Match Stats
2 3
Match Date Sun, Nov 26 2023 at 2:49 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name BlockiestMapEver_40
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: ladybird, ðð~ð©ð¦ð~, wish_me_luck, Dessloch-BOT, Karag-BOT, Malakai-BOT, Kara-BOT, iDeFiX, mousetest

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pl sbt (133rd ) 617 15 9 23 3 14 15 1 14 7
nl Flying_Penis (12185th ) 287 4 4 5 2 14 9
am Nice^|fu (1408th ) 204 31 3 33 1 1 1 6 4
fr ImpleXus (2624th ) 183 2 3 4 9 11 1 2
cz drunken (5663rd ) 156 1 9 4
be dunk (4187th ) 85 2 2 4
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6939th ) 40 1 1 2 1 3
nl Pacman (8777th ) 38 1 1 3
de endorphin (6039th ) 16 1 1 1 1
ar LST-Geof (7304th ) 11 1 1
se BRUNO (3687th ) 3 1 1
fr kirua (8044th ) 3 1 1
Totals 2 1643 58 15 70 4 35 32 3 50 29
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
cl jp (6105th ) 347 1 3 4 1 4 2 18 15
nl Chr|_|s (10350th ) 283 3 2 3 9 4 2 7 6
de chriZ (2531st ) 223 2 1 3 5 5 4 4
ch sui.eraz (1461st ) 168 5 5 6 3
nl Tosquiojo (4390th ) 166 4 4 2 1 6 6
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 165 2 2 8 9
nl period (762nd ) 52 5 3 8 1 1
cl Anubis (5184th ) 2
ru VICTUS (8438th )
Totals 3 1406 22 9 29 1 21 13 2 49 43

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pl sbt (133rd )20:06617279280145165.7333.0800:09
nl Flying_Penis (12185th )19:49287898910246.6011.7100:12
am Nice^|fu (1408th )15:0320466669840.249.6700:10
fr ImpleXus (2624th )09:4818384846357.1412.6100:10
cz drunken (5663rd )20:06156545412630.005.9100:10
be dunk (4187th )04:508538384545.7818.3800:07
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6939th )07:134022224433.336.6200:10
nl Pacman (8777th )05:013810103920.415.0000:08
de endorphin (6039th )02:131610101441.675.7700:10
ar LST-Geof (7304th )01:45111010758.8218.0000:15
se BRUNO (3687th )00:40322250.0040.0000:22
fr kirua (8044th )02:29322119.522.4700:14
Totals2 (1643)6666676961041.6014.1000:11
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
cl jp (6105th )19:1334784848250.605.5900:15
nl Chr|_|s (10350th )15:482831361369758.3719.0500:10
de chriZ (2531st )17:48223137138114154.5511.3200:10
ch sui.eraz (1461st )08:4416885855560.7119.9000:10
nl Tosquiojo (4390th )11:5616667678344.6713.8400:09
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd )10:5616546468136.2212.9600:08
nl period (762nd )03:585242422463.6434.7100:10
cl Anubis (5184th )01:412221016.673.5700:11
ru VICTUS (8438th )02:390102:45
Totals3 (1406)5996005471042.8313.4400:28

Kills Match Up
pl sbt (133rd ) 1357 33 3  7  21245715333292 
nl Flying_Penis (12185th ) 20          3151853610 3 
am Nice^|fu (1408th ) 10           131748941  
fr ImpleXus (2624th )            110101714131612 
cz drunken (5663rd ) 10           8964752 1
be dunk (4187th )            238246391 
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6939th )            1433236   
nl Pacman (8777th )              214111  
de endorphin (6039th )                13312 
ar LST-Geof (7304th ) 4           1        
se BRUNO (3687th )            1     1   
fr kirua (8044th )     1  1             
cl jp (6105th ) 1011204148632     5      
nl Chr|_|s (10350th ) 142223113051062     13      
de chriZ (2531st ) 36713141458112  3761 2    
ch sui.eraz (1461st ) 13101313165456            
nl Tosquiojo (4390th ) 11610988851 1          
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 76893651  1          
nl period (762nd ) 1024378 71            
cl Anubis (5184th )  2                   
ru VICTUS (8438th )                      

Weapons Summary
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 1 45 301 39 12.96 55704
cl Anubis (5184th ) 2 56 2 3.57 3000
se BRUNO (3687th ) 2 5 2 40.00 2619
de chriZ (2531st ) 128 910 103 11.32 149817
nl Chr|_|s (10350th ) 1 135 546 104 19.05 152956
cz drunken (5663rd ) 1 51 626 37 5.91 51775
be dunk (4187th ) 38 185 34 18.38 52082
de endorphin (6039th ) 10 52 3 5.77 4095
nl Flying_Penis (12185th ) 1 82 649 76 11.71 109113
fr ImpleXus (2624th ) 2 82 349 44 12.61 59872
cl jp (6105th ) 2 81 644 36 5.59 47263
fr kirua (8044th ) 2 27 2 7.41 1985
ar LST-Geof (7304th ) 5 50 9 18.00 13500
am Nice^|fu (1408th ) 2 64 579 56 9.67 77926
nl Pacman (8777th ) 1 9 180 9 5.00 11659
nl period (762nd ) 42 121 42 34.71 63000
pl sbt (133rd ) 1 277 792 262 33.08 393142
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6939th ) 2 20 302 20 6.62 28073
ch sui.eraz (1461st ) 85 392 78 19.90 110615
nl Tosquiojo (4390th ) 4 63 419 58 13.84 76678

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 6 2
cl Anubis (5184th )
se BRUNO (3687th )
de chriZ (2531st ) 12 8 1 3 6 1
nl Chr|_|s (10350th ) 15 8 1 3 8
cz drunken (5663rd ) 4
be dunk (4187th ) 9 1 1
de endorphin (6039th ) 1 1 1
nl Flying_Penis (12185th ) 10 2 1 4
fr ImpleXus (2624th ) 10 4 2 1 4
cl jp (6105th ) 10 1 4
fr kirua (8044th )
ar LST-Geof (7304th ) Yes 1
am Nice^|fu (1408th ) 7 3 1
nl Pacman (8777th )
nl period (762nd ) 6 3 2 1 1
pl sbt (133rd ) 36 14 6 10 16 1
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6939th ) 3
ch sui.eraz (1461st ) 12 7 4 5
nl Tosquiojo (4390th ) 13 2 1
ru VICTUS (8438th )

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
lu Ann0yInG! (3703rd ) 7 3
cl Anubis (5184th ) 0 0
se BRUNO (3687th ) 0 0
de chriZ (2531st ) 34 2
nl Chr|_|s (10350th ) 31 4
cz drunken (5663rd ) 18 0
be dunk (4187th ) 3 1
de endorphin (6039th ) 7 0
nl Flying_Penis (12185th ) 13 3
fr ImpleXus (2624th ) 42 14
cl jp (6105th ) 45 6
fr kirua (8044th ) 0 0
ar LST-Geof (7304th ) 1 0
am Nice^|fu (1408th ) 10 4
nl Pacman (8777th ) 1 0
nl period (762nd ) 0 0
pl sbt (133rd ) 17 12
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6939th ) 1 0
ch sui.eraz (1461st ) 8 4
nl Tosquiojo (4390th ) 9 5
ru VICTUS (8438th ) 0 0

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format