Match Stats
4 0
Match Date Thu, Jun 2 2022 at 7:23 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, SmartCTF 4E, Hit Sounds, cgzpp21a ComboGib Map Name Control The Docks (mini-map)
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
You do not get to choose your team here.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Game Info Time Limit: 30
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: Asd^, ghgh, [§P/\\d|x], p.o.l.k.a.d.o.t.s, Cool_BOT

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pl ClusterOne (140th ) 392 10 4 14 2 20 2 7 1
am Makaka (2682nd ) 319 27 3 29 2 5 3 11 17
mx sus (3738th ) 301 9 1 10 7 18 7
gb b (530th ) 274 4 1 5 12 1 4 3
hr Saxquatch (1506th ) 264 2 2 3 1 10 1 6 7
us uranus (3625th ) 262 6 8 14 1 6 1 2 8
pl Luca^Brasi (1280th ) 56 3 1 3 1 1
us Smooth (4421st ) 51 2 2 4 2 1 2 2
be esh (1507th ) 49 2 2 2
il namegood (5589th ) 39 1 1 3 1 1
Totals 4 2007 66 22 85 6 67 8 2 52 46
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
fr YRGM (435th ) 664 30 1 31 3 32 10
gb ... (3300th ) 586 1 1 1 27 8
us hahaGuy (3580th ) 442 3 3 3 1 23 25
de flybob-B (825th ) 379 2 1 17 16
fr TheRetarD (3429th ) 314 2 10 3
se random_dweeb (5631st ) 267 37 9 44 1 8 2 6 6
gb DeBryne (1106th ) 266 13 13 9 9 2
hu jerkkyyy (8476th ) 236 1 1 2 2 8 6
fr [Fr!]Gaet'$~One (2851st ) 138 5 1 6 1 3 7 7
us LoSahn (7277th ) 118 5 4 9 2 4 14
es Legacy (4901st ) 41 1 1 2
us ObrintPas (4618th ) 23 1
nl Cyborg=SwE= (7364th ) 20 1 1 2 2
tr fartbomb (2116th ) 2
it ZioZeb (11509th ) 1
gb Nexus
tr Mr.Prostate (5620th )
Totals 0 3497 97 17 112 2 37 2 2 143 100

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pl ClusterOne (140th )19:003922412541341363.3435.8000:09
am Makaka (2682nd )30:00319144152199842.347.3500:09
mx sus (3738th )29:13301107114123746.727.1400:15
gb b (530th )23:14274202208174653.6116.2200:08
hr Saxquatch (1506th )22:372641391511581247.0413.5600:09
us uranus (3625th )30:00262179187217845.399.6100:09
pl Luca^Brasi (1280th )05:1156131834531.5812.5000:09
us Smooth (4421st )06:4651202154127.635.9300:08
be esh (1507th )08:0949424359141.7516.2200:09
il namegood (5589th )10:2639212978825.225.3600:08
Totals4 (2007)11081177123069042.4612.9700:09
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
fr YRGM (435th )30:006642863132232755.6018.3900:08
gb ... (3300th )24:41586238240143259.1018.8100:10
us hahaGuy (3580th )29:22442193200198749.3812.7100:09
de flybob-B (825th )21:36379202203123162.0822.1100:11
fr TheRetarD (3429th )23:46314218222141460.4913.9600:11
se random_dweeb (5631st )24:582671021211891936.7815.8500:08
gb DeBryne (1106th )14:5826614815392561.2023.0100:10
hu jerkkyyy (8476th )30:00236125129192439.697.6500:10
fr [Fr!]Gaet'$~One (2851st )12:421386166101538.3711.6500:08
us LoSahn (7277th )28:5911862912432925.078.1600:07
es Legacy (4901st )07:3741273156434.078.1300:08
us ObrintPas (4618th )04:302322222151.1610.5000:14
nl Cyborg=SwE= (7364th )03:372015151944.1213.2700:12
tr fartbomb (2116th )00:522236130.0016.6700:09
it ZioZeb (11509th )01:04111811.119.0900:08
gb Nexus00:220100:25
tr Mr.Prostate (5620th )00:290100:31
Totals0 (3497)170218101757108038.7212.3500:12

