Match Stats
5 2
Match Date Fri, Dec 15 2023 at 11:09 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, Capture The Tree 3.3, Snowy scoreboard, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib, TheDanes Xmas v2 Map Name W00tabulous !@Fixed [Fixed by: Nugglan]
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats and forum now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Seasonal maps are shown in green font.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: Player7, d, |[-K4zUm4-]|, wish_me_luck, cyclol

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
il 25_years (5843rd ) 579 2 2 3 28 1 7 1
us CoroNer (3720th ) 362 7 4 10 3 3 1 23 30
si noxfox (1773rd ) 173 19 19 3 4 5
hu jerkky (5142nd ) 114 6 1 7 1 6 1
nl hetzalwel (4102nd ) 89 1 1 2 1 3
mx sus_pls (3007th ) 58 2 4
sk Shark (5539th ) 48 1 1 2 2 2
Totals 5 1423 36 7 41 3 41 1 2 49 39
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
pt bife (594th ) 456 10 10 21 7
gb new_arm (2109th ) 275 9 1 9 1 11
de B!llyCornFl/\ke (5925th ) 234 19 5 22 3 2 10 9
us eZ_6 (1726th ) 232 4 3 1 1 13 7
Kano (4166th ) 205 9 2 9 1 3 1 2 6 5
gb maybe (7599th ) 177 4 2 6 12 15
br . (2878th ) 75 1 1 1 3 1 2
ca h (1968th ) 42 1 1 3 1
cl Anubis (5184th ) 7 2 2
us cookie_cutter (645th )
Totals 2 1703 54 15 63 3 42 1 5 52 39

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
il 25_years (5843rd )20:07579376378158270.2630.5600:08
us CoroNer (3720th )20:07362100101178136.0710.3600:07
si noxfox (1773rd )11:2217389899348.9013.1300:08
hu jerkky (5142nd )13:11114525210433.3311.3000:08
nl hetzalwel (4102nd )08:138947475048.4517.3700:10
mx sus_pls (3007th )06:56581818385.719.8402:32
sk Shark (5539th )14:0548242914458.191.9500:17
Totals5 (1423)7067147308047.2713.5000:30
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
pt bife (594th )20:0745633733717665.6930.2700:07
gb new_arm (2109th )10:432751581586870.1633.8500:10
de B!llyCornFl/\ke (5925th )20:072346467144331.318.6100:09
us eZ_6 (1726th )16:4123210210396151.507.3200:11
Kano (4166th )20:072057782129537.967.1700:10
gb maybe (7599th )20:071774648149224.126.6600:08
br . (2878th )11:0875535461146.554.8400:11
ca h (1968th )02:264212121446.157.2500:10
cl Anubis (5184th )01:3874512127.788.8200:09
us cookie_cutter (645th )02:390102:46
Totals2 (1703)85386685013040.1211.4800:25

Kills Match Up
il 25_years (5843rd ) 22  1  9629623432812687 
us CoroNer (3720th )  1     308249415821 
si noxfox (1773rd )        9125348174   
hu jerkky (5142nd )        58139683   
nl hetzalwel (4102nd )        15 112 85141
mx sus_pls (3007th )        356 31    
sk Shark (5539th )       53436643   
pt bife (594th ) 6678304124 57  8 33     
gb new_arm (2109th ) 243720291136    10     
de B!llyCornFl/\ke (5925th ) 911562 116 3110222  
us eZ_6 (1726th ) 281421831232  13     
Kano (4166th ) 712710 1107231511101  
gb maybe (7599th ) 96984 6  4 22    
br . (2878th ) 1315129 1  4 9 1   
ca h (1968th ) 13  6    1 1     
cl Anubis (5184th ) 1          22  1 
us cookie_cutter (645th )                  

Weapons Summary
br . (2878th ) 2 52 579 28 4.84 36351
il 25_years (5843rd ) 2 376 1083 331 30.56 490407
cl Anubis (5184th ) 5 34 3 8.82 4186
de B!llyCornFl/\ke (5925th ) 2 65 639 55 8.61 76141
pt bife (594th ) 337 1110 336 30.27 504600
us CoroNer (3720th ) 5 96 956 99 10.36 140241
us eZ_6 (1726th ) 4 99 942 69 7.32 98682
ca h (1968th ) 1 11 69 5 7.25 5973
nl hetzalwel (4102nd ) 47 259 45 17.37 68600
hu jerkky (5142nd ) 52 230 26 11.30 32614
Kano (4166th ) 3 79 711 51 7.17 71470
gb maybe (7599th ) 3 45 736 49 6.66 57878
gb new_arm (2109th ) 107 295 104 35.25 157879
si noxfox (1773rd ) 1 88 571 75 13.13 97663
sk Shark (5539th ) 29 771 30 3.89 43493
mx sus_pls (3007th ) 18 183 18 9.84 26700

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
br . (2878th ) 7 2 3
il 25_years (5843rd ) Yes 23 22 11 26 31 3
cl Anubis (5184th )
de B!llyCornFl/\ke (5925th ) 12 1 1 2
pt bife (594th ) 29 19 14 14 14 5 2
us cookie_cutter (645th )
us CoroNer (3720th ) 7 3
us eZ_6 (1726th ) 15 3 3 1
ca h (1968th ) 2 1
nl hetzalwel (4102nd ) 10 4
hu jerkky (5142nd ) 7 2 1
Kano (4166th ) 7 3
gb maybe (7599th ) 5 1
gb new_arm (2109th ) 25 10 4 5 9 1
si noxfox (1773rd ) 16 3 2 1 3
sk Shark (5539th ) 3
mx sus_pls (3007th ) 1 1 1

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
br . (2878th ) 27 0
il 25_years (5843rd ) 47 30
cl Anubis (5184th ) 2 0
de B!llyCornFl/\ke (5925th ) 10 0
pt bife (594th ) 0 0
us cookie_cutter (645th ) 0 0
us CoroNer (3720th ) 2 1
us eZ_6 (1726th ) 36 2
ca h (1968th ) 5 0
nl hetzalwel (4102nd ) 1 0
hu jerkky (5142nd ) 27 0
Kano (4166th ) 31 0
gb maybe (7599th ) 1 0
gb new_arm (2109th ) 4 0
si noxfox (1773rd ) 15 3
sk Shark (5539th ) 0 0
mx sus_pls (3007th ) 0 0

Match Report
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