Match Stats
6 5
Match Date Sat, Apr 2 2022 at 4:28 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, SmartCTF 4E, Hit Sounds, cgzpp21a ComboGib Map Name Scandinavium
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Welcome to the ComboGib CTF server hosted in London.
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
You do not get to choose your team here.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 30
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: Heisenberg, Tosquiojo, Nik, Pappy, Silva, Don\'t_hate_Putin!;D, ForatNegreSupermassi, Enraged_Newb

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pl one_of_my_turns (156th ) 377 7 1 7 1 4 1 1 9 3
be esuoh (1655th ) 232 6 4 9 8 1 1 5 1
il cartman (603rd ) 198 11 1 11 1 6 1 2 3
us pissedoffpistol (1856th ) 154 7 6 4 1 1 4 4
cl Jhon_Wick (5657th ) 153 3 3 1 3 1 2
cz ezero (4007th ) 103 1 1 1 2 1 2
il guess_what (6671st ) 61 2 2 1 1
sk IndianaJones (6341st ) 47 1
tr Rankin (481st ) 41 2 2 1
ua Brave_G1rl (9484th ) 19 3 1 4
pl kostian (5219th ) 15 1
Totals 6 1400 38 12 44 2 26 7 6 23 16
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
gb periSh (5023rd ) 329 11 5 12 4 1 4 8 7
us Blaze (3012th ) 234 1 2 9 7
at TotallyNotCheating (271st ) 215 3 3 8 4 1
by Hades (6700th ) 158 1 1 1 1 6 6
gb neokaio (3606th ) 157 3 3 5 2
gb mitchyboy (7299th ) 121 3 1 4 2 3 4
de L/\M3W@RE (5287th ) 118 1 1 1 1 3 2
de [OG]Babe (3340th ) 106 3 1
nl ClassicUT99 (6826th ) 51 1 2
DonkeY (6692nd ) 28 2 1
pt -ApOkaL1pS.PrT- (180th ) 15 1 1
cz Highway (8142nd ) 12 1 1 1
cz Mensoda
hu Sanyiqua
Totals 5 1544 22 8 25 2 19 5 5 42 32

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pl one_of_my_turns (156th )34:0537721721881172.6732.9700:27
be esuoh (1655th )34:05232126131110553.2518.7200:20
il cartman (603rd )18:48198959965458.9314.2600:19
us pissedoffpistol (1856th )27:48154666895241.216.7400:19
cl Jhon_Wick (5657th )31:00153515794636.683.3500:22
cz ezero (4007th )14:54103454748248.454.4100:20
il guess_what (6671st )27:0161525567344.005.1800:26
sk IndianaJones (6341st )31:4247434449123.661.7801:40
tr Rankin (481st )06:3841383916169.6421.2900:27
ua Brave_G1rl (9484th )12:0919131746425.376.2500:17
pl kostian (5219th )05:10154614227.276.7400:23
Totals6 (1400)75078168531045.5611.0600:29
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
gb periSh (5023rd )34:053291211217462.0517.7100:30
us Blaze (3012th )23:44234606385341.376.0400:20
at TotallyNotCheating (271st )21:3521513113272164.3918.7400:19
by Hades (6700th )34:051586164124333.513.9200:18
gb neokaio (3606th )34:051579293137140.268.0600:16
gb mitchyboy (7299th )34:051217678135236.285.7500:16
de L/\M3W@RE (5287th )34:05118777974250.975.2800:30
de [OG]Babe (3340th )11:1910642424253.2912.3200:16
nl ClassicUT99 (6826th )04:17514518117.054.6900:23
DonkeY (6692nd )05:2628151821341.0610.5600:20
pt -ApOkaL1pS.PrT- (180th )01:191566554.5516.2200:17
cz Highway (8142nd )05:5812101119135.4815.6300:20
cz Mensoda00:050100:05
hu Sanyiqua01:050101:11
Totals5 (1544)69571280817037.888.9200:23

