Match Stats
7 4
Match Date Tue, May 31 2022 at 8:39 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, SmartCTF 4E, Hit Sounds, cgzpp21a ComboGib Map Name CTF-Combo_King
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
You do not get to choose your team here.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 30
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: Dddd, (oO), sbt, DeBryne

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
nl eZ_5 (163rd ) 1017 4 2 5 31 1 36 20
cl Jhon_Wick (5657th ) 946 3 4 6 15 1 13 5
us hahaGuy (3580th ) 500 5 5 10 2 22 14 14
ru Nik (623rd ) 423 8 3 9 1 9 2 19 8
us LoSahn (7277th ) 310 18 6 24 1 5 9 22
ru SS41 (11617th ) 296 14 7 20 1 12 1 8 9
mr_crying (8083rd ) 236 8 7 7 1 3 4
si haxxy (2046th ) 224 7 3 10 10 5 2
il namegood (5589th ) 155 10 9 4 1 4 3
cz vltava_supermassiu (14972nd ) 44 7 5 11 1 1
gb Lou_Shitnoob (1890th )
Totals 7 4151 84 35 111 5 115 0 8 112 87
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pt Jack (1156th ) 524 24 5 28 12 1 21 10
us eZ (1025th ) 472 2 2 20 7 9
pl MJ (6929th ) 362 25 6 30 1 10 1 15 13
it Simon (6550th ) 342 12 2 13 1 5 1 14 12
gb Atlantis (9571st ) 214 4 4 2 15 7
be esh (1507th ) 36 1 1 2 1 1
gb Player13 (2970th ) 7 1
il {SFM}catnip (3208th ) 3
Totals 4 1960 66 15 78 2 52 0 3 73 52

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
nl eZ_5 (163rd )26:41101743143112477.6617.1500:14
cl Jhon_Wick (5657th )20:0294614214212057.087.2300:17
us hahaGuy (3580th )26:4150023223217157.5712.7600:10
ru Nik (623rd )13:534231411418861.5716.1700:10
us LoSahn (7277th )26:3731012612619339.507.0600:09
ru SS41 (11617th )26:41296113114233132.766.4200:07
mr_crying (8083rd )13:1423682829148.6617.3600:10
si haxxy (2046th )18:23224133134130150.5711.2500:09
il namegood (5589th )13:0715561617544.856.5600:11
cz vltava_supermassiu (14972nd )12:484416168815.388.2100:09
gb Lou_Shitnoob (1890th )02:240102:25
Totals7 (4151)1477147913142044.1410.0200:23
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pt Jack (1156th )26:4152420720718053.498.4200:09
us eZ (1025th )26:1047227327317257.096.4600:09
pl MJ (6929th )26:4136212212220737.0810.3400:08
it Simon (6550th )26:4134210110115839.006.5100:11
gb Atlantis (9571st )22:352145556191122.587.9500:07
be esh (1507th )03:583619193336.5416.3600:07
gb Player13 (2970th )00:21755362.5033.3300:07
il {SFM}catnip (3208th )00:32333730.0040.0000:05
Totals4 (1960)7857869511042.2816.1700:08

Kills Match Up
nl eZ_5 (163rd )  20   62231   80627252641831
cl Jhon_Wick (5657th ) 3 13415317466 511161254  
us hahaGuy (3580th )  8   81522   30323826453 5
ru Nik (623rd )  4    520   2117292223   
us LoSahn (7277th )  5   2612   22231915211  
ru SS41 (11617th ) 1172 3110122  1013161315   
mr_crying (8083rd ) 471051020 8 4 23324   
si haxxy (2046th ) 1961921122281510 22332   
il namegood (5589th )  4   4 3   7881197  
cz vltava_supermassiu (14972nd )  2    12   11323  1
gb Lou_Shitnoob (1890th )                    
pt Jack (1156th ) 289341642259720161        
us eZ (1025th ) 291643255162461423         
pl MJ (6929th ) 17519720292 815         
it Simon (6550th ) 139137251211128         
gb Atlantis (9571st ) 3312310111166     1   
be esh (1507th ) 454 4   2          
gb Player13 (2970th ) 2 1  1 1           
il {SFM}catnip (3208th ) 1 1 1              

