Match Stats
5 0
Match Date Mon, May 30 2022 at 7:18 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, SmartCTF 4E, Hit Sounds, cgzpp21a ComboGib Map Name BlockiestMapEver_40
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
You do not get to choose your team here.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 30
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: DeLorean, DieBitch, 160, Player16

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
no light (133rd ) 883 9 2 11 1 23 29 20 7
pl Thie.r (1169th ) 574 1 1 23 20 8 2
mx sus (3788th ) 389 14 4 17 1 3 3 1 16 22
it Mandolino (2491st ) 349 17 6 21 1 7 9 2 6 15
ae mad_max (4843rd ) 345 23 23 1 13 28
il FROSJA (5818th ) 275 41 8 48 1 5 6 1 3 4
it §P/\d|x\ (9306th ) 211 1 1 1
us sopwith (7533rd ) 112 6 1 6 2 2 2 3
sv 8-) 47 1 1 2 1 1 1
ru p.o.l.k.a.d.o.t.s (8377th ) 39 1 1
gb mitchyboy (7365th ) 25 1 1 1 1
pl Luca^Brasi (1298th ) 7 1 1 2
de Talon (11601st ) 3
am Nemrut (6133rd ) 1
Totals 5 3260 114 22 131 4 69 74 4 70 81
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
be esh (1529th ) 617 6 6 11 2 14 17 1 18 15
us jerc (3727th ) 480 5 3 8 4 4 28 5
us Immø®t@l~§øul (4455th ) 455 1 3 4 3 2 20 20
lt zazuza (1501st ) 454 11 2 13 5 8 17 13
us pissedoffpistol (1883rd ) 403 6 6 11 13 9 2
gb shmoo (3474th ) 257 18 1 19 3 1 10 11
us Blaze (3055th ) 233 4 4 3 4 9 8
il kub (4454th ) 130 1 8 2
it Simon (6616th ) 115 1 2 5
sk LilyRader (7390th ) 17 2
Totals 0 3161 51 15 65 2 44 52 1 124 78

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
no light (133rd )30:0088344844817971.4517.2500:11
pl Thie.r (1169th )27:4057429229215565.3213.6300:11
mx sus (3788th )23:33389111113127246.697.8000:12
it Mandolino (2491st )30:0034913513522637.409.3900:08
ae mad_max (4843rd )23:573456162165127.193.6400:09
il FROSJA (5818th )30:0027511111116640.079.9900:11
it §P/\d|x\ (9306th )09:3521114146313.972.6800:09
us sopwith (7533rd )15:11112595911334.3011.3300:08
sv 8-)05:484730304738.9611.6800:08
ru p.o.l.k.a.d.o.t.s (8377th )03:11394615220.4310.0000:14
gb mitchyboy (7365th )04:3625882140.423.0000:22
pl Luca^Brasi (1298th )00:35722340.0012.5000:13
de Talon (11601st )00:40333100.009.5200:43
am Nemrut (6133rd )00:39111233.3311.1100:21
Totals5 (3260)1279128412825043.549.5400:14
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
be esh (1529th )30:00617249250170159.3818.3200:11
us jerc (3727th )30:0048019219222246.3814.8300:08
us Immø®t@l~§øul (4455th )21:57455132133162144.9310.2600:08
lt zazuza (1501st )27:5245418218218516.715.2200:09
us pissedoffpistol (1883rd )30:0040322922916757.839.8100:11
gb shmoo (3474th )18:35257838311841.299.8900:10
us Blaze (3055th )21:362338687103145.557.9700:13
il kub (4454th )06:5213044445743.5611.1500:07
it Simon (6616th )15:0011561617146.215.5200:13
sk LilyRader (7390th )01:4717221014.293.1300:10
Totals0 (3161)1260126312653041.619.6100:10

Kills Match Up
no light (133rd )   4 39 22  2    3861496950412320264
pl Thie.r (1169th )   2 24 6       296730394119101213 
mx sus (3788th )   2310121      181415171112216 
it Mandolino (2491st )   1 13 3  1    11311714101073131
ae mad_max (4843rd ) 676719   11   6 45 55   
il FROSJA (5818th )   1 14 2       915101224104271
it §P/\d|x\ (9306th ) 1112 1    4   2 1  1    
us sopwith (7533rd )     1 1       7113414107 1 
sv 8-)               4410442  2 
ru p.o.l.k.a.d.o.t.s (8377th )    21    2      2     1 
gb mitchyboy (7365th )       1        3  1  2 1
pl Luca^Brasi (1298th )                 1  1    
de Talon (11601st )                 11    1 
am Nemrut (6133rd )                1        
be esh (1529th ) 3318213727191216112   119298 517 3
us jerc (3727th ) 35291330528120414   7 3  111   
us Immø®t@l~§øul (4455th ) 1012223171211171 1  2211 112   
lt zazuza (1501st ) 20232150419391221   8 2  17   
us pissedoffpistol (1883rd ) 443619354344255141  10 3   4   
gb shmoo (3474th ) 812858182101  1    5   5   
us Blaze (3055th ) 44266132831    114410441 1 
il kub (4454th ) 67 10 6    7   8         
it Simon (6616th ) 106682611343   1      1   
sk LilyRader (7390th ) 2                       

