Match Stats
5 7
Match Date Wed, Nov 29 2023 at 7:56 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib Map Name W00tabulous !@Fixed [Fixed by: Nugglan]
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Match TimeLimit has been changed to 20 minutes.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: Not_Msbehavin

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
gb Lilia (796th ) 529 3 5 6 1 27 3 2 21 5
si win11tst (382nd ) 455 16 2 18 1 29 12 2
pl CMyK (4160th ) 353 7 1 8 16 17 5
de PIayer (5105th ) 221 7 1 8 8 7 3
gb (3598th ) 188 10 3 12 1 1 10 6
in mkultra (7063rd ) 174 1 1 18 4
ru Eingerlj (7785th ) 159 3 1 4 2 2
mx sus (3738th ) 154 5 3 6 1 10 1 2 3 3
us LoSahn (7276th ) 153 3 3 6 4 6 23
Totals 5 2386 55 19 69 3 115 4 5 82 47
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
gb Peter (1284th ) 444 12 12 22 1 8 1 2 22 18
de (739th ) 349 6 5 10 13 1 1 13 5
us lil_skim (1114th ) 264 10 3 13 1 10 10 1
nl iDeFiX (7444th ) 235 7 4 13 2
ca UTNL (3396th ) 156 2 3 4 2 2 1 6 11
pl Levinsky (5204th ) 155 18 2 17 1 2 3 2
am im (5812th ) 127 1 1 1 5 6 2
nl I_Want_Christmas_map (5707th ) 108 5 7 12 3 3 1 2 8
us wdd 74 1 1 6 2
se BRUNO (3687th ) 25 3 3 1 1
pt sp3ll (967th ) 20 2 3 5 1
us CoD|KushFace (2174th ) 20 1 1 1 1
cz wish_me_luck (14629th ) 18 4 4 1 1
nl Helgar (7644th ) 13 1 1
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 5 1 1
ru P@\\'ell (4537th ) 2 1
Totals 7 2015 65 36 94 8 59 10 7 76 52

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
gb Lilia (796th )13:405292262271211164.9626.9300:07
si win11tst (382nd )13:40455239240117167.0437.5600:07
pl CMyK (4160th )13:4035313614090459.8310.0500:10
de PIayer (5105th )13:402211001008454.354.3300:10
gb (3598th )06:13188303236245.718.8900:11
in mkultra (7063rd )13:401749298100648.0416.6300:09
ru Eingerlj (7785th )10:0415943434945.0911.2600:13
mx sus (3738th )06:3215436363749.324.8400:11
us LoSahn (7276th )13:381534848114129.886.8400:07
Totals5 (2386)95096474814251.5814.1500:09
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
gb Peter (1284th )13:4044414814815149.5024.6500:05
de (739th )12:30349133134114153.8215.2000:07
us lil_skim (1114th )13:40264132133971157.5126.4800:09
nl iDeFiX (7444th )13:392357479127537.4412.5000:07
ca UTNL (3396th )09:3115656568938.629.0700:07
pl Levinsky (5204th )13:401555056796139.868.6400:11
am im (5812th )13:331275960157127.527.7200:05
nl I_Want_Christmas_map (5707th )13:40108303277228.838.7800:11
us wdd02:3874424215172.8829.9200:10
se BRUNO (3687th )05:4025101123131.436.8200:15
pt sp3ll (967th )01:5720161717148.5717.7100:07
us CoD|KushFace (2174th )04:2120991636.0013.7900:17
cz wish_me_luck (14629th )03:2418232719.686.3800:07
nl Helgar (7644th )01:001344357.1430.0000:18
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th )01:07544930.7715.3800:06
ru P@\\'ell (4537th )00:472221511.764.0000:03
Totals7 (2015)771790101619339.4614.8200:09

Kills Match Up
gb Lilia (796th ) 1 6     124262425221044997426127
si win11tst (382nd )  18      3639174023941613235142
pl CMyK (4160th ) 574  82292514774121610  631  2
de PIayer (5105th )   1      1871316999514152   
gb (3598th )     2    64323436   1    
in mkultra (7063rd )   2  6   129108197205 1  2 12
ru Eingerlj (7785th )   1      63844345 12 2   
mx sus (3738th )   2      6363128  3  1 1 
us LoSahn (7276th )    1     9496245112221 1 
gb Peter (1284th ) 202611147238424     4 5    2   
de (739th ) 162811173176523 1 2 3 3        
us lil_skim (1114th ) 21171511101314721  12 1 3        
nl iDeFiX (7444th ) 7145517341023 52228    2  2
ca UTNL (3396th ) 12106756325                
pl Levinsky (5204th ) 83893442251 5 63 1       
am im (5812th ) 133810411313   2  12        
nl I_Want_Christmas_map (5707th ) 1231222 321 5 22221   1  
us wdd 92 4 5266     3 3 1  3   
se BRUNO (3687th )    2 2122     2   1      
pt sp3ll (967th ) 72 2  1 1       4  1     
us CoD|KushFace (2174th ) 113111  1                
cz wish_me_luck (14629th )  1      1     1      1   
nl Helgar (7644th ) 11     11                
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th )        1      1 2        
ru P@\\'ell (4537th )      1  1                

