Match Stats
0 2
Match Date Tue, Nov 21 2023 at 8:32 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name B3PirateIsland
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: Dddd, Nari_Cosco

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
cl jp (6103rd ) 132 4 3
it .:::. (2869th ) 114 1
si noxfox (1772nd ) 102 3 3 2 3
de PIayer12 (7711th ) 83 4 1 5 1
gb THEHORSECOCKEXPRESS (8595th ) 76 1 1 3 4
ru Stromatotahmar (5562nd ) 69 3 3
il rainfall (516th ) 62 2 2 1 2
nl iDeFiX (7443rd ) 53 1
it funkysl4p (4684th ) 48 1
nl utpolice (1445th ) 42
il hamas_is_isis (2436th ) 32 1 1
it U_got_the_Look (10573rd ) 31 1 3
us uranus (3625th ) 29 3 3 1
Totals 0 873 14 1 15 0 2 0 0 19 16
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
co Kazuma^- (3449th ) 112 1 1 1 1 1
pt Leya (4095th ) 105 3 3 1 1
in dawg (2629th ) 99 2 2 4
nl period (762nd ) 86 4 1 4 1 2 1
ca bro (8007th ) 83 6 4
si Free (223rd ) 54 1 1
be oxo (1695th ) 53 1 1 2
de wpxc (11751st ) 47 2 1 2 1
gb ladybird (9332nd ) 46 2 2 2 2 3
es Tiervi (5316th ) 12 1 1
es cReSa
Totals 2 697 16 2 16 2 10 0 2 10 11

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
cl jp (6103rd )12:0513227271667.502.4401:03
it .:::. (2869th )20:001141051054968.1816.5100:26
si noxfox (1772nd )17:1210266667347.4811.5700:15
de PIayer12 (7711th )20:0083525357147.756.3900:23
gb THEHORSECOCKEXPRESS (8595th )20:0076394047145.4511.9100:28
ru Stromatotahmar (5562nd )15:106936365141.386.6200:19
il rainfall (516th )13:526238385142.7012.9300:17
nl iDeFiX (7443rd )14:2553424349146.245.9000:19
it funkysl4p (4684th )13:314839394645.8813.5400:19
nl utpolice (1445th )10:2542424342150.0014.2900:16
il hamas_is_isis (2436th )08:173231312654.396.0500:20
it U_got_the_Look (10573rd )09:303116163531.376.9400:17
us uranus (3625th )11:402924243540.6812.7700:21
Totals0 (873)5575615774048.389.8400:23
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
co Kazuma^- (3449th )20:0011295957057.5818.0700:18
pt Leya (4095th )20:0010579796853.7413.9200:19
in dawg (2629th )16:439974746453.6216.8800:17
nl period (762nd )13:4486646650255.9325.6900:17
ca bro (8007th )20:008321211263.640.9301:49
si Free (223rd )08:225453532865.4334.4400:19
be oxo (1695th )09:315337373253.6215.9300:19
de wpxc (11751st )17:554729297827.104.9700:15
gb ladybird (9332nd )11:234612123724.495.7400:19
es Tiervi (5316th )03:0212991242.8610.4500:16
es cReSa03:190800:25
Totals2 (697)4734754592045.2713.3700:27

Kills Match Up
cl jp (6103rd )     3  2     2333 11261 
it .:::. (2869th )     7  5     1414610 10920532
si noxfox (1772nd )     1  2     1071174641121 
de PIayer12 (7711th )    12  3     9891514623 
gb THEHORSECOCKEXPRESS (8595th ) 3225128 4 21 1232  12   
ru Stromatotahmar (5562nd )        1     44107 1 711 
il rainfall (516th )     3  6     3438  145 1
nl iDeFiX (7443rd ) 1233 13131221642  126   
it funkysl4p (4684th )     5  2     7625  281 1
nl utpolice (1445th )        2 1   7762 648 1 
il hamas_is_isis (2436th )     1  2     23331  213 1
it U_got_the_Look (10573rd )     2        1322   12 3
us uranus (3625th )     1  1     434 2241 2 
co Kazuma^- (3449th ) 11413836831211646           
pt Leya (4095th ) 364741166761063           
in dawg (2629th ) 5316125144 25 71           
nl period (762nd ) 28721213 136363   2       
ca bro (8007th )   43  7 11 14           
si Free (223rd )  29749 8 6  8           
be oxo (1695th )  510521 333  5           
de wpxc (11751st ) 1722241211222           
gb ladybird (9332nd )   21  1  116            
es Tiervi (5316th )   1211 1 1  2           
es cReSa                         