Weapons Summary
sv 8-) 30
us Blaze (3055th ) 2 84 1
be esh (1529th ) 3 247
il FROSJA (5818th ) 111
us Immø®t@l~§øul (4455th ) 6 126 1
us jerc (3727th ) 1 191
il kub (4454th ) 1 43
no light (133rd ) 3 445
sk LilyRader (7390th ) 2
pl Luca^Brasi (1298th ) 2
ae mad_max (4843rd ) 2 60
it Mandolino (2491st ) 2 132 1
gb mitchyboy (7365th ) 1 3
am Nemrut (6133rd ) 1
ru p.o.l.k.a.d.o.t.s (8377th ) 1
us pissedoffpistol (1883rd ) 5 224
gb shmoo (3474th ) 2 81
it Simon (6616th ) 5 56
us sopwith (7533rd ) 2 57
mx sus (3788th ) 5 108
de Talon (11601st ) 3
pl Thie.r (1169th ) 292
lt zazuza (1501st ) 5 177
it §P/\d|x\ (9306th ) 1
sv 8-) 214
us Blaze (3055th ) 1054
be esh (1529th ) 1283
il FROSJA (5818th ) 821
us Immø®t@l~§øul (4455th ) 1033
us jerc (3727th ) 1025
il kub (4454th ) 269
no light (133rd ) 1687
sk LilyRader (7390th ) 16
pl Luca^Brasi (1298th ) 16
ae mad_max (4843rd ) 1373
it Mandolino (2491st ) 927
gb mitchyboy (7365th ) 33
am Nemrut (6133rd ) 9
ru p.o.l.k.a.d.o.t.s (8377th ) 4
us pissedoffpistol (1883rd ) 1437
gb shmoo (3474th ) 627
it Simon (6616th ) 525
us sopwith (7533rd ) 406
mx sus (3788th ) 1410
de Talon (11601st ) 21
pl Thie.r (1169th ) 1379
lt zazuza (1501st ) 1067
it §P/\d|x\ (9306th ) 6
sv 8-) 25
us Blaze (3055th ) 84
be esh (1529th ) 235
il FROSJA (5818th ) 82
us Immø®t@l~§øul (4455th ) 106
us jerc (3727th ) 152
il kub (4454th ) 30
no light (133rd ) 291
sk LilyRader (7390th ) 1
pl Luca^Brasi (1298th ) 2
ae mad_max (4843rd ) 50
it Mandolino (2491st ) 87
gb mitchyboy (7365th ) 1
am Nemrut (6133rd ) 1
ru p.o.l.k.a.d.o.t.s (8377th ) 1
us pissedoffpistol (1883rd ) 141
gb shmoo (3474th ) 62
it Simon (6616th ) 29
us sopwith (7533rd ) 46
mx sus (3788th ) 110
de Talon (11601st ) 2
pl Thie.r (1169th ) 188
lt zazuza (1501st ) 167
it §P/\d|x\ (9306th )
sv 8-) 37500
us Blaze (3055th ) 116265
be esh (1529th ) 347421
il FROSJA (5818th ) 118032
us Immø®t@l~§øul (4455th ) 145794
us jerc (3727th ) 225359
il kub (4454th ) 42686
no light (133rd ) 430303
sk LilyRader (7390th ) 613
pl Luca^Brasi (1298th ) 3000
ae mad_max (4843rd ) 71227
it Mandolino (2491st ) 118233
gb mitchyboy (7365th ) 1302
am Nemrut (6133rd ) 1500
ru p.o.l.k.a.d.o.t.s (8377th ) 1500
us pissedoffpistol (1883rd ) 182941
gb shmoo (3474th ) 82093
it Simon (6616th ) 36531
us sopwith (7533rd ) 64051
mx sus (3788th ) 151324
de Talon (11601st ) 3000
pl Thie.r (1169th ) 276292
lt zazuza (1501st ) 246523
it §P/\d|x\ (9306th )
sv 8-) 11.68
us Blaze (3055th ) 7.97
be esh (1529th ) 18.32
il FROSJA (5818th ) 9.99
us Immø®t@l~§øul (4455th ) 10.26
us jerc (3727th ) 14.83
il kub (4454th ) 11.15
no light (133rd ) 17.25
sk LilyRader (7390th ) 6.25
pl Luca^Brasi (1298th ) 12.50
ae mad_max (4843rd ) 3.64
it Mandolino (2491st ) 9.39
gb mitchyboy (7365th ) 3.03
am Nemrut (6133rd ) 11.11
ru p.o.l.k.a.d.o.t.s (8377th ) 25.00
us pissedoffpistol (1883rd ) 9.81
gb shmoo (3474th ) 9.89
it Simon (6616th ) 5.52
us sopwith (7533rd ) 11.33
mx sus (3788th ) 7.80
de Talon (11601st ) 9.52
pl Thie.r (1169th ) 13.63
lt zazuza (1501st ) 15.65
it §P/\d|x\ (9306th )

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
sv 8-) 4 2
us Blaze (3055th ) 9 3 1 2
be esh (1529th ) 28 13 6 2 13 1
il FROSJA (5818th ) Yes 15 1 1
us Immø®t@l~§øul (4455th ) 10 2 1 1 3
us jerc (3727th ) 19 6 2 2 5
il kub (4454th ) 6 1 2
no light (133rd ) 48 23 10 18 28 6
sk LilyRader (7390th )
pl Luca^Brasi (1298th ) 1
ae mad_max (4843rd ) 9
it Mandolino (2491st ) 8 5 1
gb mitchyboy (7365th ) 1
am Nemrut (6133rd )
ru p.o.l.k.a.d.o.t.s (8377th ) 1
us pissedoffpistol (1883rd ) 28 13 3 1 14
gb shmoo (3474th ) 9 1 2
it Simon (6616th ) 5 1 3
us sopwith (7533rd ) 3 2 1 1
mx sus (3788th ) 17 1 1
de Talon (11601st ) 1
pl Thie.r (1169th ) 37 9 8 7 7 6 1 1
lt zazuza (1501st ) 23 8 1 3 1
it §P/\d|x\ (9306th ) 1

Match Report
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