Weapons Summary
gb Atlantis (9571st ) 4 52
be esh (1507th ) 19
us eZ (1025th ) 6 11
nl eZ_5 (163rd ) 7 424
us hahaGuy (3580th ) 8 224
si haxxy (2046th ) 1 133
pt Jack (1156th ) 6 201
cl Jhon_Wick (5657th ) 1 5 1
us LoSahn (7277th ) 6 120
pl MJ (6929th ) 122
mr_crying (8083rd ) 60
il namegood (5589th ) 2 59
ru Nik (623rd ) 1 140
gb Player13 (2970th ) 5
it Simon (6550th ) 2 99
ru SS41 (11617th ) 3 111
cz vltava_supermassiu (14972nd ) 16
il {SFM}catnip (3208th ) 3
gb Atlantis (9571st ) 717
be esh (1507th ) 110
us eZ (1025th ) 945
nl eZ_5 (163rd ) 1195
us hahaGuy (3580th ) 854
si haxxy (2046th ) 800
pt Jack (1156th ) 1200
cl Jhon_Wick (5657th ) 43
us LoSahn (7277th ) 1176
pl MJ (6929th ) 1160
mr_crying (8083rd ) 377
il namegood (5589th ) 564
ru Nik (623rd ) 575
gb Player13 (2970th ) 15
it Simon (6550th ) 799
ru SS41 (11617th ) 826
cz vltava_supermassiu (14972nd ) 195
il {SFM}catnip (3208th ) 5
gb Atlantis (9571st ) 57
be esh (1507th ) 18
us eZ (1025th ) 80
nl eZ_5 (163rd ) 205
us hahaGuy (3580th ) 109
si haxxy (2046th ) 90
pt Jack (1156th ) 101
cl Jhon_Wick (5657th ) 3
us LoSahn (7277th ) 83
pl MJ (6929th ) 120
mr_crying (8083rd ) 60
il namegood (5589th ) 37
ru Nik (623rd ) 93
gb Player13 (2970th ) 5
it Simon (6550th ) 52
ru SS41 (11617th ) 53
cz vltava_supermassiu (14972nd ) 16
il {SFM}catnip (3208th ) 2
gb Atlantis (9571st ) 64977
be esh (1507th ) 26781
us eZ (1025th ) 105922
nl eZ_5 (163rd ) 285568
us hahaGuy (3580th ) 142002
si haxxy (2046th ) 127197
pt Jack (1156th ) 133862
cl Jhon_Wick (5657th ) 3034
us LoSahn (7277th ) 103562
pl MJ (6929th ) 176313
mr_crying (8083rd ) 90000
il namegood (5589th ) 42048
ru Nik (623rd ) 127544
gb Player13 (2970th ) 7500
it Simon (6550th ) 62046
ru SS41 (11617th ) 62451
cz vltava_supermassiu (14972nd ) 24000
il {SFM}catnip (3208th ) 4500
gb Atlantis (9571st ) 7.95
be esh (1507th ) 16.36
us eZ (1025th ) 8.47
nl eZ_5 (163rd ) 17.15
us hahaGuy (3580th ) 12.76
si haxxy (2046th ) 11.25
pt Jack (1156th ) 8.42
cl Jhon_Wick (5657th ) 6.98
us LoSahn (7277th ) 7.06
pl MJ (6929th ) 10.34
mr_crying (8083rd ) 15.92
il namegood (5589th ) 6.56
ru Nik (623rd ) 16.17
gb Player13 (2970th ) 33.33
it Simon (6550th ) 6.51
ru SS41 (11617th ) 6.42
cz vltava_supermassiu (14972nd ) 8.21
il {SFM}catnip (3208th ) 40.00

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
gb Atlantis (9571st ) 2
be esh (1507th ) 1
us eZ (1025th ) 28 10 6 13 17 2 1
nl eZ_5 (163rd ) 46 24 9 18 26 8 2 1
us hahaGuy (3580th ) 15 11 6 11 12 3
si haxxy (2046th ) 19 4 1 2 6 1 1
pt Jack (1156th ) Yes 16 7 1 6 10 1 1
cl Jhon_Wick (5657th ) 17 5 1 4 5 3
us LoSahn (7277th ) 11 5 1 2 1 1
gb Lou_Shitnoob (1890th )
pl MJ (6929th ) 12 7 1
mr_crying (8083rd ) 14 1 1 3
il namegood (5589th ) 7 1 1 2
ru Nik (623rd ) 29 7 4 1 9 2
gb Player13 (2970th ) 1 1
it Simon (6550th ) 12 2
ru SS41 (11617th ) 13 7 1 1 3 1
cz vltava_supermassiu (14972nd )
il {SFM}catnip (3208th ) 1

Match Report
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