Kills Match Up
pl one_of_my_turns (156th ) 1   8     11919153144322191927  
be esuoh (1655th )  5  12     591641928207 24 4 1
il cartman (603rd )   4 14      9135126177691    
us pissedoffpistol (1856th )    23      45316812610  1   
cl Jhon_Wick (5657th ) 3164662 1323  7394  111  
cz ezero (4007th )     22     32681154411    
il guess_what (6671st )     8 3   126299552 2 4  
sk IndianaJones (6341st )     1  1   2617711612     
tr Rankin (481st )     3   1  6574643 1     
ua Brave_G1rl (9484th )     3    4 243 11111     
pl kostian (5219th )  1  1 3   2    1         
gb periSh (5023rd ) 21131119107136110   5   23      
us Blaze (3012th ) 66613554229  34    1      
at TotallyNotCheating (271st ) 1215515361278 118191111 4 21 1 
by Hades (6700th ) 517453565143  53  1       
gb neokaio (3606th ) 111981069155 31  3 1 21      
gb mitchyboy (7299th ) 8107985108341  2  23       
de L/\M3W@RE (5287th ) 61561122317 4 1 31152    2  
de [OG]Babe (3340th ) 4666 251 1 312112  1     
nl ClassicUT99 (6826th )   3  1  1          1     
DonkeY (6692nd )  4331 23        1   3 1  
pt -ApOkaL1pS.PrT- (180th ) 21    1      2           
cz Highway (8142nd ) 32  1 2          2  1 1  
cz Mensoda                          
hu Sanyiqua                          

Weapons Summary
pt -ApOkaL1pS.PrT- (180th ) 6 37 6 16.22 9000
de [OG]Babe (3340th ) 1 10 43 6 13.95 9935
us Blaze (3012th ) 1 43 457 35 7.66 49127
ua Brave_G1rl (9484th ) 17 256 16 6.25 21854
il cartman (603rd ) 1 98 526 75 14.26 108204
nl ClassicUT99 (6826th ) 1 13 1 7.69 1500
DonkeY (6692nd ) 1 7 37 5 13.51 7198
be esuoh (1655th ) 3 128 673 126 18.72 184622
cz ezero (4007th ) 5 42 567 25 4.41 30290
il guess_what (6671st ) 3 52 792 41 5.18 51628
by Hades (6700th ) 5 59 1301 51 3.92 68640
cz Highway (8142nd ) 1 10 64 10 15.63 12497
sk IndianaJones (6341st ) 44 788 28 3.55 35435
cl Jhon_Wick (5657th ) 1 24 555 13 2.34 14143
pl kostian (5219th ) 6 89 6 6.74 5942
de L/\M3W@RE (5287th ) 79 1003 53 5.28 72044
gb mitchyboy (7299th ) 6 72 1183 68 5.75 83779
gb neokaio (3606th ) 4 89 831 67 8.06 89959
pl one_of_my_turns (156th ) 218 634 209 32.97 316648
gb periSh (5023rd ) 121 576 102 17.71 151548
us pissedoffpistol (1856th ) 68 623 42 6.74 56010
tr Rankin (481st ) 39 155 33 21.29 49369
hu Sanyiqua 3
at TotallyNotCheating (271st ) 2 130 619 116 18.74 165909

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
pt -ApOkaL1pS.PrT- (180th )
us Blaze (3012th ) 9 1
ua Brave_G1rl (9484th )
il cartman (603rd ) 14 3 1 1 5 1
nl ClassicUT99 (6826th ) 1
DonkeY (6692nd ) 2
be esuoh (1655th ) 16 2 6
cz ezero (4007th ) 4 4 1
il guess_what (6671st ) 4 1 1
by Hades (6700th ) 4 3
cz Highway (8142nd ) Yes 1
sk IndianaJones (6341st ) 3 1
cl Jhon_Wick (5657th ) 5 3
pl kostian (5219th )
de L/\M3W@RE (5287th ) 4 1 5
cz Mensoda
gb mitchyboy (7299th ) 4 1
gb neokaio (3606th ) 11 2 2
pl one_of_my_turns (156th ) 30 7 2 2 8 4 1
gb periSh (5023rd ) 15 3 5 2
us pissedoffpistol (1856th ) 4 2 1
tr Rankin (481st ) 3 1 1 3
hu Sanyiqua
at TotallyNotCheating (271st ) 16 6 6 7 1
de [OG]Babe (3340th ) 4 1 1 1

Match Report
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