Weapons Summary
it .:::. (2869th ) 105 636 105 16.51 156781
ca bro (8007th ) 21 647 6 0.93 8069
es cReSa 85
in dawg (2629th ) 74 308 52 16.88 75532
si Free (223rd ) 53 151 52 34.44 78000
it funkysl4p (4684th ) 39 288 39 13.54 58500
il hamas_is_isis (2436th ) 31 347 21 6.05 30961
nl iDeFiX (7443rd ) 43 542 32 5.90 46953
cl jp (6103rd ) 21 78 3 3.85 3312
co Kazuma^- (3449th ) 95 487 88 18.07 132000
gb ladybird (9332nd ) 12 209 12 5.74 16180
pt Leya (4095th ) 79 510 71 13.92 107027
si noxfox (1772nd ) 3 63 484 56 11.57 81473
be oxo (1695th ) 1 36 226 36 15.93 52490
nl period (762nd ) 66 253 65 25.69 99000
de PIayer12 (7711th ) 4 49 610 39 6.39 54902
il rainfall (516th ) 38 263 34 12.93 48541
ru Stromatotahmar (5562nd ) 1 35 423 28 6.62 39812
gb THEHORSECOCKEXPRESS (8595th ) 40 319 38 11.91 56502
es Tiervi (5316th ) 9 67 7 10.45 10500
it U_got_the_Look (10573rd ) 16 216 15 6.94 22500
us uranus (3625th ) 24 141 18 12.77 25978
nl utpolice (1445th ) 1 42 280 40 14.29 58705
de wpxc (11751st ) 1 28 583 29 4.97 38277

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
it .:::. (2869th ) 11 1 1 3 4
ca bro (8007th ) 1 1
es cReSa
in dawg (2629th ) 9 3 1 2 1
si Free (223rd ) 7 5 1 3 1
it funkysl4p (4684th ) 7
il hamas_is_isis (2436th ) 2 1 1
nl iDeFiX (7443rd ) 4 1 1
cl jp (6103rd ) 3 1
co Kazuma^- (3449th ) 9 1 1 5
gb ladybird (9332nd )
pt Leya (4095th ) Yes 12 4
si noxfox (1772nd ) 9 1 2
be oxo (1695th ) 2 1 1
nl period (762nd ) 11 2 1
de PIayer12 (7711th ) 4 1
il rainfall (516th ) 2 1 1
ru Stromatotahmar (5562nd ) 4
es Tiervi (5316th ) 1 1 1
us uranus (3625th ) 1 1
nl utpolice (1445th ) 7 1 1 1
it U_got_the_Look (10573rd ) 2 1
de wpxc (11751st ) 2 1

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
it .:::. (2869th ) 0 0
ca bro (8007th ) 10 0
es cReSa 0 0
in dawg (2629th ) 23 5
si Free (223rd ) 1 0
it funkysl4p (4684th ) 0 0
il hamas_is_isis (2436th ) 10 0
nl iDeFiX (7443rd ) 11 1
cl jp (6103rd ) 22 0
co Kazuma^- (3449th ) 7 1
gb ladybird (9332nd ) 0 0
pt Leya (4095th ) 8 0
si noxfox (1772nd ) 11 5
be oxo (1695th ) 1 1
nl period (762nd ) 0 0
de PIayer12 (7711th ) 15 10
il rainfall (516th ) 4 0
ru Stromatotahmar (5562nd ) 9 0
es Tiervi (5316th ) 2 2
us uranus (3625th ) 6 0
nl utpolice (1445th ) 3 0
it U_got_the_Look (10573rd ) 1 0
de wpxc (11751st ) 0 0

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format