Match Stats
0 1
Match Date Sat, Dec 16 2023 at 7:41 pm Server --- ComboGib CTF (Grapple) -- London ---
Mutators MapVoteLAv2 Big21a, NDgrap49c, SmartCTF 4E ESU2, Capture The Tree 3.3, Snowy scoreboard, NDdj4, NoSelfDamage, Player Commands V01a, Revenge 2, Auto Team Balance, ZeroPingPlus: ZeroPing, Hit Sounds, cgzpp22a ComboGib, TheDanes Xmas v2 Map Name Winter Joust
Server Info Admin: snowguy

Stats and forum now available at
Please read and follow the rules in the MapVote Rules tab.
Refusing to be balanced will get you banned.
Seasonal maps are shown in green font.
Game Info Time Limit: 20
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 7
Max Players: 18
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: True
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: cyclol, women_are_trash

CTF Score

CTF Grabs

Frags Team

Flag Event Summary
Team: Red
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
il hamas_is_isis (2436th ) 1263 15 17 32 38 70 31
de B!llyCornFl/\ke (5922nd ) 839 36 38 74 30 45 18
br Uterus-Destroyer (7298th ) 707 2 16 18 33 33 6
fr Sire (9724th ) 652 27 33 60 25 26 21
ca UTNL (3407th ) 636 5 9 14 21 33 4
cl Piter (6140th ) 566 1 5 6 26 17 6
ca h (1966th ) 469 2 6 8 22 25 3
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6939th ) 430 7 25 32 17 23 16
am im (5811th ) 389 7 8 15 15 21 6
be Pomzie (2990th ) 342 4 7 11 12 17 5
de «G!N»Arcus (2172nd ) 293 3 9 12 10 18 5
us Tring-Tring (626th ) 205 10 4 14 9 10 4
il Skirmish (2331st ) 162 4 9 13 3 9 3
cz wish_me_luck (14629th ) 68 5 14 19 1 4 2
ru HADOUKEN (6819th ) 27 2 2 1 2 1
pl SrHerbii (16911th ) 10 1
Totals 0 7058 128 202 330 0 263 0 0 354 131
Team: Blue
Player Score Flag Taken Flag Pickup Flag Drop Flag Assist Flag Cover Flag Seal Flag Caps Flag Kill Flag Return
Team Player
gb John_Cutter (2589th ) 1426 15 45 60 42 84 34
nl period (762nd ) 1260 23 39 62 94 60 16
ru Mustafa (5478th ) 844 4 9 13 45 46 7
za Oscar (3188th ) 794 6 16 22 26 42 33
at Terr (4773rd ) 769 14 13 27 44 34 23
ru Danko-neo (8494th ) 616 63 37 99 30 1 23 6
be /// (1633rd ) 445 5 5 10 25 22 4
nl KillRoy (9658th ) 422 14 47 61 23 15 15
ca Player17 (4234th ) 90 1 1 6 3 2
cz ezero (4006th ) 23 2 1
de vizzy 2 2 2
hu NUKE (4352nd ) 1 1 1
gb One (2630th )
Totals 1 6692 145 214 358 0 337 0 1 330 140

Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
il hamas_is_isis (2436th )36:22126339239222563.5312.5800:10
de B!llyCornFl/\ke (5922nd )36:2283922822827245.609.7100:08
br Uterus-Destroyer (7298th )29:18707254255251150.3013.6400:07
fr Sire (9724th )36:2265219219236234.668.8000:06
ca UTNL (3407th )22:1863624724713963.999.1000:10
cl Piter (6140th )29:345661181189155.524.3700:20
ca h (1966th )22:55469172173135155.995.2300:11
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6939th )25:4943012412422435.637.4900:07
am im (5811th )36:2238912212227730.583.4100:08
be Pomzie (2990th )14:0034212312311950.8311.2800:07
de «G!N»Arcus (2172nd )11:022931031037856.9116.4000:09
us Tring-Tring (626th )08:5520570705058.3314.1000:11
il Skirmish (2331st )04:4916240405243.4821.7400:06
cz wish_me_luck (14629th )11:056813131259.429.0300:05
ru HADOUKEN (6819th )02:0327552020.006.3500:06
pl SrHerbii (16911th )01:501011910.006.2500:12
Totals0 (7058)2204220624292042.809.9700:09
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
gb John_Cutter (2589th )36:22142643443426961.7413.4600:08
nl period (762nd )36:22126051551525466.9733.2900:09
ru Mustafa (5478th )36:2284432832821660.2912.0700:11
za Oscar (3188th )22:3879417817822244.5011.0500:06
at Terr (4773rd )36:2276926126124551.588.1300:09
ru Danko-neo (8494th )36:2261622622631242.0110.7200:07
be /// (1633rd )11:354451441449460.5017.3700:08
nl KillRoy (9658th )36:2242211111135723.725.8300:06
ca Player17 (4234th )07:199047472961.845.2000:16
cz ezero (4006th )00:322355550.0022.7300:07
de vizzy04:03222199.522.6300:14
hu NUKE (4352nd )02:0210300:44
gb One (2630th )00:200300:07
Totals1 (6692)2251225120280040.9710.9600:12

Kills Match Up
il hamas_is_isis (2436th )   32  152         495046845641460  6 1
de B!llyCornFl/\ke (5922nd )   28  1          291722534381139  3 1
br Uterus-Destroyer (7298th ) 183012917 112019169 79  54 32210 1142   
fr Sire (9724th )   18  4          152111321331349 121 
ca UTNL (3407th )   30  2          3326241029301647     
cl Piter (6140th ) 6134144 9947 2352 65256218 1   
ca h (1966th )   222 61 1  2    281821 1820825  2  
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6939th )   7  6          132122 1615219  3  
am im (5811th )   11  2          21152261312415  1  
be Pomzie (2990th )   12  11          16223 1424613   11
de «G!N»Arcus (2172nd )   5             16161361316116 1   
us Tring-Tring (626th )      42         91117 611 10     
il Skirmish (2331st )   9  1          542 48 7     
cz wish_me_luck (14629th )      2          11  25 1   1 
ru HADOUKEN (6819th )                 1 1 1     2  
pl SrHerbii (16911th )                        1     
gb John_Cutter (2589th ) 3939376215264848212112112664   24    4    
nl period (762nd ) 62502176231129406123141211275    44    6    
ru Mustafa (5478th ) 204754221613305312158619 3   25    3    
za Oscar (3188th ) 662812 1  6 3     19177 17201125     
at Terr (4773rd ) 3828 34189112133177841631   10    3    
ru Danko-neo (8494th ) 1233535114112430124391811   11    2    
be /// (1633rd ) 1317 2314 1391361        28    7    
nl KillRoy (9658th ) 108119818238533153    5         
ca Player17 (4234th )   9             363 44711     
cz ezero (4006th )   1 2   1 1                  
de vizzy 11                           
hu NUKE (4352nd )                              
gb One (2630th )                              