Kills Match Up
pl ClusterOne (140th ) 13         351839123241827263371 11  
am Makaka (2682nd )  8        3915277916131412322 11 
mx sus (3738th )   7       21101488 111461035111 1
gb b (530th )    6      1831253529 231691047 1  
hr Saxquatch (1506th )     12     3013248111416161652212  
us uranus (3625th )      8    2319211722 93712136152   
pl Luca^Brasi (1280th )       5   34332  3         
us Smooth (4421st )        1  312 131541       
be esh (1507th )         1 63391 18183      
il namegood (5589th )          862572  5    11   
fr YRGM (435th ) 205625222846913121127    348 2225      
gb ... (3300th ) 23262333133471517 2   303 1177      
us hahaGuy (3580th ) 18371526151548412  7  244  171      
de flybob-B (825th ) 916132923249 1219   1 214  24       
fr TheRetarD (3429th ) 221917222937431111    4208  163      
se random_dweeb (5631st ) 11  12 1  16112271219510715251 2  
gb DeBryne (1106th ) 1117521412 10  17684416510512       
hu jerkkyyy (8476th ) 811716112211185     1314114       
fr [Fr!]Gaet'$~One (2851st ) 1258587 52  3   9115        
us LoSahn (7277th ) 8233108 22 6746810210 29       
es Legacy (4901st ) 113823  2   1  242 141     
us ObrintPas (4618th ) 121623  13         21      
nl Cyborg=SwE= (7364th )  61214         1           
tr fartbomb (2116th )   1 1              1   1   
it ZioZeb (11509th )   1                        
gb Nexus                            
tr Mr.Prostate (5620th )                            

Weapons Summary
gb ... (3300th ) 2 22 959 188 19.60 273947
fr [Fr!]Gaet'$~One (2851st ) 4 62 369 43 11.65 62202
gb b (530th ) 2 206 1122 182 16.22 268381
pl ClusterOne (140th ) 254 648 232 35.80 350079
nl Cyborg=SwE= (7364th ) 1 14 98 13 13.27 18959
gb DeBryne (1106th ) 3 150 665 153 23.01 226973
be esh (1507th ) 1 42 259 42 16.22 60991
tr fartbomb (2116th ) 3 18 3 16.67 4500
de flybob-B (825th ) 4 199 760 168 22.11 249925
us hahaGuy (3580th ) 9 191 1196 152 12.71 209317
hu jerkkyyy (8476th ) 6 123 797 61 7.65 84004
es Legacy (4901st ) 1 30 246 20 8.13 25610
us LoSahn (7277th ) 6 85 1005 82 8.16 109488
pl Luca^Brasi (1280th ) 1 17 80 10 12.50 14139
am Makaka (2682nd ) 8 144 1170 86 7.35 120696
tr Mr.Prostate (5620th ) 2
il namegood (5589th ) 6 23 392 21 5.36 27957
us ObrintPas (4618th ) 22 181 19 10.50 26744
se random_dweeb (5631st ) 5 116 448 71 15.85 97448
hr Saxquatch (1506th ) 2 149 789 107 13.56 154903
us Smooth (4421st ) 5 16 270 16 5.93 18931
mx sus (3738th ) 1 113 938 67 7.14 93095
fr TheRetarD (3429th ) 2 220 1540 215 13.96 316762
us uranus (3625th ) 5 182 1134 109 9.61 146625
fr YRGM (435th ) 7 306 1332 245 18.39 353407
it ZioZeb (11509th ) 1 11 1 9.09 1500

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
gb ... (3300th ) 33 10 3 4 7 4
gb b (530th ) 24 12 7 2 12 1
pl ClusterOne (140th ) 22 12 10 11 9 3 1
nl Cyborg=SwE= (7364th ) 3 1
gb DeBryne (1106th ) 13 9 3 5 7 2
be esh (1507th ) 2 2 1 1 3
tr fartbomb (2116th )
de flybob-B (825th ) Yes 25 6 4 4 10 1
us hahaGuy (3580th ) 28 12 1 1 8
hu jerkkyyy (8476th ) 18 4 2 1 1 1
es Legacy (4901st ) 3 1 1
us LoSahn (7277th ) 11 2 1 2
pl Luca^Brasi (1280th ) 2 1
am Makaka (2682nd ) 15 3 2 1 1 2
tr Mr.Prostate (5620th )
il namegood (5589th ) 2
gb Nexus
us ObrintPas (4618th ) 1 2 2
se random_dweeb (5631st ) 15 8 1 1
hr Saxquatch (1506th ) 22 5 1 1 3 1
us Smooth (4421st ) 2
mx sus (3738th ) 9 5 2 1 8
fr TheRetarD (3429th ) 29 14 4 2 13 4 1
us uranus (3625th ) 15 7 4 5 10 1
fr YRGM (435th ) 33 13 7 8 14 2
it ZioZeb (11509th )
fr [Fr!]Gaet'$~One (2851st ) 9 1 1 2

Match Report
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