Weapons Summary
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 4 26 4 15.38 3136
se BRUNO (3687th ) 11 44 3 6.82 4227
pl CMyK (4160th ) 5 135 587 59 10.05 73219
us CoD|KushFace (2174th ) 9 58 8 13.79 12000
ru Eingerlj (7785th ) 7 55 3 5.45 3655
nl Helgar (7644th ) 1 3 10 3 30.00 5709
nl I_Want_Christmas_map (5707th ) 2 30 296 26 8.78 31657
nl iDeFiX (7444th ) 2 77 544 68 12.50 94781
am im (5812th ) 1 59 544 42 7.72 61106
pl Levinsky (5204th ) 1 57 382 33 8.64 49332
us lil_skim (1114th ) 1 134 472 125 26.48 183279
gb Lilia (796th ) 5 224 609 164 26.93 241958
us LoSahn (7276th ) 2 48 629 43 6.84 51786
in mkultra (7063rd ) 2 96 469 78 16.63 114056
gb (3598th ) 32 135 12 8.89 15939
ru P@\\'ell (4537th ) 2 25 1 4.00 928
de (739th ) 6 128 638 97 15.20 137672
gb Peter (1284th ) 4 144 576 142 24.65 207045
de PIayer (5105th ) 4 96 647 28 4.33 35515
pt sp3ll (967th ) 17 96 17 17.71 25500
mx sus (3738th ) 1 35 310 15 4.84 19581
ca UTNL (3396th ) 5 51 474 43 9.07 51017
us wdd 1 43 127 38 29.92 57000
si win11tst (382nd ) 240 631 237 37.56 360000
cz wish_me_luck (14629th ) 3 47 3 6.38 4500

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th )
se BRUNO (3687th ) 1 1
pl CMyK (4160th ) 18 4 5 4 11
us CoD|KushFace (2174th ) 1
ru Eingerlj (7785th ) 4 3 1 1
nl Helgar (7644th ) 1
nl iDeFiX (7444th ) 11 2 1
am im (5812th ) 7 2
nl I_Want_Christmas_map (5707th ) 1
pl Levinsky (5204th ) 6 4 1
gb Lilia (796th ) Yes 20 13 6 11 15
us lil_skim (1114th ) 17 6 5 2 9
us LoSahn (7276th ) 8
in mkultra (7063rd ) 12 5 1 3 5
gb (3598th ) 5 1 1 1
ru P@\\'ell (4537th ) 1
de (739th ) 20 7 4 2 8
gb Peter (1284th ) 21 7 2 1 3
de PIayer (5105th ) 11 7 1 4
pt sp3ll (967th ) 3 1 1
mx sus (3738th ) 3 2 1 1 2
ca UTNL (3396th ) 6 2 1
us wdd 5 2 1 2 4 1
si win11tst (382nd ) 24 20 6 7 7 1
cz wish_me_luck (14629th )

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
nl AbrahamKissenmeyer (4346th ) 0 0
se BRUNO (3687th ) 6 1
pl CMyK (4160th ) 83 5
us CoD|KushFace (2174th ) 1 0
ru Eingerlj (7785th ) 15 3
nl Helgar (7644th ) 0 0
nl iDeFiX (7444th ) 14 1
am im (5812th ) 17 0
nl I_Want_Christmas_map (5707th ) 8 0
pl Levinsky (5204th ) 24 0
gb Lilia (796th ) 64 19
us lil_skim (1114th ) 9 1
us LoSahn (7276th ) 6 1
in mkultra (7063rd ) 20 3
gb (3598th ) 20 9
ru P@\\'ell (4537th ) 1 0
de (739th ) 39 9
gb Peter (1284th ) 6 4
de PIayer (5105th ) 69 5
pt sp3ll (967th ) 0 0
mx sus (3738th ) 21 0
ca UTNL (3396th ) 12 2
us wdd 5 0
si win11tst (382nd ) 0 0
cz wish_me_luck (14629th ) 0 0

Match Report
Forum BBCode Format