Weapons Summary
be /// (1633rd ) 7 137
de B!llyCornFl/\ke (5922nd ) 26 202
ru Danko-neo (8494th ) 33 193
cz ezero (4006th ) 1 4
ca h (1966th ) 8 163 2
ru HADOUKEN (6819th ) 5
il hamas_is_isis (2436th ) 18 374
am im (5811th ) 6 116
gb John_Cutter (2589th ) 12 421 1
nl KillRoy (9658th ) 10 101
ru Mustafa (5478th ) 15 313
hu NUKE (4352nd )
gb One (2630th )
za Oscar (3188th ) 11 167
nl period (762nd ) 515
cl Piter (6140th ) 1 77
ca Player17 (4234th ) 4 43
be Pomzie (2990th ) 8 115
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6939th ) 8 116
fr Sire (9724th ) 24 168
il Skirmish (2331st ) 40
pl SrHerbii (16911th ) 1
at Terr (4773rd ) 13 248
us Tring-Tring (626th ) 5 65
br Uterus-Destroyer (7298th ) 30 225
ca UTNL (3407th ) 9 238
de vizzy 2
cz wish_me_luck (14629th ) 13
de «G!N»Arcus (2172nd ) 2 101
be /// (1633rd ) 547
de B!llyCornFl/\ke (5922nd ) 1628
ru Danko-neo (8494th ) 1809
cz ezero (4006th ) 22
ca h (1966th ) 841
ru HADOUKEN (6819th ) 63
il hamas_is_isis (2436th ) 1964
am im (5811th ) 1204
gb John_Cutter (2589th ) 1493
nl KillRoy (9658th ) 926
ru Mustafa (5478th ) 1657
hu NUKE (4352nd ) 16
gb One (2630th ) 4
za Oscar (3188th ) 923
nl period (762nd ) 1538
cl Piter (6140th ) 482
ca Player17 (4234th ) 173
be Pomzie (2990th ) 665
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6939th ) 1469
fr Sire (9724th ) 1568
il Skirmish (2331st ) 161
pl SrHerbii (16911th ) 16
at Terr (4773rd ) 1463
us Tring-Tring (626th ) 227
br Uterus-Destroyer (7298th ) 799
ca UTNL (3407th ) 1066
de vizzy 76
cz wish_me_luck (14629th ) 144
de «G!N»Arcus (2172nd ) 500
be /// (1633rd ) 95
de B!llyCornFl/\ke (5922nd ) 158
ru Danko-neo (8494th ) 194
cz ezero (4006th ) 5
ca h (1966th ) 44
ru HADOUKEN (6819th ) 4
il hamas_is_isis (2436th ) 247
am im (5811th ) 41
gb John_Cutter (2589th ) 201
nl KillRoy (9658th ) 54
ru Mustafa (5478th ) 200
hu NUKE (4352nd )
gb One (2630th )
za Oscar (3188th ) 102
nl period (762nd ) 512
cl Piter (6140th ) 23
ca Player17 (4234th ) 9
be Pomzie (2990th ) 75
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6939th ) 110
fr Sire (9724th ) 138
il Skirmish (2331st ) 35
pl SrHerbii (16911th ) 1
at Terr (4773rd ) 119
us Tring-Tring (626th ) 32
br Uterus-Destroyer (7298th ) 109
ca UTNL (3407th ) 97
de vizzy 2
cz wish_me_luck (14629th ) 13
de «G!N»Arcus (2172nd ) 82
be /// (1633rd ) 127492
de B!llyCornFl/\ke (5922nd ) 183944
ru Danko-neo (8494th ) 225181
cz ezero (4006th ) 4066
ca h (1966th ) 44962 30
ru HADOUKEN (6819th ) 4669
il hamas_is_isis (2436th ) 299346
am im (5811th ) 47408
gb John_Cutter (2589th ) 265542
nl KillRoy (9658th ) 64697
ru Mustafa (5478th ) 256852
hu NUKE (4352nd )
gb One (2630th )
za Oscar (3188th ) 134560
nl period (762nd ) 771806
cl Piter (6140th ) 24396
ca Player17 (4234th ) 9266
be Pomzie (2990th ) 92966
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6939th ) 149929
fr Sire (9724th ) 156236
il Skirmish (2331st ) 51260
pl SrHerbii (16911th ) 837
at Terr (4773rd ) 148689
us Tring-Tring (626th ) 36192
br Uterus-Destroyer (7298th ) 119820
ca UTNL (3407th ) 118109
de vizzy 1270
cz wish_me_luck (14629th ) 19500
de «G!N»Arcus (2172nd ) 118711
be /// (1633rd ) 17.37
de B!llyCornFl/\ke (5922nd ) 9.71
ru Danko-neo (8494th ) 10.72
cz ezero (4006th ) 22.73
ca h (1966th ) 5.23
ru HADOUKEN (6819th ) 6.35
il hamas_is_isis (2436th ) 12.58
am im (5811th ) 3.41
gb John_Cutter (2589th ) 13.46
nl KillRoy (9658th ) 5.83
ru Mustafa (5478th ) 12.07
hu NUKE (4352nd )
gb One (2630th )
za Oscar (3188th ) 11.05
nl period (762nd ) 33.29
cl Piter (6140th ) 4.77
ca Player17 (4234th ) 5.20
be Pomzie (2990th ) 11.28
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6939th ) 7.49
fr Sire (9724th ) 8.80
il Skirmish (2331st ) 21.74
pl SrHerbii (16911th ) 6.25
at Terr (4773rd ) 8.13
us Tring-Tring (626th ) 14.10
br Uterus-Destroyer (7298th ) 13.64
ca UTNL (3407th ) 9.10
de vizzy 2.63
cz wish_me_luck (14629th ) 9.03
de «G!N»Arcus (2172nd ) 16.40

