipt (9203rd )10:4253394048144.9417.1700:14
us Bum (2241st )05:0248222323148.9418.6900:14
ru yourself (2562nd )03:363716161636.2110.8100:11
ma T-SM (9644th )11:3930161754123.617.8000:13
Totals6 (1664)7687736845047.7914.6900:13

Kills Match Up
de bustacell (1862nd )            1216981041313
us effibrie (217th )            2417192416129 216
pt bife (594th )            17231823233275411
gb (3597th )    1       781225346 5
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd )  1  1      5111676198123
gb One (2631st )            651013113   10
it atezris (2482nd )            8748331221
il jbeeks (13066th )            2744523 1 
de Player15 (3604th )            22141 114 
us uranus (3625th )             11223   4
br Z (3525th )             111  11  
pl sbt (133rd ) 263625211081243102      3   
tr Rkn (359th ) 29171726912118562 1    21  
fr -AMIR- (1755th ) 21152721229108 21      3   
us QUEEFLATINA (2539th ) 7188124914112      1   
il A_beginner (3835th ) 149141482128321    1 22  
nl UrS*Snakeman (3620th ) 1172014682  3       21  
pt bugiipt (9203rd ) 196231631     1241  1
us Bum (2241st ) 61123 234     1   1  
ru yourself (2562nd ) 52111 113 1          
ma T-SM (9644th ) 1631 4   2          1

Weapons Summary
fr -AMIR- (1755th ) 139 532 124 23.31 187872
il A_beginner (3835th ) 5 86 790 51 6.46 60907
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 79 418 59 14.11 85956
it atezris (2482nd ) 39 261 27 10.34 39919
pt bife (594th ) 163 597 158 26.47 244500
pt bugiipt (9203rd ) 40 233 40 17.17 57897
us Bum (2241st ) 23 107 20 18.69 27596
de bustacell (1862nd ) 67 377 40 10.61 56055
us effibrie (217th ) 6 133 770 111 14.42 158930
il jbeeks (13066th ) 28 202 21 10.40 30037
gb (3597th ) 2 50 345 20 5.80 26235
gb One (2631st ) 2 56 488 22 4.51 28886
de Player15 (3604th ) 16 66 16 24.24 22623
us QUEEFLATINA (2539th ) 2 66 491 31 6.31 37892
tr Rkn (359th ) 1 144 487 114 23.41 167890
pl sbt (133rd ) 1 159 577 122 21.14 185380
ma T-SM (9644th ) 1 16 218 17 7.80 24345
us uranus (3625th ) 13 123 6 4.88 6665
nl UrS*Snakeman (3620th ) 6 68 407 48 11.79 66593
ru yourself (2562nd ) 9 83 7 8.43 10393
br Z (3525th ) 5 30 2 6.67 1951

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
fr -AMIR- (1755th ) 15 6 6
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 9 2 2 1
it atezris (2482nd ) 8 1 2
il A_beginner (3835th ) 5 4 3 3
pt bife (594th ) 17 8 2 3 8 1
pt bugiipt (9203rd ) 3
us Bum (2241st ) 3
de bustacell (1862nd ) 4 3
us effibrie (217th ) 15 4 2 3 9
il jbeeks (13066th ) 2 1 2
gb (3597th ) 7 1
gb One (2631st ) 5 1 1 3
de Player15 (3604th ) 1 1
us QUEEFLATINA (2539th ) 6 1
tr Rkn (359th ) Yes 19 4 1 2 7 1
pl sbt (133rd ) 24 9 1 1 6 3
ma T-SM (9644th ) 2 1
us uranus (3625th ) 1
nl UrS*Snakeman (3620th ) 7 1 1 3
ru yourself (2562nd ) 2
br Z (3525th )

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
fr -AMIR- (1755th ) 13 5
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 21 2
it atezris (2482nd ) 11 10
il A_beginner (3835th ) 42 8
pt bife (594th ) 0 0
pt bugiipt (9203rd ) 0 0
us Bum (2241st ) 3 2
de bustacell (1862nd ) 27 17
us effibrie (217th ) 23 7
il jbeeks (13066th ) 7 1
gb (3597th ) 33 14
gb One (2631st ) 37 11
de Player15 (3604th ) 0 0
us QUEEFLATINA (2539th ) 39 5
tr Rkn (359th ) 32 4
pl sbt (133rd ) 34 10
ma T-SM (9644th ) 0 0
us uranus (3625th ) 7 0
nl UrS*Snakeman (3620th ) 26 2
ru yourself (2562nd ) 4 0
br Z (3525th ) 3 1

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format