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
be /// (1633rd ) 19 4 3 5 4 1 1
de B!llyCornFl/\ke (5922nd ) 31 9 2 2 6 1
ru Danko-neo (8494th ) 43 5 2 1 8 1
cz ezero (4006th ) 2
ca h (1966th ) 17 5 5 5 12 3
ru HADOUKEN (6819th )
il hamas_is_isis (2436th ) 50 16 9 9 17 4 2
am im (5811th ) 13 2 2 6
gb John_Cutter (2589th ) 50 26 10 16 25 6
nl KillRoy (9658th ) 15 3 2 1 2
ru Mustafa (5478th ) Yes 54 12 4 6 25 2
hu NUKE (4352nd )
gb One (2630th )
za Oscar (3188th ) 19 7 3 4 6 1
nl period (762nd ) 67 32 12 18 32 1 2 1
cl Piter (6140th ) 16 6 1 6
ca Player17 (4234th ) 5 3 1 1 1 1
be Pomzie (2990th ) 10 5 5 3 10
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6939th ) 16 5 2
fr Sire (9724th ) 28 10 2 4
il Skirmish (2331st ) 7 1 1 1
pl SrHerbii (16911th )
at Terr (4773rd ) 24 20 6 6 8 3 1
us Tring-Tring (626th ) 10 1 1 3 2 1
br Uterus-Destroyer (7298th ) 24 10 7 10 13 1
ca UTNL (3407th ) 37 10 11 8 3 2 1
de vizzy
cz wish_me_luck (14629th ) 1
de «G!N»Arcus (2172nd ) 16 5 1 5 1

ComboGib Summary
Combos Insane Combos
be /// (1633rd ) 48 19
de B!llyCornFl/\ke (5922nd ) 64 15
ru Danko-neo (8494th ) 19 11
cz ezero (4006th ) 1 1
ca h (1966th ) 133 7
ru HADOUKEN (6819th ) 1 0
il hamas_is_isis (2436th ) 143 10
am im (5811th ) 83 9
gb John_Cutter (2589th ) 223 19
nl KillRoy (9658th ) 53 14
ru Mustafa (5478th ) 127 8
hu NUKE (4352nd ) 0 0
gb One (2630th ) 0 0
za Oscar (3188th ) 78 28
nl period (762nd ) 0 0
cl Piter (6140th ) 67 4
ca Player17 (4234th ) 38 4
be Pomzie (2990th ) 51 8
nl Sir.DoubleDutch (6939th ) 10 2
fr Sire (9724th ) 48 11
il Skirmish (2331st ) 5 5
pl SrHerbii (16911th ) 0 0
at Terr (4773rd ) 142 18
us Tring-Tring (626th ) 38 2
br Uterus-Destroyer (7298th ) 147 43
ca UTNL (3407th ) 144 18
de vizzy 0 0
cz wish_me_luck (14629th ) 0 0
de «G!N»Arcus (2172nd ) 20 4

Match Report
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